Ever Lonely (Ever James Band Book 1)

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Ever Lonely (Ever James Band Book 1) Page 24

by Kimberly Lauren

  The other part of me won out. The one that was too drained to do anything other than push down my skirt, pull off my jacket, unsnap my bralette, and slip on a soft shirt that I found on a chair in his room.

  Gently, I stacked all of his papers up and ever so slowly I slipped the pen from his hand. I tugged the covers from underneath him and held my breath, hoping he wouldn’t wake up. I knew if he found me crawling into his bed, he would more than likely ask me to leave.

  If you're in my bed, then you're mine.

  Those were his exact words.

  As I pulled the covers up over both of us, I wondered if I was capable of being his.

  I could already feel everything and everyone working against us. But when he groaned in his sleep and rolled toward me, I pulled Rhett’s arm around me and it felt right. The kind of right I had never felt before. So I decided I wasn't going to worry about everything that could go wrong and just enjoy the rightness of being in in his arms. Even if he had no idea.


  I was up before the sun yet again. Too many thoughts running through my chaotic head. Nothing helped to quiet my brain, and lately it had been especially loud. Lyrics and albums and obligations and… Rhett. They were all stealing those much-needed hours of slumber.

  I woke only a few hours after I had passed out wrapped around Rhett’s warm body. I wanted to lie there and enjoy his warmth, but I was also kind of worried he’d be upset that I had snuck into his bed. So with much regret, I extricated myself from his arms without waking the man who was now sprawled out like a damn buffet. It hurt to shut the door on that glorious view.

  Fully showered and fresh from an hour-long makeup session with Lola, I now sat on the kitchen counter with damp curls in my favorite black bathrobe as the last of the movers exited.

  Lola had already grilled me over every single Rhett-related detail, and I decided to spill because she wasn’t going to quit until I did. I also kind of hoped she would divulge what was going on between her and Gage, but she kept her lips sealed, saying they just hooked up every once in a while. Right… I believed that about as much as I believed the tips of her hair were naturally teal.

  I spooned the last of my berries and yogurt into my mouth as Lola finished packing up her makeup. Nixon and Jared had left with the movers, anxious to finally get back into their apartments. Rose went to make sure all of the boxes ended up in their rightful places. Noah's assistant had come by to grab his things, including his twenty-year-old bottle of whiskey. I thought all of the commotion would have woken Rhett, but he hadn't emerged from his room and I didn't want to wake him. I was envious of that kind of sleep.

  My legs swung back and forth from my perch on the countertop, and I admired the picturesque room for the last time. I felt like I came here such a different person than I was leaving. I came as a girl who followed what everyone told her to do. I let my boyfriend come and go as he pleased and walk all over me, just as I had allowed my label to do. I was leaving here with a little more self-respect, fewer insecurities, and a lot more confidence.

  “Do you think I’m different? Like, do you think I’ve changed?” I asked Lola.

  She eyed me, probably to determine where I was going with my line of questioning. “Do you feel different?” she returned.

  “I do.” A smile formed on my lips before I even knew it was coming.

  “I think you’ve changed since a certain sexy musician has made his appearance around here.”

  I sighed happily. “I can’t disagree with you there. But…” I started. “I don’t want to be one of those girls who changes because of one guy. It’s kind of scary how much of an influence he’s made on me in such a short amount of time, and I don’t want to be some head-stuck-up-in-the-clouds idiot who loses herself… you know?” I was babbling, but I didn’t even care. It was nice to get that all out. “Rhett definitely started things in motion, but it’s so much more than just him. I feel like I’m becoming more myself—someone I should have been from the start.”

  Lola looked thoughtful. "If you were ditching your friends, being moody, drinking, not wanting to make music, or experimenting with drugs again…" She lowered her voice on that last one. Something I would forever regret in my past. "If you were doing those things, I would be concerned. But what's the harm in being stupid happy?”

  “Is that what Gage does for you? Does he make you stupid happy?” I couldn’t help but ask with a smile on my face.

  "Classic deflecting. We aren't talking about me." She continued tossing the last of her products in her bag. I could tell she still had more to say, so I waited. "Ever, who cares how this new side of you came out as long as it did? I mean, should you have been listening to what your dad and I have been telling you for years? Yes.” She raised her eyebrow. “But I guess Rhett just has powers we don’t possess. You’re actually standing up to the label, and you kicked Noah to the curb—which we’re all happy about, by the way. You write music and enjoy it! I love that you're creating something of your own instead of mindlessly singing the music they want you to. No offense," she added with a wink.

  “None taken.” I laughed. “I was doing that, but he makes me question a lot more.”

  “Well, as long as one of those questions isn’t ‘do I need a new makeup artist?’ then I think I can live with it.”

  “Speaking of… would you be upset if I asked Sienna to help me out with styling?”

  “Are you kidding? Sienna has amazing taste. Even I want her to style me." Lola laughed, and I felt relieved she understood me so well. "Now, what are you going to do about that hunky man back there?" She eyed the hallway where the only other person in the suite slept soundly. I didn’t answer right away because, honestly, I didn't have a clue. I would tell him about Noah and then take it from there.

  “Hunky man is awake,” a groggy voice—one that spoke directly to the area between my legs—called out.

  “Damn it!” Lola slammed her palm on the counter then grabbed her chest. “What is with you and Gage sneaking up on our conversations?”

  Rhett smirked while still squinting at the bright morning light. "Stop talking so damn loud then." He trudged lazily into the kitchen, wearing only his pajama pants. Lola and I were both drooling. "Please tell me there's coffee?" He looked at me, and I immediately remembered how we had parted ways the night before. I didn’t know how he would act this morning. Did he think I had slept in the same bed with Noah last night?

  “Don’t look at her, she doesn’t drink coffee,” Lola offered.

  His mouth gaped open. “You wake up before any human should, and you don’t even drink coffee?”

  "Not by choice." I shrugged. It was a battle I had lost long ago. Too many people made me feel badly about what the caffeine would do to me.

  Rhett grabbed my hand and tugged. “Come on, we are getting you some coffee. No one should have to live under these conditions.”

  A laugh bubbled from my lips as I held on to the counter. “No way, we aren’t even dressed.”

  Lola started making her way out of the kitchen. "I'll order you some breakfast, Rhett. Since it's Ever's suite, it'll be here in ten minutes tops."

  "Order coffee for her, too," he called out.

  I frowned at him, but he just smiled his ornery smile. Then his eyes roamed my body until they landed on the empty yogurt cup next to my thigh. "And get her some real food while you’re at it, please!"

  “On it!” Lola shouted back from the living area. Rhett was chugging water from the fridge when she walked back in.

  “I’m heading to the apartment. Can’t wait to see how stunning it’s going to look,” she gushed. “Oh, and your breakfast is on its way.”

  “You’re the best,” he said in his scratchy morning voice.

  We watched as Lola threw her bags over her shoulders. I didn’t know how many times I had informed her that either security or the hotel concierge could carry those for her, but she didn’t trust anyone to
touch her expensive products. Even when I offered to replace anything she needed.

  She pulled the door open and looked back at us in the kitchen. “If you think I’m the best now, just wait until I tell you the really good news." She smiled mischievously. Rhett raised his eyebrows in question. "Your girl broke up with Crocodile Dundee last night. For real this time." The little minx winked at him before walking out the door.

  “I’m not his girl!” I yelled back.

  The door slammed behind her, and it was strangely quiet. Rhett’s eyes were glued to my bare legs as he stalked forward toward me. His hands hovered above them when he asked, “That true?”

  “No. I’m not your girl,” I said saucily.

  “I’m not talking about that. We’ll get to that later.” My stomach did a little flip. “Did you break up with him?” he asked.

  I noticed his hands still hovering, like they wanted to touch me but physically couldn’t. “Why?” I asked, scooting forward. “You won’t touch me if I didn’t?”

  “You know I won’t do that anymore if you two are still together. I wasn’t in the best place yesterday when we let that happen...”

  His words sobered me and brought my teasing to a complete stop. “I told you that I broke up with him before we slept together. Just because he didn’t accept it, that wasn’t my fault. But I’m sorry, Rhett. I shouldn’t have taken it that far yesterday. Not while things were still so confusing. I shouldn’t have—”

  His fingers were on my lips, halting any further words. “I’m a big boy. You didn’t force me to have sex with you.” I nodded my head in agreement as his fingers slid away. “Tell me what happened last night. I had every intention of giving you space and then sneaking out and finding you, but I passed out.”

  "I broke up with him… again. Or… we agreed that it was over. I don't know, but it's done. It was one of my weirder break-ups, to be honest. His assistant came and grabbed the last of his belongings this morning."

  “How did he handle it?” Rhett’s concerned eyes gazed into mine.

  “I mean, he wasn’t exactly happy about it. But before he left, he mentioned finding someone to go home with so I don’t think he’s currently a pint into Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough with tears streaming down his face.”

  "You never know." Rhett’s hand gently gripped my chin. "I'm sure you're a hard person to lose." I swallowed thickly at his words. "By the way, don't think you got away with it."

  “Got away with what?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

  “Sleeping in my bed.”

  I pulled back. “You knew?!”

  Rhett’s hands slid up the outsides of my legs and under my robe. “Of course I knew. You're the most restless damn sleeper I’ve ever met. I woke up to an elbow in my ribs, and at one point you kicked me in my shin.”

  I scooted across the countertop closer to him, forcing his hands to slip further up my legs. “But you didn’t make me leave,” I pointed out with a grin.

  He captured my bare butt, and I groaned as I remembered the way it felt when he entered me for the first time yesterday.

  “You were asleep in my arms wearing tiny underwear and my t-shirt. No, Pipes, even I don’t have that much self-restraint.”

  My fingers threaded through his messy bedhead, and I pulled his mouth to mine. He eagerly met my lips and then begun a slow exploration. He tasted like fresh minty toothpaste. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt every inch of him through the thin cotton of his pants. Just as his fingers began to dig into my skin, Britney Spears’ shrill voice blared from my phone.

  Shit, I was having déjà vu. How did Beau always know the most opportune time to interrupt? My head fell backward at the irony of my security calling just as Rhett was about to do some very wicked things to me.

  “Really?” Rhett groaned into my neck. He didn’t let his grip loosen as I reached across the counter for my phone.

  “Do you have some kind of trouble meter on me, Beausef?”

  “Don’t call me that. And what do you mean? What kind of trouble are you in?” I could tell he was on instant alert, even through the phone.

  “Cool your jets, Bonecrusher. No trouble happening here.” Right as I said it, Rhett licked a slow path from my collarbone up to my ear. When he pulled my earlobe between his teeth, I held back a moan through gritted teeth.

  “Don’t call me that, either.” Beau’s voice interrupted my dirty thoughts. “And I don’t believe a word coming out of your mouth right now. But I do know you’re still in your hotel room, so I’m going to trust that you can’t possibly get in too much trouble.”

  I smiled and said, "Is that a challenge, Knuckles."

  Rhett pulled my robe to the side and kissed a slow trail to one of my breasts. I clenched a hand in his hair.

  Beau let out a frustrated sigh at my obvious teasing. He was used to it by now. "I'm calling because I'm taking Miss Masters back to the apartment. I found her weighed down by giant bags in the lobby, and there is a small situation happening in front of the hotel."

  “Small situation?” I grumbled.

  "Don't worry about it. Just a few more people than normal. As soon as I drop her off, I'll be back. Don't go anywhere… and I mean that, Ever. Please, just make my job a little bit easier today.”

  Rhett pulled my nipple into his mouth, and I almost gasped into the phone. "I have no plans of going anywhere."

  “Good. Mark, Roger and Gabe are all available if you need them.”

  “I know the drill.” I tried my damn hardest to not sound breathless.

  The line cut off with Beau’s characteristic abrupt ending. “Rhett!” I squeaked when he pulled my other nipple into his mouth with extra force.

  “Just bringing your attention back to me.” He looked up at me with a wolfish grin.

  I pulled him back to my breast as two of his skilled fingers swirled around underneath my robe. I jumped because I hadn’t felt him get that close while I was preoccupied by his mouth. My hands flew back to brace myself on the counter as my face pointed to the ziggurat ceiling. My body bucked against him in anticipation of what was to come.

  For a moment, I wondered if we were moving too fast. Would he want to be a couple after this? Could I give him something so serious? I had just gotten out a relationship. We were still trying to get to know one another, though sometimes I felt I knew more about him than I did myself. The words he put down on paper and the notes he strummed on his guitar were an autobiography in some ways.

  When his lips were on my neck again, creating a teasing rhythm that seemed to collaborate with his fingers, I let all worrisome thoughts fade away. One of his fingers plunged inside of me experimentally, and when I’d comfortably adjusted, a second joined. It was beyond amazing, and yet I wanted more of him. All of him.

  What felt like seconds later—but it could have been hours—I started to shake against his hand. I looked down at the erotic image of his hand hidden beneath my robe. When his fingers made a come-hither motion inside of me, my head fell back again.

  A sexy humming noise passed his lips, and I started to notice the beat he was setting with his fingers plunging in and out of me. Just when I’d started to memorize his rhythm, he switched it up. It wasn’t long before I began to see stars.

  “I can’t tell…” My voice was extra raspy as I tried to get the rest of the words out. “… if you’re trying to write a song, or make me pass out from the biggest orgasm I’ve ever experienced.”

  He halted his movements entirely and brushed his lips against my ear. "Both. You inspire me, Pipes."

  His fingers began that mind-altering pace again, and I squeezed my fists and curled my toes. I was so close… white light shone behind my eyelids…

  “Please, please, please, Rhett,” I begged.

  "Shit, your begging is what I'll miss the most." The most infuriating voice known to mankind interrupted what was sure to be an epic orgasm. Noah traipsed in like he owned the
place. My begging was what he would miss the most? Yeah… I had never felt more certain that ending things with him was the right decision.

  “What the fuck, man?” Rhett roared. His hand still concealed beneath my black silk robe. His fingers still very much inside of me.

  “Noah!” I shrieked. “You can't just walk in here!” Rhett's fingers twitched and I whimpered. Dear God, please don’t let me go off right now.

  “Tightest pussy ever, am I right?” Noah baited.

  Rhett's fingers instantly disappeared. He straightened my robe then pulled the belt tighter around me. I lay flat on the counter, completely exasperated. This was not happening right now. I covered my face in hopes that Noah would just disappear. I was strung so tight, all Rhett needed to do was breathe in my direction and I swear I could still come. Was this the female version of blue balls?

  “Ever, babe, what if I join?” I looked over as Noah came way too close to the island I was lying on top of. “He can stay there and I’ll just—” He gestured crudely to his crotch near my face.

  Rhett’s fist balled and he took a charging step toward Noah, but I was able to grab his arm before anything could happen. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been pretty. Noah was back in full form today. Asshole extraordinaire. He knew exactly how to push people’s buttons.

  “Noah Reynolds! I swear, if you say one more thing I will go downstairs and tell the paparazzi that you never broke your leg while filming Step Into Fire. I’ll tell them you were in rehab and that you lied to everyone, even the producers!”

  “Fuck, Ever. That's low. You swore you would never tell anyone.”

  “Yeah, I'll also tell them that you slept with your seventeen-year-old co-star in The Scientist,” I added, just for extra fire.

  Rhett glared at Noah. “Both terrible movies.” He pulled me up and hugged me against his chest possessively.

  “Made twenty-five million each on them,” Noah replied haughtily. “Anyways… my assistant forgot my Rolex this morning. Told her I would swing by and grab it.” He disappeared into the bedroom without another word. I knew he was just here just to pester me. He had more than one assistant that could have retrieved his watch for him.


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