All's Were That Ends Were: Soulmate Shifters World (Soulmate Shifters in Mystery, Alaska Book 6)

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All's Were That Ends Were: Soulmate Shifters World (Soulmate Shifters in Mystery, Alaska Book 6) Page 19

by Krystal Shannan

  Owen came around the counter. And the rest of the men followed Kann back out the front door, leaving Dawn standing alone next to the window. Silence descended over the room as all the women stared at each other, waiting for someone to talk first.

  “Oh, fine. I’ll go first,” Penny said, putting her feet up on an ottoman. The very pregnant woman smiled up at Dawn, a wicked smile that made the hair on the back of Dawn’s neck stand on end. “I’m with a cat. So, tell me. Does your kitty cat have a nice tongue?” Penny waggled her eyebrows suggestively and cackled out loud.

  “Penny!” Naomi gasped, covering her mouth, but not hiding her wide smile very well.

  “That’s okay, I’m with a bear. Did you know bear lips are prehensile?” Tara asked, her tone mischievous and teasing.

  “La la la la! Stop talking. That’s my brother!” Ava shouted from the kitchen. “Blech! I’m never going to be able to un-hear that.” Ava came around the corner and glared at Tara.

  “Sorry, forgot you were in there.” Tara made a face and threw up her hands.

  “No more lips and tongues. Let’s go spy on the men outside.” Naomi said, herding the women toward the door. Even Penny got up from the couch and followed them to the front window.

  Dawn somehow ended up at the very front with everyone crowding beside and behind her. “I can move. It’s really fine.”

  “Look, there they are,” Tara said. “Oh, they are all so big. I forget that I’m that big when I shift.”

  Dawn gulped and watched the three large brown and grey wolves emerge from the trees and approach the men standing in a semicircle. The wolves were huge, just like Ryder and Knox had been at the community center. Things had been a little crazy that night though, she hadn’t really registered just how big they were. Like the size of a pickup truck big.

  “You’re a wolf? But aren’t you from town?”

  “Yes, but Knox’s brother bit me. So, I turned into a wolf.”

  “But, you’re with Owen. Isn’t he—”

  “A bear. Yep. But Owen’s bite wouldn’t have turned me into anything. That’s why some of us have animals now and some don’t,” Tara said.

  “Yes, Tara and I and Katherine are the only mates who’ve been turned. We’ve now deducted that it has something to do with whether or not the male is of a royal bloodline.”

  “Is Tor…Am I?” Dawn couldn’t finish the sentence. Tor had bitten her. It’d been part of the bonding, but he hadn’t warned her that she could turn into an animal. Seemed like that would’ve been nice to know up front.

  Naomi shook her head. “Tor hasn’t shared that he was from a royal line, so I would assume that you will not be turning into a tiger any time soon.”

  Dawn sucked in a quick breath. “But I could?”

  Naomi tapped her chin. “I mean. If he’s a prince and hasn’t told us, maybe. But he would’ve told us by now.”

  Ava tapped Dawn’s shoulder where Tor’s bite mark was. “And he would’ve told you before he bit you. Tor would never have taken that choice from you if he’d been worried you would turn.”

  No tiger. Dawn nodded. “Okay. Good to know.”

  “So why was there this big thing between you guys? Why were you split?”

  All the women were silent and then turned to look at Tara.

  Tara rolled her eyes and sighed, frustration evident in her tone. “I’m fine. You can talk about it without me falling apart.” She turned to face Dawn. “To make a very long complicated story short. The wolves and the rest of the Reyleans had a feud. When they got here, they continued said feud. They attacked Naomi, pissed off Col. He killed some of them. Owen accidentally killed one of theirs. They took revenge on Owen by kidnapping me, almost killing me, and instead turning me into a wolf. More were killed by Owen and Col and the rest of the Tribe. Then Ava found her mate in the pack. And Knox, also from the pack, survived and found his mate in town. These guys…” Tara waved her hand at the three wolves bowing before Col outside. “They are all that’s left of Knox’s pack. They don’t want to be human. Knox doesn’t want to be part of the Tribe unless all is forgiven, and they can live without fear of being barbecued by Col.” Tara sucked in a long breath. “I think that’s all.

  The other women nodded and agreed. “That was actually pretty good,” Ava said.

  “So, Col is a—”

  “Dragon,” they all said together.

  “Right, cause that’s what Naomi is,” Dawn said, glancing to Naomi for confirmation.

  Naomi nodded. “Yep. I’m a dragon. Penny is with a lion and she’s still human. Tara is a wolf, with Owen who is a bear. Ava is Owen’s sister, she’s a bear and her mate is a wolf. Katherine was a human and is now a wolf like her mate Knox. And you’re a human, still a human and with a tiger.”

  “Likely to stay a human?”

  “Yes, most likely,” Naomi said, giving her a confidant pat on the shoulder. “And honestly, if I was wrong, you would’ve already changed by now.”

  “Oh,” Dawn said, relief making her voice shake just a little. “That’s great.”

  “I mean it’s strange, but it’s pretty cool. Naomi could walk outside in the winter without shoes. The snow just melted around her feet,” Penny said. “Col could always bite you and turn you into a dragon. Or Knox. Then you could be a wolf. I mean, if you really wanted an animal.”

  “Um, I’m good.”

  “Col is not biting anyone. Do you know how hard it is to keep a dragon calm? To tell her she can’t fly all the time. I’m so jealous that he got to shift and hunt those bastards down without me. I haven’t gotten to shift since the pregnancy, and it was murder on my nerves.”

  “He’ll let you hunt now that the babies are here,” Penny said.

  “I know. I know. Still.” Naomi growled.

  All the other women squeaked and backed away. “Girl! Watch that thermostat,” Penny yelled. “I’m already hot with these four little babies swimming around inside me.”

  “You’re having four?” Dawn said, taking a quick peek at Penny’s belly. “Naomi had triplets and I thought that was unusual.”

  “Oh, yes. Prepare yourself for a litter,” Penny said, with a wry grin. “The guys claim that multiples aren’t very common back on Reylea.”

  “I’m on birth control. I don’t need babies any time soon,” Dawn said.

  “Mmmm, good luck with that,” Penny said, rubbing her belly. “I’m hungry. Let’s eat. Then I’m pretty sure I need a nap. Sorry, Dawn. I don’t mean to be a party pooper, I just get really tired, really fast with these little guys.”

  “Not a problem. I totally understand.” Dawn followed the group of women back into the living room and got pushed along through the buffet of food, urged to try all the things. Most of it did look good, but she wasn’t really that hungry. She took a small scoop or bite from each dish to appease them and ended up filling her plate.

  They sat down around the big dining table in the kitchen. They started talking about Penny’s cabin. And how Owen and Tara’s would be next and how it’d already been framed. The crews would be starting on the walls soon.

  Dawn tuned their voices out after a while, the discussion on colors and tiles and cabinets just wasn’t where her brain wanted to be right now. She stared at the window at the tops of the green trees waving in the breeze. The white capped peaks of Denali in the distance against a bright blue sky.

  This place was amazing. Beautiful and wild and full of crazy wonderful people that she really liked and wanted to get to know better.

  The front door opened and closed. Men’s voices carried through the large cabin. They seemed happy, laughing and carrying on about something. That had to be good, right? Whatever had happened with the wolves had been settled.

  “Well?” Naomi, asked, standing from the table.

  “It is done, shuarra.” Col said, moving across the room to stand next to her. He kissed her on the top of the head and smiled. “The wolves will live on Tribe lands and guard against threats to any and
all in the Tribe. They have chosen to remain in beast form for now, but I made it clear to them that if and when they change their mind, we are here for them.”

  “Ryder and I have also officially pledged our loyalty to Col, as well.”

  “We’re all one big happy family?” Naomi clapped her hands excitedly.

  “A tribe, yes,” he answered. “As it should be and as it will always be from this point forward.”

  Cheers went up around the room.

  Hugs and laughter and carrying on like Dawn imagined would happen at a family reunion, not that she’d ever been to a family reunion. Her mother hadn’t even told her she had a grandfather. Family hadn’t been an important part of her life…until now.

  These people had come together after horrible things had happened. They’d lost their whole world. Some had overcome generations of hatred and found a way to coexist. They’d welcomed her in with nothing but open arms. The men standing around her had saved her from being killed multiple times over.

  She owed them her life.

  She’d met a man that she loved more than she ever thought she could love anyone.

  She had a business of her own. Women who wanted to be her friends. And a place to really call home.

  Tor slipped an arm around her waist and tucked her close to his hip. He pressed a soft kiss to her hair and breathed in her scent deeply. She could feel his happiness and contentment radiating through their bond and reflected in his eyes every time he looked at her. He made her feel special and loved and fulfilled.

  She had needed Tor and she thanked Fate every night before she fell asleep in his arms for bringing them together.

  “You smell happy, shuarra.”

  She laughed, her chest light and her heart full for the first time in her life. “I am.”

  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling Author Krystal Shannan lives in a sprawling ranch style home with her husband, teenage son, and two almost teenage daughters. Her home is full of love and laughter and lots of animals. In fact the welcome mat warns visitors that it’s a zoo inside—chickens, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, dogs and fish! You name it, they’ve probably had it in their home at some point.

  Krystal writes stories filled with magick, fantasy, passion, and just enough humor to make you laugh out loud. Join the fun and escape to a whole new world.

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  —Hugs, Krystal

  Copyright © 2020 by KS Publishing

  All’s Were That Ends Were

  Soulmate Shifters in Mystery, Alaska Book 6

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.




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