Omega House Books 6-10: Alpha Omega MPreg Romance Box Set

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Omega House Books 6-10: Alpha Omega MPreg Romance Box Set Page 3

by Grace, Aria

  "Sorry about the cold," he says as he closes the door behind me. "I think the thermostat's busted. I was going to call a repair guy to come look at it."

  "Does that work?" I gesture to the unlit fireplace. A roaring fire sounds like a nice way to warm up the frigid confines of the living room and build a little ambiance at the same time.

  "I haven't tried to light it yet." He speaks quietly like he’s ashamed to admit it even though he’s only been in the house for one night so far.

  There's a discomfort in his eyes that I recognize from my time working at Omega House. I've seen it a lot in omegas that are more withdrawn and reclusive. He probably doesn't like social situations and seems more than a little unsettled by my presence here.

  Not that I'm particularly comfortable with it either.

  Even after I realized what house I had been sent to, I told myself this would be a simple delivery mission. But the moment I laid eyes on him, there was no way I could resist. I’m not quite as sexually frustrated as I was last night, but there is still a great deal of pent up emotion inside me that I don't know what to do with.

  "Well, then…" I say, trying to exude more confidence than I feel. "I'll try to get a fire going while you make the coffee."

  Zach’s shoulders relax like he’s grateful for the game plan in place, and he nods in agreement. He quickly turns and withdraws across the room in the direction of what must be the kitchen.

  I take a brief moment to examine my surroundings. There's not a lot of furniture, and what he does have is mismatched. A lot of it looks like it was cobbled together from a thrift store without any particular regard for unity. The chaos of the odd pieces of furniture add a strangely cozy feeling to the living room that I can't help but like.

  On the far side of the room is a table with a collection of electronics on it. I've never been particularly good with computers, but it’s obvious Zach is some sort of IT guy.

  I turn my attention to the fireplace and consider my next steps. Judging from the state of the house, with its peeling paint inside and out and general wear from neglect, I'm pretty sure he's the first person to live here in a long time. It wouldn't surprise me to find a bird's nest or family of chipmunks blocking the chimney.

  Kneeling on the stone hearth, I glance inside then pull out my phone. Once I've got the flashlight turned on, I lean forward and shine it up into the darkness.

  I'm not an expert on chimneys by any means, but I've gotten used to manning the fireplace at Omega House. And if nothing else, I’m at least competent enough to tell when a chimney needs to be cleaned and when it's safe to use.

  To my utter surprise, the interior of the chimney looks clean.

  Well, that's one potential roadblock avoided. Now I have no reason not to start the fire. Thanks to years of practice, it doesn't take long for me to coax the orange flames to life. Soon, a brilliant fire is crackling happily and casting heat throughout the room.

  I extend my hands toward the flames and try to work out some of the numbness from the cold as the scent of coffee wafts toward me.

  "Well, I guess that's a relief," says Zach as he approaches from the direction of the kitchen. He's carrying a tray with a carafe of coffee, two mugs, and two small containers with cream and sugar. It's like something out of a historical movie, and I do my best to hide my amusement as he sets the tray down on the coffee table. "I thought I was going to freeze to death tonight." He sits down on the couch and begins pouring the coffee. "I know this is a little cheesy, but it's my grandma's, and I'll probably never have another chance to use it again."

  "I think it looks nice," I say honestly. "I don't think I've ever been served coffee from a tray before." I sit in the chair across from him, closer to fire. It’s burning really well now, and I can feel it chasing the cold away from the sitting area.

  "Look… I… I don't really talk to a lot of people." Zach glances up at me with an apologetic look in his eyes. "So, I know I may say the wrong thing or be a little awkward. Just… I guess, have patience with me."

  "Don't worry. I'm not here to judge you or anything." I offer him a reassuring smile. I've been told that I'm good at putting people at ease. That's part of why I usually help the new omegas settle in when they first arrive. "I'm just here to enjoy a good cup of coffee and get to know someone new."

  "I-I… I hope it's good. I've never actually served coffee to anyone before. I think I make it a little on the strong side."

  I can sense his anticipation as I grab my coffee cup and lift it up to my lips. Before taking a sip, I inhale the scent and let it fill my lungs. I've always loved the smell of coffee. There's something about it that clears my head and helps me orient myself with the world. I didn’t bother to have any this morning at breakfast, so this is a welcome treat.

  The taste is dark and bitter and delicious. It's everything I want in a cup of coffee and more. This isn't some off-the-shelf cheap, pre-ground, mass produced coffee that you could get in any discount store. This is something special, and it tastes wonderful.

  My eyes fall closed as I savor the taste.

  Trusting my gut on this seems to be paying off so far. Even if nothing else comes of this, at least I'll have enjoyed the best cup of coffee of my life.

  "So, you work with computers?" I nod toward the electronics before taking another sip. Given his discomfort with social situations, I know I'm gonna have to take the lead on the conversation. That's okay, though. I enjoy being the one in charge.

  "Yeah." Zach’s expression lights up. "I've got my own business. I build and repair computers for clients all over the place. I do some remote IT work and a little bit of programming. It's nothing too fancy, but I enjoy it."

  I smile and sink back into my chair. It’s nice to see someone who really enjoys his work. I just sit back and take it all in as he continues telling me about some of the projects he's working on and how much he needs the package I brought over. From what I can tell, it has a couple critical parts for some computers he's building for an important client.

  "You said you work at Omega House, right?" Zach suddenly shifts gears, changing the subject from motherboards and processors.

  I wasn't expecting him to start asking questions, but I don't let it phase me. Everyone adjusts to new situations at different paces. "Yeah, I do. Have you heard of it?"

  "I've seen some fliers around town, but I'm not from around here. I know you saw me moving in last night. Well, I grew up a few hours away from here. I only got to visit my grandma here a few times when I was growing up, so I'm still learning the ropes." Zach frowns as he sips at his coffee. He added a bunch of cream and sugar to his cup, which is a travesty in my opinion.

  "Omega House is a shelter for battered omegas." I smile when I see genuine empathy and concern in his eyes. "We take in omegas who need help escaping abusive situations or are otherwise down on their luck. We help them get back on their feet and move on with their lives."

  Well, for everyone except me, apparently.

  The thought flashes through my mind so quickly that I almost don't even notice it. Once I do, I hate how bitter I am about my life. Everyone at Omega House has been wonderful to me, and they've helped me through so much. It's not their fault I don’t know where my life is headed or what I want to do with myself.

  "Right. So, um, were you…?" Zach stops himself from finishing his question. "I'm sorry, that's rude. I shouldn't have asked."

  "Don't be sorry.” I wave my hand dismissively and quickly explain how Sean and I came to live at Omega House. Once he knows we were just kids who needed a safe haven, he seems much more relaxed.

  "Um…" Zach looks like he wants to say something, and he's even scooted to the edge of his chair. The look on his face reminds me of a child who wants to ask for more allowance. "Look, about…last night…"

  My stomach does a somersault and my pulse starts to race. I knew we couldn't avoid the topic forever, but I was kind of hoping we could go on pretending I hadn't stood on the sidewalk last night,
leering at him like a pervert.

  "Y-yeah, about that…" I rub the back of my head uncomfortably and look away.

  "Did you feel the same thing?" Zach blurts out the question so quickly that I'm stunned into silence.

  "U-um…feel what, exactly? Just so I know we're on the same page." I don't want him to think I'm avoiding his question, but I don't want to give away the shameful erection I had from the mere scent of a complete stranger.

  Or the fact that I can feel my balls tightening inside me as I sit across from him right now.

  Zach clears his throat awkwardly and looks directly at me. "I felt…something, last night. I don't even know how to describe it," he says, shaking his head slowly. "I could smell you from across the street but…but it's not like…like…"

  "Heat?" I think I know exactly what he’s talking about.

  He blushes slightly at the word but nods in response. "It was more than just your scent though. I've explained it already, but in case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a recluse. I don't like people. That's why I moved in after dark last night." He pauses and clutches his chest, grabbing at where his heart would be. "So then why am I talking to you right now? Why is my heart hammering against my ribs despite the fact that I'm not having a panic attack? Why did I invite a complete stranger into my home? Why did you come back?" He sinks back against the sofa cushions with a look of confusion and desperation in his eyes.

  It's a look I understand well.

  Those same emotions are running through my veins right now, stirred up by his words. For a moment, I allow myself to forget about the strange tugging sensation in the pit of my stomach. It was more than just lust spurred on by my overactive libido and lack of suppressants.

  "Zach…" My voice trails off as I search for an answer to his questions, but I have none. "I don't…I don't know. I was just walking home from the club last night. I couldn't even see you from where I was on the street. But…I felt like I knew you. There was something about your presence that made me want to go to you. It's…it's not like anything I've ever experienced before."

  Zach is silent as he looks away from me. I'm not sure what to say, but I feel a need to fill the silence.

  Before I can open my mouth, my phone chimes to indicate I've gotten a new text message. I look at Zach apologetically, but he seems to be lost in thought, unaware of my rudeness as I pull out my phone and look at the messages.

  The text is from Jason, reminding me I've got an orientation to give back at Omega House in thirty minutes. I completely forgot about it.

  "You need to leave, don't you?" Zach sounds disappointed, even before his gaze meets mine.

  "Yeah, I do." I press my lips into a thin smile and sigh. "Look…why don't you give me your number? We can text and maybe try to figure out whatever this is over the next few days. I don't think we're going to get anywhere just sitting here like this."

  Zach nods in agreement, but I can tell he's reluctant to let me leave.

  I know this because I'm just as reluctant.

  He follows me to the front door and pulls it open for me. But before I can walk out, he shuts it again. When I look back at him to ask what he's doing, I see a hungry look in his eyes.

  His alpha pheromones are running high, and now that we're standing so close together, his scent is intoxicating. Every single part of me is craving his touch as he leans in closer and closer.

  I tilt my head up toward him, operating on pure instinct. The logical part of my mind is telling me that I don't have time to fool around like this. I don't even know Zach all the well and I can barely believe that I'm already putting myself in such a vulnerable position. At the same time, the feeling of his body so close to mine satisfies something deep within me. I want him closer. So close that we're connected physically.

  The moment seems to stretch on into eternity, until Zach's cellphone rings from the depths of his hoodie pocket.

  We both release a heavy breath and step away from each other. My face feels hot and my heart is fluttering.

  "I've got to take this," says Zach as he glances at the number on the screen. He backs away from the door and giving me complete freedom to move as I want. "Stay safe, I'll text you later, okay?"

  I nod in agreement and quickly slip out the door. The cool air wraps around me, soothing the flush in my cheeks and slowing my racing heart. I take a deep breath and try to get my head on straight as I head back to Omega House.



  Damn the electrician and his shitty timing!

  That moment between Seth and I was completely ruined by one inopportune call. A moment that I'll never be able to get back.

  I try to force myself to focus on my work, but it's difficult to get anything done now. My thoughts are constantly being drawn back to Seth. I catch myself wondering what his lips taste like or what his slender frame would feel like in my arms. I feel like every single part of my body is telling me to make him mine and yet, I'm paralyzed by the worry that if I make a move that's too aggressive, I'll chase him away forever.

  I've never had an omega capture my attention so fully before. Everything about him occupies my thoughts, and now that he's gone, I feel like I'm going crazy.

  The only good thing about his absence is that it gives me the chance for a little clarity. I realize that my earlier anxiety wasn't because of him but because of all of these strange emotions I've never felt before. It’s more than just desire or attraction that's driving me. It's as if my very biology is telling me he's the one I need in my life.

  More than once, I pull out my phone to call him, but I worry that I'll come across as too needy, so I put it away again.

  I get a little work done and manage to get the computers plugged into several different circuits across the house. It's not ideal but separating them seems to keep the lights from doing their crazy flickering dance again. At least the house is warm now. The fire Seth started has been burning well all afternoon, and I've been slowly feeding it to keep it going.

  If I'm lucky, I can keep it going until the electrician, or the furnace guy, or whoever, manages to figure out what's causing all my problems.

  It's early evening when I pick up my phone to text Seth and set it down for the third time in a row. I know I'm obsessing a little bit, but I'm not sure what else I can do at this point. He's all I can think about, and I feel like I need to tell him that. I just can't come up with a way to say it that doesn't sound like a creepy stalker.

  I sink back into my computer chair and shake my head in frustration. What am I supposed to do? I suck at normal social interactions, so how am I supposed to handle potentially romantic ones?

  I push my phone across the table and turn back to the computer diagnostic I just finished. As I scroll through the data log looking for abnormalities, the temperature in the room drops several degrees and the light from the fire begins to dim.

  My gaze turns toward the fireplace where the flames have died down considerably despite the fact that there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. I rise from my chair and approach the fireplace slowly. The heat of the fire is already beginning to wane, and a moment later, the flames sputter and go out completely.

  Great, on top of everything else that's going on, now I'm gonna have to hope I don’t freeze tonight. Not that I was going to get much sleep anyway. I can already tell that my mind will be running wild with thoughts of Seth and all the things I want to do with him.

  For a brief moment, I contemplate texting Seth and asking him to come start another fire for me. A smile twitches across my lips at that thought. I know it's kind of pathetic of me to be unable to start a fire of my own, but it would be a great excuse to get him to come back. It seems like such a good idea that I almost reach for my phone to send the text.

  But I stop just short of actually following through.

  The first text I send to him can't be me asking him for something, can it? Especially not something that sounds like a booty call. Hey Seth, come light my fire.
r />   I chuckle to myself and pinch the bridge of my nose. No, there's no way I'm sending something like that. I think there's an electric blanket in the bedroom upstairs. I'll have to make do with that until tomorrow.

  As I return to my work, I hear a faint scratching noise in the walls nearby. It's moving slowly from one point to another and back again. I know it's probably just a mouse or something, but to my untrained ears, it sounds much bigger than that. Not only that, but I'm alone in this decrepit old house after dark. The thought of mice in the walls gets me thinking about what other creepy, crawly things might be lurking about.

  The cleaners I hired did a really good job of getting the place ready for me to move in. And I'm reasonably certain there's nothing really dangerous living in the walls. But my overactive imagination just won't quit.

  I stifle a yawn and briefly contemplate making a cup of coffee. There's no way I'm gonna get much sleep tonight. Between the cold, the rodents in the walls, and my thoughts of Seth, going to bed would be an exercise in futility.

  Then the overhead lights dim slightly. In the strange half-light I get the sudden feeling that I'm not alone.

  I turn quickly to my right, searching for something I thought I saw out of the corner of my eye. No matter which way I turn, I can't quite get a glimpse of it though. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I'm gasping for breath as I back up to the table and focus my eyes on the rest of the room.

  I'm alone.

  Completely alone.

  There's no one else in the room with me. I'm being silly, and I need to calm down. Given how jittery I am, maybe coffee isn't such a good idea after all. Of course, trying to work through the night without it is going to be hell.

  I pound my fist on my desk in frustration as I try to settle on a course of action.

  The lights flicker back to their full brightness for a moment before dimming again. They flip between light and dim with startling regularity. In those dim moments, I catch myself flinching at shadows and slowly becoming aware of the dull green glow of the computer screens scattered throughout the house.


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