Hammered (Getting Dirty Series Book 4)

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Hammered (Getting Dirty Series Book 4) Page 6

by Tory Baker

  “You either get it out now or you wait until later, baby.” I thrust my hips up, and she sinks down on my length.

  “Fuck, this isn’t fair, Chance,” she moans out.

  “It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you. Are you going to tell me you love me, baby?” My lips are on hers, sucking on them, nipping at them, needing her more than I ever thought possible.

  “Yes, if you let me breathe,” she smarts off.

  “Fine, I’ll stop doing this too.” I thrust up, grinding while doing so, giving her clit that friction I know she craves.

  “God, Chance.” Her head arches back, leaving the column of her throat bare for me.

  “I know. Fuck, do I know.” I nip at her neck, both of our bodies working together.

  “I love you, Chance, so much. I know you didn’t leave me, even if I let my mind wander. I knew you’d always come back to me. I just didn’t expect it to be tonight.” It’s a good thing she got that out when she did, because the way our bodies are moving, it won’t be long until we both come together.

  “Baby, I told you. I’d fight for us, no matter what comes our way,” I grunt, feeling her cunt tightening around my length. A ripple moves through my body, and I hate like hell I’m about to shoot my load deep inside her body so soon.

  “Chance.” My name coming from her lips is like a plea.

  “Come for me, Peyton.” It comes out as a groan as I thrust up, making sure to swivel my hips. My eyes look at everything that is the woman who is my life, her head tipped back in rapture, biting her lip, her eyes closed, tits bouncing, and don’t even get me started on the view I have of my cock tunneling in and out of her tight heat.

  “I’m coming.” As soon as the words tumble from her mouth, she’s bringing me with her. I lazily slide in and out until we both come down from our high. Thank God for a tankless water heater, or we’d both be freezing our asses off.

  “What a way to profess our love for one another.” Peyton’s eyes open, a glazed look covering her face from her orgasm.

  “Pretty sure we’ve loved each other all along. At least I know I did,” I confess.

  “I knew you did. I was being a scaredy cat and didn’t want to say anything until you did.”

  “Kinda figured that, baby. Let’s get washed up and head to bed. I could use some sleep, real sleep, and by the way, you do too.” I lower her off my length.

  “Sleep, it’s been so long since I’ve had a full night of sleep.” For Peyton to admit that, I know she’s really let her guard down.

  “Well, you won’t be sleeping alone anytime soon. Fox is taking care of the electrical issue, but if I have to go back down there, you’re coming with me. No matter what. If we have to hire someone up here for a temporary position, we will.” I’ve looked over the numbers, and as much as I’m still looking at other plans, I know we can at least do this for the time being.

  “Okay.” She’s already grabbing my body wash, and I know we’ll be going another round after she has her hands all over me again. Fuck, I may have screwed up in the beginning, but now the only way from here is up. Especially with Peyton by my side.



  “Are you crazy?” I ask Chance the next morning over breakfast. We both decided to play hooky from work, at least for half the day. I needed sleep, and he needed time to recharge.

  “Not that I’m aware of. You have to admit it’s a solid plan. The only stipulation is we’d spend half our time in South Carolina and half our time in Lodgeview,” Chance tells me.

  “Have you talked to your accountant, a financial planner? I mean, I have a nest egg put away that I can help with, but still. You know?”

  “Baby, I wouldn’t have brought it up to you if I hadn’t thought of that. I love like hell you’re offering to help me out, but I’ve been socking money away. I’ve had a few potential clients reach out to me while I was in South Carolina, and it would be lucrative as hell.” Chance is making me a hot cup of tea after making himself a cup of coffee. We’re total opposites when it comes to our version of caffeine.

  “Just the same, if you realize you need it, or if we need the money to put a down payment on a place down there, we have it,” I offer.

  Chance doesn’t know it, but after my breakdown last night, I called my girls. The insight they gave me made me pull my big girl panties up and realize the past is the past. And I need to be living in the future. That’s why when I heard the water turn on, I knew I needed to be the one to go to Chance, not the other way around.

  “Not gonna argue on what you do with your money. I hope we don’t have to dip into it. We both want children, and we could always put that away for their college.” This man, he never ceases to amaze me.

  “Considering you want a passel of kids, we might have to do that.” My arms loop around his middle, my lips meeting his warm smooth skin as I place them over his heart.

  “Damn right, I do. If I’m not wrong, I’d say by the number of kids you said you want, we both want a big family.” Chance looks down at me, a grin on his face. He’s not wrong, but he wants something the size of a baseball team, not really, but the number four was tossed out, and I was more on the maybe three children. Growing up, there were times us four children had to share a bathroom, and on the rare occasion Berkley was in town, there were five of us bitching and moaning about who was getting the shower next.

  “Okay, fine, but max three. If our future kids are in sports, I refuse to tote them around in a minivan. I’m far too pretty for that kind of vehicle,” I joke around, but seriously, if he told me he was buying a minivan, I’d stomp my foot, return it to the car dealership, and buy a bigger SUV. Even my mom with all of us kids, she still didn’t own a minivan, and neither will I.

  “No minivan, I promise, but we’ll circle back to the number of four. You want to stay home today? I’ll take my calls in the living room. We can be vegetables.”

  “That sounds so good, but I have payroll to do today, so that’s a no for me. You can stay home though. It won’t take but a few hours until I’m coming back.” I move out of Chance’s arms and head to the fridge to pull out something for both of us to eat.

  “Then I may as well go with you, but I’m not working in the field today. That will be on tomorrow’s agenda. Is there anything I need to know about what the crews are working on?” I’m pulling out the eggs, bacon, and thinking about making grits with it when I whip my head around to look at him.

  “No, but you know this already. Are you worried about something?” I ask.

  “I feel like I’ve left you in the lurch, baby. I’m not real thrilled about how much you’ve had to do. You’re run ragged, and you still have to go into the office. I felt like I’ve failed you. It’s no wonder you were on the verge of a breakdown last night.” I look over at him. Chance’s shoulders are slumped, and now it’s him who looks defeated.

  “No, you didn’t. Not at all. We’re a team. I should have called you before it got too overwhelming or, I don’t know, let the foreman help out?”

  “Either way, it won’t happen again.” Chance is wearing a pair of gray sweatpants hanging loosely off his hips, that happy trail of his catching my gaze.

  “Not sure you can promise that if we’re expanding Adams Construction, you know?” I arch my eyebrow but am licking my lips at the same time.

  “Don’t look at me like that. We don’t have time for what you want if you have payroll to do. Paul, the foreman I’m using in South Carolina, I think he’ll be a huge asset. If it weren’t for this being Fox’s place, I’d let him take the lead.”

  “Well, then I guess we should make breakfast and head out. Are you good to have dinner at my parents’ place this weekend?” I ask. It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve seen them. Sure, we’ve talked on the phone and whatnot, but physically seeing them and having our Sunday dinner, it’s been awhile.

  “I’ve got no bones about that. Is your mom making her banana cream pie?”

“Hmm, maybe I’ll have to put a bug in her ear.” Now it’s Chance who comes up to me. He moves me away from the stove, holding me in his arms.

  “You do that. I’ll be sure to pick up that bottle of bourbon your dad likes so much.” He knows the way to my dad’s heart already.

  “I’ll let Mom know, then. Give me a kiss so I can cook our breakfast and maybe we can clock out of work early for a Friday delight.” I wink, but his lips are already on mine, giving me a searing kiss that has me curling my toes and yearning for more than just his lips.

  “Woman, you keep mewling like that, I’ll say fuck payroll and we’ll end up back in bed.” Chance swats my ass, and then I get back to making us breakfast even if I’d rather lie around in bed with him all day.



  “Who all is here today?” I ask two days later as we pull into Peyton’s parents’ house. There are more cars than I figured there would be.

  “Bridger and Kellie and Rowen and Braxton as far as I know, but there sure are a whole lot of cars on the street today, huh?” she responds.

  “You sure about that, baby? Because I don’t think we brought enough Bourbon or food.” There was no way I was coming to her parents’ house without something for the both of them. My mom would skin my hide if I did, so we made some kind of charcuterie board thing Peyton found online from some sort of influencer.

  “Oh yeah, even if we don’t, Mom always cooks more food for Sunday dinners than anyone can eat, but it looks like the neighbors are having a get-together.” That gives the tightening in my stomach a chance to relax. I have an agenda of my own today, one that I don’t really need a whole shit ton of people around for. Hell, the way Bridger acts about his sisters, I won’t be surprised if he sits in on this conversation as well.

  “Well, let’s get this show on the road.” I park my truck and nod to Peyton, letting her know I’ll be coming over to help her out.

  “You’re the one dilly-dallying,” she jokes. It causes me to chuckle, but she’s not wrong, and I move my ass.

  I make a grand gesture, giving her shit back after she threw it my way. “Your chariot awaits, milady.” I open her door, my hand out to help her. Peyton rolls her eyes at me but still uses my hand to get out of the truck.

  “Funny, really funny.” She grabs the board with food, and I grab the bottle of bourbon, and we make our way inside. Peyton doesn’t bother knocking, instead, she just walks through the door.

  “Hey, Mom!” I follow her in, taking in the house where the woman I know I’ll be asking to marry someday was raised, and that will be happening soon.

  “Hey, baby girl, it’s so good to see you.” I watch as the two of them embrace. Mrs. Jennings sees me and brings me into the fold.

  “And you, it’s been far too long since the two of you have been at my table on a Sunday. You better make sure that doesn’t happen again,” she admonishes.

  “I’m sorry about that. It won’t happen again.” I pull away from her hug, giving her a wink.

  “Sure, sure. The men are out back. Go on out there. Rowen is upstairs, dragging out something or other to take to her and Braxton’s place. I swear she’s always shopping in this house like it’s a department store.” She makes a hand gesture, which is my cue to go. I kiss Peyton on her cheek. “See you out back, baby.”

  It’s time for me to ask Mr. Jennings for my womans’ hand in marriage. I know one thing for sure—even if he says no, there’s no way I’ll take it sitting down.

  “Hey, man, how are you?” Bridger says, standing up. I reach him and shake his hand.

  “Hey, can’t complain. You?” I watch as he eyes the bottle of bourbon in my other hand. His eyes show nothing but happiness. Not exactly what I was expecting, but I’m happy just the same.

  “Never better. Kellie will be here shortly. I’m sure we won’t see the girls for a bit,” he offers before taking a seat. Apparently, Kellie is riding in her own vehicle, which will be fun trying to find parking with the neighbors partying like it’s the Fourth of July.

  “About damn time you came around, boy. It’s been about a month. The company keeping you busy?” Mr. Jennings asks as he shakes my hand and then pulls me in for a hug as well.

  “You could say that again. Just got in Friday after being gone for a week. Not something I really want to deal with, but Fox is Fox, and I’m not gonna hang him out to dry either.”

  “No, that’s not something you’d do. That bourbon for me?”

  “It sure is.” Bridger and he have the same exact expression on our face.

  “Ah shit, we all know what that’s for.” Braxton nods at the bottle in my hand.

  “Damn, guess y’all can read me like a book. Yet Peyton has no damn idea.” I take my seat. Might as well get comfortable.

  “I’ll go grab the glasses while you three start this conversation.” I’ve never seen Braxton move so fast.

  “Look at him scurrying off. It’s not like he hasn’t been in your shoes before,” Peyton’s dad says with a chuckle.

  “Well, I’m here to ask for Peyton’s hand in marriage. Not exactly sure when I’ll ask her, but I’m hoping to have your permission. It’d make me the happiest man on earth to have her by my side,” I lay it out for both of them.

  “Hell, I knew it would take a real man to tame Peyton. You’re already family in my eyes. You guys live together and work together. You may as well be married.” Bridger kicks up his feet and places them on the edge of the table.

  “Boy, if your momma comes out here and sees your feet on the table, she’ll hit you upside the head, and me.” Mr. Jennings shakes his head before finishing his statement, “Welcome to the family. Now, tell me what you’ve been up to.”

  The three of us shoot the shit until Braxton comes back outside, then we all talk more shop, have a couple of shots of bourbon. Braxton’s garage is doing well, Nighthawk is flourishing with Bridger and the guys, and we talk about expanding Adams Construction and how it might take Peyton and me away a month or so at a time.

  “Not sure that will matter any. We’ll just have to start traveling in the RV again. It seems half our family lives in different states these days.”

  “What are you talking about, Daddy?” Peyton comes over, hugs her dad, and then moves to sit on my lap. Her arms loop around my neck. There’s a sparkle in her eyes, and I know what that means—my woman has had a couple of glasses of wine. I’m done drinking. The last thing I want to do is get into a vehicle tipsy and something happens to us.

  “You and Chance here going back and forth to South Carolina,” he responds.

  “That just means more traveling for us.” Peyton’s mom finds her way to her seat and takes her husband’s hand in hers.

  “Don’t I know it,” he agrees.

  “How much have you had to drink, baby?” I whisper into Peyton’s ear. Her cheeks flush, a giggle coming from her.

  “A few. You guys were talking for a while, and us women didn’t want to interrupt. Though, Kellie was starting to bring out the margaritas. That’s when I tapped out. She was running for the bathroom by the time we came out.” God, do I love a tipsy Peyton, but I know now isn’t the time for it. She needs food in her, or she’ll really lose her filter, and with those her inhibitions go out the window.

  “Love the way you’re looking at me, baby, but I’m thinking you need some food. You wanna let me up so I can go get the food and bring it out?” I offer.

  I no sooner say those words when Kellie opens the back door with two trays in her hand.

  “Saved by the food,” I joke with Peyton.

  “There’s always next time.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek before diving into the food, but not before she shimmies her ass on my hardening cock, making it mighty uncomfortable for the remainder of the night while her family surrounds her. And I know just how I’ll be paying her back later on this evening. I’m thinking something in the form of multiple orgasms, until she’s pleading for me to stop.

  Oh yeah
, payback is going to be what dreams are made of.



  Six Months Later

  “Hey, what has you so lost in thought?” Chance asks. I’m standing out on the deck to the house we have in South Carolina. It’s on the beach, another fixer-upper that we scooped up. My thoughts are back on that test I took hours ago while Chance was working on something that went wrong in the house. It was supposed to be an easy fix, but much like everything that happens in a place that needs a shit ton of work, it took hours. Nothing says honeymoon like the plumbing failing in the master bathroom. I laughed, grabbed the box that held a pregnancy test, and scurried into the other bathroom.

  “Oh, just thinking about how in nine months, there’ll be another person living in our home and you’ll really have to watch your mouth when something goes wrong.” Chance spins me around in his arms.

  “Fuck, woman. Are you telling me we’re going to be parents?”

  “Yes.” I think back on the day we celebrated our wedding, all of our family together, congregating in the small church in Lodgeview. I walked down the aisle to Chance. He was wearing a light gray suit, a white button-down shirt opened up at the throat, standing there. The look in his eyes, knowing I was the one who put it there, took my breath away. I wore a white lace and form fitting dress with a sweetheart-style neckline. Of course, this was all Aspen’s doing. My hair and makeup, definitely a mix from Berkley and Rowen. It was hard for both Chance and me to choose who would stand up with us. His brother would be an obvious one, so would Paul. That would have still made it difficult for me, with my sisters and cousin. It was easier for it to be about us and not have the hassle of hurting anyone’s feelings. Even my dad choked up when he gave me away, though I’m not sure if they were happy tears because all of his girls are married and out of the house now. After our ceremony, we went back to Chance’s parents’ house and had food and desserts. The open bar was a plus. That was also when I told Chance I threw out my birth control pills. He picked me up off my feet and marched us out of their house so fast, I think I got whiplash.


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