Then Came You ; Written with Love

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Then Came You ; Written with Love Page 9

by Kianna Alexander

  “By the time we met, she was already gone.” She dropped her gaze to the water then, her shoulders slumping. “It happened when Lacey was three and I was six, almost seven. There used to be a pond on the southern edge of the ranch.”

  He leaned back, scratching his chin. Then he remembered. The fenced-off garden near the southwest pastures. It was planted with beautiful flowers, but he’d never seen anyone go over there to enjoy them.

  “We were playing hide-and-seek. I couldn’t find her, and I told the hands. They got my parents, and everyone combed the property near where we’d been playing.” Her voice cracked. “And then they found the pond. She’d drowned.”

  His heart flexed in his chest. “Oh, no.”

  “They tried to shield me from it, but I saw her.” She was shaking now, her voice soft with emotion. “After that, my parents drained the pond, and my mother had the garden planted there in her memory.”

  Dear lord. She’d never told him. He supposed it was too deep a grief to share, and she’d kept it to herself. “I need to get you back to shore.”

  She picked up her paddle as he picked up his own, and slowly moved it beneath the water’s surface while he steered them the short distance back to the shore.

  And as soon as they were on land again, he took her into his arms and held her as she wept.

  Chapter 10

  When she recovered enough to speak again, Robyn looked up into Troy’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put a damper on our day together.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He gave her a squeeze. “I’m glad you felt safe enough with me to tell me about her.”

  She stepped out of his embrace, and immediately missed the warmth of it. Using her hands, she swiped away her tears. “I don’t really know what to do now. I mean, I feel like I ruined the vibe.”

  He gave her an easy smile. “No, you didn’t.” He gestured to their gear, still sitting on the shore. “Wanna help me haul this crap back to my car?”

  She nodded, feeling her mood lighten just a little.

  They took the canoe and paddles back to the parking lot, and he retied it to the roof rack. With that done, he asked, “Are you in a hurry to leave?”

  She looked back toward the water, now glistening as twilight rose on the horizon. The surrounding mountains reached up, seeming to touch the bands of the golden skyline. “We can stay a little longer. Let’s go sit by the shore.” She got the flashlight out of her pack and tucked it into her pocket.

  Hand in hand, they returned to the edge of the water. He found a spot in the soft grass and sat down. Once he was settled, he opened his arms and she joined him, sitting between his parted thighs and resting her back against the steadying strength of his chest.

  Cool night evening caressed her face, drying the places dampened by her tears. A sense of peace washed over her, her soul feeling just as cozy as her physical body did.

  He ran a hand over her hair. “Why don’t we tell each other our most embarrassing moments?”

  She giggled. “Why would I want to do that?”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun, and I’ll go first.” He cleared his throat. “Okay. How’s this? When I was in my twenties, I was hanging out in North Carolina with my cousins. They live on an island, and my older cousin Savion is big on fishing. He’s got an awesome fishing boat now, but back then, we were still just fishing off the pier.”

  She swiveled her head, so she could look at him. “Go on.”

  “One day, I was at the pier with Savion. We’re standing on the pier, casting our lines. He goes first, and since he’s been fishing since he was a kid, his hook goes like a thousand yards out. Then he asks me if I want him to help me with my cast. Of course, I said yeah. He tells me to put my arms up, like this.” Troy raised both arms above his head, making his right hand into a fist. “I’m holding the rod over my head now. He tells me to stretch back for the cast...and I sneezed.”

  Her brow creased. “What happened then?”

  “I sneezed so hard I got a cramp in my back. When my back locked up, I dropped my rod. Then Savion tripped over the rod while trying to help me, bumped into me and I fell off the damn pier.”

  She covered her mouth. “Well, damn.”

  “I’m a decent swimmer, normally. But with my back jacked up like that, all I could do was float. Savion had to jump in and rescue me. Ever since then, he’s called me a landlubber.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. Wiping away tears, she asked, “Oh, so your cousin thinks he’s a pirate now?”

  “I don’t know, maybe. He’s got a pretty sweet ship now, so I guess he can call himself whatever he likes when he’s on the Queen of Zamunda.”

  She tilted her head. “That’s the name of his boat?”

  He nodded. “Yes. My cousin may be a blowhard, but he has good enough taste in movies to know that Coming to America is a stellar film.”

  She made a show of rolling her eyes, hoping he could see her in the growing darkness. She flicked on the flashlight and stood it on the ground next to them. “I wouldn’t say stellar, but that’s a conversation for another day.”

  He frowned slightly, but then his expression softened. “Your turn. Time to tell your most embarrassing story.”

  She drew a breath, looking up at the sky as she thought back on the many mortifying moments in her life. “Oh, I know. During my graduation ceremony from UC Davis, my heel got caught in the top step as I was going up to get my degree. To avoid the face-plant I saw coming, I grabbed the dean’s arm...and we both fell.”

  His laughter rumbled through the darkness. “Wow, is this on video somewhere?”

  She chuckled. “My parents probably have footage. Anyway, at least we both landed on our butts. The dean was totally cool about it and laughed it off as she handed me my degree.”

  “Still, yikes. I’ve seen the crowds that show up for college graduations. That’s a lot of people, and they all saw you bust your ass.”

  By now they were both laughing. She laughed until tears spilled down her face for the second time. Only now, they were the happy tears of amusement. And when the laughter finally subsided, she felt the change in her mood. A lightness came over her, and as she looked into his eyes, she knew where this night would end.

  She raised her hands, cupping his face and feeling the subtle scratch of the day’s stubble against her palms. “Thank you for this, Troy.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Their gazes connected, held for a long, silent moment.

  “I don’t want this to be over.” She moved one hand, placed soft kisses along the line of his jaw.

  “It doesn’t have to,” he replied.

  She leaned in then, kissing him in earnest. When their lips touched, she felt the sparks lighting up her soul. His arms encircling her, his tongue moving against her own and the softness of his lips drew a low moan from her.

  He leaned back. “Too much?”

  She shook her head. “No. Just right.”

  He watched her in the darkness, his desire evident.

  “Come home with me, Troy.”

  “Is there any particular reason?”

  She heard the teasing in his tone, but she was well past playing coy. Her body was calling out for his touch, and she would not deny that. “I want you to make love to me.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.” She pecked him on the lips again, knowing that if she leaned into the kiss, they’d be here all night.

  He eased away from her and stood up. Extending his hand, he said, “Let’s go.”

  Grabbing her flashlight, she took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. Then they walked together through the grass.

  * * *

  Later, as they kissed their way into Robyn’s house, Troy fought to keep his raging desire in check. He’d had no idea that thei
r physically active day would lead to this. Despite the slight soreness he felt coming on from the hike, he had no complaints.

  She asked me to make love to her, and I’m damn sure going to give her what she wants.

  He’d deal with the fallout from all the exertion later. Now, the only thing on his mind was making her moan.

  She pulled away from him then. “I need a minute to lock up.”

  He obliged her, watching as she shut the door and flipped on a floor lamp nearby. The illumination showed the interior of a modest one-story home. She had polished hardwood floors, lots of colorful throws tossed over the backs of her beige sofa and love seat and a large Oriental rug centering the room.

  “So, this is your place?”

  She smiled. “Yes. It’s nothing fancy but that’s just the way I like it.”

  “I think it’s nice.”

  “Thanks.” She walked past him, opened a small closet in the hall beyond the living room and stored her backpack and purse inside.

  The sway of her hips reminded him of what she’d asked him to do. “You’ll have to give me a tour—”

  “Tomorrow,” she said, finishing the sentence. She beckoned to him from her spot in the hallway as she moved deeper into the house.

  Heeding her invitation, he followed her.

  At the end of the hall, she led him into a large bedroom. She clapped her hands, and two lamps, one on either side of the bed, illuminated.

  He looked at the bed, dressed in a frilly white comforter and throw pillows, then back to her. “Damn shame what’s about to happen to those throw pillows.”

  With a sexy smile, she drew him close. Pressing her lips against his, she gave him a quick kiss, then pushed him down so he sat on the edge of the bed.

  In the soft glow of the lamplight, she slowly undressed, baring herself to his hungry eyes. First, she kicked off her boots and dragged off her socks.

  He did the same, which wasn’t easy since he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. He finally got his footwear off as her top went flying. She peeled the cargo pants down her legs, then kicked them off. With only her bronze-colored bra and black panties on, she turned her back to him.

  Taking her cue, he stood and unhooked her bra as she shimmied out of it. When she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, he gasped. She worked them down slowly, with a tantalizing bend in her waist that put her luscious ass on full display.

  Unable to resist, he pulled her against him. “See what you do to me, Robyn? See how ready you make me?”

  “Mmm.” She glanced back at him over her shoulder. “I think you’re overdressed, Troy.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” He breathed the words into the side of her neck, then stepped back to strip away his clothes. Once he was nude, he returned to his seat on the edge of the bed. “Come here, baby.”

  She joined him, and they lay down together, their naked limbs entangling. The warmth of her body and the fragrance of her skin drove him insane with want. She’d awakened a craving in him that dated back to their days in high school. Back then, his desire for her had been little more than hormone-fueled lust. But they were grown now, and he felt very much capable of pleasing her in all the ways she deserved.

  Rolling her onto her back, he kissed her parted lips, the hollow of her throat, the curve of her shoulders. He kissed his way down her body, pausing to take the dark tips of her full breasts into his mouth. He savored them until she moaned, then moved to flick his tongue over the whorl of her navel. His hands moved over the plane of her belly, then lower, seeking the treasure she offered him.

  “So perfect, baby. Better than I could have dreamed.”

  Sighing, she parted her thighs.

  He kneeled before her and nuzzled between her open legs, kissing her there, and she trembled. When he began to pleasure her in earnest, he gripped her hips in his hands and swept his tongue through her womanly folds. He kept up his gentle assault, tasting every bit of the sweetness flowing from her until her screams of ecstasy echoed in the darkness.

  “You’re so sweet.” He leaned over, grabbing his pants and getting his wallet from his back pocket. Sheathing himself with protection, he rejoined her on the bed.

  She was still trembling, and when she opened her eyes, they were damp. “That was so...”

  “Shhh.” He placed a gentle finger against her lips. “We’re just getting started.” Moving atop her, he centered himself between her legs.

  She mewled as his hardness bumped against her sex. “Troy...”

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes...” She wove her arms around his waist, pulling him in.

  Moments later, he slipped inside her, and both of them gasped. The tight grip of her body cradling his manhood almost sent him over the edge. He kept his strokes slow, even, measured, as he wanted to prolong the pleasure.

  Her moans and cries rose on the air, sounding like a song of passion written just for him. Gathering her hips in his hands, he cupped them and lifted her, enabling himself to reach new depths. The pitch and tempo of her moans climbed, and his body tensed with the immense joy of it all. She wrapped her legs around him, held on tight as their bodies moved together in a passionate dance.

  He increased his pace, matching the fervor his body demanded. She rose to meet him, stroke for stroke. He leaned down to kiss her eyes, her cheeks, her lips. She was giving him her most precious possession, and he would give no less than everything he had in return.

  The pleasure rose and swelled, and when she came this time, she called out his name. The sweet sound of his name on her lips drove him over the edge, and as he growled his release, she pulled him close against her chest.

  Lying on top of her, listening to the pounding of their hearts, he felt something inside of him coming to life. A part of him he’d locked away long ago had now been awakened, and it was all because of the beautiful, passionate woman lying in his arms.

  I love her. It wasn’t even a question anymore. Honestly, it never had been. When they were high-school sweethearts, he’d told her he loved her and had meant it. What he felt now was deeper, strengthened by time, forged in the fires of separation and grief. She’d been a more stable figure in his life than his own mother had.

  So much for the casual, no-strings fling. He’d been a fool to think he could be with her and not get his heart involved.

  Her soft snores ruffled the silence, breaking into his thoughts. Rolling off her so he wouldn’t crush her, he maneuvered her around until he could pull back the covers. Then, he drew her into his arms and covered them both.

  She sighed and snuggled closer to him, her eyes still closed.

  And he knew, at that moment, that she’d taken his heart, for keeps.

  Chapter 11

  The first thing Robyn felt the next morning was a gentle caress against her cheek. Opening her eyes, she smiled when she saw Troy lying next to her. The morning sunlight streaming into the room illuminated his handsome face, and she was nearly overwhelmed with a giddy sensation.

  “Happy Sunday.” He propped himself up on his elbow, offering her a smile.

  “Hey, you.” She leaned up for his kiss, running her hand over the muscled plane of his bare chest. “What time is it?”

  “It’s almost noon.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, wow. I slept hard, didn’t I?”

  “You were practically in a coma.” He laughed. “It’s all good. That just means I did my job.”

  She gave him a peck on the lips. “Oh, yes. You did your job very, very well.”

  “I aim to please.”

  She sat up, stifling a yawn. “I’m hungry.”

  “Makes sense, seeing as how you slept through breakfast.” He chuckled. “Want to go out and grab lunch?”

  She nodded as she yawned again. “Sounds great. I don’t feel like cooking anything.”
/>   “Well, I’ll wait while you shower. I already did—I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  She inhaled, smelling the distinct scent of her lemon verbena body wash. “Why would I mind, when you smell so yummy.”

  He got up then, and she could see that he’d put on a pair of boxers. “When you come out, you can give me a tour of your place before we go eat.”

  She laughed. “Okay, but it will be short. This is only a two-bedroom, two-bathroom house.” That said, she climbed out of bed and stretched.

  He made no effort to hide his admiration for her nudity. “You’re beautiful, do you know that?”

  Winking at him, she disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  When she emerged from her room in black jeans, a yellow T-shirt and a tan cardigan, she found him sitting on the sofa with his phone in hand. He’d dressed, too, in jeans, a blue plaid shirt and the hiking boots he’d worn yesterday.

  She gave him the “grand tour” of her home. She took him to her spare bedroom, which she used as her home office-slash-library. The gray-white-and-yellow-striped wallpaper was barely visible behind the three bookcases she kept there.

  “Wow, you’ve got a ton of books here.” He walked over to the nearest shelf and picked up a book on botany. “And on so many different topics.”

  She smiled. “I love to read and indulge my curiosities, especially about the natural and social sciences. Archaeology, anthropology, biology...”

  “Chemistry.” He gave her a soft kiss on her lips as he replaced the tome. “That’s funny, because I’m interested in anatomy myself.” He made an obvious show of ogling her hips.

  She gave him a playful tap on the arm. “Behave, Troy, or you won’t get the rest of the tour.”

  After showing him her bathrooms, her citrus-fruit-themed kitchen decor and her collections of snow globes and crystal animal figurines, she brought him back to the living room. “Now you’ve seen it all. My little place, my weird obsession with the color yellow and my tendency to collect useless knickknacks.”


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