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Save the Date

Page 23

by R. J. Groves

  He seemed to sigh in relief, and she wondered if he would have stopped had she never been there with anyone before. She moistened her lips again, and took a big breath. ‘I want to—to … please … you.’ She was aware that it came out as a squeak, and her cheeks were just about on fire.

  His eyebrow lifted, his lips curving higher. ‘You will, my dear, trust me.’ He began kissing her neck again and she fought for coherent thought once more.

  ‘No, I mean—’ She sighed, a moan escaping her lips as he nibbled at the tender part near her collarbone. ‘I m—mean like … like h—how you’re p—ohh—’ Another nibble. ‘P—pleasuring me.’

  He released her hands, but she couldn’t find it in her to move them. Already, he had her in a state of utter bliss and satisfaction. And they were still half-clothed. He stroked her fringe back from her forehead, and kissed her softly on each cheek, her nose, her chin, her lips.

  ‘It pleases me to pleasure you, sweetheart.’

  God, he was smooth. She wondered if it was one of his go-to lines, but decided she didn’t care. It sounded perfect. So perfect. And she didn’t want to mar the thought that he’d said it for her and only her.

  ‘Besides,’ he added. ‘If you touch me any more between now and then, there’ll be no then to get around to.’ There was a twinkle in his eyes that brought a satiated smile to her face.

  ‘Is that a threat?’ she teased.

  He kissed her once more. ‘It’s a promise.’ Then he caught her wrists in their hold once more, his thumb moving smoothly over the soft parts of her wrists, and continued the roaming with his free hand, feeling and cupping her everywhere he could reach.

  A moan escaped as he cupped her there, and she felt his wicked grin against her neck. In a very quick movement, he’d dealt with the button of her jeans and loosened it enough to slip his hand inside.

  He let out a sharp breath as he found what he was looking for. ‘God, Andie,’ he muttered. He released her hands and lowered himself down her body.

  She could feel his hot breath through her pants, then the pants were no longer there and she found her back arching once more. She was bucking—bucking!—against him as he searched her, licking and sucking and teasing and—oh, God. She dug her hands into his hair, holding tight, and squeezing her eyes shut as he pushed her over the edge and rode the waves of bliss with her. God, had anything felt so perfect? And then he positioned himself between her thighs, poised above her, waiting.

  ‘Andie?’ he said, sounding as though his jaw was clenched.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she muttered. ‘Oh, God, yes.’ She wrapped her legs around him and nudged him closer with her heels.

  With a groan, he dived home, burying himself deep inside her, filling every emptiness inside her, and began to thrust, moving rhythmically, her own body moving in unison.

  She’d never known that sex could bring such a unity, a oneness, as this. But as he moved harder and faster with her and she felt herself rising, rising, once more and diving off the edge with him, she realised that in all those other times, she’d been missing one thing, and one thing only.

  And that one thing was lying on top of her, panting, with a sheen of sweat between them.

  Chapter 23


  That’s what it was.

  Sleeping with Andie was nothing but trouble. And pure intensity. And something else that he was too terrified to even identify. Something was different with her. Something wasn’t the same as the other women he’d been with—the women who never stayed the night, who never stayed for anything but the deed before he sent them on their way.

  But Andie…

  Why would it be so easy to send anyone else away, yet so hard to even move from the bed with Andie? He circled his fingertips over her naked shoulder, her back, occasionally stroking her hair. Her hair that he’d finally released from its hold and was now draping over the back of her neck and onto his shoulder where her head rested.

  And how had it been so easy to call her sweet names, and tell her she was beautiful so much? Those things were relationship material, and he was not a relationship guy. He wouldn’t be. He couldn’t let himself go there again. Not after what happened last time. And Andie? Though she and his ex were very much different, they had one thing in common—power. Over him.

  But then… in this moment, with her naked body following the length of his, her head resting on his shoulder and her hand stroking his chest, he didn’t really care how much power she had over him as long as she stayed there, in his arms. And it was dangerous.

  It was trouble.

  And he couldn’t let himself fall into that again. He pressed another kiss to her head, breathing in all that was her. No, he couldn’t let it happen. Even if she was addictive. And beautiful. And lying in his arms, totally relaxed and calm and … trusting.

  It wouldn’t happen again. Not after tonight. But God, as long as tonight continued, he was going to enjoy every damn moment of it.

  ‘I thought—’ she started, taking a shaky breath. Her fingers slid through his chest hair, gentle, soothing, slowly breaking through his wall. ‘I thought I’d screwed it up.’

  Her body tensed beneath his hand, waiting for a response. He didn’t know what to say. Was she opening up about why she’d been crying? God, of course he wanted to know why. But he also didn’t want to press her. Still, she waited for him to talk. He lowered his hand, pressing her closer.

  ‘Screwed what up?’

  ‘Us.’ Aww, hell. She propped her chin up, facing him. ‘This.’

  No, no. His insides were screaming. How would he be able to stay away from her if she continued saying what she was going to say? Surely, she couldn’t be one of those girls who fall in love after one kiss or thought that sex meant they’d spend forever together. No, this wasn’t a fairy tale. There were no happy endings for him. Not in his experience. And the fact that he couldn’t imagine sharing his bed with anyone else but her was only because she was the one in his bed right now. If he looked back on it, he probably thought the same thing with anyone else who’d been in his bed. Didn’t he?

  ‘Andie—’ He was cut short by her hand pressing against his cheek, her thumb crossing over his lips.

  No, he hadn’t thought that about anyone else. There’d only been one other person he’d been remotely committed to, and she’d almost ruined his life. If he hadn’t turned himself around and made himself a better man, it probably would have ruined him.

  ‘Let me finish, please,’ she said, giving him a wobbly smile.

  He swallowed. If he let her finish, he’d be in too deep. He could never break her heart. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he did. She took another shaky breath, and the pink hue of her cheeks darkened.

  ‘I—I wanted to kiss you. Yesterday. When we were—’ Another breath. ‘Interrupted. I hadn’t … wanted … anything so badly. And when the hot chocolate spilled, I thought—’ She bit into her lip, her brow furrowed. Before he could stop himself, he stroked her hair back from her face, running his fingers through the silkiness of it. He still couldn’t believe how good it felt.

  ‘What did you think, love?’ Again with the love. And why was it so easy to talk to her? To feel like this was how it should be?

  Her expression relaxed, and he desperately hoped she wasn’t looking too far into him calling her love. There was nothing to look into … right?

  ‘I thought the moment was ruined.’ She let out a nervous laugh. ‘And it was just—’ She broke off, clearly trying to think of the right way to describe it.

  ‘The straw that broke the camel’s back?’

  ‘Yeah, I suppose it was.’ She searched his eyes for a moment, her lips slightly parted as if about to say something.

  He waited. Was she going to tell him everything? And why did he want her to? Other people’s problems were just that—other people’s problems. Not his. Never his. But something about Andie made him want to make everything about her his business. Problems and all. Hell
, he’d even do everything humanly possible to make those problems disappear.

  ‘I felt like … like nothing was ever going to go right for me.’

  His body tensed again at the realisation. God, if she was about to tell him how she felt … How could he respond to that? His mind was chaos. He couldn’t let her say something he couldn’t reciprocate. But part of him—some pathetic, lonely part of him—wanted to hear the words. He had to ignore that part of him.

  She was the exact kind of woman he’d been avoiding all these years and, in a moment of weakness, he’d brought her too close for comfort.

  But it wasn’t just that moment, was it? Since the first time he saw her in that wedding dress, he’d felt his defences slipping. And despite having avoided her for part of that time, he’d done nothing but pursue her the rest of it. Perhaps he was already in too deep. Which was why he couldn’t let her continue.

  ‘Andie,’ he said, shifting his body to put some distance between them, even if it was only an inch.

  ‘Silly, I know,’ she continued, ignoring him. ‘And a bit embarrassing, I’ll admit. I just—I wanted you to know that—’ Oh, no. He sat up straighter. Her eyes grew serious, and she spoke quickly. ‘—that it wasn’t anything that you did. Or said. I was just feeling a little … overwhelmed. I’ve had … a lot going on and I was just … overwhelmed. That’s all.’

  He’d been about to interrupt her again, but she stopped talking. He blinked, waiting for her to continue. She pursed her lips.

  ‘Please say something,’ she added.

  ‘That’s it?’ He was aware it came out more bluntly than he’d planned, but he still couldn’t believe that he’d totally misread the situation. That small part of him that had hoped before now felt cold and disappointed.

  Her brow furrowed as she propped herself onto her knees, pulling the sheet around her to cover her nakedness. ‘Should there be something else?’

  ‘N—no,’ he said, his own brow creasing.

  She seemed to sigh in relief. ‘Good,’ she muttered. ‘I just—I didn’t want to … scare … you.’

  It felt as though he couldn’t have sat up any straighter. ‘You couldn’t scare me.’ Though he wasn’t entirely convinced of that anymore.

  She dropped her gaze. ‘Okay, well, good,’ she said, almost sounding disappointed. ‘I just wanted to clear the air, that’s all.’

  ‘There’s no—’

  ‘I didn’t want any bad feelings between us.’

  He snapped his mouth shut. Bad feelings? The hell? She bit into her lip.

  ‘I mean, this—what we … did … was—’ She took a shaky breath, her knuckles whitening against the sheet. ‘It was … good.’

  ‘Only good?’ he teased, his chest feeling tighter.

  Her lips wobbled into a smile, her shoulders relaxing. ‘Amazing. I just … I have a lot going on at the moment.’

  Realising where she was going with this conversation and how wrong he’d been, he changed his position, running a hand through his hair.

  ‘Right, you’ve got that … that thing with your car that you have to sort out.’

  She blinked, her brow creased. ‘Right.’

  ‘And your brother’s back for the first time in, what, months?’

  She nodded, her smile disappearing.

  ‘And of course, my sister is your client, which’—he spread his arms out—‘makes me your client through association.’

  He wasn’t sure at what stage, exactly, his manner had turned from teasing to something a lot more serious. But suddenly, this whole debacle seemed pathetic. Who the hell was he kidding? He couldn’t stay away from this woman if he tried. And the thought that she was trying to talk them both out of it? He had to do something about it.

  ‘Not to mention the recent happenings with your ex—it not working out and all.’

  She swallowed, and he noticed the glistening in her eyes before she dropped her gaze once more. He didn’t mean to sound like an ass. But, despite having already convinced himself that he should steer clear of her, it kind of hurt that she thought the same. There was no way of discerning what the hell was going on inside his head at the moment. But he was sure of one thing—one way or another, he needed her. Needed to buy himself time to sort out his thoughts.

  ‘Right,’ she said, her voice wavering. ‘Like I said, a lot going on.’

  ‘And it could never work between us anyway,’ he continued. ‘We’re too different. Too wrong for each other.’

  ‘Right.’ Her chest heaved, and he felt the lump form in his throat, unsure if he was making the best or worst decision of his life.

  ‘But the sex is good, we can agree on that.’

  ‘It is.’ Her voice sounded distant.

  ‘So, we can’t just … not … do that.’

  Her eyes shot up towards him, her brow furrowed, a look of confusion plastered on her face.

  ‘I mean,’ he continued. ‘I’m not looking for anything serious, and I’d safely wager you’re not either. Am I right in that assumption?’


  His eyebrow lifted. ‘No, I’m not right, or no, you’re not?’

  Her lips moved wordlessly for a moment, before she swallowed again. ‘I’m not.’ It was a little over a whisper, and somewhat half-hearted, but he heard it, loud and clear.

  ‘Right,’ he said decisively. ‘So, we’ll keep it casual, then.’


  ‘Yes, casual. No pressure. No expectations. Just … casual.’

  She considered his proposal, and for a moment, he wasn’t sure what he wanted her to say. Let alone what he wanted. It was like he’d lost control over all of his thoughts. Finally, she shook her head.

  ‘It wouldn’t work.’

  ‘We already established that,’ he pointed out. ‘Which is why it would be casual.’

  ‘And what would it entail?’ she said, her eyes narrowing.

  ‘Casual … encounters.’

  ‘Like this one?’

  He shrugged indifferently. ‘Sure, since you’re offering.’

  She slapped his arm, then her expression grew serious again. ‘You’re rich,’ she said. Why would that disappoint her? ‘And a businessman.’

  ‘And you’re a carless seamstress.’

  She frowned at him, but he noticed the way her lips quivered upwards before being forced down. He reached a hand towards her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  ‘We’re bad for each other,’ she said.

  ‘Absolutely terrible.’

  ‘It would never work.’ Her eyes caught his and he noticed them darken. He moved a little closer.

  ‘Probably not.’

  ‘It’s a bad idea.’

  ‘Ridiculous.’ Closer again.

  ‘We shouldn’t do it.’

  ‘No,’ he agreed, feeling her breath mingling with his, her head relaxing against his hand as he cupped the back of her neck. ‘We shouldn’t.’

  He wasn’t sure which one of them moved first, or if they met in the middle. But there was no more distance between them, and they were kissing with an intensity and a passion that sent a fierce fire through his body. She wrapped both arms around his neck and returned his kisses with a fervour and desire—a desperation—that he’d never experienced. The sheet fell from between them and, in a very bittersweet moment, he was buried deep inside her, matching her movements, her urgency, until they both launched off the edge once more, his name on her lips. And as the reality of their agreement set in, he realised two things.

  Nothing was casual with Andie Gray.

  And he would do anything to hear her say his name like that every night for the rest of his life.

  Chapter 24

  Tay tossed his phone to the side and pulled on his runners, swearing under his breath when he felt her stir behind him. Hell, he’d almost forgotten about his Monday-morning gym session with Connor. Something they’d been doing for as long as he could remember, forgotten the second he had a pretty woman in his be
d. He paused, glancing over his shoulder at the naked woman in his bed.

  Not just pretty.




  Even early in the morning after a night of making lo—sex. Lots of sex. There could be no making love in a casual relationship. Even if they’d done it again, much slower, and more intensely and intimately than he’d ever done with anyone before. Even if he couldn’t let himself fall asleep for fear of missing out on one blessed second with her or ruining the moment with his nightmares. And even if he couldn’t picture experiencing that with anyone else, or if he already regretted suggesting they keep things casual. But what would the alternative have been? If he hadn’t suggested casual, she was going to cut him off completely and, well, he couldn’t have agreed to that.

  He finished tying his shoelaces, feeling more grateful for this gym session than he had been before. He needed to clear his head. Sort everything out and get some clarity. Perhaps he’d be able to convince himself that casual was better than nothing and that he totally didn’t feel for her how the inner part of him was telling him he did.

  She stirred again and trailed a hand down his back. ‘Where you going?’ she muttered, her sleepy voice breaking.

  ‘Gym,’ he said, matter-of-factly.

  ‘Mmm, I could help you with that.’

  He’d been avoiding looking at her before for fear of leaving Connor in the lurch. But when she said that … He hazarded a glance towards her in time to see her stretching, unashamed of her nakedness. Soft bruises were forming in the most delicate of places. The places he’d given lots of attention. He felt a groan escape, wanting to kiss the bruises away. Not wanting to leave this room. The moment. Because once they left this room, everything that happened the night before truly became casual.

  ‘Can’t, love,’ he said, leaning over her to kiss her full on the lips. He had to fight every cell in his body to break away. ‘Connor’s waiting for me.’

  She pouted, and he kissed her again, feeling the warmth spreading through him as her hand tangled in his hair. She made a move to get up, and he nudged her back down.


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