Forced R and R

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Forced R and R Page 2

by Lexxie Couper

  Another finger joined the other two inside my folds and I cried out, writhing against him when he stroked the sweet spot inside my sex. The base of my spine tingled and my pulse quickened. I was going to come. A nameless slave was going to make me come with just his fingers. Nothing but his fingers after barely a few moments. I couldn’t believe it. Talk about R and R.

  “This is why I fuck you now,” he growled, slamming harder into my cunt, the penetration of his fingers so forceful my feet left the floor. “Saving the dimensional threads is just an added bonus.”

  My tech zinged again. Not just zinged, detonated. Like a warp engine’s core. What he was saying demanded my Enforcer’s attention. Now. Trouble was, my sex detonated at the exact same time and its power was far more potent on my decision-making abilities.

  I climaxed. Just like that. The soles of my feet prickled with fire, my pussy muscles contracted in a rapturous tension and I climaxed, my cream gushing over his plundering fingers and driving hand, my scream bouncing off the walls of the small room.

  “Yes,” he ground out, mouth on my neck, fingers in my cunt, on my breast. “Yes. Flood for me. Flood for us.”

  I gasped. Not at the totally unexpected word bursting from his lips, but at equally unexpected pair of hands that suddenly grabbed at my ankles and yanked my feet off the floor.

  I snapped my stare down my body, my heart hammering, my orgasm throbbing, and gazed into the piercing green eyes of my slave standing between my elevated legs. “Surprise.”

  Stunned shock stole my breath. By Otyn! What the—?

  Before I could open my mouth and shout, the newcomer flung my ankles upward.

  My legs shot up in a graceful arc, the man holding me from behind—my original slave—acting as a pivot to my body’s trajectory. He twisted, carrying my weight through the air, bringing me over his head with fluid ease. Let’s face it; I’m not that heavy, and I was so freaking stunned by what was going on I didn’t know what to do. Two men were in the room with me. Two identical men. One appearing out of nowhere.

  The ridiculous notion slammed into my head just as my body slammed, butt first onto something soft but firm and long.

  I didn’t have time to register what it was. My slave was on me, his hands grabbing my wrists, his knees shoving my thighs apart. He pushed me back onto the whatever-I’d-landed-on (a cushioned bench by the feel of it), his eyes boring into mine, his body looming over me. “I’ve never enjoyed being a chr’nos as much as I do right at this very moment.”

  The bulbous head of his cock had escaped the waistband of his trousers, poking past the leather to nudge my belly. I sucked in a sharp breath, still struck dumb by confused shock. What was going on? Who was—

  “Who the fuck are you?” I finally ground out, my gaze flicking from the man pinning me to the bench to the man standing by his side. The identical man standing by his side. “What the hell is—”

  “I am Phase, Anika Dru,” my slave murmured, rolling his hips so the tip of his cock stroked a line up my stomach. I felt its velvet heat even through the material of my flight vest. Or maybe it was my head telling me I did. Truth be known, I had no fucking clue. The only thing that registered in my mind was the slave I’d followed into a dark room now seemed to be doubled…which meant two cocks for the price of one.

  Buy one, get one free, Anika.

  The man standing at my slave’s hip ran his emerald-fire gaze over my face, his lips curling in a slow grin, his hand moving to the waistline of his trousers. He didn’t wear a slave’s attire, a distant part of my whirling mind noticed, the perfection of his form covered instead by black combat trousers and a brinium-spun vest. “Do you know what Phase is, Enforcer?”

  I shook my head, unable to stop my stare fixing on the movement of his long, confident fingers. They were releasing the fasteners of his belt, the soft chink of metal scraping against metal making the pit of my belly quiver. I knew what he was doing. Undressing. “I don’t,” I answered, my mouth dry. “Should I?”

  My original slave chuckled. “Ever the smart mouth, Anika.” He pressed his hips to mine and I couldn’t stop the groan escaping my lips as his erection ground against the curve of my pussy.

  “She is the same in my dimensional plane, Kaden.” The low rumble of his doppelganger sent another shard of tight, wet heat into the spread junction of my thighs. “Although I must admit, in my plane she is not so easily thrown onto her back.”

  “Hey!” I burst out.

  Both men laughed at the lame response, the one holding me down rolling his hips until the crown of his cock nudged the leather-protected lips of my sex. “Phase govern the dimensional and temporal tapestry,” he said, half-lidden gaze locked on my eyes. “It is our job to monitor and correct any abnormalities in the time and space continuum.”

  “Specifically, living entities’ parallel dimensions,” his twin continued. He took a step closer to me and I realized his trousers were completely undone. His fingers wrapped a cock just as long and thick and rigid as the one currently pressed to the curve of my sex.

  My mouth—dry since his arrival in the room—filled with water. My cunt constricted, aware of what my head had yet to figure out.

  Fisting his erection with slow, steady pumps, the man at my side smiled wider. A languid smile that made my pussy constrict again. “Every living entity creates the possibility of multiple existence based on each decision they make, Anika,” he continued. “Those existences form dimensional threads.”

  “And chr’nos protect those threads,” my original slave offered, his hands sliding down my arms towards the upward thrust of my breasts. Did I want him to take them in his hands, regardless of how unbe-fucking-lievable the situation was? To massage them? Fondle them? Yes. Yes, I did. “For every decision made, a new dimensional thread is created.” He toyed with the zippered front of my vest, his eyes gleaming in the muted light of the small room. “For every thread created, the dimensional and temporal tapestry expands. The chr’nos are the soldiers of the tapestry. The warriors of the Phase. With the ability to Call upon any number of their own parallel existences to their current plane.”

  Phase. Multiple versions of a person existing in multiple dimensions. Multiple versions of my slave. Kaden…

  My head swam at the idea.

  My tech sparked. Painful pinpricks of scorching fire inside my brain.

  I clenched my jaw, glaring up at the Kaden who lay stretched atop of me, finally listening to my inner cop. “You said earlier fucking me is to save the dimensional threads.”

  The Kaden at my hip chuckled again. “Well, fucking you…no. Stopping you from taking out the Q-42, yes.”

  I turned my glare on him. “Taking out the Q-42?”

  “The battle droid needs to exist in your temporal and dimensional plane for a while longer, Enforcer Anika Dru,” he said.

  “And so I stopped you,” my Kaden murmured. Seconds before he unzipped my flight vest and released my breasts to the room.

  Chapter 3

  His mouth closed over my right nipple, sucking hard, his tongue rolling over its distended tip. I bucked, caught completely unprepared by the exquisite pleasure darting into my core. A soft gasp sounded in the back of my throat. Holy Otyn, that felt—

  The other Kaden took my left nipple in his mouth and sucked. Just as hard.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  Raw sensations shot through me. From my nipples to my cunt. I arched my back, the utter intensity of two mouths sucking on my breasts almost undoing me. I’d never partaken in a threesome before. Hell, I’d only slept with a grand total of five men before. Being fucked by two of them at once was…was…

  Kaden from this dimension, my Kaden curled his fingers around my waistband and yanked my trousers apart and I pretty much lost all train of thought. Well, not all. My mind—licentious and way too excited as it was—kept barging down one train of thought: fuck, I’m going to get fucked by two men. I’m being fucked by two men. Not overly articulate or intelligent, I’l
l give you, but there it was all the same. One thought, a whole lotta creaming amazement.

  My pussy gushed wet heat and before I could moan a command—something like “stick your fingers in my cunt now!”—Kaden from the other dimension plunged his hand between my spread thighs and slipped his fingers into my pussy.

  “Oh, you are a tight one, aren’t you, Enforcer Dru.”

  His smug chuckle against my breast made my nipples pinch harder and I let out a soft whimper.

  “I’m going to make you come with my fingers,” he continued, his teeth nipping at my nipple with each word. Little shards of pain stabbed into my core every time and I realized I wanted them both to fuck me harder.


  The words burst from me in a ragged order and it was Kaden from my dimensional plane, my original slave, who obeyed first. He drew my nipple into his mouth with forceful pressure, hand cupping and squeezing my breast as he did so, his other hand sliding up my chest to circle my throat.

  A micro-second of apprehension shot through me at the dominating grip, followed by a flooding tension as my approaching orgasm drew faster to detonation. By Otyn, there was nothing to be scared about. I knew I could throw them off if I needed to. If I wanted to. I just didn’t. Not at all.

  Two sets of lips pulled on my nipples, two sets of teeth biting and gnawing. I whimpered again and again when the fingers in my sex wriggled deeper.

  “She feels so good, doesn’t she,” my Kaden murmured, lifting his head from my breast to gaze into my face. “Even without the double intensity of our duel dimensional occupancy, she feels good.”

  “Oh, yes.” His counterpart barely removed his mouth from my nipple. “So very very good.” He cocked an eyebrow, stroking at the inner wall of my pussy. “I wonder what she tastes like?”

  My pulse quickened. Taste?

  Immediately I imagined his mouth on my cunt, licking at my folds, sucking on my drenched pussy lips, flicking my clit with his tongue.

  Almost as quickly, my slave answered, “Let’s find out, shall we.”

  He slid down my belly, holding my stare with his eyes until his lips aligned with my spread sex. His dimensional twin still had his fingers buried up to the base knuckle in my cream-slicked heat and I held my breath, a part of me aching for the sensation of his mouth on such an intimate area of my body, another part furious at the notion of his lips interrupting the rather masterful finger-fucking from his doppelganger. I was, I think, starting to go a little insane from pleasure at this point.

  “There are many advantages to being Phase, Anika.” My Kaden traced his fingertips over the lips of my spread pussy where they surrounded his twin’s fingers. “One of them is the shared pleasure factor.”

  “You see,” the other Kaden said, that low chuckle thrumming in his voice as he withdrew his fingers from my sex, drawing a line of my own cream up my belly to the dip of my navel, “when multiple Phase exist in the one dimensional plane, the combined experiences—both sensory and physical—are felt by all versions.”

  Without breaking eye contact, my slave blew a fine stream of cool air onto my sodden pussy lips. “Which makes for one hell of a pleasurable rush,” he said…and then rolled his tongue over my clit in one slow lick.

  Holy fuck.

  I bucked. Not just because I was about to come my brains out, but because, at that precise moment, Kaden from the other dimension withdrew his fingers from my pussy and pressed them to my anus.

  Holy. Fuck.

  My hips slammed upward of their own accord, my thighs jerked wider. Both Kaden’s chuckled, the original against my clit, sending a low vibration deep into the pit of my belly.

  “Surely this is not virginal, Enforcer Dru?” Kaden’s dimensional twin murmured, pressing on my asshole again. Firmer this time, the tip of his finger dipping into the puckered opening.

  I ground my teeth, trying to look composed. Hissing through clenched teeth and grinding your cunt against a man’s mouth probably isn’t all that composed, I know, but it was the best I could do. Honestly, I’d never experienced pleasure like this before.

  “I doubt it,” my Kaden spoke, his lips brushing my nipple. “But to be considerate, why don’t you make sure she is well…ready.”

  “Good idea,” his other self answered, sinking his thumb into my pussy.

  He rolled it around my tight walls, thrust it in and out over and over again, painting the lips of my sex with my juices, all the while dipping his finger a little more into my ass. And while all this was happening, my Kaden, the slave I’d willingly followed into this den of wicked debauchery and surprise, licked and sucked and bit at my clit. Otyn, I could hardly breathe.

  My pulse hammered, pounding not just in my ears and neck but in my cunt. Each beat echoed the thrusting penetrations of Kaden’s tongue, each throb matched by the swipes of the other Kaden’s tongue. An insanely rational part of my brain knew I’d have to come up with a better way of differentiating between the two men, but for the moment that was the last thing on my mind.

  My rapidly approaching orgasm was what was on my mind.

  My rapidly approaching, wildly powerful, blow-my-head-off orgasm.

  Yes, I knew it was going to be that good.

  Kaden sucked harder on my clit and the soles of my feet began to tingle. I rolled my head side-to-side, sinking my nails into my palms. “Oh, yes…”

  My moan brought a chuckle from Kaden’s twin (for Otyn’s sake, let’s call him Kad. To be honest, the name suits him) and I felt his finger press deeper into my ass. “I like the sound of that, Enforcer Dru.” He withdrew his thumb from my slit, the digit’s absence replaced fully by Kaden’s lapping tongue. “I believe you may be very close to coming. Am I right?”

  Yes. Yes, he was. Very right.

  I nodded, my throat too thick to find words.

  “So, if I do this…” He dragged his thumb—coated in the cream of my mounting pleasure—down to my anus. “Will you moan?”

  He pushed at the puckered hole and exquisite pain flooded through my body. Oh, god. Did it always feel so good? So…

  “If I fuck your ass with my thumb,” he said, withdrawing it slightly from my ass, “will you scream?”

  I couldn’t even nod. My brain was being fried by sheer pleasure. My nerve-endings were being sizzled into rapturous bliss. My tech—the micro-biotic nanobots designed solely to make me a superior fighting machine—were on the verge of imploding…

  “If I sink my thumb into your virginal ass will you come all over my dimensional twin’s face? Fill his mouth with your wet, wet cream?”

  It was too much. All of it. Kaden’s tongue in my sex, Kad’s thumb inching into my ass. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I was going to come and come hard.

  I opened my eyes and stared up at the man looming over me—so like the Kaden of this dimension, my dimension, and yet, different. Smugger. “Fuck my ass with your thumb,” I growled. “Now.”

  He grinned, a cocky crooked grin. “Of course.”

  He pushed his thumb into my butt. All the way.

  And I came. As hard as I knew I would.

  My orgasm detonated in my pussy and erupted through my body. Scorching its way through every vein and muscle and sinew, making my tech not just zing with adrenaline but scream.

  Scream. Just like Kad wanted me to.

  I arched on the bench, grinding my sex to the mouth lapping at my folds, Kaden‘s groans of pleasure filling my ears. He stabbed his tongue in and out of my pussy, sucked on my labia. My orgasm kept throbbing, my pussy kept contracting, over and over again and Kaden kept feasting on it. Sucking and biting my sex, his fingers holding my hips, his mouth possessing my very core.

  And still his twin thrust into my ass with his thumb, each stroke growing faster, faster.

  Until it wasn’t just my tech screaming. It was me too.

  “That’s my feisty little Galactic Union Enforcer. Just what I wanted to hear.”

  The conceited statement should have made me
furious. Whatever dimensional possibility Kad was from, it produced a man far too smug for my liking. Except, liking him was exactly what I was doing. Liking what he was doing to me just as much.

  What Kaden was doing with his mouth…well, I more than liked that. Being eaten out has always been my favorite sexual pastime and I have to say, at this point it seemed to me that the man between my thighs knew that.

  Which is entirely possible. Both men knew more about me than they should. A fact the cop part of my brain kept trying to bring up.

  Then find out what’s going on. Now!

  It’s weird when your head finally clears from a pleasure-fueled bender and you realize you’ve just been ravished by two complete strangers. What should have been guilt and disgust at my lack of super-cop control was in fact, a growing curiosity. Two men—two Phase, dimensional soldiers—had deliberately sought me out to stop me doing something.

  The last of my orgasm pulsing through my sex, I propped myself up on my elbows and cast both Kaden’s a steady look. “Given what has just happened, I think it’s time you owe me an explanation.”

  Kaden cocked an eyebrow, his face still level with my spread pussy. “We pleasured you,” he said. “You orgasmed. What other explanation do you need?”

  Remember when I mentioned how I like to teach people manners. I kinda figured Kaden needed teaching some there and then. I flipped my body to the side and wrapped my leg around his neck before he could move, locking it behind my bent knee. “You know who and what I am, slave,” I said, ignoring the smug chuckles from his other. “So you know I can snap your neck without breaking a sweat.”

  “You’ve already broken a sweat, Enforce Dru,” Kad offered. “But I think that has something to do with the fine tongue and thumb fucking we just gave you.”

  His answer didn’t help my mood. I wanted three things right at that very point in time and none of them was flippant sarcasm. One, I wanted to know why I’d been intercepted by the freaking dimensional and temporal police, two, I wanted to know what I was going to do that required being intercepted by the freaking dimensional and temporal police, and three, I wanted them to “intercept” me again. And again. And again. This time, with their cocks, both of which, I noticed, where still fully engorged and standing erect.


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