Be My Hero

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Be My Hero Page 20

by Linda Kage

  "I actually can't stay long. Saturday is always my morning with my kid. I'm already missing out on some daddy time."

  "Okay, no problem," Reese said, but she didn't sound convinced.

  "I still want to see Eva and Skylar before I go, though," he called just as I heard the back door to the garage open.

  Since Skylar was done eating, I climbed off the bed and carried her toward the kitchen, burping her as I went.

  "There you are!" Reese cheered as I strolled into the room. She set two overflowing bags on the table before turning to me and snatching Skylar from my arms. "I was just coming to check on you."

  "I know. I heard. My window was open, and oh my God . . . " I leaned in, lowering my voice. "The things men will talk about when they don't think a woman's listening. They make us think it's all cars, and sports, and sex with them. Well, I mean, there was plenty of sex talk but—"

  Reese gasped and stopped patting Skylar's back to grab my arm. "I knew it! Mason spilled about the jelly, didn't he?"

  I bit my lip, but my expression gave me away.

  Her mouth fell open. "I am so going to kill him."

  I stole Skylar back before she really did turn homicidal. "I don't think he meant to let it slip, if that's any consolation. They were giving tips to Quinn because he'd just slept with his first girl and—"

  "What? Wow. Quinn was a virgin? But he's so hot."

  "I know! Apparently he was raised by his grandma and didn't even know about going down on a girl. Plus, he's like super shy."

  "Holy shit, E." Reese pulled back and shook her head. "How the hell long did you listen to those guys?"

  "Oh, they were a fountain of juicy gossip."

  I settled Skylar into the bouncer on the table and helped Reese prepare our impromptu picnic. I was telling her how Gamble and his teacher girlfriend were back together when the back door opened and Mason popped into the kitchen.

  "Hey, babe," he told Reese as he swooped in behind her to draw his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. "The grill's fired up and ready to go, and Noel's family just showed up." A strange expression crossed his face before he added, "They agreed to stay for lunch, which brings the head count up to eleven and one beautiful little baby." He released Reese to turn to Skylar, pull her out of her chair, and rub his nose into her belly. "Hello, little girl."

  It still shocked me how affectionate he was with her, and how willing he was to hold her. As he cradled her and cooed to her, I glanced Reese's way. She'd pressed her lips together tight and was holding both hands to her heart as she watched him with this love-struck grin on her face. When she caught me watching her, she fanned her face with a hand and mouthed the words, "Isn't he amazing?"

  I rolled my eyes, but grinned, because yeah, she'd found herself an amazing man.

  "Mind if I take her outside and show her off to the guys?" Mason asked, glancing at me. "I think Pick's about to chew his arm off if he doesn't see one of you soon."

  There was just no way I could deny him such a wish, so I waved him on. But at the door he paused, and turned back to Reese. "Oh, and Dr. Kavanagh's here. She and Noel are back together."

  "Oh, I know. Eva was just—" Realizing she was about to give away the source of her gossip, Reese clamped her lips shut and then over-exaggerated big time as she burst out a fake gasp. "Really? Wow, that's great. I like her."

  "Yeah, but Noel warned us not to call her Dr. Kavanagh. He didn't want to weird her out and remind her how we used to be her students."

  "Sure. Sure. Wait? What is her first name?"

  Chapter 16


  Reese and I whipped up a fine spur-of-the-moment backyard barbeque, if I do say so myself.

  Aspen—never to be referred to as Dr. Kavanagh again—and Noel's sister Caroline found their way into the kitchen at one point. They helped us out a lot, and we had our own round of juicy gossip, talking about all the guys while veggies were chopped and hamburger patties were formed. Skylar remained the main attraction of the day and went from outside, to inside, to outside again as more people than I could count passed her around, taking their turn at holding her.

  By the time I finally left the kitchen, carrying Reese's legendary potato salad into the garage, a table and chairs had been set up, spilling out into the front drive. Pick shut the hood to Reese's car and was describing to Mason everything he'd fixed, while Ten and two younger boys were making fun of how uncomfortable Noel looked holding Skylar.

  "Don't listen to them," I told Gamble as I scooped my baby from his arms. "You're doing just fine." I turned away, looking for a place to sit, only to find Pick's gaze on me.

  "So you really were inside," he murmured, strolling forward. "I was beginning to wonder when you were ever going to make an appearance."

  My heart fluttered in my chest as he grinned down at Skylar.

  "Reese has been working my ass off in the kitchen. But I think we just about have everything ready. Have you already taken your turn holding Skylar?"

  "Not yet." He lifted his hands to show me how black and greasy his palms were. "Lowe's been working my ass off out here. I'm going to go clean up and come steal her from you, though."

  I nodded, unable to stop smiling at him. I hadn't seen him since his last visit to my hospital room to deliver Skylar's stuffed pig. That had been way too long ago. Just gazing into his warm, brown eyes refreshed something inside me.

  He paused a moment as if he wanted to say more. Then he shook his head, smiled, and turned away. I watched him disappear into the back door, and let out a little sigh, already wanting him to return.

  Shaking such strange thoughts from my head, I made my way to the chairs set up out in the driveway where Mason was flipping burgers on the grill. I found the nearest open seat and sank down, holding Skylar to my chest.

  I guess I should've known better than to sit by Ten, though.

  He sent me a chin bob and wiggled his eyebrows. "How's that breastfeeding coming along?"

  Oh, good Lord. Really? I sent him my best dry stare. "About as well as your ability to sleep with married women, it appears."

  "Oh, snap. That was low." He scowled at me before glancing around and lowering his voice. "How do you know about that, anyway?"

  I tipped my head to the front of the house. "Window to my bedroom's open."

  Ten's face actually reddened as he sank lower in his chair. "Not cool."

  The back door opened again, and I forgot about Ten as I glanced over. But it wasn't Pick who emerged. Reese was the first to come outside, hauling an armful of hamburger buns and paper plates. Aspen was behind her, carrying the vegetable tray. Caroline came next, toting a basket of ketchup, mustard, relish, and other condiments. And then, finally, Pick drew up the rear, his tattooed arms loaded down with pop bottles, cups, and bags of potato chips.

  "Pick," Reese called over her shoulder to him. "Why don't you just call your family and ask if they want to come to lunch too?"

  Next to me, Ten muttered under his breath. "Shit, no. Say no, say no, say no."

  Pick gnawed on his lip before casting me a quick glance. Then he shrugged. "Okay."

  Ten groaned and sank even lower.

  Even though I knew Pick's marriage wasn't a love match and he'd never slept with his wife, I wasn't sure how to feel about meeting her. I did want to meet Julian. But Tristy? Not so much. She had his last name, his beloved time, and so much of his attention. I couldn't help but be jealous of her.

  After a minute of pressing his phone to his ear, a worried look crossed his face. "Hmm. She's not home."

  "Oh, thank God," Ten whispered.

  "So, they won't miss you if you stayed for lunch?" Reese pressed, batting her lashes hopefully.

  "Yeah. I guess." But he still looked uneasy. "It's just strange. She doesn't usually like to take the baby out. I wonder where they went."

  Across the driveway, Noel's two younger brothers were trying to teach Quinn how to whistle.

  "You have to curl your t
ongue like this," instructed the oldest brother, whose name I think was Brandt.

  Noel chuckled. "Okay, leave him alone. His poor tongue already has enough to worry about."

  I glanced at Ten, waiting for him to jump in with his own crude comment. But he was too busy concentrating on kicking the toe of his shoe into the ground.

  I frowned and jabbed my elbow his way.

  He looked up and scowled at me. "What?"

  I lifted a hand. "Aren't you going to say something to that?"

  "Huh?" He glanced around, obviously clueless.

  "Oh my God. Noel left that wide open for you to say something completely offensive. Hell, even I had something dirty swimming through my head. What is up with you?"

  If anything, he frowned even harder, clearly irritated by my question. "Nothing. I'm fine."

  Hmm. Something had definitely changed since more people had arrived to the party. Thinking maybe he had a thing for Noel's professor girlfriend, I glanced toward Aspen, but she was busy helping Colton heap some food onto a Styrofoam plate. That's when I caught site of Caroline darting a quick glance between us. When she caught my eye, she flushed and quickly averted her gaze. Her cheeks were still red when I lifted my eyebrows and turned back to Ten, only to find his attention on her.

  Interesting. Very interesting.

  I leaned closed to him. "That sister of Noel's is stunningly beautiful, isn't she?"

  He snapped his gaze away from Caroline and blinked at me. "What?"

  "She just has that delicate, classic look about her. Don't you think? And I love that hair. I swear, it's an even lighter blonde than mine."

  He continued to scowl, his eyes only narrowing as if suddenly suspicious. "What's your point?"

  I shrugged and sent him an innocent little smile. "I have no point whatsoever." Skylar squirmed in my arms, so I looked down to check on her.

  As I was resituating her to hopefully make her more comfortable, Ten leaned in to whisper, "If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then stop. Right now."

  I turned to study the seriousness on his face. He definitely wasn't kidding around, which only gave more credence to my suspicions.

  "Hey, E.," Reese called across the drive. "You want me to hold Sky while you get your lunch or do you just want to sit there and flirt with Ten for the rest of the afternoon?"

  When everyone at the party paused to glance between Ten and me, my cheeks heated. I could kill my cousin for that question. But Reese just smirked at me and winked.

  "We were not flirting," Ten stated a little too adamantly.

  I lifted an eyebrow at him. "Excuse me? Are you saying I'm not flirt-worthy? You know, I am almost already down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and my breasts are like twice the size they usually are. Any other heterosexual man on earth would totally hit on this right now."

  "Tink, you are the most flirt-worthy girl I know," Pick spoke up, striding over with his arms open. "Here. I'll hold Skylar while you get yourself something to eat. Then come back and sit by me. I'd be happy to hit on you."

  God, could anyone honestly be so thoughtful, sweet, flirty, and too hot for his own tattoos? Pick Ryan was too good to be true.

  When I didn't answer soon enough, he lifted his hands to show me his palms. "Don't worry; I got all the car grease scrubbed off."

  I smiled. Yep, he was definitely the perfect guy. But I shook my head at his offer. "That's okay. You haven't eaten yet, either. You go ahead."

  "Woman, you better take my offer. That little girl there's going to turn hungry soon, and you'll get busy feeding her. Might as well eat while you have the chance."

  "Oh, all right." Since he made such a good point, I stood and transferred my baby into his arms. It was obvious he was used to infants; the transaction went effortlessly. He grinned down at Skylar.

  "Well, hello there, little precious. I've been dying to get my hands on you all morning." After he lifted her just enough to stamp a kiss to her forehead, he glanced at me with the same fond smile. "Go. Eat."

  So, I did. I ended up in line behind Caroline. When she looked at me with a hesitant smile, as if she wanted to say something but was unsure about it, I leaned in toward her. "I recommend the potato salad. Reese makes a kick ass potato salad."

  "Okay. Thanks." Her smile was shy but pleasant. She really was stunningly beautiful. But the dark hollows under her eyes told me something was haunting her. She scooped up a modest portion of Reese's salad, gaining my approval.

  "How old is your baby?" she asked.

  I bloomed with pride. "Three weeks today. She was a preemie so I didn't get to bring her home from the hospital until yesterday."

  More shadows filled Caroline's eyes, but she gave me a sad smile. "She's adorable."

  "Thank you. I think so too."

  A small cry rent the air, and I immediately spun toward the sound. But Pick was already holding up a hand as he cradled Skylar in the other arm. "We're good," he called. "Ten just looked at her. That mug'll make any girl cry."

  I arched an eyebrow at Ten. He lifted his hands in surrender. "I didn't even touch her."

  "I think it was his awful breath," Pick offered casually. He jiggled Skylar lightly. She'd already calmed down and seemed fine again.

  "Stop breathing on my baby, asshole," I hollered, making Caroline laugh, only to cover her mouth and blush.

  "Hey!" Ten scowled. "What is this? Rag-on-Ten Day?"

  "No, that's every day," Noel shot back.

  Ten sliced him a dirty look, but didn't volley back an insult.

  I returned to my seat between him and Pick with a plateful of food, where Pick was studying Skylar's face so intently I wondered if he was going to burst into tears.

  "She okay?" I asked, sitting next to him. I didn't realize just how close he'd drawn his chair to mine until my hip brushed his as I sat down. A thrill of arousal streaked up the insides of my thighs.

  He looked up, and the sadness remained in his eyes, but his lips lit with a panty-dropping grin. I had to blow out a breath to cool myself before offering him a smile in return.

  "Yeah," he murmured. "We're great. I got the prettiest little girl right here in my arms, and she's soaking up every compliment I feed her. Life doesn't get much better than this." Then he looked back at Skylar. After seeing the tenderness and affection in his gaze, that was it, I was a total goner.

  This man could have me any way he wanted me.

  When he glanced up at me again, our gazes locked. I wasn't too sure what was happening here—traveling between us through a single stare—but it was big enough to crowd into my chest until I almost couldn't breathe.

  "That potato salad sure looks good." He severed the contact and glanced down at my plate to, I swear, purposely kill our moment.

  "Oh, here." I blinked myself back to reality. "Want a taste?" I hadn't realized quite what I'd offered him until I lifted the forkful to his mouth and he slid his lips around the sample. My gaze caught his as I slowly pulled the fork free. We stared blatantly while he chewed.

  This thing between us was just too intense.

  Once he swallowed, he licked his tongue over his bottom lip and around his lip rings. I nearly whimpered. "Mmm. That is good."

  I nodded robotically. "Want another?"

  Please. Please. Please.

  His lips spread into a slow, sensual smile. "As if I could say no to you."

  So I gave him another bite of potato salad, and the experience was just as jolting at the first time. Then I made the moment even more intimate by giving myself a bite. His eyes heated as he watched the fork disappear into my mouth.

  "Pickle," I asked, lifting a dill spear next.

  He nodded. "Hell, yeah."

  So I let him rip off a sliver of pickle from my fingers. When a wet drop fell from his lip and landed on Skylar's forehead, I laughed. "Oops."

  I grabbed a napkin and reached out to wipe her clean, but Pick was already lifting her to his mouth. He lapped up the splatter with his tongue.

My mouth fell open. "Did you just lick my daughter?"

  Oh, crap. The mention of licking made me think of everything the guys had said earlier. When my face instantly heated, Pick winked. "Only because I'm not allowed to lick you."

  I sucked in a breath, unable to believe he would actually say that.

  Ten groaned. "Jesus, guys. Get a room already. There are kids present. And I'm trying to eat over here."

  Pick and I exchanged a look before he tipped his head Ten's way. "What's his problem?"

  I shrugged. "I think he's jealous. I let you hold Skylar."

  Ten snorted. "Like I want to hold your damn kid."

  "Hey!" I spun to deliver him a nasty glare. "Watch your mouth around my daughter, fuck face."

  Ten gaped at me a second before he leaned past me to send Pick an incredulous glance as if he expected Pick to rein me in. "She's got a fucking mouth on her."

  Pick grinned. "Isn't it great?"

  While Ten snorted in disagreement, Pick bumped his knee into mine. I looked up at him, and he leaned closer. "Good one, Tink."

  Across the way, I overheard Reese say to Caroline, "So Aspen said you graduate from high school next Sunday."

  I lifted my eyebrows and nudged Ten with my elbow. "Oh, she's still in high school, huh. The plot thickens."

  "Shut. Up," he muttered and nudged me back. Hard. Right in the stomach, way too close to my C-section incision.

  Instantly dropping my plate full of food, splattering potato salad, pickles, and hamburger everywhere, I sucked in a breath and doubled over, clutching my belly. White-hot flames of pain licked up my abdomen.

  "Oh, shit." Ten popped to his feet, clutching my elbow. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

  "Tink?" Pick was there half a second later. For a breath, he was the only thing I could focus on. I leaned into him and clutched his shirt, burying my face in his neck as he swooped me up and tucked one arm under my knees with the other around my back.

  When my ears stopped ringing, the first thing I heard was Mason's angry shout. "What the hell is your problem, Ten? She just gave birth three weeks ago and her gut is held together by staples."


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