Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 11

by Angie Cottingham

  “Fine. You can have a little.” I give in. I should have known better. By the time he’s done, I have no jerky left in that bag. I hide the other bag under my seat to keep him from stealing it as well.

  Chapter 18: Reegan

  "We're here." Kincaid calls from the front of the vehicle. "I'll take you up to the main house Jaymeson and then I'll take the others over to your cabin."

  "That won't be necessary. We'll all go to the main house and then make our way over. Go home to those heathens of yours." Jaymeson teases.

  "Your father won't be happy with everyone coming up when you've just returned." Kincaid states.

  "It'll be fine Kincaid. I take full responsibility. Now go." Jaymes orders.

  We all pile out into the afternoon sun. This place is amazing. The main house looks like a mansion made of logs and I can see several cabins scattered out around the property. Kids are running around playing and shifting into their wolf forms.

  As we make our way up the heavily graveled drive, I'm tackled from behind by two little wolf cubs. I go down with a scream. The guys all rush over to us but by the time they reach us I'm laughing hysterically from these precious cubs licking my face and rubbing their fur on me like they are actually cats and I'm their scratching post.

  Jaymeson reaches down and picks up both cubs by the scruff of their necks. They whimper slightly, snapping at him to get him to release. When one gets his fingers he releases them with a growl. They run back over to me and hide behind my legs.

  "Shift." Jaymeson orders and even I can feel his alpha power directed toward them.

  They're forced to do as they're told but they keep themselves as hidden as possible behind me. I look down and see that it's a little girl and a little boy. They can't be older than five or six.

  "Jaymes, chill out. You're scaring them."

  At my words he releases the power I don't think he realized he was still holding and narrows his eyes on the two children.

  "You two know better than to just jump on a stranger." He chastises.

  "But she's not a stranger Jay. She's your mate." The girl states proudly, now not so scared.

  "And how do you know that Sara?" He asks.

  The little boy comes out and answers, “Cause we can tell."

  That gets a laugh out of Jaymes. "Ok. But you still know better. If mom had seen you, she'd tan your hides." Jaymes tells them both seriously. He then turns to us. "Meet Sara and Carter, my youngest siblings."

  "We're twins." Sara tells me.

  "Oh really? That must be so cool." I say as I kneel down to their level.

  "Yep. But I'm the oldest." Carter tells me as he puffs out his chest. "That makes me the big brother."

  "I guess it does. I'm Reegan." I tell them both.

  "You're really pretty. Can you be my mate instead of his?" Carter asks, hooking his thumb at Jaymeson.

  I laugh, "I don't think it works like that sweetie. Though if Jaymes weren't already my mate and you were older I'd definitely take you up on the offer." I tell him sweetly.

  Sara grabs my hand and starts dragging me up the driveway. "Come meet mama and daddy."

  I turn around to make sure the guys are following. Jaymeson is smiling fondly at me while he listens to something. Carter is saying while catching a ride on his shoulders. Trent and Ash are both talking about the scenery but Asher's gaze goes back and forth between Trent and where my hand rests in Sara's. Bentley has his eyes planted firmly on my ass. When his gaze comes up and reaches mine he throws me a wink. Why is that so damn sexy?

  Sara pulls me harder trying to get me to speed up. We reach the house and Sara drags me through the entrance announcing us without preamble. A woman I'm assuming is Jaymeson's mother steps into the room.

  "Who do we have here?" She asks.

  "Mother." Jaymeson says as he enters halting my answer.

  "Jaymeson!" She cries excitedly pulling him into a hug. "I'm so happy you're home." She says.

  "It's good to be back. I hope it's ok we all came up." He says sheepishly.

  "Of course it is. Now introduce me."

  "You already know the guys."

  "I do. It's good to see you boys again." She tells them and gives each a hug. "But I'm more curious about this stunning woman we have here."

  "Mom, meet my mate Reegan Winthrope."

  "Mate?" She asks, surprised. "When did this happen? Why was I not told?"

  "I thought Dad would've told you."

  "Well he didn't. You're not a wolf." she says to me.

  "No ma'am." I say.

  "Pssh. None of that. I'm sorry if I came across as rude. There's no issue with you not being a wolf, Weaver."

  "I'm sorry. What did you just say?"

  "Let's talk elsewhere. The walls have ears here. Oh, and welcome to the family." I find myself drawn into a hug. "Come. You must be hungry after your trip."

  Has this woman lost her mental faculties? We follow her through to a quaint kitchen. I expected something a little more, well more considering the size of this place.

  “Sit and I’ll make some sandwiches.”, Jaymeson’s mom says.

  “You really don’t have to do that Mrs. Matthews.”, I try to tell her.

  “Mrs. Matthews is my mother in law. I’m Julia.” she responds. “And it’s no trouble.”

  “Mom, can we talk about what you called Reegan, please.”

  “Why don’t we wait on your father. Carter and Sara can go grab him.”

  With that said, the children run off to do their mother’s bidding and we all just sit in silence. It doesn’t take long for Jaymeson’s dad to arrive and then we’re ushered back out of the kitchen to a study. After the pleasantries and introductions his dad gets right down to business.

  “While I love that you decided to visit earlier, what are you doing here?”, he asks.

  “That’s a long story, Mr. Matthews.”, I answer

  “We have time and please call me Richard.” he says with a friendly smile.

  “Ok. Well, there was an attack and I may have gone against the laws and offered my blood to a vampire.”

  “You did what?” Julia screeches.

  I lower my head and continue, “You see, a man tried to attack me and this vampire saved me and was hurt in the process. I couldn’t in good conscience leave her that way, so I offered her my blood.”

  “And is this the same vampire that attacked you during the trials?” he asks.

  “Yes. It turns out she is the mate of one of the princes from Elfame. Senior went ballistic when he was told. He wanted Reegan fully banned from the academy and her title stripped but the council voted to just suspend her for the rest of the term.” Jaymeson tells him.

  “I never did like that slimy lizard.” he haughtily announces and then looks at Asher. “No offense son.”

  “None taken. Believe me when I say that he’ll get what’s coming to him.” Ash growls.

  “So I’m assuming you boys deciding to take a leave from the academy is a direct effect of Reegan’s punishment.” Julia accuses.

  “Yeah. After the trials, Calista told us that Senior had been scheming for Marcus’ seat on the council and that he had some plan for Reegan, though she didn’t know what. There’s also an unknown player in the mix. So long as Reegan is in danger we all felt we should be with her.” Jaymeson states.

  “I’d expect nothing less from her mates.” Richard smiles.

  “How did you know we’re all her mates and how did mom know she’s the weaver?” Jaymes asks confused.

  “I have my ways.”

  “What he means is that he’s talked to Marcus.” Trent says.

  “Yes and your mother Trent.” he laughs. “Now let’s table any more discussion until after you’re all settled. Jaymeson you know where the guest cabin is?”

  “Yeah. We’ll see you guys later then?” Jaymes asks.

  “Of course. There’s a pack meeting and feast tonight. You’ll all join us there.”

  Jaymeson grabs my hand and
leads me away. We walk around the back of the massive house to a cabin further back in the tree line. It’s beautiful. It’s a two-story cabin with a porch that wraps around the entire front. On the porch are a few rocking chairs and a little bistro set. I can imagine sitting out here with my morning coffee listening to the wildlife. We pause just outside and I look around. From here, I can still see the other cabins but they’re more obscured by the main house adding a sense of privacy.

  Asher walks in first and I follow. The inside is just as gorgeous as the outside. To the left is a beautiful, updated kitchen with a breakfast nook. To the right is a living area with a huge fireplace on the far wall. There are two sofas facing each other as well as a few chairs scattered around. In the corner of the room is a small bar.

  “The master is Reegan’s. The bags have already been placed in rooms but you guys can swap out if you want.” Jaymeson says. The guys all head upstairs to their respective rooms to unpack. Jaymes interlocks his finger with mine and pulls me to a set of sliding glass doors I didn’t notice. “I want to show you something.”

  He pulls me outside and then stands behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder. “This is my favorite part of the cabin,” he says quietly.

  In front of me is a massive lake. I wouldn’t even know it had an end to it if it weren’t for the mountains I can see in the distance. The sun glinting off the water makes it sparkle. The water looks clearer than any lake I’ve seen before. I want to go dive in.

  “It’s beautiful!” I whisper in awe. “Can we swim?

  “The water may be a little cold but we have a hot tub here and there are some hot springs somewhat close by we can check out if you want.”

  “I’d like that. Maybe tomorrow. Right now, I want to get unpacked and relax if that’s ok.”

  “That’s more than ok. I’ll make sure you get some time alone with my dad as well. Then you can ask him whatever you want about your mom.”

  “Thanks Jaymeson for bringing me here.”

  “I’m glad you’re here. I want you to meet my family, my pack.”

  “Your little brother and sister are adorable and I like Kincaid.”

  “I haven’t been home in over a year. I can’t believe how big they’ve gotten and yeah, Kincaid is great. He’s been like a second father to me since I was a pup.”

  “Yeah you two seem close. How old are his children?”

  “Sally is 9 now I believe and Scarlet is 11. He’s raised them on his own for the last seven years.”

  “On his own?” I ask

  “Um yeah. His wife was killed when Sally was two in an alleged hunting accident. That’s one of the great things about pack. The entire community stepped up and has tried to help but Kincaid is more private so he prefers to go it on his own when he can.” he explains.

  “That sucks. I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks.” he shrugs.

  “So tell me about this pack meeting.”

  “You’re going to love it. The whole pack gets together once a month for a BBQ dinner. It’s a chance for everyone to take a break from their everyday lives and allows them to just be pack. The elders are there and they tell amazing stories to the children. I’m also pretty sure Dad set this one up so that everyone could meet you. He wouldn’t have told anyone aside from Kincaid and Mom that I was coming for a visit which means that no one knows I’ve found a mate. This will be the night he announces us.”

  I’m super nervous but excited at the same time. We head in and Jaymes takes me up to the master bedroom. It’s gorgeous. There’s a massive King size bed that takes up the middle of the room with nightstands on each side. There’s a small desk on the inside wall and I can see two doors off the left. Probably the closet and bath. What draws my attention is the small balcony that overlooks that gorgeous lake.

  After I unpack I grab my Kindle and head back to the living room. I curl myself up in one of the chairs and raise my hand toward the fireplace. Within seconds there’s a small fire burning.

  “You’re getting really good at that Angel.” Bentley says, making me jump.

  “How does someone so big make so little noise when they move? I’m going to have to get you a bell big man.”

  “No. You just need to learn to feel the bonds. I know you can. Tomorrow, we’ll work on identifying which bond is for each of us.” he tells me.

  “It was easier when it was just Trent and Kalan. I can feel you all but it's more a jumble now.”

  “We’ll work on it.” he says and then kisses me softly.

  He walks over to the sofa and plops himself down on it. He props his feet up on the coffee table and turns on the television to some show about tattoos or something. While he watches his show, I immerse myself in a Stephen King novel.

  Chapter 19: Kalan

  I feel like I haven’t been with Reegan in forever. Not in a sexual way. The other night, sharing her with the guys was something else. I never thought I’d be ok with sharing but I’ve come to realize that the mate bonds make it easier. While I did enjoy watching the pleasure roll across her over and over again, I need to be alone with her for a while. There’s too much I’ve missed since she came to Earth. I find her in the living room reading with Bentley stretched out on the sofa watching a show.

  “Hey baby.” I whisper when I realize that Bentley is actually sleeping and not watching the TV

  “Hey yourself.” she whispers back.

  “You want to go for a walk with me?”

  “That sounds amazing actually. I’ve missed you.” she says while she leans up to kiss me. I grab her around her waist and lift her from the chair.

  She grasps my hand in hers and leads me out the back door of the house. “Jaymes showed this to me earlier. I thought we could walk along the trail over there.”

  I let her lead me down to the trail and we begin to walk. We stay quiet for a few minutes just taking in the amazing scenery. The trees are different here than the ones surrounding the Winthrope estate in Tennessee.

  “It’s really beautiful.” I tell her.

  “It is. You know, seeing the trees and the lake really makes me miss Elfame and my mountain.”

  “I know but it's not going anywhere and you know you can pop over there anytime you want but you’re needed here.”

  “I know. Kalan, I’m scared.”

  “What are you scared of baby?”

  “So many things. What if I’ve pulled you guys into a situation that sees you hurt? What if I can’t stop Lilith and bring destruction to everything?” she asks sadly.

  “Baby, you’ve got this. We’ve got this. We won’t let you go through any of this alone. I’d give my life willingly for you and I know the other guys feel the same.”

  “But you shouldn’t have to Kalan. Can’t you see. I’m not worthy of that kind of loyalty.”

  “You are worthy of so much more baby and one day you’ll see that. Now, enough of that. We’re here on a vacation and to get answers about your parents if there are any. Concentrate on that and we’ll take everything else one day at a time, yeah.”

  “Yeah.” she responds.

  We continue walking our bodies brushing against each other every little while. Reegan pulls me into the forest off the trail and away from prying eyes. “Do you remember when we were kids? Well I was a kid. But do you remember when Maddie and I used to hide around the castle and make you and Aldair search for us?”

  “Yeah. We’d search for hours and never could figure out how you were so good at hiding. I don’t think we ever found you.”

  “I guess back then I was using my spirit affinity and would hide in Purgatory. I don’t remember actually being in Purgatory, just that I found a way to conceal myself from y’all.” she laughs.

  “That makes sense. Have you regained all of your memories?”

  “Some things are still fuzzy like my memories of my mom and dad but most things come clearer. Like I clearly remember having a crush on you even when I was a little gir
l. I also remember the first time I saw you with a girl.”

  “What do you mean saw me with a girl?” I ask her.

  “I was eleven and I was running around the stables. I heard a noise so I turned and saw you dragging a giggling female into the woods. I followed you from a distance. When I caught up, I watched you slam her against a tree. At first I thought you were trying to hurt her but then I heard her moan and watched her reach for you. You kissed her hard on the mouth and then down her throat.

  I watched you lift her skirt and put your hand in her panties. I watched you finger her to orgasm and then I watched you pull your cock out and replace your fingers with it. I watched you pound into her roughly. I remember her screaming your name when she came and the sound of your grunts as you fucked her up against that tree. But what I remember the most is that I ran back to the castle and locked myself in my room. I cried and I couldn’t even figure out why.”

  “Baby, you know that none of those girls meant anything to me right? You are everything to me.” I reassure her.

  “I know. It’s just hard to reconcile that you and the other guys had partners before me and I’m afraid I won’t measure up.”

  “Please. You are the only thing any of us see. We don’t want anyone else. You are enough.”

  “Are you sure?” she asks with less confidence than I’ve ever seen.

  “I’m positive.” I say and take her mouth with mine.

  The kiss turns hungry and I have to push myself off of her. “I’m not going to fuck you against a tree Reegan. You aren’t a whore and you deserve so much better than that.”

  “Then take me back to the cabin.” she says slyly.

  I grab her hand and all but run back to the cabin. We take the stairs two at a time. When I get her into the room I turn and lock the door. “I don’t mind sharing but I need you all to myself this time.”

  “I’m good with that.” she says removing her clothes.

  In no time we’re both naked. I can’t be bothered with taking her to the bed so I pick her up behind her thighs and carry her to the desk. I sit her down on it and pull her to the edge. I don’t hesitate. I slam inside her so hard the desk shifts underneath her. I continue to pound in and out of her while she chases the orgasm that is quickly approaching. I see it in her eyes a moment before her pussy clamps down on my cock.


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