Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6)

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Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6) Page 17

by LeAnn Ashers

  The first one through the door is Andy. He practically pushes people out of the way to get inside.

  Right behind him are our parents, and I try to cover my smile at the excitement and happiness on their faces.

  Danny walks in with our dinner behind them. I’m starving and craving a huge burger—the greasier the better.

  Dad walks over to me, kissing the top of my head. The guys are holding the babies as I rest before they get hungry again.

  “My baby, it’s hard to believe that you’re a mom now. What happened to my little baby who begged me to carry her everywhere?” My dad’s eyes shine with unshed tears. I lean up to hug him and I wince when I pull my stitches.

  “Be careful, baby,” Trey tells me, and Andy walks over to Trey. I know he’s dying to hold Sariah. “Can I hold her, please?”

  Trey grins. “Sure can.” He lifts Sariah in his arms. Andy starts bawling like a baby. “God, I love her!” Danny wraps his arm around Andy, hugging him. “He’s paced the halls for hours.” Danny runs his hand down the side of Andy’s neck.

  Caleb is taken by my dad, holding him against this chest. “Fuck, you did good, baby,” Dad grumbles, full of emotion. My mom is a bawling mess right along with Trey’s parents.

  Right now, I know it bothers Vinny that he doesn’t have his parents here to enjoy this moment with him.

  The girls will be by later once the crowd dies down. I take the food Trey hands to me and I moan at the best-tasting food I’ve ever had in my life.

  Jordan and Alisha walk in. Alisha just had her twins a few weeks ago. Yes, we both had twins and apparently twins run in the family and we didn’t know until, well, we both got pregnant with twins.

  Mom splits off and takes one of the twins from Jordan, “Nana’s baby!” she coos, and I grin.

  “Hi sis, I heard you had a rough day.” Jordan kisses my cheek, Alisha greets me next. “Congrats, mama.”

  Hours pass and everyone leaves. I scoot over in the bed, which hurts like a bitch. Trey is on one side and Vinny on the other. We have a baby on either side of the bed. Trey has Caleb and Vinny has Sariah.

  We turn off the light and turn on a white noise sound machine. I’m not listening to beeping all night long. I know that’s extra, but it was the guys’ idea.

  The next morning, the nurse comes into the room, bringing in our breakfast trays, and I want to murder her.

  The nurses offered to take the babies back into the nursery and care for them for the night, but I just can’t be away from them right now.

  But the guys were a huge help. They got up every single time one of the babies cried and helped me take care of them.

  I love how hands-on they are.

  Trey lifts the bed to a sitting position so we can eat our food. The babies ate an hour ago so they should be fine until we get done eating.

  I am so ready for a shower and to change my clothes. “Please don’t open the blinds. I’m not woke up enough for that,” I ask the nurse when she goes to open them and let the morning light beam through my brain.

  She laughs. “You got it, sweetheart.”

  “You look so beautiful this morning, mama,” Vinny says and hands me my orange juice so I don’t have to reach for it.

  I definitely don’t feel beautiful, but I’ll take it. “Thank you.” I rest my head on his shoulder for a beat before I go back to my breakfast.

  Our trays are taken away, and the babies are still asleep in their clear cradles. “I think once we change them again, I want to put some clothes on them,” I rattle off when the door opens.

  My first thought is my mind is playing tricks on me. The man standing there is wearing a white cloak-type shirt that’s giving me flashbacks of the cult the girls and Vinny grew up in.

  He sets his Bible down onto the small tray where we had our food. “I am here to save your damned soul, jezebel, and save these bastards from a life of hell.”

  Fury unlike any I have ever felt before hits me to my core. Before I can even speak or react, Trey and Vinny are out of the bed. Trey picks up the guy and slams him down onto the ground as hard as he can. The tray shakes from the movement, causing plates and food to fall to the floor.

  Vinny reaches inside of the cradle and hands me the babies, to keep them safe. Trey reaches for the fork that was left over from our breakfast, stabbing the guy straight in the eye. “I am going to love killing you, fucker.” Trey sounds fucking evil, his voice showing a deeper, menacing part of him.

  The door is pushed open and I stare in shock at Lynn and Etta standing there. “Pastor Hogan?”

  Vinny steps forward to his sisters. Lynn’s lips tremble. “He’s the man that breaks in the girls before marriage to make sure they are pure in God’s eyes,” she whispers.

  My heart clenches. I look at Trey and Vinny, and we all realize that it’s not over. The cult is still standing somehow.

  Trey stands and grins. “I guess this war isn’t over.”



  A year later

  This last year has been the best of my life and the most stressful for the MC. The cult was much bigger than we thought possible. There were so many factions in so many fucking states.

  It wasn’t just in a small-ass town in the middle of nowhere. No, it had so many fucking levels.

  But it’s fucking over.

  So many fucking dead bodies piled high, but in every single fucker I saw Vinny, the girls. A small piece of me came back with every single one I killed.

  I walk into our bedroom, laying my cut on the chair by the door. In bed are Vinny and our babies. They just turned a year old a few days ago.

  They have grown so fast and right before my eyes. We’ve thought about having more children, but Vinny and I are fearful of something happening to Lani.

  “Hi baby,” Lani says in her sweet fucking voice.

  Two years together and the love I have for her grows every day. It grows for the both of them. “Hi sweethearts.” I wink, and Vinny rolls his eyes but lets me call him a sweetheart.

  Lani laughs, thinking it’s funny I called him that, then she runs her hand through Caleb’s hair. He is fast asleep.

  “Want me to carry them to be?” Sariah is cuddled up next to Caleb.

  “Why for?” Lani smirks.

  I reach down and pick up both of them. I look over my shoulder. “When I get back, I want you both naked and waiting for me.”

  I can hear them scrambling behind me.

  I take the twins to their bedroom. They’re sharing for now, but in a few years we’ll put them in their own rooms.

  I lay them in their crib, kissing the top of their heads. You love and you love deep, but nothing compares to the love you have for your kids. That shit is different.

  I turn on the monitor and turn on their sound box, then walk into our room. Lani is lying on her back with Vinny eating her pussy.

  “Seems like someone couldn’t wait.” Lani opens her eyes, giving me a smoldering look. “I want you to fuck my face, Trey, don’t hold back.”

  I take off my clothes. “Don’t fucking bet on it.” I grip her face, hard enough to get her attention. “You will take it all and you won’t complain, right, baby?”

  She nods like the good girl she is. Vinny is slurping up her wetness, and I know she’s dripping for me.

  “Don’t get complacent, Vinny. I’m coming for you next.” He gives me a dirty fucking grin.

  Oh yeah, it does get fucking better as the years go by.


  Five Years Later

  I can’t believe our babies are six years old. They’re playing in the back yard with all of their cousins and the MC kids.

  Every single day I see more and more of Trey and Vinny coming out in their personalities. Caleb is identical to Trey. He has that glare about him down pat, but he has a sweetness to him that is all Trey.

  Sariah is more silent, a people watcher, but her heart is so huge. The other day we were all together eating dinner outside o
f a restaurant. She took her plate and walked over to a homeless man I didn’t even realize was there. She gave him her dinner. I have never been so fucking proud of her than I was in that moment.

  Caleb is her protector, but she is his too. If one is in trouble, the other tries to help them by taking the blame. It’s darn cute.

  Trey is manning the grill with Vinny, laughing at something. Over the years, age has made them ten times hotter, and being great dads does something to me.

  I put a bowl of fruit salad down onto the table, my heart full seeing everyone get together to celebrate the life of our babies, who changed our lives in so many ways.

  They are the biggest blessing.

  I eye my men, who I love more than life itself, they cherish me, take care of me and protect me and are the best damn fathers. I’m busy constantly owning and running three successful clothing boutiques, but my family is my first priority.

  Shit can’t get no better than that.

  “Mommy, look! Look what Etta gave me!” Caleb runs up to me, holding a gift that is almost bigger than him.

  Trey and Vinny walk up. “Want me to take that for you, son?” Trey asks, and Caleb hands it to him. He runs back and helps his sister carry hers.

  We are raising them damn right. Trey and Vinny have that proud-ass look on their faces we get every day when it comes to our kids.

  “Come here, mama, and give us some sugar. We need that shit from all of the stuff you had us doing today,” Trey jokes, and I walk to him, smacking him on the ass. “Don’t give me no lip.”

  Vinny laughs, digging his hand in my hair, kissing me hard in front of everyone and making sure to get a handful of ass too.

  “Now my turn.” Trey takes me back and he moves to kiss me. I turn my head to the side. Trey grips my face hard, pulling it to his. “Someone is begging to be punished.”

  Oh please fucking punish me!

  My legs shake at the thought of what he will do to me, what he will get Vinny to do to me. “Yes, please,” I moan, and Trey’s nose flares, then he kisses me hard.

  What Trey calls punishment, I call fucking amazing. I have learned over the years I am a kinky bitch, and the kinkier it is, the more I love it.

  “I love you both, so much.” I’m growing soft as I think about them and the years that have passed with us together.

  Both of them give me the look that tells me more than words can with how much they love me. I took a chance all those years ago and moved in with them. That was the best thing that ever happened to me.

  I wouldn’t change a thing.

  I kiss them both on the cheek softly, letting my kiss linger before they wrap me up in their arms, looking out at the party.

  Etta walks through the gates with Lynn, smiling at something she’s saying. The girls have changed so much. They’ve grown into beautiful women. Etta is twenty-four and Lynn is twenty-two.

  The girls are pretty much running the sanctuary house themselves. The MC finds the girls, and Etta knocks right on the fucking door with the MC at her back, getting them out. Lynn mans the houses and makes sure everything runs smoothly.

  Michaela runs up to the group of kids, wanting to play. She’s growing up so fast too. She’s beautiful and looks so much like her mother.

  Some of the Grim Sinners walk through the door. Konrad says something to Lane before he turns around and spots Etta standing there.

  His eyes lock on hers and hers lock on his.

  I hold my breath while Vinny tightens his hand on my arm.

  Etta smiles sweetly at him, brushing her hair behind her ear, her face growing red from his gaze.

  His eyes grow hotter, before he smiles at her.

  Oh fuck.


  Maverick & Belle (Grim Sinner OG)

  Etta & Konrad (Grim Sinners OG)

  Tristan & Lynn (Grim Sinners)



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  Email: [email protected]

  (Feel free to email me! I love to hear your thoughts!)

  My Social Media’s under LeAnn Ashers





  Want more to read?

  Here is my other works!

  Forever Series

  Protecting His Forever

  Loving His Forever

  Cherishing His Forever

  Devil Souls MC Series





  Kyle, Jack, Ryan Novella Box Set

  Grim Sinners MC Series






  Grim Sinners MC Originals


  Teagan Wilde

  This series is under my paranormal pen name

  Teagan Wilde

  Raleigh Texas Wolves





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