Torrid Rush: A Single Dad Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 3)

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Torrid Rush: A Single Dad Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 3) Page 7

by Scarlett Avery

  She shakes her head. “No, Everly. Those are definitely ranunculus.”

  “So what message is this guy sending her?” Callum asks the question I’m too chicken to ask.

  “A pretty clear one. You send ranunculus when you want to tell a woman you find her charming and attractive.” What? “In other words, this guy thinks our little Everly is very hot!”

  “That explains why there was so much sexual tension between the two of them. It was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife,” Callum says.

  My heart begins beating so hard in my chest I think I’m going to faint.

  Mother of God.



  “Can you feel the electricity in the air?” Xander asks, pausing at the entrance to the Bedford Room.

  “It's undeniable,” I say, scouring my surroundings.

  “A drink?” Xander asks.

  “I need one.”

  “Let’s make our way to the bar,” he suggests.

  “Good idea,” I say, trailing behind him.

  Although relatively new, the StreamTunes Awards has become a big deal in the industry. It’s taking place at the Brighton Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. The Who’s Who of the music business is here tonight. A conversation with the right person could change your life in the blink of an eye and turn into a shit-ton of money.

  There truly is no business like show business.

  Once we order our whiskey drinks, Xander and I stand side-by-side, facing the large stage.

  “Cheers!” he lifts his glass.

  “Cheers!” I say, clinking my glass against his.

  We take a long swig of our drinks, appreciating the smoothness.

  “Wow. My palate never gets jaded,” Xander shakes his head.

  “Especially when we’re talking about a rare Midleton Dair Ghaelach Bluebell,” I point out.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Xander says in an awful American accent.

  “This goes down nicely with the pre-award buzz.”

  “Even more so when one of your artists is the darling of the evening,” Xander says.

  “I have a good feeling about Misty Ace.”

  “So do I,” he says. “Her talent is mind-blowing. The fact she comes in an attractive package that isn’t tacky or overtly sexual is the cherry on the sundae.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better. Her weekly sales numbers are staggering.”

  “This single mom is setting records.”

  “She is. My team of publicists is on standby, waiting to milk every second of tonight’s highlights just in case she wins.”

  “She will. I’m certain of it. If I were you, I’d warn your PR team because they’ll be up half the night just trying to keep up. With the lineup of artists you have tonight, something tells me you’ll come out the big winner.”

  “Fingers crossed.”

  You can never get too cocky in this industry. Arrogance can quickly become your demise.

  Xander Emerson and I have been in the music industry since we were young. He’s British. He’s in LA for the awards. While he was breaking records on the pop charts in the UK, my band and I were setting the world of rock music on fire. In other words, he has better dance moves than I do.

  I stayed in the industry by becoming the head of my own record label. Xander became one of the best talent scouts in the UK and Ireland. He’s the one who discovered Misty. Since she’s American, he thought she would be a perfect fit for me. He was right. I signed her to my label and she’s been topping charts ever since.

  “Looking at the crowd,” Xander says, “I can already tell, the after-party will be cracking, mate. Alas, I’ll miss it.”

  “I guess since you arrived earlier today, you must be jetlagged?”

  “I’ll undoubtedly feel the trip, but that’s not it. My girl has been in California for the past week. She’s replacing a colleague who was supposed to scout new American artists for the London gallery. Unfortunately, her colleague became violently ill at the last minute, so Delilah’s boss asked her to step in. She’s at a gala as we speak. She won’t stay too long. I’ll head back to the hotel early to spend the evening with her.”

  Xander and I are close enough for him to confide in me. He’s in a ménage relationship with a Texan. In other words, he and his best friend, Ethan, are in love with the same woman. It’s not for me, but I respect his choice.

  “And I thought you were going to party hard,” I tease.

  “Nah. That life is behind me,” he grins. “Good news for you, though. More chances for you to score since you won’t have any competition,” he chuckles.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk, mate. Language. As a father, you should be more careful.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Regardless. I don't plan on sticking around,” I tell him. “I'm sure things will get crazy later on—like they always do in our industry.”

  “I have a good reason to cut the evening short. What's yours?”

  I shrug in response.

  “Isn't Naomi with her nursemaid?” he presses.

  “Yeah, she’s with her nanny. She’s sleeping there tonight. Depending on how well we do, I’ll work the room, but I’ll be heading home early.”

  Xander’s head whips towards me. “Are you saying you’re walking away from—” He cuts his sentence short and takes a step closer to me, “easy pussy?” He whispers those last words.

  Sure, there are tons of female peers in the room—who happen to be powerhouses—but since the public votes for the winners, there are also a lot of groupies and wannabes here tonight. I’ll pass.

  “I guess so,” I laugh.

  “Is something wrong with your cock?”

  “Fuck off.”

  “As your friend, I have a right to be concerned.”

  “You’re worrying your pretty little head for nothing,” I say.

  “What kind of former rock star are you?” I open my mouth to respond, but he doesn't give me a chance. “As a former pop star, I hold a formidable score chart, but I always thought you rockers were luckier than we were because of the edgy bad boy factor. You just shattered all my hopes and aspirations.”

  I can't help but laugh.

  “You're crazy, Xander.”

  “If I were still single, I’d be shagging my way through this room. LA women love a tall, dark and handsome man with a British accent. Although you have an American one, I’m sure you could still hold your own,” he mocks. “You do have those blue eyes women seem to lose their mind over… I guess that also plays in your favor,” he adds.


  “You really have to do something about that dirty mouth of yours. For the sake of your daughter, of course.” I just shake my head. “Seriously, mate, have you not seen the women here tonight? I’m not looking because I’m no longer on the market, but I’m just pointing out the obvious.” His freaked-out expression is priceless.

  “I just got back from the New York office a few hours ago. I barely had time to shower, change, kiss my baby girl goodnight and make it here in time to meet you. It’s going to be a long night and I’m already tired.”

  Xander’s jaw drops. “What does fatigue have to do with your cock?” he asks in a low voice.

  “It has everything to do with it.”

  “You’re only thirty-two, Holt, not eighty-two. Even then, there’s a reason they invented Viagra. What’s going on, mate?”

  “With events like this one, you never know when someone might turn out to be clingy, or worse, a stalker. Some women say yes to a one-night stand, but the second you make them come, you transform into their forever. I’ll skip the drama.”

  “This is a big hotel. Don’t go back to her place and don’t take her back to yours, but for the love of God, take your testicles out of the sock drawer. Get your cock wet. Please. Then, have a little light post-coital conversation and everyone is happy. Problem solved!”

  “Thanks for the step-by-step pla
n, Xander.”

  “Just doing my job as your mate,” he grins.

  “Save it. After the date I had last Saturday, I need a break. A long one.”

  “That doesn’t sound too good.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. Jace’s flavor of the moment—Trish from Chicago—was in town with her cousin Kendra. Jace suggested a double date. I wasn’t too keen on the idea at first, but since the women were only in town for a few days, I figured, how bad can it be.”

  “It was a disaster?”

  “The words fail me.”

  “Yikes. Do you want to get it off your chest?”

  “When Jace and I got to the restaurant, Kendra was there. Alone—”

  “What happened to Trish?” Xander asks.

  “When Jace asked the question, Kendra told us her cousin was at the hotel, sick like a dog. A bad case of food poisoning. Kendra didn’t text Jace to let us know because she figured it would still be fun to have dinner together. Jace bowed out stating that three was a crowd—”

  “He just left you there?”

  “I might never forgive him,” I say.

  “Man, that’s cold.”

  “Jace took one look at Kendra and decided it was going to be a great evening for me. Sure, the woman is a knockout, but she just couldn’t shut up.”

  “A chatterbox makes for a pitiful date.” Xander shakes his head with a grimace painted on his face.

  “My point exactly.”

  “How could your cousin do that to you?” Xander asks.

  “To Jace’s defense, he had no clue Kendra was a motormouth. She went on and on about things of no importance––completely inconsequential to me.”

  “Gorgeous, but she has little going on for herself.”

  “Yup. As if that wasn’t enough, the woman has more issues than Sports Illustrated. And the magazine has been in circulation since the fifties.”

  “Talk about adding insult to injury,” Xander comments.

  “It was the longest two hours of my life. It was so bad I had to cut dessert short.”

  “How did you get out of it?”

  “I told Kendra it was getting late—never mind it was only nine-thirty—and I had to get back home to pack for my trip.”

  “Desperation is the only reason a bloke would resort to that excuse. It’s a classic brushoff, mate.”

  “I was well beyond desperate. The woman was driving me out of my fucking mind. She was shocked when it became obvious the evening wasn’t going to end with sex. No thanks. I’ll keep it in my fist.”

  Xander laughs.

  I don’t find it in me to even crack a smile.

  The whole time I was suffering through my date with Kendra, I could only think of Everly—the tempting woman who’s preoccupied my thoughts for the past five days. I barely know her and yet I’m completely mesmerized by her. What makes matters worse is the fact I really wanted to see her again, but I was out of luck two days in a row. I usually go out of my way to avoid hooking up with women who live in LA, but Everly’s personality shines. I want more of her and I’m willing to break my own rule.



  “Where did you go just there? It’s like I lost you, mate.”


  “Ladies and gentlemen,” A loud voice coming from the speakers begs for our attention. “We have a stellar evening lined up for you tonight. The ceremony will start in the next twenty minutes. Please find your seats.”

  “Showtime!” Xander cheers.

  “Let’s go win some awards,” I tap his shoulder.



  “What an amazing evening!” Ainsley says.

  The ceremony ended two hours ago, but my cousin and I have been hopping from one party room to another. Now, it’s time for a little break.

  “And to think, the after party just kicked off,” I say as we enter the lounge swarming with more stylish people.

  The chic room reserved for those in need of something a little more mellow looks like an enormous living room. Just like the rest of the hotel, it’s decorated beautifully. Thank God, the music isn’t so loud you can’t hear yourself think.

  “I’m still dizzy from all the big names,” I say.

  “I can’t believe we’re part of the audience as opposed to watching all the action on TV or catching the highlights on YouTube or Facebook. What a privilege. And I have you to thank.”

  “Honestly, I’ve never been happier to bail out a client than I am now.”

  Callum is a real trooper. He’s at the bakery to oversee the small team on standby—that’s why Ainsley is my date for tonight. Everything should be as smooth as butter, but just in case Ryan Hammerstein needs an extra batch of donuts for whatever reason, we can deliver at the drop of a hat.

  “Mazel tov, to you cuz!”

  “You’re hilarious, Ainsley.”

  “Enough chitchat. Let’s move on to something important.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like our fave celebs!”

  She’s so excited about tonight. I won’t lie, so am I. “Denisa Luka, Belinda Knowles and Taylin Shiftt in the same room as little ol’ me and little ol’ you?” She places the back of her hand against her forehead. “I nearly died,” she says theatrically.

  “I agree. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Belinda is so much taller in person. And, can she ever rock a pair of five-inch heels!”

  “Hear, hear!” I cheer.

  “Vickie Sky is absolutely gorgeous.”

  “Love, love, love what she’s wearing,” I say. “She has such impeccable taste.”

  “Says the woman who’s been turning heads all evening,” Ainsley purses her lips and waves a manicured finger up and down the length of my body. “You’re rocking this look.”

  I blush furiously.

  “I don’t know about the turning heads part, but thank you for the compliment.”

  “Tsk. You’re blind.”

  “I had some professional help,” I laugh. “I owe it all to Skylar. The second she saw this outfit, when we went shopping together last month, she declared it would be a crime for me to walk out of the store without buying it. So I did.”

  “Ahhh. Our little MD fashionista,” Ainsley laughs.

  “She is.”

  “Oh!” Ainsley suddenly clamps her hands around my forearm. “Did you see Bryant Harris? Lord!” she says with an almost suffering sigh.

  “Apparently, he’s back with Amber Rae. It’s pretty hot and heavy again.”

  “No way?”

  “Way!” I even crank my neck for effect.

  “And did you see sexy action-star-slash-fitness-model-slash-man-candy Collin Dennison?”

  She’s hilarious.

  “Did I ever.”

  “I nearly passed out when he stepped on stage to present an award.”

  “What about his equally sexy older brother, Shane?” I ask.

  “Dreamy!” we say in unison.

  We lose it in a fit of childish giggles.

  “You’ve arrived, darling! It's one thing to hobnob with my socialite peers, but it's a whole other thing when you're able to rub shoulders with artists and celebrities. Bravo!” she grins wide.

  “I still can't believe I got this contract,” I say.

  “This calls for a toast. Again,” she says, snatching two glasses of champagne from a passing waitress before handing me one.

  I beam with pride. “Okay!”

  “Here’s to you, the indisputable queen of donuts. May your sugary goods keep opening doors for us! Long live the queen!”

  I explode in laughter.

  “It’s rude for you not to clink your glass with mine,” she says with a feigned scold.

  “Cheers!” I say, when I find my composure.

  “Cheers!” she parrots. “Seriously, you’re the best at what you do. You deserve this.”

  “Thanks for saying that.”

  “I o
nly speak the truth,” Ainsley says.

  My donuts have been featured at some pretty notorious birthday parties and weddings. Until recently, I thought the apogee of my career was to be associated with Food TV famed chef and personal trainer to the stars, Shane Dennison. I still can’t believe I was out running errands when he came into my shop. Six months ago, when Ryan Hammerstein called to thank me for his last-minute rushed order, I never imagined he’d end the conversation by telling me he wanted me to be part of the dessert table at the StreamTunes Awards. I jumped up and down screaming my head off for a solid ten minutes.

  “One thing I’ll say about tonight, the choice of hot men abounds,” Ainsley purrs.

  “That was an abrupt change of subject,” I frown.

  “Are you oblivious to what’s happening around you?” she says, scouring the room.

  “I’ve been blissfully basking in the excitement of the evening. I haven’t been paying particular attention to the men in the room.”

  “You should!” she scorns.

  “They’re a little out of my league. Don’t you think?”

  “Honey, in that outfit, you could easily be mistaken for an up-and-coming starlet no one’s heard about yet.”

  “I like the way you think, Ainsley.”

  “Do you really want to know what I think?”

  “No.” My answer is cautious. That glint in her eye is worrisome. I’ve seen it before and it’s rarely the precursor of something good.

  “Illicit and slutty sex with a handsome celeb awaits!”

  Clearly, this pertains to her. After all, she looks stunning in her bejeweled emerald gown. “You already have your eye on someone?” I ask.

  “Oh no. Not for me. For you, honey. Tonight, you’re fucking for two.”

  “Okay, that was German to me.”

  “I’m monogamous again. Jesse and I are back together. He did this caveman routine when he found out I was your plus one for tonight. The idea of me standing in a room filled with eligible––and powerful––bachelors didn’t sit well with him. I love it when he’s jealous,” she laughs.

  The funny thing is Ainsley hasn’t been with another guy since she had slutty sex with Jesse at the Waldorf. And from what I understand, neither has he. Why they can’t be honest about the way they feel about each other is beyond me.


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