Fated Shifter Mates

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Fated Shifter Mates Page 19

by Jade Alters

  Damon walked into the clearing toward us and kicked away the men's firearms.

  "Are you okay?," he asked Jeanine.

  "Yes, but Ryker isn't."

  "I wouldn't be sure of that."

  Ryker groaned and sat up.

  "Took you guys long enough to get here," he said crankily.

  "Ryker!" exclaimed Jeanine, and she threw herself into his arms.

  "I'm fine."

  "No, you were out. You could have a concussion."

  Kane chuffed with a feline laugh.

  "What?" she said.

  "His head is so hard, I'm surprised the butt end of that rifle hasn't cracked," said Damon.

  "Go get the backpacks. We shouldn't leave them on the beach anyway."

  "Aye, chief," he said, and he sprang into the forest at a run.

  "Now," said Ryker to our captives. "You will tell us who you are, who you work for, and what damned island we are on."


  Our captive refused to cooperate.

  Still, in my animal form, I scented the fear rolling off him, but he must be more afraid of his employer than us.

  It was time to change that.

  I huffed to get Ryker's attention.

  "What do you think, Kane?" said Ryker. "He doesn't want to cooperate."

  "Ask him about Surma," said Jeanine coldly. She stared at our captive with narrowed eyes. "She has dark skin and eyes, and black curly hair."

  "You," said Ryker. "Do you know anything about a dark-skinned woman hanging around Morgan?"

  "No hablo Ingles," he said stubbornly. He stuck out his chin defiantly and stared at us like he wanted to kill each one of us.

  "See, Jeanine. He doesn't speak English."

  "He understood, 'Hands up, get on the ground' well enough."

  "That he did," said Ryker. He glanced at me.

  "Kane, you can apply your persuasion skills now."

  I stalked toward him, and he tried to crab walk backward, but Ryker stopped him. Eye to eye with our captive, I growled.

  "Diablo!” he yelled and then jabbered a long string of Spanish words. Ryker spit at him in the same language to make sense, and that made the captive more frantic. He tried to twist away from Ryker and then sighted my fangs not two feet from his face. He screamed again when I laid my paw on his shoulder.

  The other guy pleaded with the first man to talk as Gunner pressed his paws on the man's chest. He panted with his large jaguar tongue hanging out of his jaw. The sight of Gunner's fangs terrified the man enough to make him pray to the Blessed Virgin.

  They say there are no atheists in foxholes. Apparently, there aren't in a Caribbean rainforest either when a jaguar stares you in the face. Ryker's interrogatee babbled a steady stream of Spanish words. I sniffed the man's neck, and the man shrieked and passed out.

  "Good job, Kane," said Ryker sarcastically. "We were just getting useful intel from him."

  Damon returned and tossed our backpacks to us. They landed with thuds on the ground. Damon pulled a length of rope from his and flipped the unconscious man over and lashed his wrists and ankles.

  "Please, señor, do not leave me with the Diablo," said the man I guarded. Por favor," he pleaded.

  Jeanine stood and walked to him, and I followed her.

  "Why should we?" she said fiercely. "You tried to hurt us, and your employer kidnapped my friend. You better talk now. Otherwise, I'll leave you to my kitties here."

  It should offend me she called me a kitty, but she said it with such affection that it warmed my heart. I butted my head into her hip, and absently she scratched behind my ear.

  Okay, now I know why cats go nuts for that. It was the best sensation aside from sex because her hand sent waves of pleasure down my spine. What have I've been missing all these years? I got the urge to flop to the ground and show her my cat stomach, but nope, I had to keep on the mission. Still, I head-butted her again after she pulled her hand her away to let her know I wanted to get closer.

  She was my mate.

  "Kane," snapped Ryker.

  Right. I can't act the part of fierce jungle cat when I'm acting like a house cat. I whipped my head back to the man whose eyes widened in fear once again.

  "Madre de Dios," he swore.

  "Nope," said Ryker. "She's the jaguar goddess coming to call. You've heard of her right? Rules the underworld with her mate? Do you want to see hell? She'll send you there."

  The man muttered, and I lunged at him, but Jeanine put her hand on my shoulder, and I stopped. But I growled.

  "Tell us what we want to know," she said. "Or I don't think I can hold my kitties back. They're hungry."

  "I swear that I don't know nothing," he babbled.

  She sighed. "Oh, well. Nice knowing you."

  "Wait, wait, Morgan has a base at the marina. He came in last night in a bad, bad mood. Brought a girl with him like you described. She didn't look good."

  "Fuck," said Jeanine.

  "Where's this marina?" said Ryker.

  "Over the ridge, in the harbor, north, ten kilometers."

  "On your stomach," ordered Ryker.

  "Don't let the cats—" gasped the man.

  "Stop stalling," said Damon. He flipped the man face down while our captive took breaths in ragged gasps and used a torn-up sheet to blindfold him.

  "The cats, the cats," he muttered.

  I shifted, and Jeanine watched wide-eyed as my fur receded and my jaguar frame reverted to a man. She eyed my naked form appreciatively, which caught Ryker's attention.

  "Get dressed," he ordered. "We have work to do."

  I pulled out green khakis and a black tee and winked at Jeanine as I pulled them on. She smiled.

  "Kane," growled Ryker.

  Jeanine took two steps to Ryker and looked up at him. "I appreciate this," she said in a voice that would melt frozen butter, "helping me find Surma."

  That did the trick. Oh, this woman had it all over us because Ryker's neck flushed red. He was as gone on her as I was.

  Gunner dressed too and flashed a grin at me after he saw Ryker's reaction. Damon looked away, deep in thought, which he did when he was thinking about mission objectives. But what mission he was on, I couldn't guess. He might be on board with finding this Surma chick or trying to find alone time with Jeanine.

  "Okay," said Ryker., "Let's head out."

  "Don't leave me alone with the cats," said our conscious captive. He squirmed on the ground. Gunner put his hands on the man's shoulders, causing him to start.

  "What cats?" he said. Then he growled a long, dangerous, growl which caused the prone man to thrash and scream.

  "You've missed your calling," I said. "You should have gone into psy-ops."

  "Aww," said Gunner., "I didn't know you cared."

  "Enough, you two. Let's get to work."

  "What about these guys?" said Jeanine.

  "We'll get in touch with local law enforcement and let them know their location," said Ryker.

  It took a little over two hours to make it to the marina. We could have gone faster, but the terrain was rough and Jeanine, as game as she was, didn't usually hike in these conditions. But we did "help" Jeanine during our hike.

  Okay, she didn't need our help. But that didn't stop us from offering a hand down steep slopes or swinging her over rocky streams. We competed to see who would get to Jeanine first, and she shook her head with a wry smile as we got more ridiculous.

  "Ryker," she called. "Why aren't you reining these guys in?"

  "Because," he said. "I'm waiting for my turn. I'll let these other guys tease you. When it's my time, I'll please you."

  "Big words," said Gunner.

  "You wait and see," said Ryker with authority. Right, big man. Chief Ryker Hardin, hard ass.

  "Maybe you don't get time alone," said Damon.

  "That's what you think."

  "Now, wait a minute, you make it sound as if you'll share me," said Jeanine.

  "That's right," said Damon. He swept her
into his arms. "You are part of Team Shadow now."

  I was not thrilled that Damon was holding her, and that she was looking at him with wide blue eyes, but hey, she looked at me that way too. So I could be patient. For a little while.

  "And who decided that?" said Jeanine.

  "We did," I said. "Or rather our cats. They see you as our mate."

  "What!" she shrieked.

  "Quiet," said Ryker peering ahead. "We're getting closer to the marina. We don't want to tip off any of Morgan's men that we're here. At least, not yet."

  "Explain to me," she said in a lower but fierce voice, "how I can be all your mates."

  "We aren't sure," I said. "Damon thinks it's instinctual."

  "At some point," said Damon, "we will have to find out more about our origins so we can get a better handle on this. We don't understand from where this comes. But we all want you, so we have to share."

  "Really?" she said. "And I have no say in this? And let me down."

  Damon put her feet on the forest floor.

  "Well, doll," said Ryker. "It's that or a fight to the death, and I'd rather not lose any of my team."

  "So we decided you were part of the team."

  "And how will your superior officers feel about that?"

  "After this mission," said Damon, "we won't have superior officers anymore. We're resigning."

  Ryker swiveled his head toward Damon.

  "We are?" His eyes narrowed. "Who made that decision?

  "We talked about it," said Damon, "after we found the road."

  "You didn't tell me about the road," groused Ryker.

  "Case in point," said Damon. "We wanted to get back to Jeanine and went in her direction. That will shoot our mission effectiveness all-to-hell, don't you think?"

  "Instinctual," growled Ryker.

  "Yes," said Gunner. "Think of it, Chief. We can't keep our head on the mission if we're itching to get back with Jeanine, or if we're worried about her safety."

  "What do you think about this, Kane?" asked Ryker.

  "I don't like it," I said.

  "At least you have your head on straight."

  "Not exactly. I feel the same way as Damon and Gunner. I just don't have to like it."

  Ryker huffed. "Let's get this body snatch done, and we'll talk about it later."

  "And what about me?"

  Gunner grinned so wide it was almost a leer.

  "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, baby."

  "Oh, boy," she said rolling her eyes.

  "Don't worry, babe," I said. "I'll save you from that smooth dog."

  "What? Do you guys know how to speak English?"

  "A smooth dog is a slick talking womanizer," said Damon.

  "Hey," said Gunner in an aggrieved voice. "I resemble that remark."

  "Quiet," snapped Ryker. Our heads whipped to Ryker who walked point, and he held up his arm to signal we should stop in our tracks. Then he pointed to Gunner to go forward on a sneak-and-peek, and Gunner cast Jeanine a rueful glance, then took off forward. Ryker sent me after him.

  "Gotta go, babe," I said. "Buddy system, remember?"

  "Right," she said.

  I took off into the underbrush, following my teammate, and I saw what Ryker did. It was a well-worn path that led the rest of the way down the mountain. Beyond the end of it, the blue Caribbean waters sparkled in a small harbor sitting between the folds of high ground. Three docks jutted out from the shore sporting a series of different sized boats, large and small. This would appear perfectly normal except for the men who patrolled the shore with automatic assault rifles hanging off their shoulders. Three mismatched tin-roofed buildings sat further in the fold on the thin sliver of beach.

  Gunner touched my shoulder and jerked his head back toward the rest of our team, letting me know we should report what we saw. But then a flash of white came out of one building, and the unmistakable figure of Aedan Morgan lit a cigarette. He stared out toward the water.

  I gave the hand sign indicating I'd stay, and Gunner shaking his head left me alone to keep an eye on Morgan. If there was one thing we did not want was Morgan hopping on one of those ships.

  He paced on the sand and kept looking out toward the head of the harbor, drawing deep drags of his cigarette. He looked worried, but then he should be.

  We would come for him soon.


  Gunner found a cave next to a waterfall buried in the ridge's cleft, and we set up our base there. Ryker wanted a safe place for Jeanine, and with the cave, we only needed one of us to stay with her. One backpack held a thermal blanket, and I laid it on the floor of the cave to give her something to sit on.

  We decided to wait until night to make our assault. If we blazed in during the day, then we'd face six men with deadly automatic rifles and a ton of bad attitude. Ryker would lead, Kane and Gunner would go in as their cats, and I would stay with Jeanine. Yeah, I drew the long straw—literally. Jeanine scoffed when we pulled lots for the privilege of protecting her.

  Ryker and Gunner disappeared to patrol the jungle in their cat form, and Kane changed to his as Jeanine watched wide-eyed. Kane's powerful cat head-butted her as playfully as a house cat. She reached out tentatively to pet his fur, and he chuffed.

  "Pretty kitty," she said.

  Kane growled. It was a hollow but powerful sound that frightened most people, and she held up her hands in surrender. "Okay. I won't call you a pretty kitty," she said. "But you are cute."

  Kane chuffed in annoyance and turned to leave us alone in the cave.

  "Looks like I struck a nerve," Jeanine said. She stared after Kane, biting her lip.

  "Don't take it personally. He doesn't like the idea of leaving the service."

  "You guys don't have to that on my account."

  I put my arm around her and drew her to me and kissed the top of her adorable head.

  "Sure we do, darling. We can't function like we usually did since we met you, and that could get us killed."

  "But it doesn't sound right, or fair."

  "We served a decade. If we stuck it out until retirement, we'd have to do another ten years. But I suspect, given our nature, they'll give us a difficult time either way in quitting or retirement. We're part lab rat to them, and they won't let us go willingly."

  "Are you sure about that?"

  "Yes. They don't treat us the same at other SEALs. We spend more time on mission than other units. When we return to base, which is rare, they segregate us from other soldiers. I'm sure they want to see how many missions we can take before we crack. Maybe it's just time."

  "Why? Because the last mission didn't go well?"

  "We didn't meet objectives the first time. The second time, he won't get away." I spoke with confidence and authority, and she swallowed hard.

  I stared intensely into her crystal blue eyes. There were whole worlds there swirling around with new mysteries to explore.

  "You aren't used to death, are you?" I said.

  "I've seen things. I've just haven't hung out with guys like you who deal with death as a matter-of-course."

  "There is nothing casual about our work. It's a job our country needs, and we do it with precision and skill. Besides, who else better to do this than a group of apex predators?"

  "I don't know what to think," she said. "And certainly I don't know what to think about all you guys with me—well, it's unusual."

  "Yeah," I said. I stroked her soft hair and kissed her cheek, but I wanted so much more. "But at least life won't be boring."

  "Life? My entire life?"

  "That's what mate means," I murmured in her ear. "Let me show you how exciting life will be."

  "Now?" she said surprised.

  "We have hours before we move. I think we can spare a little time for what's important."

  She didn't say "no," and that's all I needed. With my hand, I turned her face to mine and kissed her. Nothing felt so right in my entire life as kissing this woman. She was gorgeous, and with the sweetness of h
er lips, my cock hardened and throbbed. My lips grazed her neck and behind her ears, and she made a noise of want that unleashed my desire. I couldn't get enough of her skin. My fingers undid her bra, and I buried my head in the mounds of her breasts, licking, nibbling, and grazing my teeth on her nipples. She moaned under me, and her arousal drove me insane. I needed more of her.

  She clawed at my shirt and pulled the hem up and taking the cue pulled off my tee. Jeanine gazed at my chest and laid her hand on it stroking my hard muscles.

  "Lord, you are gorgeous."

  Her smile was the sunshine that lit my soul. For these moments nothing dark or unholy touched me, and the rough tides that rocked my soul from the life I led eased.

  "You are the most beautiful woman I've seen," I husked. I put my hand behind her head and urged her to lie down. Over her on my hands and knees, I kissed her mouth. Our tongues met and promised what was to come. Her disheveled hair and her eyes bright with excitement made her beyond gorgeous. Her breasts rose and fell faster as her heart sped. My jaguar eyes sensed all, saw all, and it made me wild with need. I unzipped my camo pants and pulled them down. I wasn't wearing underwear, and she licked her lips.

  "You want this, sweetheart?" I said. I pumped my cock a couple time with my hand and precum pearled at the tip.

  Jeanine got to her knees faster than I thought she could and grabbed my shaft with her hand. The softness of her skin and the pressure of her small fingers on my cock made me shudder. Swiftly she put her velvet lips around the tip of my shaft, and it felt so good I could cum. Her delicate tongue fluttered against the underside of my shaft, and I groaned. Her mouth was magic, and if I let her keep this up, I'd blow in a second.

  I pulled away.

  "You're too good, sweetheart, and I don't want our fun to end yet. Lie down."

  With questioning eyes, she did what I said, and I pulled down her panties filled with her cream. The aroma hit me, and I had to hold myself back from fucking her hard. But I wanted more for her. She was unique—the woman I would spend the rest of my life with, and this first time we're together I wanted her to remember for years to come.

  Not that fucking her hard wouldn't accomplish that, but I wanted her to know what was in my heart for her. The warmth there had grown from a spark to the power of the sun. I was her Earth, and I'd circle around her forever.


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