Completing Beauty: Books 1-3

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Completing Beauty: Books 1-3 Page 8

by Stella Andrews

  Chapter 14


  As soon as Sebastian left, I sighed with relief. I never expected that—him. Seeing him here in my father’s office threw me. Then when he kissed me, I forgot every bad thing that happened and lost myself in my own desire. Now he’s gone, I’m back to reality with a bump and as I take my seat of power, I realize just what a hole I’ve jumped into.

  Daddy’s desk is clear and well organized. The polished wood reflects my own miserable face and the only personal items on the desk are his ink pen that he used and a photograph of his family when we were young. As I look at the silver-framed picture of a lie, I feel huge regret for something I never really had - a loving family.

  We were just like everything around me—his possessions. As we stare at the camera, I remember the day this was taken. Every year we lined up for the official family photograph to mark the passing of time. I must have been seventeen when this one was taken. Even then I knew my life was built on liquid mud. It was difficult to keep a balance in an ever-changing landscape. Daddy’s moods were legendary and both my sister and I were often on the receiving end of his acid tongue.

  As I stare at my sister, I feel my blood boil. We never got along, which is no surprise because we are poles apart. She’s just like my mother, shallow, vindictive and vain. All they care about are appearances and looking good among their friends. Content with reaping the rewards of the profits from this company and spending them without a care. Anastasia always ran with the coolest crowd and demanded the most. She wanted the biggest parties and the best of everything. I did not. I just wanted him and for many years I had just that. We were happy, or so I thought, until he turned out to be just like the rest of them and drove a jagged dagger into my heart that he never retrieved. Now I am left a broken woman as I battle to re-build the pieces of my shattered dreams.

  My gaze lingers on my father and I feel something like remorse kicking in. I never knew him—not really. He scared me and yet as I see his face staring out of the picture, something hits me about the look in his eyes. He looks lost and kind of sad and for once it strikes me that I never got to know the man behind the overbearing personality. Are we alike? Anastasia is the spitting image of my mom in looks and personality. Maybe I’m more like my father than I thought, which is why he entrusted his life’s work to me. Am I as ruthless as him? Am I up to this job and can I really rise to the challenge because he obviously thinks I can?

  For the first time since I returned, I think differently.

  A tentative knock on the door brings me back to the present and Dora heads in looking worried. “I’m sorry to intrude Miss. Johnson but I wondered if you would like me to fetch you anything. A coffee, some refreshments, information? You name it, I’m here to oblige.”

  I feel bad as she looks at me hopefully and I say warmly. “Come in Dora and take a seat.”

  Once she is settled, I smile. “Listen, this is all new to me and I’ve never had staff before, let alone as many as this. I’ll need your support over the next few months and any help would be greatly appreciated. First though, tell me, are you married?”

  She looks surprised. “No, unless you count my job, some say I’m married to that.”

  Her answer surprises me and I see a gentle flush break out across her face as I study her. Changing tack, I shrug. “It’s overrated if you ask me. I’m in agreement, a job will never break your heart, unlike a man.”

  She nods and I see the concern in her eyes as I laugh softly. “Once bitten, twice shy as they say, so we are on the same page. Maybe we will both stay married to this job and see if we can survive in a man’s world. Anyway, in answer to your question, a coffee would be good but I’ll make it.”

  She makes to object and I hold up my hand. “Point me in the right direction and while I’m gone, can you please gather together all the staff files for starters? I want to know who works here and get a picture of the people behind the company before I take a look at that company itself. I want names, job descriptions and how long they’ve been here. I want your honest opinion on the people who work here and then, when we’re done, I want you to call a staff meeting.”

  Standing up, I head toward the door and say brightly, “Right, where’s the kitchen?”

  “Um... two doors down to your right. There’s a small kitchen that we use to make the drinks on this floor. Every floor has one.”

  “Great, one last question, how do you take yours?”


  “Your coffee.”

  She looks a little uncomfortable and I’m guessing my father never made one for her and she says softly, “Black, no sugar.”

  Nodding, I head outside and take a deep breath. I can do this, if I’m about to tear down this company then I need to know what I’m destroying in the process.

  It doesn’t take long to find the kitchen and I smile as I see everything is clean and tidy. It appears that the staff are conscientious and I’m pleased to see the cupboard is well stocked and there are even some biscuits.

  Grabbing a packet, I make the coffees and head outside. However, almost as soon as I’m one foot out the door, I almost drop the mugs I’m carrying when I run into the last person I expected to see—Anastasia.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  She laughs and points to the mugs I’m carrying. “Interesting. It would appear old habits die hard and you can’t stop being the good little waitress you are. What’s the matter sis, out of your depth and returning to the only thing you’re good at.”

  “At least I’m good at something, let me see, what exactly are you good at dear sister, I never did find out?”

  She smirks and to my horror, unfastens her coat revealing some kind of whore’s dream wardrobe and she laughs softly, “Looking after my man. You know, Sebastian thinks I’m very good at something as it happens, pleasing him. Yes, he relies on my visits to keep him going through the tedious grind this job brings. So, you see my dearest Angelica, while you were away the cat very much played and found a much more exciting proposition in me.”

  Once again, the pain slices my heart into little pieces but I don’t give her the satisfaction of seeing it. Instead, I laugh softly, “Goodness, this gives a whole new meaning to a quickie. He only left my office less than half an hour ago, either he’s lacking stamina, or you’re just not good enough to keep him interested. Anyway, some of us have actual work to do so you can see yourself out.”

  I walk past her and then add, “Oh, and just so you know, for future reference, you are not welcome here. If I see you, I’ll have you thrown out. Maybe that will be my first instruction to my staff, keep the trash outside on the sidewalk and don’t let it blow inside. You know, Anastasia, you always were easily pleased.”

  As I walk down the corridor, she screams, “Why did you come back, Angelica, nobody wants you here? Go back to wherever you’ve been and leave the rest of us to live happily ever after. I give you one week before you fall on that fat ass of yours and make yourself look like a fool.”

  “Keep telling yourself that sister, from where I’m standing, the only fool around here is the woman dressed as a cheap whore looking for tricks. Maybe I should call the cops and have you arrested for soliciting, I’m sure that would look good on the front of the society pages.”

  Slamming the office door behind me, I try to stop myself from crumbling. Images of her and Sebastian together destroy me all over again and as Dora looks up, I hand her the coffee and say tightly, “Please tell security I don’t want any of my family allowed access to this building. I also need a moment alone, so, please would it be possible to finish your work at your desk?”

  To her credit, Dora just nods. “Of course, consider it done.”

  She heads outside with her coffee and I’m grateful for her professionalism because I need to be alone with my miserable thoughts as I try to work out if I’m strong enough for this.

  Sitting down, I take a huge swig of my coffee and reach for the phone. As I dia
l the number I know by heart, I feel my heart settle. I should have done this right from the start.


  “It’s Angel.”

  There’s a light pause and then in a gentler tone, he says, “Hey, baby, we’re worried about you.”

  I almost crumble but he would not appreciate that, so I ram some steel in my heart to keep it upright and banish all emotion as I’ve trained myself to do before saying, “I need some help.”

  “Just ask and it’s yours.”

  “I need information on Tobias Moretti.”

  “Is he threatening you?”

  I hear the ominous tone and smile to myself. Yes, I knew I could count on my family. “Not yet, which is why I need to be armed with information before he does.”

  “You’ll have it within the hour.”

  My voice almost breaks as the tears threaten to blind me and I hold it together just a fraction of a second longer as I say, “Thanks, Ryder.”

  I cut the call and lie face down on the desk and cry harder than I have for some time. It’s all too much. I knew it would be hard, but this is like a pit of salt waiting beside an open wound. Every step I take, someone throws some in and it burns.

  Chapter 15


  Dora feeds me the information I requested, and I read every word. It appears that daddy had a loyal workforce because they appear to like working here and stay for years. The turnover is small and I can see why. They have good working conditions, higher than average pay and generous holiday entitlement. The healthcare package is a good one and they enjoy many benefits that don’t come as standard. My father has surprised me. He obviously valued his staff and treated them right, I’m glad of that at least. Once again, I feel a pang as I think about what I’m planning. Would I really sell out to a criminal just for petty revenge? I’m not so sure anymore and when the information I requested makes its way over to me, I study it with interest.

  Sebastian was right to be worried because Tobias Moretti is a felony on legs. He has his fingers in several pies dotted around the city and most of them illegal. I can only wonder why he hasn’t been taken out already and wonder if he’s the devil that can be controlled.

  However, I know enough about men like him to know he won’t be a pushover, so I need to up my game before we meet. I can’t back down and I need to be firm about what I want because one sign of weakness is all it would take to give him the information he needs to break me all over again.

  The day passes, and I stay locked in my office. Dora keeps me supplied with food, drink and information and my eyes close long before my resolve and as I see her weary face looking at me, I feel bad. “It’s way past clocking off time, Dora, why don’t you head home and make sure to come in at lunchtime tomorrow? You’ve worked hard and I need you fit and well to help me through this.”

  She looks surprised. “No, I’ll be in at 7 am sharp, as always.”

  Shaking my head, I adopt a fiercer tone. “I insist, bosses orders. Now go and salvage at least some of your evening.”

  She nods and then says softly, “Will you be ok, Miss. Johnson?”

  “It’s Angel and yes, I think I will be. Thanks for your help today, I think we’ll work well together.”

  She smiles and heads outside and I know how lucky I am to have her. My gaze falls to my father’s photograph and for once I don’t have any anger toward him. If anything, I feel a new found respect for the man who obviously valued his employees and I can see why. Here everybody worked well and got the job done. They put in the hours and he reaped the rewards. When he went home, his family grasped what he gave them and never helped in any way. I wonder about the man whose heart gave out in the end. Will I discover that I formed the wrong opinion of him without getting to know him properly first?

  Sighing, I decide to head back to the cabin. A few hours’ sleep will help because tomorrow, I intend on facing the staff and I’m still not sure what I’ll tell them.

  As I close my office door behind me, I notice a light on under a door a few doors away. Feeling curious, I push it open and swallow hard as I see Sebastian poring over his computer screen with only the desk lamp as a companion. He looks weary and defeated and I feel solely responsible for that. He has discarded his jacket and his shirt is unbuttoned showing the smattering of dark hair that I remember well. His stubble filled jaw makes my legs weak with desire and as he raises his weary eyes to mine, I see them darken as he shoots me the usual lust-filled look we always shared.


  I nod, noting he used my new name and I thank him for it. A small victory but one that matters—to me, anyway.

  “You’re working late, what’s the matter, did my sister wear you out earlier and you feel you should make up the time?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Anastasia, she was here earlier for your regular booty call I believe.”

  The anger in his eyes surprises me as he says tightly, “There was and never has been any booty call. You seem to have a very low opinion of me based on your own hurt and anger.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  The look in his eyes shocks me as he fixes me with a pained expression. “No, I don’t blame you. I’m sure if I were in your position, I’d feel exactly the same.”

  I feel curious and against my better judgment, move inside his office and say tentatively, “Maybe now is the time.”

  “For what?”

  He looks guarded and I feel a little anxious as I take the seat opposite him. “For explanations. You owe me that at least.”

  Suddenly, I have his full attention and as I feel the full force of it, I swallow hard. When Sebastian looks at me, he sees inside my soul. He always has. He sees things nobody else does and as he stares at me now, I see the understanding in his eyes and he visibly relaxes. A gentle look crosses his face and I push away my desire to head across and curl up on his lap like I used to. He always did offer me comfort when I needed it most and there were many nights that we just sat while he stroked my hair and whispered that he would always look after me.

  I can tell he has the same memory because I see the pain in his expression as he says softly, “It was never my intention to marry Anastasia.”


  He holds up his hand and says firmly, “Let me finish.”

  I fall silent and he sighs wearily. “Your father knew it was you. It always was, but he wasn’t happy about that for some reason.”


  “I never did find out but the day before you left, he called my father and me to his office. Once again, my father had gambled away further shares of the company and to say your daddy was pissed was putting it mildly. You see, Angel, despite what we thought of your father, he lived for this company. He was fearful for its future. Not only was he unwillingly going into business with a criminal but the world was rebelling against the use of plastic. He was fighting on every level and my father was a weak link in the chain that had to be ended.”

  Sebastian looks so broken my first instinct is to comfort him - but I can’t. Whatever his reasons were he betrayed me and I need to hear him out before I can decide if he deserves forgiveness or not.

  “As it happens, my father was ill. Terminally.”

  He raises his eyes to mine and I see the pain intensified in his. “He needed expensive medical care and his healthcare wasn’t up to the job. He offered the rest of his shares to your father in return for the treatment but…”

  He breaks off and I hold my breath as I picture the scene. Surely daddy helped, he must have done. I almost can’t bear to hear the answer because Sebastian looks destroyed.

  “He told my father that he only wanted one thing in return. Me.”

  I feel confused and Sebastian laughs bitterly. “I still remember the hard look in his eye as I sat beside my father. He told me he knew of our relationship and wasn’t happy about it. I had dishonored him by taking the innocence of his beloved daughter—his exact words and n
ow I would pay the price. I was to agree to marry Anastasia, to get her off his back as he put it and break all connections with you. He wanted more for you apparently and a relationship with me wasn’t in his life plan.”

  “But why?”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing and he says angrily, “Because he didn’t think I was good enough. He told me my father’s weakness was evidence of that. He wanted somebody strong for you because you were the only hope he had left. You were his heir apparent and needed to be strong and not distracted by love.”

  The tears fall freely down my face as I whisper, “He wanted me to suffer, to lose the one thing I loved for this… the company’s future?”

  Sebastian shrugs and says gently, “Probably, yes. Whatever his reasons, he was very clear he didn’t want me in your life. Maybe it was a punishment for going behind his back, or maybe he just didn’t think I was good enough for you but it appears he wanted to break you to rebuild you a stronger person. Chaining me to Anastasia was the weapon he needed and my biggest regret is that I agreed.”

  I feel so bitter I almost can’t speak. “You gave up on … us.”

  Sebastian says angrily, “I never gave up on us, I bought us time.”

  “Time, are you kidding me? You thought by agreeing to marry my sister made you look stronger and would make my daddy accept you. You’re a fool, Sebastian. He was testing you. He wanted to see how strong and how committed you really were. Well, as it happens, you failed at the first test, so well done, honey, you get the prize for being the biggest dumb fuck of the lot.”

  Sebastian brings his fist down on the table and shouts, “I was given no other choice. Agree to marry Anastasia and give my father the treatment he needed to make his last days comfortable. It was an impossible choice. The two most important people in the world to me were being used against me. I had to agree because despite his weaknesses I loved my father and would make the same choice all over again.”


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