The Baby: A Steamy Rock Star Romance (Cruise Control Book 3)

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The Baby: A Steamy Rock Star Romance (Cruise Control Book 3) Page 54

by Sian Ceinwen

  Lita held onto the sink and breathed heavily until it passed. She opened the door to the bathroom, and as she walked through it, she felt a massive gush of fluid that ran down her legs and onto the tiles underneath her.

  “Holy shit!” Lita exclaimed in horror as she looked down at the puddle at her feet.

  Sebastian appeared at the end of the hallway in a few seconds. “What’s wrong, princess?”

  Lita just looked at him, then down to her feet. “I think my water just broke.”

  “Holy shit!” His eyes widened, and Lita laughed.

  “That’s exactly what I said.”

  “What do we do?” he asked her.

  “Call an ambulance, I guess,” Lita said, and on cue, the painful tightening in her stomach happened again. “I think I might be in labor.”

  Heather had appeared behind Sebastian as Lita said this, and she grinned at her. “I’ll call an ambulance immediately, darling.”

  She already had her phone to her ear as she walked away, and Sebastian came over to Lita.

  “Watch your step,” she told him.

  “I don’t give a fuck about some amniotic fluid; I just care about my fiancée, who is about to give birth to my child,” Sebastian said as he walked over to her and put his arm around her to help her walk back toward the main living area.

  They walked slowly, and Lita had to stop mid-way when another contraction hit her. Ariana had gotten some towels, and Lita sat on them on one of the dining table chairs, even though they offered for her to sit on the sofa instead.

  “I don’t want to ruin your carpet or your sofa,” Lita said in horror, as she was still leaking amniotic fluid.

  “Both of those are replaceable, do whatever makes you comfortable,” Gabriel offered.

  “Yeah, I’m not going to be comfortable with ruining your sofa,” she laughed, then winced as some more pain hit her.

  “The ambulance will be here soon,” Heather announced as she hung up the phone. “I don’t normally pull the Cruise Control card, but I made sure they knew that they were coming to get the mother of Sebastian Fox’s baby.”

  “Finally, Heather gets to be a diva for a good cause,” Ariana teased her.

  “Hey, I will diva all day every day if it gets Lita an ambulance quicker.”

  It was less than fifteen minutes, and four contractions later, that they heard the sound of an ambulance’s siren coming down the street. Ben had gone down to the SUV and retrieved the hospital bag that Lita had been taking with her everywhere for three weeks, and they escorted her downstairs to the apartment lobby with Sebastian by her side.

  The whole group came down with them and wished them luck as the paramedics got her onto a gurney and wheeled her out to the ambulance. Sebastian got in the front seat of the ambulance, and they headed off to the hospital.

  “You said that you think you’ve been having contractions all evening?” the paramedic, Jodi, asked her.

  “I think so. I didn’t realize that’s what they were at first,” Lita told her, then groaned as another contraction hit her.

  They were getting longer and more intense now. Lita had to focus hard to breathe through them.

  “Okay, well, I definitely think it’s safe to say that you’re in labor. Given the frequency of your contractions, I think you’ll be having your baby in the next twelve hours,” Jodi said with a smile.

  They arrived at the hospital, where Jodi and her partner dropped her off in the emergency department for admission and wished her well. The hospital must have been advised of their imminent arrival because they were swarmed once they were there and were swiftly escorted to a delivery room in the maternity ward.

  Sebastian stood at her bedside, holding her hand and murmuring comforting words to her as she labored. He was wiping her forehead with a wet cloth when the door opened, and the two of them looked up to see Dr. Floyd entering the room.

  “Eric, I don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful to see you,” Sebastian said.

  Lita grunted her acknowledgment of him as another contraction hit her. It started as a tightening, and then the cramping was so intense that Lita yelled out loud before it eased off again.

  Dr. Floyd smiled at them both. “I see that the induction for tomorrow is off. Let me check and see how far along you are, Lita.”

  He set about getting some gloves on and then waited as Lita had another contraction before he checked her.

  “Okay, well, you’re nine centimeters dilated. We’ll be ready to push within the next hour or so.”

  “Are you telling me that there’s no chance of an epidural, then?” Lita groaned.

  “I’m sorry, but we’re well past the point where we could give you an epidural. I’ll send a nurse in to help you, and she’ll be able to get you some gas if you want it.”

  “Thanks,” Lita said.

  After he left the room, Sebastian called Lita’s parents to let them know that she was in labor. They had flown to Chicago last week and were staying at the apartment with them, all ready for the birth that was meant to be happening tomorrow.

  “They said to wish you luck,” he told her after he hung up, and Lita grunted and squeezed his hand tightly as another contraction hit.

  “Hi, Lita, I’m Maureen,” a friendly-looking nurse said as she walked into the room. “I’m here to assist you. Eric said that you might want some gas?”

  “Yes, please.” Lita was breathing heavily as she was only getting a short break in between each contraction now.

  Maureen opened a cupboard and started pulling out a tube that was attached to the gas. While she sorted that out, Sebastian called his own parents and told them the news, passing on their well wishes when the call ended.

  Maureen showed Lita how to suck on the end of the tube to get the gas to come out. “You can’t really overdose on it, so use it as you need it.”

  Lita didn’t know how much time passed. Everything became a haze of pain, gas, Sebastian’s comforting words, and eventually, the overwhelming desire to push.

  “Let me check and see how you’re doing,” Maureen said when Lita told her about the last thing. “Yup, I can feel her there. You’re going to have a baby very soon, Lita. Let me go get Dr. Floyd.”

  Maureen rushed out of the room, and Lita looked over at Sebastian. She realized that this was the moment when they would become a family of three and felt tears starting to well in her eyes.

  “I love you, Sebastian Fox.”

  “I love you too, princess.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. A contraction hit her, and she tensed. Sebastian tried to move away, but Lita held his head to hers and continued to kiss him for another few seconds before she ended their kiss and moaned loudly as the pain built within her.

  Dr. Floyd appeared in the room again, with Maureen behind him. Maureen began turning on the heated crib that was at the side of the room as Dr. Floyd checked Lita again. He had made some adjustments to the hospital bed, and it now had some leg rests that held her legs open when she placed them in them.

  “All right, Lita. On your next contraction, you’re going to push just as if you’re going to the toilet,” he told her.

  Lita laughed. “There’s no dignity in pregnancy, huh?”

  “None at all,” he agreed.

  Maureen stood on the other side of the bed to Sebastian and held Lita’s other hand as her next contraction hit. Lita squeezed both of their hands tightly and began to push as Dr. Floyd had instructed her.

  “Great work, Lita. Keep going,” he encouraged her when her contraction ended. “Stop pushing in between contractions, then push as hard as you can when your next contraction hits.”

  She followed his instructions, and three contractions later, he told her that the head was almost out.

  “The cord is around her neck; stop pushing for a second,” Doctor Floyd said on the next contraction. It took everything in Lita to resist the intense urge to push as she felt him do something, then he said, “Okay, you can push again as
long as your contraction is still going.”

  Two contractions later, Dr. Floyd announced that the head was out, and on the next contraction, he pulled Mirabella out and placed her on Lita’s chest. Lita looked down at her in complete awe. She wasn’t crying, but Lita could see her tiny nostrils moving as she breathed.

  “My baby,” Lita said as she cried.

  “We’d like her to make a bit more of a sound,” Dr. Floyd told her just as Mirabella finally started to cry. “Good girl,” Dr. Floyd said. “Are you ready to cut the cord, Daddy?”

  Sebastian smiled and wiped tears away from his own eyes as he nodded. Dr. Floyd got the scissors, and Lita just hugged Mirabella to her as they waited for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing before Sebastian cut it.

  When that was done, Maureen took Mirabella over to the heated crib to measure and weigh her while Dr. Floyd helped Lita to deliver the placenta. After she was cleaned up, Mirabella was placed back on Lita’s chest, and she felt a love like none other she’d ever experienced.

  After she’d had her first feed, Mirabella was wrapped up in a blanket and handed to Sebastian to hold. He had tears in his eyes again as he took her in his arms.

  “Ti amo, bambina mia,” Sebastian said softly to her, and Lita smiled.

  Lita was moved to a private room in the maternity ward that had a double bed in it so Sebastian could stay with her. They spent a long time just standing and staring at Mirabella after she’d been settled and was sleeping in the portable crib by the bedside. Eventually, they got into the bed together.

  “I didn’t even know you owned a pair of pajamas,” Lita told him with a laugh.

  “I bought some as soon as we toured the hospital and I found out I could stay here with you,” he told her.

  As they lay there in the dark wrapped in Sebastian’s arms, she thought about how much her life had changed in the last nine months since she won that competition.

  She was engaged to a man that she loved immensely. A man that had grown and changed even in the short time that she had known him. Lita had hope that he would continue to grow but had little doubt that he would be an amazing father to their child.

  Mirabella Valentina Fox. Their wondrous beauty who had made it to them today, healthy and strong, despite their fears at times that she might not. Lita knew that their future wouldn’t be smooth. They would always have to worry about the paparazzi, and security would be a constant concern, but she also knew that Sebastian would do everything in his power to keep them safe.

  “You’ve gone quiet, princess. Are you asleep?” Sebastian asked her.

  “No, just thinking,” she told him.

  “About what?”

  “You. Mirabella. Our lives together,” she told him honestly.

  “And what do you think about those things?”

  “I think that I am the happiest I’ve ever been, and I’m glad I met you.”

  There was silence for a moment, then Sebastian spoke.

  “Posso baciarti?”



  Lita carefully placed Mirabella into her bassinet in their room at Galena, then turned on the baby monitor before she took the receiver with her and headed downstairs.

  It was Saturday night, and Mirabella would be three weeks old on Monday. Cruise Control were in full-blown rehearsals for the tour now, and they were all ready for the first concert in Chicago next Sunday. Lita and Mirabella had been given the all-clear by Dr. Floyd to go on the tour, and Sebastian had organized VIP tickets for him and his family to come to the Chicago concert.

  She walked downstairs and found Sebastian sitting on the sofa and looking at his phone. He looked up and smiled at Lita as she walked into the room.

  “How is she?” he asked her.

  “She’s fine, sleeping like a baby.” Lita grinned at him.

  “Good to hear.”

  Lita sat down on the sofa next to him and took a deep breath. She’d been thinking about something and had come to a decision that she needed to tell him about.

  “Sebastian, I’ve decided to cash your check.”

  “Really?” Sebastian looked surprised. “I never thought you’d do that, but it’s your choice. What’s your plan, millionaire princess?”

  “I want to donate the money to the hospital so that they can keep other babies alive like they did for Mirabella.”

  Sebastian smiled at her. “That’s a brilliant idea; I totally agree. We can go to the bank on Monday and then to the hospital to give them the donation afterward.”

  Lita leaned over and kissed him. She knew she shouldn’t be surprised that Sebastian would be so generous, but even now, he surprised her with how different he was from the person she’d expected him to be before she met him. She settled into his embrace when their kiss ended and felt completely and utterly content with her fiancé by her side and their baby girl sleeping upstairs.

  Did you love Lita and Sebastian’s story? If you want to read about the day they went to Navy Pier with Lita’s parents, it’s a special gift for my newsletter subscribers. All you need to do is click this link and I’ll send it to you.

  If you enjoyed this, I would greatly appreciate if you could leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews are so important for indie authors, and it would mean the world to me if you could let other people know how much you enjoyed the book.

  Italian To English Dictionary

  These translations are in the order they appear in the book and correct to the best of my knowledge. If you find any that are missing or incorrect, please email me and I’ll correct them at once.

  Sei Italiano? – Are you Italian?

  Sì, lo sono – Yes, I am.

  Italiano - Italian

  Sono più che abbastanza italiana, bella signora – I am more than Italian enough, beautiful lady

  Ciao - Bye

  Posso baciarti? – Can I kiss you?

  Stronzo – Asshole

  Bella – Beautiful (feminine)

  Per favore, principessa – Please stay, princess

  Sì – Yes

  Bello – Beautiful (masculine)

  Mamma – Mom

  Papà – Dad

  Un bacio non risolverà questo, principessa – A kiss won’t fix this, princess

  Ti posso abbracciare? – Can I hug you?

  Anche no. – Also no.

  Vuoi che tutti vadano, principessa? – Do you want everyone to go, princess?

  Preferisco di gran lunga la vista del tuo culo quando sei nudo di fronte a me, però. – I much prefer the view of your ass when you’re naked in front of me, though.

  Sì. È la migliore canzone che abbia mai sentito. – Yes. It’s the best song I’ve ever heard.

  Ti amo, bambina mia. – I love you, my baby girl.

  Sneak Peek For The Stalker - Available October 23rd 2021

  Tatiana Swanson was stretched out on Bondi Beach in Sydney. She’d been for a swim and knew that she should probably head back to her rented home soon and check her emails. She’d finished her last contract two months ago and had left the European country she’d been working in, then come to Australia to relax.

  A muscled blonde man walked up to her and stood in front of Tatiana, casting a shadow over her. She looked up at him and frowned.

  “Hey there, sexy. Want some company?” he asked her in an Australian accent.

  “Pass, thanks. Can you move along? You’re blocking the sun.”

  Her words didn’t have the desired effect, and he looked even more interested as he asked her, “Are you American?”

  “Was there some part of what I said that made you think I wanted to have a conversation?” Tatiana raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Playing hard to get, huh?” He smiled at her in what he must think was a charming way.

  Tatiana sighed. “No, I’m just trying to enjoy my afternoon in peace. I’m sorry if I haven’t made myself clear; I’m not interested in you, please leave me alone.”

  She could see the moment th
at he felt her rejection. His expression changed from friendly to angry.

  “Well, you wouldn’t be out here in a tiny bikini like that if you didn’t want my attention.” He glared at her.

  Tatiana could feel her own anger rising, but she took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible, “I can assure you that I would be since I am. Nonetheless, I’d appreciate it if you would leave me alone now. Thanks.”

  “Come on; you don’t mean that.” His smile was back, and he leaned down from where he stood, then reached his arm out toward her.

  Tatiana’s instincts kicked in at once. She leaped up from where she was the instant his skin touched hers. She grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back, holding it there as she heard him groan in pain.

  “I tried to be polite,” she said to him. “Just so you know, I could break your arm right now if I wanted to. Never touch a woman without her consent. I’m going to let go of you in ten seconds. When I do, I suggest that you walk away and don’t speak to me again. No smartass comments, and for fuck’s sake, don’t touch me again.”

  She held him in that position as she counted ten slow breaths. In her experience, it was always best for both her and the other person to have time to calm down before she released them. He was not the first man she’d come across in her life who had been unable to accept rejection.

  Tatiana slowly let go of his arm, and he shook it in the air as he glared at her, but wisely said nothing before walking away. She sighed. It had been a great afternoon until he came along. Tatiana pulled on a dress, packed up her things, and headed back to the beach house that she’d rented for the month.

  She dropped her bag near the door and headed to her laptop. Tatiana clicked through the usual emails, replied to one from a friend about how she was enjoying her time in Australia, then clicked on one from someone called Cooper Powell.

  The name rang a bell for Tatiana, but she couldn’t quite place where she’d heard it before until she read what he’d written to her.


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