Midnight with You

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Midnight with You Page 5

by Cheyenne McCray

  “The University of Arizona.” She tore off another piece of mango bread. “I got my Certificate of College Teaching. Part of my trip is to give myself some clarity on which position to take. I have a couple of offers to consider.”

  His intent gaze held hers. “You’re not only sexy but brilliant.”

  Her entire body heated from head to toe from the way he looked at her. Her throat worked as she took in his clean-cut handsome features, the slight wave of his hair beneath his ball cap, and the way his T-shirt hugged his chest and biceps.


  She squirmed on the bench seat. She wanted nothing more than to eat him up from head to toe.

  Bailey! Stop.

  She broke the eye contact and worked on annihilating the rest of the mango bread. Out of her side vision she saw him watching her as he ate.

  Once the vendor had cut up the coconuts and they had eaten the meat to finish off their breakfast, they tossed the trash in a garbage barrel.

  Bailey and Seth walked back into the farmer’s market. They explored the place, checking out each stall and taking their time at the ones filled with handmade crafts, jewelry, and artwork.

  “I love those bracelets.” Bailey pointed to a braided one. A sea turtle made from some kind of black stone perched on top of the bracelet.

  “Would you like to try it on?” The lovely Hawaiian woman who sat behind the table smiled up at Bailey.

  “Yes, please.” Bailey held out her arm and the young woman fastened the bracelet around Bailey’s wrist. Fine dark woven strands secured the turtle to the braided bracelet.

  “Very pretty,” Seth said. “The turtle is made from obsidian.”

  “I love it.” Bailey smiled up at Seth before turning her gaze back to the table. “Oooh, You have matching turtle earrings and a necklace, too.”

  The woman showed the items to Bailey, who fell in love with each piece. “What do you want for the whole set?”

  When the woman gave Bailey the total, she didn’t even try to negotiate or haggle for a lower price. She dug in her purse and pulled out enough cash. The young woman started to wrap the pieces in tissue paper.

  Bailey held her hand up to stop her. “I’d like to wear them now, please.”

  The woman smiled and handed the necklace and earrings to Bailey.

  Seth helped her put on the necklace, and the obsidian sea turtle settled just above her breasts. She slipped off her hoop earrings and dropped them into her purse before putting on the matching turtle dangles. The bracelet still hugged her wrist.

  As they moved away from the booth, they drifted past a stall with ironwood sea turtles, dolphins, and other local animal life.

  Beyond that was an artist selling paintings on large seashells and jewelry made from tiny seashells; a quilter sold her hand-pieced quilted squares and wall quilts; a weaver displayed woven placemats, rugs, and wall hangings; yet another showcased vases made from koa wood in local art designs and hand carved tiki masks.

  “I want one of everything,” she told Seth and he laughed.

  She picked out things she thought her parents and brothers would like, along with jewelry for her nieces and a small tiki mask for her nephew.

  When they’d looked over every stall, Seth suggested checking out some of the nearby shops around the square. Bailey had no problem with that. She loved exploring every nook and cranny and finding cool treasures.

  When they finally finished shopping for the morning, Seth was laden down with packages and shaking his head. “You shop like my sisters do.”

  “Hey, souvenirs for family are important.” Bailey sniffed. “And bringing home cool stuff.”

  “I won’t argue with you about that.” He shifted the packages in his arms. “Just in case you didn’t know, it’s lunchtime.”

  She scrunched her nose. “Didn’t we just eat?”

  “About three hours ago,” he said. “You’ve been having too much fun shopping.”

  “Never such a thing as too much fun shopping.” She changed her grip on the bags she carried. “What do you want to do for lunch?”

  “A place called Kona Shack is on the north side of the square.” Since his hands were full, he nodded in that direction. “A mom and pop place that’s one of my favorite seafood places. Ever.”

  Bailey’s stomach grumbled, telling her they had been shopping a while. “Sounds wonderful.”

  “After the Kona Shack,” he said as they started toward the restaurant, “we’ll head back to the resort, dump the packages, and get ready for the concert.”

  The concert. She’d forgotten about it in all the fun she’d been having with Seth.

  Spending the whole day and evening with a cowboy she barely knew, from a state a hell of a long way from Arizona, probably wasn’t a good idea.

  But she had to admit, she was loving every moment of it.


  “If I tell you that you are more beautiful every time I see you,” Seth took in the gorgeous woman in front of him, “will it go to your head?”

  Bailey’s cheeks turned pink—which was cute as hell—as she shut her hotel room door behind her. “You are a smooth talker, cowboy.”

  “No smooth talking needed.” He shook his head. “I say it like it is.”

  Bailey’s chest rose and fell as she took in a deep breath and let it out. “Thank you.”

  She looked more than gorgeous. Her blue eyes sparkled, her smile heating him through. Her curves were meant to be touched and savored, and right now he wanted to do just that more than anything in the world.

  A pretty flowered sundress hugged her slender body and reached a few inches above her knees. It showed off her thighs and long tanned legs. She wore her hair loose and it fell to the middle of her back.

  The desire to touch her was nearly overwhelming, and he had a hard time holding back from sliding his fingers through the length of her hair.

  She wore light makeup, her lips a glossy pink. He wanted to kiss those sweet lips so badly he ached with it.

  “How close is the Hōkū Amphitheater?” She broke into his thoughts of dragging her into his arms and kissing her until she couldn’t remember what they planned to do tonight. “Is the amphitheater very big?”

  He cleared his throat. “It’s close, here in Keola, but it is used island-wide.” He and Bailey strolled down the hallway, away from the pineapple suite. “It’s a small outdoor venue for concerts and cultural activities. Hōkū means star, named because you can see the stars clearly when the amphitheater isn’t lit up like Christmas.”

  Bailey tilted her head and met his gaze. “I wonder how they got Kade Fields to perform on one of the lesser known islands, in a small amphitheater.”

  “I called Manu, the head paniolo at Pono Ranch when we got back from the square, to talk about the ranch rodeo,” Seth said. “Manu mentioned that Kade spends time on Momi, usually later in the summer than when I’m here.”

  Seth resisted taking Bailey’s hand as he went on. “Manu told me Kade supports the hospital, so he’s donating part of the proceeds from the concert to the rodeo fundraiser.”

  Bailey smiled. “It’s nice hearing he’s a good guy.”

  They reached the entrance to the hotel. The light had waned, the sun sinking behind the volcano.

  Seth had requested a ride on the Uber app on his way to Bailey’s room. The driver showed up shortly after they reached the double doors.

  It wasn’t long before they were in the back of the black Toyota Avalon and headed in the direction of the amphitheater.

  The driver dropped off Seth and Bailey at the main entrance. Seth tipped the driver on the app before touching the small of Bailey’s back and escorting her toward what might be considered a more intimate venue than a huge stadium.

  Bailey pulled a pair of tickets out of her small purse and handed them to the employee at the entrance. They found their front row seats and settled back to enjoy the show.

  * * *

  The seats were so close to the stage
Bailey thought they might be able to see every hair on Kade Fields’ scruffy jawline when he finally took the stage.

  Seth’s body heat slid through her from where their upper arms touched. The man was so damned sexy she’d been having thoughts that she really shouldn’t have considering she didn’t even know him that well.

  Although she had started to feel like she’d known him for years. They just clicked like nothing she had ever experienced before.

  He had dressed in a black T-shirt and wore Levis and athletic shoes. Damn, how she loved the way his jeans hugged his ass and thighs—almost as good as his Wranglers. He was so yummy, she could just eat him up.

  Bailey tipped her head back and looked up at the sky. The lighting wasn’t overly bright, and stars had started to appear overhead.

  She thought about their day, smiling as she remembered the fun they’d had in the farmer’s market and the lunch they’d enjoyed at Kona Shack.

  During her years in college, she’d gotten used to the guys who were fine with splitting the meal cost with her or taking turns paying for things.

  At Kona Shack, Bailey had wanted to pay for lunch. Like the cowboys she’d grown up with, Seth was stubborn and insisted on paying the bill. She’d given in. Most cowboys were raised to take care of women, and she had to respect that.

  When she lowered her head and looked away from the stars, she watched Seth’s features as he stared at the sky. He had such a strong jaw, firm lips, and intense eyes, that every time he looked at her she had a hard time breathing.

  Like now, she thought as their gazes locked when he turned from the sky to her.

  Bailey’s stomach flipped. Her breathing quickened and she tried not to think about how much she wanted him to kiss her.

  She swallowed hard.

  The lights dimmed and she tore her gaze from Seth’s and stared at the stage. A large man in a colorful flowered shirt and wearing a lei, stepped onto the stage.

  The stage was dark save for the spotlight that followed his entrance. The man’s voice boomed as he introduced himself over the microphone

  “I am Hani, your announcer,” the man said in a heavy Hawaiian accent. “Thank you all for coming this beautiful night.”

  He continued with a show of flare in his movements and voice. “We are very much honored to have an esteemed guest tonight,” Hani said. “A favorite artist to many and a growing phenomenon in the world of country music. Join me in welcoming to the Hōkū Amphitheater—Kade Fields.”

  Applause filled the amphitheater as the music to one of Kade Fields’ most popular songs rose over the clapping.

  The country artist stepped onto the stage. His strong lyrics reverberated through the amphitheater, as if it wasn’t outdoors, but a more intimate venue. The place had amazing acoustics that carried his music throughout.

  Bailey found herself almost mesmerized by the cowboy who sang like a dream. It was like he was singing directly to her.

  No doubt every woman in the place felt like she was the only woman in the room—Kade’s stage presence was that amazing.

  Yet, even with the experience of Kade’s performance, she was entirely aware of her companion, and felt Seth’s presence. He felt solid and real, where the singing cowboy was merely there to entertain.

  At some point during the concert, Bailey realized Seth held her hand. She looked at him and he gave her his drop-dead sexy smile.

  She felt melty and gooey inside, like she could just meld with him if he got any closer. Like they could become one.

  What are you thinking, Bailey McBride?

  Kade Fields, who was damned good looking and had women screaming throughout the concert, had nothing on Seth Greer.

  Seth released her hand long enough to clap at the end of one song, then took it again before the next tune began.

  Bailey didn’t resist. She could barely concentrate on the country phenom on the stage, thanks to the man holding her hand. More and more all she could think about was Seth.

  Kade’s magical lyrics to his biggest hit, Kiss Me Twice, turned into feelings she couldn’t define. Those feelings pushed her more and more toward Seth.

  When the concert ended, Bailey was more wrapped up in wanting to spend time with Seth than going backstage to meet, uh, whatshisname.

  How could she forget the man’s name when she’d been listening to him for the past two hours?

  Still holding her hand, Seth stood, then helped Bailey to her feet. “Ready to meet Kade Fields?”

  Oh yeah. Kade.

  She blew out her breath, a boxful of butterflies suddenly released in her belly and rising up in her chest. “I’ve never been backstage to meet a star before.”

  “Like I said, I’ll take care of him if he gets too forward with you.” Seth looked solemn and serious, but had a twinkle in his eyes.

  Bailey laughed, a little of her nervousness vanishing. “Promise?”

  He held his free hand over his heart. “On my Stetson.”

  She shook her head. “What am I going to do with you?”

  His look turned intense, fiery. “I can think of several things.”

  Heat flushed through Bailey. Okay, she’d deserved that.

  “Come on.” She tugged at his hand while attempting to recover from the moment. “I see a member of the theater staff letting a couple of people backstage.”

  “You know I’m not letting you off that easy.” Seth squeezed her fingers.

  The warmth of his grip matched the fire in her cheeks. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  They headed to the steps leading up to the stage. Seth released her hand long enough for her to dig the passes out of her purse and hand them to the woman wearing a black shirt with STAFF written in huge letters on the front.

  The woman ushered them up the stairs. “Through the curtain on the left. You’ll see his dressing room three doors down on the right.”

  Seth and Bailey thanked the staff member. He released Bailey’s hand and settled his palm at the base of her spine as he guided her toward the curtain.

  Does he know what he’s doing to me? Her throat worked as her spine tingled from his touch. He’s making me hotter than hell.


  Seth escorted her toward Kade Field’s dressing room. A young Hawaiian man in black stepped in front of him.


  Bailey showed the pair to him.

  He nodded, but held up his hand. “One moment while he finishes talking with his first two guests.”

  “Of course,” Bailey said.

  She and Seth talked about the concert while they waited. They had the same favorite song he’d written and performed, Kiss Me Twice.

  She wanted more than two kisses from Seth.

  Stop it.

  After a good fifteen minutes, a pair of women wearing I heart Kade Fields T-shirts walked out of his dressing room. The women looked flushed and excited. They chattered about how amazing the country artist was.

  When they stood in the doorway, Kade Fields smiled his thousand-watt smile. “Come on in,” he said in a deep Texas drawl.

  “I’m Bailey McBride.” She reached out and he took her hand.

  His grip was strong and warm. “A pleasure, Ms. Bailey.”

  Her heart thudded a bit faster from meeting the star. It never occurred to her that she would be somewhat starstruck when she met him.

  When Kade released her hand she introduced the man beside her. “This is Seth Greer.”

  Seth extended his hand. “Great concert.”

  “I appreciate that.” Kade braced his hand on a shelf near a vanity table against one wall. No signs of vanity from him, seemingly just a down-to-earth cowboy facing them.

  Kade shifted and leaned his hip against the table. “Where are y’all from?”

  “Prescott, Arizona,” Bailey said.

  “Is that up near Flagstaff?” Kade asked. “I’ve skied at the Arizona Snowbowl.”

  “Flagstaff is close to a hundred miles northea
st of Prescott.” Bailey liked how easy it was to talk with Kade. “I’ve skied the Snowbowl, too.”

  “One of my favorite resorts.” Kade smiled before turning his attention to Seth. “What about you, cowboy?”

  “Montana. The closest town is Browning,” Seth said. “My family has a ranch around there.”

  “I’ve been through Browning on my way to Whitefish to ski. Friend told me about it.” Kade cocked his head. “I thought about getting a place in Whitefish. Nice town, low-key, plenty of space, if you know what I mean.”

  “Sure do.” Seth hooked his thumbs in his jeans pockets. “Fish there with some of my buddies every summer.”

  Seth gave Bailey her space while they talked with Kade. She liked Seth’s easygoing conversation with the upcoming superstar.

  Kade looked like something was on his mind. “I’ve got it,” he finally said and seemed even more relaxed. “Seth Greer—I knew that name sounded familiar. I’ve seen you rodeo.”

  Seth didn’t seem surprised. “That’s me.”

  Bailey’s jaw dropped as she looked from one man to the other.

  “San Antonio last year.” Kade shook his head. “I’ve never seen anyone bareback like you. Took the whole thing, didn’t you?”

  Seth shrugged. “Did pretty well.”

  “I follow the WRCA.” Kade leaned back against the counter and braced his hands on it to either side of him.. “You won the WRCA All-Around Championship last year.”

  Seth shifted his stance, his thumbs hooked in his jeans. “Almost lost it to Trevor Cooper, but yeah, I managed to pull it off.”

  Bailey nearly shook her head with all the thoughts rattling around inside. Seth wasn’t just any rodeo cowboy. He’d actually won the World Rodeo Cowboys Association’s most prestigious award. The cowboy doctor of physical therapy had one hell of a resume.

  “Bailey used to barrel race and other timed events.” Seth took the attention off himself and nodded in her direction. “And Creed McBride is one of her cousins.”

  “Holy cow.” Kade grinned. “Superstars in my midst.”

  Bailey laughed. “I wouldn’t call anything I’ve done to be even a fraction towards Seth’s or Creed’s league, but I had fun.”


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