Uendeligt: An Infinitely Forever Novel

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Uendeligt: An Infinitely Forever Novel Page 36

by S King

  “Sure,” I smirked and leaned my head on Demir’s shoulder.

  “This year, we declare war on Onyx Elite, the scientists, and whoever it is that’s above all of us.”

  “He’s got a point,” Demir got up and grabbed a few blocks of wood from the pile. Loading them on the fire, he blew out a hard breath, “we’re straight certifiable.”

  I smirked at him and pushed my hair out of the way. The two of them had a valid point that couldn’t be ignored. Not to mention with everything facing us, it’d take a straight will to live in order to get away with what we were planning.

  Looking at Demir, I let out a deep breath. We had overcome so much with the courts and guards alike. But for some reason I had a nagging feeling about something. Something I couldn’t quite decipher as I stared at him.

  “What is it?” He didn’t even bother looking up at me as he continued to build the fire.

  However, when I opened my mouth to ask him what he was hiding from me. Karina chose that moment to come bursting through the door.

  “Lumi, let’s talk.”

  Frowning, I slowly stood up from the chair, “ok?”

  Dristan and Demir looked at each other like they too were trying to figure out what was going on. As if the four of us needed anymore secrets floating around our heads. That had nearly been the fatal blow to all of us last year. And I didn’t know about them, but I was getting tired of being the last to know anything when it came to our lives being at stake.

  I shrugged off the guys’ screwed looks and went to my best friend. “What’s—”

  She didn’t allow me to finish the question before she was pulling me forward and through the house.

  “Karina,” I stumbled along as she dragged me down the hall and pushed me into the bathroom. Ripping my hand away from her I put my hands on my hips. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Locking the door she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a purple box, “I think you need to take this.”

  Looking from her to the pregnancy test, I paused for a moment. She could not be serious right now. Ok sure, I had told her about the hot, steam field nights with Demir. And yes, I wasn’t taking any kind of birth control. But did my sister seriously think I was pregnant? Now, out of all this time?

  Crossing my arms, I raised a brow at her and asked, “you put your head down again, haven’t you?”

  Shoving the test into my hands, she pointed to the toilet, “humor me.”

  I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, “Rina, I don’t need to take the damn test. I’m fine, really.”

  “Take the damn test Lum,” she shook the box at me and raised her brow at me.

  Narrowing my eyes at her, I snatched the thing and held it up between us, “I’ll take one, when you take one.”

  She snorted and marched over to the toilet with her hand stuck out, “bet money.”

  “Bet money,” I challenged and ripped the box open as my heart started jack knifing in my chest. Handing her the test I skimmed over the box trying to find the notice about the tests being fake.

  Since she had gotten together with Dristan, Karina liked to play games on people closest to her according to Demir. But to no avail and my utter disappointment there was nothing on or in the box to prove my theory right.

  “Your turn,” she popped off the toilet and replaced the cap on her stick before washing her hands.

  As I sat down and took the cap off on my own stick, I frowned at her. “Where the hell did you come up with this analogy in the first place?”

  Taking a fluffy white towel from the rack, she leaned against the counter, “just a feeling.”

  “A feeling?” Flushing the toilet I placed my stick next to hers and turned on the water, “or did you talk to someone?”

  “Whether I talked to someone or not, I just feel like there’s something coming down the pipeline.”

  Again, I rolled my eyes. “Look, I know you’re an empath and you get these weird feelings. But you don’t honestly think this,” I waved a dismissive hand at the tests after taking the towel from her. “Is the case, do you?”

  She lightly ran her nails over her forehead and stared at the floor. “I don’t know, but I know I don’t like the way Dristan and Demir are acting.”

  Turning my back on the tests, I leaned against the counter. “How are they acting?”

  “Weird,” she shivered like something cold had run down her back. “I’ve been too leery to look either in the eye for fear of what I might see.”

  “That’s not like you,” I focused on a blank spot of the wall and kept trying to fill my mind with something other than what was laying on the counter behind us.

  “I know it’s not,” she scoffed and shook her head, “I mean, don’t get me wrong. I had tapped into Demir’s mind on more than one occasion because he wasn’t telling us anything.”

  “Karina!” I slapped her arm in disbelief.

  Using her talent to pull information out of whoever was dangerous within its own right. But to use it against an OE judge? Even I was having a hard time believing she was still breathing.

  “What? It’s not like I killed him or tortured him. Besides, it wasn’t like he knew what I was doing until I had already gotten the answer I wanted.”

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Well, you can start by paying for our nails to get done. I’m dying with these nubs.” She made it a case and point to look at her fingers and frown.

  Snorting, I tossed an arm over her shoulder, “ok, we’ll go get our nails done. But that means you have to get up early. I don’t want to sit there all day because you don’t know how to tell time.”

  “Hey, is it my fault I don’t like to be up and out amongst people so early in the morning?”

  “Yes.” I deadpanned.

  She rolled her eyes and rested her head against my shoulder as the silence of the bathroom consumed us. Both of our minds running ninety-to-nothing with thoughts we couldn’t silence.

  “Hey Lumi.”

  I grunted, focusing on my breathing because I knew the question she was desperate for an answer to was on the tip of her tongue.

  “What’re we going to do if these things turn out to be something we’re not ready for?”

  For a second, I was silent. I didn’t want to think about being a mother or tossing the notion on Demir’s shoulders right now. We had just now reached a level of normal given our fucked up situations. To throw kids into the picture would just be the ultimate fuck you and good luck.

  “Is it time yet?”

  “That excited?” I asked as she stood up straight.

  “Not entirely, but I am starving.”

  I smirked and offered my hand, “sisters for life?”

  Taking my hand she nodded, “and beyond.”

  Slowly, we turned around and stared at the identical tests.

  “Whose is whose?” Karina asked staring wide eyed at the white sticks.

  “Does it fucking matter at this point?”

  Sitting there, blinking in a synchronized rhythm both tests read…pregnant.

  About the Author

  S. King is a Missouri native, growing up in Jefferson City before moving further north within the state to focus on raising her family and working in healthcare. When she’s not working with the elderly she’s normally writing; unless her young son, Sean, and dogs demand on watching Mickey Mouse and doing the Hot Dog Dance.

  She holds a AAS in Psychology, BS in Accounting and a BS in Criminal Justice. Hobbies include enjoying music, spending time with friends and family, especially her son and mother, and riding through the country side.

  You can connect with me on:



  Also by S. King

  Infinitely Forever Series


  Whether I’ve loved you over a day or
an eternity, I will love you infintely….always

  Riding Series


  Loyalty is a tattoo, love will get you killed, but a bullet will be your best friend…

  Padrieg Series


  They wanted Mars, we took the Sun…

  Angel Series


  The love of an angel can’t always save a demon…


  Secrets are the foundation of nightmares…

  Song of Fire and Ash


  Burn me with your fire and I’ll still kiss you from my ashes…

  Don’t Leave the Light On


  I’ll own the crown of a new world, no matter what…

  Watching You Episodes


  I’d rather be invisible than have your attention…




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