Always, Ella

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Always, Ella Page 12

by Sofia Sawyer

  “Long time, no see.”

  “Glad you could make it. Got some time to surf with us while you’re home?”

  “I should.”

  “Sweet. Just like old times.”

  Jackson pulled Elena forward and tucked her to his side. “This is Elena Lucia.”

  Shua nodded. “’Sup, Elena?” He took her in, still in her board shorts and rash guard. “Shred some gnarly waves today?”

  She grinned. “Tried. Jackson has been surprisingly patient.” She cocked her head. “What kind of name is Shua? I’ve never heard of it.”

  “Name’s Joshua, but everyone calls me Shua.”

  She laughed. “I like it. Guess the nickname Josh is played out, huh?”

  “I just felt more like a ‘Shua,’ ya know? Sometimes you gotta just go with what you feel.”

  “Where’s the rest of the crew?” Jackson asked.

  “We’re all out back. Hope you’re hungry. Mikey’s on the grill.”

  Jackson turned to her. “Mikey’s cooking is unreal. He makes his own sauces from scratch. For years, we’ve told him he could be selling them.” He shrugged. “Mikey said he was happy spending days working at the local deli and surfing. He wasn’t looking for anything more.”

  “I guess some people just know what makes them happy.”

  He gave her a meaningful look. “Yeah. I guess so,” he responded after a pregnant pause.

  She followed Shua and Jackson to the backyard, where several people were drinking beers by a bonfire.

  “My dude!” a gangly guy with sandy hair called out when he saw Jackson walk through the backdoor. The guy grabbed a couple beers and thrust them into Jackson and Elena’s hands.

  She cracked open the beer, taking a long pull from the bottle. Had beer always tasted this good, or was it that much better after a long day on the beach?

  “Grab a plate. Mikey’s dishing it out.”

  Elena and Jackson grabbed a plate of varying meats and took a seat on a chopped log by the fire. The sun had fully set now, casting darkness around them aside from the twinkling stars and glow from the fire.

  “Today was fun,” Elena said, feeling nervous. She took a bite of rib and moaned.

  Jackson cocked an eyebrow. “You know, I love how you appreciate good food, but those noises are going to kill me.”

  “Sorry. This sauce is unbelievable.”

  “Told you. Mikey’s the real deal.”

  Shua waltzed over to them and plopped down. “Bro, so glad you’re here. Feels like old times seeing you around the fire.” He nodded at Elena. “You know this dude is a legend, right?”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “He went out to surf during Hurricane Charley like a mad man. Those waves were vicious.” He laughed in awe.

  Jackson casually took a bite of his burger as if it were no big deal. “We don’t get waves like that here very often. Had to seize the chance while I could.”

  Shua jabbed at him playfully. “Jackson threw on a suit and took on the waves. They were massive. Deadly. And what did he do? Stayed out there for hours, catching one wave after another, taking on barrels like a mofo. No fear.”

  Elena gasped. “You could have been killed.”

  “That was back in high school. You know I was a little wilder in those days.”

  “That’s a word for it.” Shua laughed again. “Some of my greatest memories are with this dude.”

  For the next twenty minutes, Shua and Brandon talked about growing up with Jackson, sharing fond memories of their epic stories, idiotic moments, and everything in between. Each story had Elena smiling, laughing, or looking at Jackson with pure shock at his antics.

  And with each memory, she couldn’t help but see Jackson in a new light. Hearing about this part of his life gave her a full view of who he was when they were younger. She found that she liked it. Even more, she liked how easy it was to be around his friends. They made her feel like she was one of them, including her in all their chats and refilling her beers when she was done.

  “Jackson!” a cute girl wrapped in a hoodie and a tiny pair of board shorts called out as she took a seat opposite him. “I’m so happy you’re here. How long until you leave us again?”

  “Hey, Katie.” He gave her a quick side hug. “Not sure. I’m thinking I might stick around for a while.”

  “What do you mean? Like an extra week or something.”

  He took a sip of his beer, stalling for time. “I’m thinking longer. Like, permanently.”

  Elena nearly dropped her plate. “What?”

  He looked at her from the corner of his eye. “I told you I’m trying to expand the business. I need to have a home base to do that effectively. I’m thinking of setting roots here. Again.”

  She shook her head. “But I thought you hated it here. You were so desperate to leave.”

  “And stay away,” Katie added with an eye-roll before rushing into the house to greet newcomers, leaving just the two of them.

  “I didn’t hate it,” he explained. “I just knew I needed some space to be my own man. I couldn’t do that here.”

  “Because of your father,” Elena supplied.

  He took another long drink of his beer. “Yup. Good ol’ dad.”

  “So, what changed? What’s making you want to stay here now?”

  Jackson’s gaze held Elena’s for a beat. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could answer, Brandon interrupted.

  “Yo, man. Come check out my new board. It’s sickkkk.”

  Jackson and Elena shared another look before he stood and disappeared into the house, leaving her reeling from the news.

  Jackson was staying?

  “Hey, I’m Riley,” a freckle-faced woman greeted her as she took Jackson’s spot. She pointed to the blonde girl who sat on Elena’s side. “That’s Ashley.”

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Elena. “

  The girls spent the next few minutes getting to know each other. Elena learned they all had known Jackson for years, either from surfing, working at the beach, or through friends of friends. In the few moments she chatted with them, she couldn’t help but feel at ease. The women were welcoming and open and extremely down to earth. For the first time in a long time, Elena didn’t feel the need to be “on.” She could just be herself.

  “Yeah, I grew up with Mae and Jackson. I’ve known him since I was about ten,” she responded to Katie’s question.

  Katie snorted.

  “What?” Elena asked with confusion.

  “In all the years we’ve known Jackson, he hasn’t been one to bring girls around. Aside from Mae.”

  “Yeah, we’ve known Jackson for a long time. Him bringing you here means something,” Riley leaned in and added as if she were sharing a secret.

  Jackson strolled out with Brandon, now carrying an acoustic guitar.

  “Gather ’round, all, and feast your ears on the magical musician that is Jackson St. Julien,” Shua joked in a phony medieval accent as he took a seat.

  Jackson sat opposite Elena, the fire flickering between them. He tuned the strings and grabbed the pick, starting to strum a soft song that sent tingles down her spine.

  “It’s not like that between us. We’re just friends,” Elena told the girls, all of whom gave her a disbelieving look.

  “You’re the only one that thinks that,” Ashley said. “You’ve been here barely an hour, and it’s clear as day that you’re definitely not just friends.”

  “How could you ever think you were just friends when he looks at you like that?” Riley questioned.

  Elena turned back to him, catching his gaze. In the dark with the fire flickering in his eyes, something sparked between them. His lips parted, and he blinked slowly, never missing a beat as he continued to play the beautiful song.

  Jackson’s eyes stayed locked on hers as if he was playing every single note just for her. That it was just the two of them there by the fire. His eyes, slightly hooded now, never left her face. He t
ook her in as if she was the only thing in the world worth looking at. And he played the song like everything was riding on her hearing it.

  His lips tilted upward into a peaceful smile, a private one he meant for her only.

  Maybe the girls were right. Maybe their kiss today wasn’t part of the plan. Maybe it wasn’t all an act.

  Her heart thudded in her chest with the realization that the overwhelming feelings she had for Jackson might not be one-sided.

  And as his blue eyes watched her with lust and adoration, she knew her muddled feelings weren’t so muddled anymore.



  Elena was reeling. Although Jackson had kept things relatively friendly between them the rest of the evening, she couldn’t unsee what the girls had pointed out.

  Every look held a new meaning. Small touches like the way his fingers would accidentally graze hers or his hand on the small of her back were now charged. The quick glances he gave her on the ride home were packed with unspoken emotion.

  And if she had any questions about whether those glances meant anything, he reached out and took her hand.

  The gentle kisses on her knuckles confirmed it.

  Like the Southern gentleman that he was, Jackson walked her to her door. Elena’s pulse spiked with each step, and when they stood there to say goodnight, his gaze drifted down to her lips.

  “Elena, can I ki—”

  The door swung open, interrupting the moment she was sure he was going to ask to kiss her. “Hey, guys,” Mae greeted, killing the moment.

  “I didn’t know you’d still be here.” With a long day of filming and the stop at Jackson’s friend’s place, Elena had asked Mae to pop by and walk Marley.

  “Marley and I got sucked into one of those unsolved mystery shows. Been binge watching it all night. Sorry if it messes up your Netflix algorithm.” Mae shrugged as if she wasn’t sorry at all and turned to Jackson. “Wanna give me a ride home?”

  Jackson looked murderous. Elena was happy to know she wasn’t the only one who felt sexually frustrated, thanks to Mae’s interruption.

  “Sure,” he managed to get out.

  Mae was utterly oblivious to the situation. “Cool. Oh, and you might need to buy more popcorn,” she called out to Elena as she made her way down the stairs to his Jeep.

  Jackson pulled Elena into a hug and kissed the top of her head. “See you tomorrow.”

  “See you.”

  She couldn’t help her disappointment as she watched him slip into his Jeep and drive off.

  After a quick shower, Elena got into bed, finding it impossible to sleep with the endless questions looping through her head on repeat. What would it mean if Jackson really did have feelings for her? What would happen?

  They were starting to repair their friendship. Did she want to complicate it by exploring what was growing between them?

  Sure, she’d fantasized about it a couple times these last few days, but knowing he might feel the same changed things. Made it tempting. That thought alone was dangerous.

  She wasn’t sure she could handle losing him again if it didn’t work out.

  The next morning, Elena sat at her computer, trying to burn through work emails, but the effort was futile. Every few seconds, her mind went right back to the questions swarming in her mind. Her hand involuntarily touched her lips where she could still feel that kiss from the boat ride. His mouth had been hot and demanding. And perfect. And addicting. Slamming her laptop shut with a little more force than necessary, she melted into her couch as she replayed that kiss over and over.

  She still had a few hours to kill before she had to get ready for the next segment of the show: the date. Apparently, the men would pull together a romantic date they thought their ladies would appreciate. It was a way to show how well they paid attention to the little things. After the date, they would meet up for tango lessons.

  She grinned at the thought of seeing Jackson struggle with the dance. Dance was a love language in her household, and after years of growing up with it, she would be surprised if he could keep up with the sway of her hips.

  Her body tingled at the thought of getting up close and personal with Jackson on the dance floor. The tango, with him, would be extremely erotic. She already felt like she was going to explode from the sexual tension simmering between them just below the surface. She didn’t know if she could survive rubbing her body up on him without being tempted to rip off his clothes.

  Clothes that would reveal that unbelievable body. All tall and muscular and agile.

  Flashes of memories from last night flooded her mind. He had looked at her so intensely, like seeing into the deepest parts of her, uncovering all her secret wants and desires.

  Would his eyes look just like that if they’d crossed that line and gotten intimate?

  Or would he touch her carefully like he had during the massage, paying close attention to her reaction and responding in ways that made her feel like she was in heaven?

  His hands all over her…just the thought of it drove her wild.

  Resisting him was getting harder by the day. There was so much more beneath the surface than she’d ever realized. Sure, he’d always been a good-looking guy, but he wasn’t just a pretty face. He was smart, kind, and thoughtful. How did she miss all of that before?

  Elena picked up a throw pillow and held it against her face to scream. Marley ambled over and nudged her arm, a look of worry etched in her precious chocolate eyes.

  “Sorry, girl.” Elena stroked the soft hair on Marley’s head. “Just going through something.”

  Marley disappeared and came back a moment later with her leash. She sat by the couch, her tail thumping with excitement.

  “You’re right. A walk could do us some good. You always know just what I need.”

  The two of them left the apartment and walked through the quiet streets of downtown Charleston. It was just before eight in the morning, and the city was still asleep. Despite being on the cusp of summer, the morning was comfortably warm without being stifling. The sun hadn’t quite hit its peak when it would blast the city with its rays and make everyone feel like they were melting.

  A short time later, Marley and Elena walked through Hampton Park, taking in the colorful flowers lining the path they strolled along. Every few minutes, Marley would run up to an interesting flower for a sniff, the adorableness melting Elena’s heart.

  They finally reached the gazebo and took a seat in the shade for a moment of rest. “Marley, what do I do?” she asked as she smushed Marley’s face in her hands, placing little kisses on her snout. “Things got really complicated.”

  She was desperate to talk to Mae, always her go-to person for things like this, but how could she admit she had feelings for her brother? That would not only break the girl-code, but she also wasn’t sure how much damage it would do. Feelings for your best friend’s sibling? That’s a big no-no. Mae was the only person who she could count on⁠—aside from her parents⁠—and she worried about losing her. And for what? A harmless crush that probably was nothing?

  It’s not just a crush, and you know it.

  She sighed and rubbed her eyes. How could she not have feelings for Jackson? At first, it seemed like he was pushing all her buttons to get a rise out of her like he did when they were younger. But once she embraced it rather than being scared of it, she found herself having fun. A lot of fun.

  Jackson pushed her, sure. But all that pushing was forcing her to test new stuff. In the last few days, she found herself trying things she never would have. Engaged and entranced by this exploration, she realized she wasn’t working as hard to fit in or be like everyone else. She wasn’t worrying as much about their approval or perception of her. Elena was comfortable in her own skin, something she hadn't felt in so long, except when she was around her parents and Mae.

  And now, Jackson.

  He liked it. He liked her. And as she thought about it, so did the rest of the couples. They didn’t treat her like
some outsider. They treated her like one of them and damned if she didn’t feel like she belonged for once.

  A pang of guilt hit her in the gut. She felt terrible for lying to them after they’d been so accepting and open with her.

  Jackson’s friends were the same too. She had felt relaxed while around them, and enjoyed swapping childhood stories of Jackson. He’d been a good sport about it, even when she shared some of his most embarrassing moments. Rather than being humiliated, he had sat there quietly with a grin on his face, laughing along with his friends when Elena delivered the punchlines.

  Come as you are. Jackson’s words from last night sounded in her head. Maybe he didn’t have a double-meaning for it, but it suddenly felt like there was.

  The last few days felt so right. No pretenses. No worrying whether she said or did something wrong. No practiced responses or anything. That person she buried deep inside had taken over, and it was amazing. She felt lighter, freer. All the stress that came from worrying about what people thought of her had vanished. The heavy burden it created was noticeably gone.

  And she didn’t want to have it back.

  It was all because of Jackson. She didn’t know how she could have survived this week without him. It would have been a disaster. But with him by her side, making her believe in herself, she felt like she could handle anything.

  Except maybe addressing these feelings she had for him.

  A memory of his slow smile crept into her mind, making her body flush. She had it bad. Real bad.

  “C’mon, Marley. Let’s go visit mom and dad. Maybe they can help me not feel like a freaking psycho.”

  A quick walk back to the apartment and a short car-ride later, Marley and Elena pulled up to her parent’s house on John’s Island. Although it was early on a weekday, she knew her parents would be home. Her mom was semi-retired, and her dad only taught classes part-time during the summer.

  She pushed open the front door and heard the sound of pots and pans moving in the kitchen and some light Spanish music floating through the air.


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