The secret life of Jodie book 2: Gifted

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The secret life of Jodie book 2: Gifted Page 2

by Amber Thompson

I know I don’t have a ring but what do you say babe?” Was this the booze talking? Had he meant to say this? I just stared blankly. “I will give you till tomorrow to decide.” He said and left.

  Then I woke up. I sighed a huge sigh of relief. It was all a dream. Or was it? Sometimes vampires saw the future. Annie stared at me. “Hey! You woke up late!” She said. I just looked “Yeah… Bad dream.” I said and ran down the stairs.

  “Mother! Where is father?” I exclaimed at my mother who was trying to feed Tallulah. “In the living room Jodie!” She said “But why…” I rushed into the living room and dragged my father into the dining room. “Christ Jodie!” He exclaimed. “What is it?” I stared at my father. “Daddy!” I said making my father look shocked out of his seat. “I… I… I think I saw the future in my dream last night!” My father stared at me. “Jodie… That is highly unlikely. The gifted vampires in the world are very few. One or two maybe. I highly doubt that you saw the future. There is basically no chance. It just doesn’t happen anymore.” I looked at him. “You’re probably right father. Probably.” Then I froze.

  “Mel” I say. “Jelina! She will find you!” Mel stares at me. “Jodie” She says to me. “I am really scared right now. I look her in her greenish, bluish, Reddish eyes. “Mel.” I say. “She doesn’t care about that. Let me help you. Please let me help you.” Mel stares at me looking absolutely terrified. “OK. Your gift will help us and your my best friend. I love you Jodie!” She says to me. “I love you Mel!” I say back. Then everything goes black.

  “Jodie, Jodie, JODIE!” Exclaimed my father right in my ear. “What happened child?” I stared at him. “It happened again. This time with me and Mel. This is weird.” My father eyed me very suspiciously. “Jodie Eliza.” He said. “Will you swear on the life of our little Tallulah that you are not making this up?” I stared at my father. He looked back at me. “I swear on the life of little Tallulah that I keep seeing visions.” My father nodded. “Ok child. If you swear that…” Then he started mumbling and got quieter and quieter.

  This time I am in class. Mrs White was calling the register for maths. “Jodie Smith?” She says. Then I, who was chatting to Mel, looks up and says “Miss.” Then the fire bell goes off. We all evacuate the classroom and go down to the field. When we get down there we all have to re-answer the register. Then it fades.

  “Jodie?” Said my father. It only took once to get me out that time. “Classroom, fire, registers!” I exclaimed at him. He held me as I shook. “I knew it.” My father said to me. I looked at him, showing my puzzlement. “Tell me more!” I shouted at him.

  “Jodie, you were always special. When you were young you had visions then as well. They always came true. It was very strange. But to save you from thinking you were gifted I told you they were just strange coincidences. Dreams that came true. Then you soon forgot them. Jodie. Your gifted my dear. But to control it we must find a specialist to help us.” My father said.

  “Yes father.” I agreed. “But who?” My father sat on his chair and thought. He thought for so long that Spot, my dog, came on my lap. As I sat stroking him I thought also about who could help me. I thought about Mel. But she wasn’t gifted. Was she? I reached for spots dog-brush. As I brushed Spot I thought deeply. Then I froze.

  Oh great. It happened again. This time I was in my bedroom with spot. “Oh Spot.” I say. “I just don’t understand why won’t she forgive me? Why won’t she talk to me?” Spot barks. I act as if I understand him. “Exactly! She won’t just be my best friend again. I hate it. But… I just don’t know what to do!” Everything goes black.

  Woof! When Spot barked I awoke. “It was me and you Spotty! I saw me and you!” I said to Spot. My father suddenly jerked up. “That’s it!” He exclaimed. “Jodie. I will go and call your uncle Vincent. He is one of the gifted ones! In fact he has your gift… I think!” He left. I called Mel. She answered straight away. “What?” She said to the phone. “Mel! I am so sorry! I shouldn’t do that to your private life! Mel please forgive me…” I said quickly back. “Jodie. It’s not that easy is it. I just can’t forgive you that simply. I’m Sorry but you know.” She said and hung up.

  I ran upstairs with Spot. Into my bedroom where I could be alone. “Oh Spot” I said. “I just don’t understand why she won’t forgive me? Why won’t she talk to me?” Spot just barked. I nod like I understood him. “Exactly! She won’t just be my best friend again. I hate it. But… I just don’t know what to do!” Then I realized something. That was exactly what just happened in my vision.

  My father knocked on my door. “Jodie?” He said. I looked to the door. “What is it father?” I said. He walked through my door. “Your uncle Vincent will be here in one week my dear. Until then just try not to think he said to keep your mind as blank as possible my dear.” He said to me. I sighed but said “I will try father.”

  The next day at school as Annie had said me and Mel made up. It took until lunch though. We talked throughout lessons and all until we were best friends again. “Just in time for lunch hunting!” Mel said. I laughed. “I love you Mel!” I said. She hugged me. “I love you too Jodie Wody!” Then we walked to maths.

  When we got in Mrs White was getting ready to call the register. So me and Mel rushed to our seats and then started chatting about what we would do that night. “Jodie Smith?” She said. Then I looked up, from my chatting and said “Miss.” DING! DING! The fire bell. We all then had to evacuate the classroom and go down to the field. Then when we finally get down there we have to answer the register again. Just like my vision.

  As soon as school ended I rushed home. “Father!” I exclaim as I ran in to the living room. “Jodie!” Said my father. I laughed but then went straight back to being serious again. “I can only tell the near future! Two of my visions happened today and yesterday!” I said. My father gasped. Then sighed. Then said “OK. Jodie. But you have had three visions. What about the third one?” I naturally thought ‘He has a point.’ But I said “Could happen tomorrow for all I know!” He nods. But I hoped and prayed the third one wouldn’t happen tomorrow. Or the fourth one.

  Time flied and it was then eleven. Bedtime. So I went up to bed. But I didn’t even feel sleepy till about midnight. Then just as I was about to drop off to sleep I heard the front door open. I was very confused so I ran downstairs. But then I saw Marcus. Staggering about like a lunatic. Then he came over, grabbed me and kissed me. He stank of booze. So quickly I pulled away from him and instantly said “Marcus your drunk. How many beers have you had?” He stared at me and said “None.”

  Then Marcus did what he did in my vision. He got down on one knee and said “Jodie Eliza Star Smith, I know we are only fifteen but will you marry me next year? I know I don’t have a ring but what do you say babe?” Was this the booze talking? Had he meant to say this? Those were my only thoughts “I will give you till tomorrow to decide.” He said and left. Oh god. My vision had come true.

  I ran to bed praying I had dreamed it all. I dived under my covers and waited for sleep, it came. When I awoke I ran down to the kitchen. I found a note on the table. Saying:

  Jodie Eliza Star Smith,

  I mean what I said last night. Marry me?

  Become Jodie Eliza Star Fox please?

  Marcus xxxxxxxxxx

  Ps. see you at school!

  I ripped it up. I had to break up with him. He was way too committed. So I ran to his house. “Marcus. Its over!” I said really quickly the minute he opened the door. “Oh.” He said. “But I love you Jodie!” I sighed deeply. “No. You don’t show up on time, you don’t care about me and finally, you want to get married! Goodbye!” I said harshly and ran to Mel’s house.

  As I knocked on the door I thought about what I had done. I had a perfectly good boyfriend but now I only went and ruined it. But then again he was probably one of the worst boyfriends I had. “Hello? Oh hello dear! Melanie is just upstairs with Victoria getting ready! Go right in!” Said Mel’s mother as she opened the door. I rushed
up to Mel’s room. “Oh, hello Victoria!” I said. Victoria waved cheerfully. “Mel. Can I talk to you a moment?” Mel nodded and stepped out to the hallway. “What’s up?” She said. I stared at her. “Don’t freak out.” I said. She nodded and pointed to her ears. “Right. I can see the future. I have visions and I swear there true. Remember the fire bell? Yeah. I knew that was going to happen!” Mel stared at me for a full five minutes. “You mean… You are one of the gifted ones?” She said, after a while, I nodded. “My mother and father told me about them! WOW!” She screamed. I looked panicked. “Ssh!” I screamed. Then I froze.

  This time I wasn’t me. I was a stranger. “Kim.” Says a voice. I find myself looking over to the sound. “Jelly!” I find myself saying. The girl with heavy makeup! The one I have seen! “Right Kimmi! Melanie James. We have to find her and kill her!” Says Jelina. I find myself nodding and saying “Let’s do it!”

  “Mel” I said the moment I awoke from my vision. “Jelina! She will find you!” Mel stared at me. “Jodie” She said to me. “I am really scared right now. I looked her in her greenish, bluish, Reddish eyes. “Mel.” I said. “She doesn’t care about that. Let me help you. Please let me help you.” Mel

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