Inspiration ID 1

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Inspiration ID 1 Page 2

by Michael Hudson

  She turned a page as Richard swallowed hard, knowing what was to come next. “As for your primary duty, you are to excite the populace with acts of indecent, sexual conduct, ranging from the touching of women’s most sensitive areas, the undressing of them, and joining with them in the act of sex. In order to do all of this, any woman who is shown your card and told to obey must do as you say and not resist, lest she commit the crime of obstructing the law.”

  For a moment, it was almost funny to Richard. There were other ways to put this. That he was allowed to molest girls, rip their clothes so as to show the world their breasts and pussies, and to fuck them like an animal in public. However, just like everything else in their society, even the government had to put this in the most polite way possible.

  “The only girls that are not subject to this law are any within the Coitus Government, regional, state, or otherwise. However, such women may be added to your list slowly if you are to perform above your status, especially by acting upon assigned girls that the government deems extra… inspirational.”

  Even Brittany had seemed a little disgusted by it, and she looked away as Richard considered the words. The base of it was simple. The government could tell him a girl to go fuck, and if he did so, he may be given bonuses back. What extra inspirational meant was the iffy part. It could mean beautiful, but that was so normal in their society that he believed the average cup size in the world was D, so the only standout girls he could think of were…

  Richard slowly turned to Brittany, his eyes narrowed as he hissed out a heated breath, trying to hold back the flood of emotions that was behind his eyes, as to scream was in bad taste, let alone at a government official. “The idol who was raped during a concert, in the first run of all of this, was one of those targets, wasn’t she? Some celebrity you thought would make the whole world see her in a new light, thus possibly expanding their thoughts further.”

  Brittany gripped her hands together tightly as she looked down, a tear coming down one of her cheeks as she slowly nodded. “It… It’s the past now, and… and besides, it did work, to some-“

  “Worked?” Richard bit his cheek, breathing in deeply as he forced himself back down. It wasn’t one hundred percent inaccurate either, as the people who rallied for the idol, whose throat was so destroyed she couldn’t speak because of how hard she had screamed, and whose mind had gone vegetative due to the experience, did come up with amazing things. Songs that sounded unlike what was out there, great works of art, but all for such sad reasons.

  Brittany shook her head. “I-it’s what I have to say, I’m sorry. Please, j-just let me finish, and… and I’ll let you go.”

  The poor girl was hiding behind her folder, staring at him in fear, and Richard realized that he must have looked like a madman. Sure, she would have dealt with a lot of assholes, but probably the worst she normally heard was for her to get undressed. The rest probably had done what most of the populace did within three years and forgotten about it.

  He leaned back against the wall of the train car, breathing deeply as he nodded. “I’m sorry. I haven’t let go of a lot of that stuff, not with how terrified those women always look. My mind captures that image as a photo, and it’s one that I can’t just delete from my memory, so to know that the government was involved is…”

  Brittany inched a little closer, pushing the files against her chest as she swallowed hard. “If it helps, we did tweak the program due to it. One of the few restrictions you have is the inability to do substantial harm to the girl, such as break their bones or rob them of use of any body parts. If you do, you’re removed from every Coivus system… permanently.”

  Richard looked over at her, and gave the one response that no one had ever given her. She’d heard arguments against it, seen grown men cry at the thought of what would happen to them, and one even tried to punch her to show immune he was.

  All this eighteen year old said though was, “Good.”

  Brittany swallowed hard, turning to her files one more time. “The other main restriction is that you must sleep with a woman once a month, and have it be seen in some way, either by video, eye witnesses, etc. Failure to do so will have your card removed.”

  Richard nodded, his mind in turmoil over whether or not to just go that route. Brittany shouldn’t be held responsible for something that happened ten years ago, but if he tried his hardest at this, he could end up dead, or continuing a program whose current state was vomit inducing to him.

  He would have plenty of time to think it over though, as when she said he would be allowed to go, she really meant go to the nearest Coivus Government Center for paperwork, where he would have nothing to do but busywork, and thinking.

  That was the last thing he wanted, but, like the card, it’s what he got.

  A First Step

  Richard slowly opened the door to his family’s home, the night sky behind him being about as dark as his mood. He was tired, angry, and just ready to go to bed where he didn’t have to think about all of this. It didn’t help of course that he’d just gotten back from a whole facility, including the women, that were ‘overjoyed’ about the honor he had received.

  Unfortunately for him, he had been out of school, Grand Noiga, and even Syren, his home town, for the last twelve hours, causing him to miss school, his club activities, everything, which was a sign of one of two things. Either someone was never coming back because of a crime, at least not for several years, or there’d been a medical emergency, and due to how he disappeared, the fact that his mom immediately tackled him, hugging him tight, was not entirely surprising.

  He didn’t hesitate to hug her back, his manners kicking in as he took in a deep breath. His shoulders squared back, a small smile managed to force itself onto his face, and he tried to force the fact that he wanted to scream so far back into his mind that not even his eyes would betray him. If no one else deserved his most golden self, his mother did. “Hello, mom. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

  The woman, almost in her sixties due to how long her and his father’s ‘courtship’ had been. The somewhat shorter, now stockier woman stood about a half foot shorter than her surprisingly tall son, having one day been a lawyer for Grand Noiga. Back then, she had been considered a small package of dynamite, with her black hair simply being a fuse to when you lost. Not that she ever said any of this, as it was rude to be so aggressive to those you’d never even met.

  His father stood in the doorway, his mother’s assistant back in those days. It was fairly common in Coivus for assistants and bosses to end up being with one another, as a person very rarely ended up spending more time with anyone other than their co-workers, and it was only the slow erosion of this barrier that allowed people to see each other differently than as friends or peers. ‘Unless you’re given an ID that suddenly makes that barrier evaporate. ’

  He stepped over, extending a hand, slipping the ID into it as he shook his father’s hand. “I promise that you all have nothing to fear. Most of my day was spent taking care of paperwork so I could become a part of the government.”

  “You did? See, I told you it was going to be a good surprise.”

  Richard paled as he heard the voice, not even wanting to look towards it. What would he think when he looked at Cierra? Would those lack of barriers make him just snatch the card out of his father’s hand and use it right now?

  He felt like he might throw up, and the two sets of hands that landed onto his back meant that it must have been obvious, much to his embarrassment. His father on the other hand looked at the card he’d been given and gravely nodded. “Richard, you’ve had a long day. Why don’t you and Cierra head up to your room so you can catch up on the school day? We can have you at breakfast.”

  “Honey, how can you say that? Our baby got a government job…”

  While his mother had spoken though, Richard had gotten the card back and was now showing it to the rest of the room. His mother only stared at it, while Cierra…

  He looked at
his friend and the school uniform she was in differently now. That was simply a fact, something he had wished wasn’t the case the entire time he’d been at the facility. He couldn’t help but feel the weight of the card on him as he looked her up and down, especially when, well…

  She was beautiful. He’d known it before, just like he did with almost every other girl he was friends with. The difference was in the magnitude of her beauty. Before now, he only looked at her face, almost never letting his eyes go anywhere below her neck, and he felt like he’d missed so much because of it .

  First there was the school uniform. Its colors were the calming white, blue and yellows that were regular in Coivus. The base was blue, for the serenity and calm that all inhabitants of it were supposed to have, which made up the majority of the tight, button up blouse that ran over her body. The breast pocket made up the touch of yellow on it, meant to symbolize the blossom of light and joy that all had within them and should be happy to give to others. On a girl, it was right over her right breast, probably even her nipple.

  And then white trim, the public ‘barrier’. It was the thing that made it so one could protect their inner joy from the cruelty of all others. This front of nothing that could take all anger, perversion, and let it slowly fade into the calm that allowed everyone to be honest with each other, and treat their neighbors and peers as they themselves wished to be treated.

  Her skirt, which he only now realized was surprisingly short by coming only to her knees, at least for what he thought would normally fit their culture, was only the blue and white. Then again, he supposed, the reason he thought it was weird was because he only had an image of what a regular Coivian looked like. How could he have known what they actually normally looked like when one was supposed to look the other in the face?

  It was just another thing he’d missed before now, and only added to the stirring confusion in his brain, for he could truly adore his friend’s body. Her bust was easily the size of his head, being at least one size larger than the majority of girls in his school. In fact, only one girl easily came to mind for being larger, and another for being of equal size.

  As improper as it was, looking upon them, he couldn’t help but wonder what they would look like without the uniform. How they would feel in his hands. Would they come onto the page as beautiful as the rest of her, or would it hurt the picture ?

  And was there ever going to be a way for him to find out without hurting her, or anyone else.

  Richard turned on his heel, heading for the stairs as he said, “Cierra, I entirely understand and give you permission to not follow me to my room, so long as-“ He cut himself off as he felt her hand slide into his. He should have known she wouldn’t let him go so easily, despite the risk that came with it.

  The two slowly made their way to his room, a rather Spartan place. It had a bed, a desk for him to do work and art at, and five of his favorite drawings on the wall. Otherwise, nothing, because one was supposed to try to get out of their house and be with at least one other person, for without social inclusion, one could not practice proper manners to use in public.

  He sat down on his bed, his eyes slowly drifting to the person who sat beside him. Cierra smiled a little at him, before she reached over and grabbed his hand again. “The Student Council President said she loved your speech, and that she’d need to find some way to repay you for all that you’ve taken off of her plate over the year. She also said that there was no rush, in case something terrible had happened.

  Richard smiled a little, his eyes running themselves over Cierra’s long, tanned legs. They were something he’d noticed before, but now was a little sad that he’d never drawn in much detail. Maybe someday… “I’m always happy to help her, so I’ll probably try to make sure to see her tomorrow.”

  Cierra scooted closer to him, her thigh brushing against his, making his eyes snap to her soft skin. Why was she getting closer? Why did she have to be so pretty? He raised a hand to his face, rubbing his eyes as he tried to stop thinking about all of this.

  His friend, on the other hand, seemed to already have forgotten about all of this as she leaned against him. It wasn’t anything lewd, with her head against his shoulder and their sides against the others, but it was still more than Richard thought would have been possible at the moment. “I got to go to the assembly since you weren’t there, just to fill the chair with someone you knew. The freshman were amazed by your art, so if they minded your speech, none of us could tell.”

  Richard smiled a little, before he finally broke, whispering, “Why are you acting like nothing happened?”

  Cierra looked up at him before turning herself to look at him dead on. Her eyes were completely serious, without a hint of humor, joy, or even sadness there. Only her green eyes that were as cold as ice. “Because yes, you could tell me to strip down. To get on the bed and give myself to you, but you haven’t. The only thing I’m worried about is that me ignoring the situation will…”

  For a moment, Richard let the silence hang in the air, before he squeezed her hand. “W-what is it?”

  Cierra glanced away, a touch of red coming to her cheeks, something Richard had never seen before, even when his friend had guys complimenting her about a bikini. His friend was too happy and headstrong to be like that. When she finally spoke, it was in the same whisper that he had only a minute ago. “Because my first thought when I saw that card was what I would tell you that you could command me to do.”

  That made less sense to the poor boy then her blush, and he accidentally blurted out, “What?”

  She bit into her lip, her hands coming to the top button of her blouse, playing with it, but never undoing it. “We’ve been friends since we were five. I’ve gotten to laugh with you, to watch you as you grew up, and to want to cry with joy for this year. Finally people are starting to see the same sweet guy that I always have. Finally he is getting to put that brilliant mind of his to use. ”

  “And despite all of that, despite the fact that I want to see you make even the Inspiration Program beautiful… I can’t even tell myself to kiss you to try to help, all because that would be ‘improper’.” She shook her head, trying to wipe away the tears that had come.

  Richard blinked a few times, his mind first going to what she thought of him. He’d always seen her as the one that would go on to do greater things, but while she was a cheerleader, she wasn’t much else…

  He shook his head. No. Just because she thought he had done better than her didn’t mean he let himself think like that. Cierra was still one of the most amazing girls he’d ever known and… and he should show her that.

  Richard looked back at her, before at the card in his hand. This was how, or at least a first step. He only ever thought about the black and white of the card. Undress, sex, done. He could ask anything of a girl with it, so long as there was some level of sexual justification, which could be seen as any physical interaction with each other’s bodies, such as, “Kiss me.”

  Cierra looked up, blinking the last of her tears away as she stammered out, “What?”

  Richard swallowed hard, immediately trying to think of what to say to lighten the mood so she might be happy when they did this. “Come on now, you should know better than that. Do you want to go to jail, or be kissed?”

  Both of them gave a small smile out of practically quoting a dozen scenes they’d seen on television with Inspiration Officers, but replaced with something as innocent as a kiss. Cierra nodded, leaning in closer, and for a brief moment, their lips pecked the others. Hers were surprisingly warm to him, but he didn’t want to push this too far. Not with his best friend. Not when he planned to do nothing with her, nor could imagine commanding her to do more.

  Instead, he wrapped an arm around her, squeezing her tight as he whispered, “Thank you.”

  Cierra hugged him back, keeping her tone low as she responded. “Just please, please stay like this. Good, but willing to do more than any of those scared idiots you hear about that could ha
ve changed all of this. That could have shown how to be a good Officer and influenced how everyone else acted. Please.”

  Richard slowly nodded, his mind slowly turning that over and over. Even once she was gone, and it was well past when he should have been asleep, his eyes refused to close with how his mind ran around in circles.

  Could he do it? Show everyone how to use one of these right? Was that even possible if the person wasn’t already your friend?

  He only could come up with two solid facts. The first was that he was going to use the card. He wasn’t just going to lose it, not when he had a chance to make a change. Make it so the thing he hated could bring that look of joy back onto his friend’s face, especially since she wanted him to use it anyways.

  The other was that he swore to himself that no matter who, whether they be friend or stranger, he would show them at least common decency. Everyone deserved it after all, and it was the pillar their society was built on. Treat others as you wanted to be, which meant that if he wanted to have a girl let him enjoy being intertwined with them, then he couldn’t make them miserable because of it.

  That was for when he was ready though. Tomorrow was Friday, and on Saturday he’d be moving to the apartment the government was giving him in Grand Noiga. He could then rest on Sunday and be prepared for what was to come. Besides, he had time to find an answer at the moment, and if he was too tired tomorrow, he’d just worry his friends more than he already had.

  While he fell asleep though, the tree outside of his window creaked. It was nothing to him, and nothing for the silhouette that sat on the tree branch who continued to kick their feet as they blended into the night, watching their target.


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