Gods and Monsters: The Scientific Method Applied to the Human Condition - Book II

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Gods and Monsters: The Scientific Method Applied to the Human Condition - Book II Page 7

by Giano Rocca

  Chapter 3:

  Social progress and progress of the need of sociality

  In the societies of nature (or lower, namely: of unconsciousness), definable as societies pre-structural, sociality is virtually non-existent, although, in cases where are composed of human beings, there is a deep need of sociality, which however remains unexpressed, being expressed only as done purely ecological, namely reproduction. With the metamorphosis at structural universes pre-statual the society it becomes an autonomous thing, namely, buys one of its autonomous personality with respect to its adherents, becoming a super-organism with an essence and consciousness independent. This super-organism becomes more complex and complete: in the universe structural statual. With future, possible, overcoming of the structural reality, all humanity, as species, will manifest itself in every individual and every individual will be in harmony with the whole of society to which accedes, which you will perpetuate through the succession of generations, but individuals will survive, spiritually, in society which have acceded, to the contribution not only physical, but mostly spiritual, who will have given to the progress of society and of the social nature of individuals.

  Recent research has demonstrated how cats have a number of neurons approximately double with respect to the dogs (300 million compared to 160 million of the dogs). The dogs, however, have developed a sociality much greater with respect to cats. For this reason are considered most intelligent of cats, since it is identified the intelligence to the manifestation of the being and, in particular, to the manifestation of sociality (1).

  The nature of living species, changes with the change of the degree of sociality, that each of them is able to express or manifest. The sociality, or better, the degree of sociality that each species can manifest, changes with the evolution of physical and biological, and is itself an element of the overall evolution of each species. The Community animals as the anteaters and bee communities, have a degree of sociality very limited: zero or almost on the psychic level, albeit large on the plane bio-chemical. This determines the natural society, since sociality is corresponding to the degree of intellectual abilities of the components of the society itself: there is a sociality entirely determined by languages bio-chemical communication inter-individual. These societies do not require, therefore, the presence of structural mechanisms. At each degree of evolution of social potentiality corresponds a certain range of possible social structures. At a degree of sociality minimal, corresponding to an intellectual level minimum, corresponds to the so-called state of nature (primordial or society with no structures). The human sociality is corresponding to the degree of intellectual development reached. The degree of sociality that humanity is able to manifest determines the type of social organization feasible.

  Hegel stated that the story evolves, not according to the categories of the intellect but of reason (recognizing, implicitly, as human reason progresses very slowly, being not yet managed to overcome the irrationality inherent in reality historical structural). Hegel gave, in this way, the reason of the necessity of the presence of a foreign reality to human nature, which is the structural reality historic, precisely because it considered the evolution of “reason” in contrast with the psychic evolution. This highlights the need for a process suitable for the growth “rational”, as a condition of social progress, namely, as a condition for proceeding beyond the historical structures.

  There is, in the field of inorganic matter, a form of communication that is not yet completely known; you know, in fact, theories of various kinds, such as: the rays of waves and particles, and other theories. In the biological field, of the species pre-human, it has an interpersonal communication partial and imperfect. For animals evolutionarily to a level much lower than the human being, and without an actual sociality, the constitution of a society that conforms to their essence bio-psychic natural is almost automatic or, precisely, “natural”, dates the communities of which the individual are part. This, in that, the communicative capacity and psychic is very limited. For animals more evolved socially, such as: dogs, wolves, horses, elephants, and so on, the adaptability of the society to which they belong, to their essence bio-psychic, becomes more difficult. Already from these levels of evolution bio-psychic emerges the gap between: degree of evolution bio-psychic and the degree of satisfaction of needs socio-communicative skills. The sexuality of some animal species, such as: lions, giraffes, dolphins, rhesus monkeys, it is not finalized exclusively to the reproduction, but is part of the, broader, social life of individuals of these species (2). They were made, so, social structures of type primordial, which allow channeling and give a certain satisfaction social needs and of communication. It was determined, then, the structural universe of the horde or of band, in which live various species of animals, such as: wolves, the wild horses, and other similar species. The primates, such as monkeys of various species live permanently in the structural universe of the band. It is not possible to know if the lower animals to human beings perceive the limit imposed by structural reality in which they live, at the full satisfaction of their need for sociality. If the emergence of the species of the homo sapiens may be indicated by the birth of a complex language, indicating the occurred acquisition of a greater capacity for communication, if not complete, at least very deep between the individuals of the same species, being also, finally, of type verbal; however, the emergence of the homo sapiens species has not created immediately the outcome of social structures radically new. The structures statual, if seem prerogative only of the human species, are not, however, radically different from the structure pre-statual, and do not meet the new demands of freedom and equality, proper to the human species and, therefore, are not to be considered of the same nature to the human being, nor suitable, fully, at these. At the human level, communication, although it is more complex, is not fully satisfactory for the intellectual needs of the human being. The human being has, however, the intellectual potential to make the interpersonal communication fully adequate to the own needs psychic. The levels of the manifestation: of the affectivity and of the sociality, that it would, realizing a more higher level of civilizing, constitute (for now: only potentially) the essential nature of the human being. The structural reality, and religions in particular, create needs distorted with respect to the need of sociality; they create, namely, essentially, a love for the structural reality underway that is deified, identifying it, in fact, with divinity.

  The realization of a given type of universe structural historical is related to a given level of interpersonal communication skills (3). Anthropologists E. Service and M. Sahlins have classified societies, on the basis of “integration levels socio-cultural”. This classification implies the concept of a development of cultural integration, namely, of the communication. This concept implies that in the structures pre-statual you configure a interpersonal communication more limited with respect to the structures statual (4). This hypothesis, if verified, confirm the validity of our classification of structural universes pre-statual in three, different, levels of civilizing (from the second to the fourth), that we have placed in a scale composed of seven levels of civilizing.


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