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Marry Me Now: An Arranged Marriage Collection

Page 16

by Wylder, Penny

  “Fuck,” she whispers, when she finally has the strength to unhook her legs from mine and stand again, albeit on shaky legs. I hold her up, and when I draw my cock out of her pussy, a hot rush of our mingled juices spills down her inner thigh, trickles all the way to the floor.

  I grin and drop to my knees. Pull her hips to my face and, unable to help myself, lean in to kiss her mound. Her clit. I flick my tongue against her, over her hot pussy, red from the pounding it just took. I lick her and suck her, tasting our juices mingled in her sweet pussy, and then I flick my tongue over her clit, again and again, until her head falls back against the wall and she lets out a wail of pleasure, echoing in the high-ceilinged room.

  I will never tire of making my wife cry out in pleasure like that. I’ll never get tired of Dee, period. I love her, now and forever.



  Six Months Later

  We speed along the test track. Well. I speed along, and Jasper whoops in appreciation from the passenger side seat. It’s my turn to take our latest model out for a spin—one that I helped design. I worked my way up into the design element of the internship all on my own, I might add, with no special recommendations from the boss. Aside from the stellar letter of recommendation Greg wrote me (since we figured a letter from my own husband would look a little strange on an application), which landed me a position in a top university right here in town.

  Not only will I be able to keep interning at Quint Motors, but I’ll finally be able to start pursuing the degree that will grant me the qualifications to work here full-time as soon as I graduate.

  Who says you can’t mix business and pleasure?

  Right now, it feels like the two are pretty in sync, as I floor the gas and whip toward the corner of the track.

  “Careful at this part,” Jasper warns me, but it’s habit—we’ve been through this so many times, in so many models of cars. He knows I can handle myself behind the wheel at this point. We both can.

  Still, I take extra care, today of all days, when I round the corner. I’ve got some surprises up my sleeve for my husband today, after all.

  It’s been six months since our whirlwind wedding. Since we returned from the trip on which we were supposed to pretend to be husband and wife as actual husband and wife. And since that day, my love for Jasper has only grown, every single moment we spend together. He’s every bit the supportive husband I could ask for, and my biggest cheerleader. Not to mention his family has adopted me as one of their own, taking it upon themselves to include me in more family group chats than I can handle, and inviting me to every family event and gathering they’ve had since their big Greece reunion—the one that turned into our surprise wedding celebration halfway through.

  The one thing we haven’t gotten yet, however, is the start to a family of our own. We’ve been trying, ever since our wedding night, but sometimes these things take time.

  “There’s no rush,” Jasper is always reminding me. “We have the rest of our lives for this.” But I notice the way he watches his little cousins, the longing expression he gets in his eye whenever he holds Sofia’s youngest in his arms. She’s only a few months old now, and cute as can be. Getting to the fussy stage, but at least for now we can pass her back.

  Pretty soon, we won’t be able to do that. But the funny thing is, I’m more than excited enough for that moment to arrive.

  We speed around the corner of the test track, and I head for another loop. That’s when Jasper notices. “Hey, where are the pit crew?” he asks.

  “I gave them an early lunch. Told them not to bother us the rest of the day,” I say, momentarily trailing off as I maneuver through one particularly tricky part of the track.

  When I’m back on a straightaway, I turn to see my husband watching me with a tilt to his head, suspicion dawning in his eyes. “Why did you do that?”

  I grin, mischief flooding my face. I can never keep a secret from Jasper for long, damn him. “I figured we could have some fun,” I say, to cover up the whole story. In reality, my whole body is already buzzing with excitement at what’s going to happen today. How everything will change.

  “Oh really.” Jasper’s voice drops low and suggestive. “What sort of… fun?”

  “Well. You and I both love cars,” I point out.

  “We did establish that day one.” He smirks.

  I shift gears and speed off the side of the track toward the pull-off. I skid to a halt there and then throw the car in park. There’s nobody else in the test track room—I cordoned the whole thing off. Blocked it in the calendar as reserved for a private testing event, and sent the rest of the staff home early. It’s just us here. Me, Jasper, and the sexy new car I helped his team design.

  “And yet, we’ve never fooled around in one,” I say, head tilted in mock shock. “I wonder why that is.”

  “Fooled around?” He smirks. “What are we, teenagers?”

  “Okay.” I lock eyes with him. Start to climb over into the passenger side seat. “We’ve never fucked in a car, Jasper. Much less a car I helped design. A car your company produced and built. A car I just tore through this test track driving. Don’t you think we’re missing out on a golden opportunity?”

  By the time I reach his side of the car and straddle his lap, I can tell he agrees by the thick bulge in his jeans, pressing through his pants and against my crotch.

  He reaches down for the pencil skirt I’m wearing. “Hmm, you make some excellent points there, Mrs. Quint. I think we need to see what we can do about rectifying this situation.” With that, he pushes the skirt up around my waist…

  Only to find I’m not wearing anything beneath.

  His eyebrows shoot up, and his mouth curls in pleasure. “Did you go all day without panties, Mrs. Quint?”

  I catch his eye, lift one brow. “I did indeed, Mr. Quint.”

  “You’re a dirty girl.” He grabs my waist and pulls me down on top of him, the press of his cock digging against my bare pussy through his pants. Then he reaches between my legs, making sure to graze my clit with his thumb along the way, and undoes the zipper of his pants.

  “I’m your dirty girl,” I clarify, leaning in to trail my tongue up the side of his neck. “And today I don’t want to just drive this car. I want to take my husband for a test drive too.”

  He pulls out his thick cock, and just like every time I see it, I inhale, sharp, my belly tensing with want. He’s so big. I love looking at him, feeling him.

  I reach down to catch him, stroking his velvety length with both hands so I can cup him tight enough to make him suck in that sharp little breath between his teeth, the way I love making him do… But he catches my wrists and pulls them back. Pins them behind me in one hand, so I’m straddling him with my hands behind my back.

  “You know what I like best about having you on top of me?” Jasper asks. With his other hand, he pushes my shirt up. Frees my breasts from my bra, one after the other, and leans in to bite and suck at my nipples until I cry out faintly, both nipples hard at his touch. Then he pulls me back again, and reaches down to grip his cock instead. “I love watching you ride my fat cock.”

  He positions me over his tip, and eases me down against him, until the spongy tip of his cock spreads my pussy lips and pauses at my entrance, poised there, waiting. He circles his cock against me, teasing. I can feel myself getting wetter, and my clit positively throbs with desire.

  “Let me ride you, Jasper.”

  “Not yet.” He arches a brow. “First, I want to know what we’re really doing here.”

  I suck in another breath. Damn. He knows me too well. “What do you mean?” I try to keep my voice light, even. “I wanted to fuck you out here, Jasper.”

  “I know.” He grins, a dark, playful slash. “And I’ll fuck you, Dee. But first, you tell me what else you’re hiding. You didn’t tell all the employees to go home just for this, did you? Because…” He reaches down to stroke my clit with one thumb, slow and circular, the motion driving m
e wild.

  I buck against him, but he’s still holding my hands behind my back, both my wrists in one of his hands, making it impossible for me to go far.

  “That would be very naughty indeed, wife.” Then, without warning, he stops. Stops stroking my clit, and eases away from me so the tip of his cock isn’t pressed against my entrance anymore.

  “Okay,” I pant, capitulating. “Okay, I wanted to surprise you, after the hooking up… But…” His thumb glides back to my clit and I let out a faint little groan of pleasure. “But I’ll show you now.” I twist one hand in his, and arch a brow. He releases me, and I sit up, just far enough to reach behind me to the glove compartment. I pop it, and withdraw the gift-wrapped, slender box I hid in there.

  “For you, husband.” I pass it to him with a grin.

  He arches a brow at me, clearly confused. Then he undoes the ribbon around the package, and peels it open. Inside is a simple white stick. But that stick makes his eyebrows shoot up and his jaw drop. “Is this…?” He picks it up. Turns it over.

  On the other side of the stick is a little red plus sign. “Oh my God,” he whispers.

  “Congratulations, Daddy,” I murmur, positively beaming now.

  Jasper lets out a shout of joy, then grabs me and pulls me down into a hard kiss. When we break apart again, happiness shines from his eyes. “Dee, oh my God. We’re going to have a baby.”

  “We’re going to have a baby,” I agree, and kiss him again, and again. I lose track of myself in his mouth, his lips, his tongue tracing the edges of mine, familiar and invigorating all at once.

  This time, when he pulls me back across his hips, he doesn’t tease me. He glides right into me, his cock stretching and filling my pussy, making me gasp aloud at the sensation of feeling whole. A feeling I get whenever I’m with him, and especially when he’s inside me, completing me like this. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and rock against him, savoring the thickness and length of him, the heat of his mouth where he kisses my neck, my jawline, my collarbone. His tongue flicks across my clavicle, traces the edges of my neck, and he nips along my ear gently, just hard enough to make me gasp and twist in his arms.

  Finally, when he’s had enough of teasing me, he grips my hips in his strong hands and holds me in place over his body. He thrusts up into me, fucking me hard, and I rock down against him, riding him for all I’m worth. I glance down between us to watch the sight of his thick cock plunging into my pussy. That’s when he lifts a hand to my belly. Holds it there against me as he continues to thrust up into me, and I press my hand down over his, eyes half shut with pleasure and joy and all the other conflicting emotions rioting through me at once.

  We come at the same time, both of our cries sharp in the tight car, and I collapse across him, the windows around us fogged by now, blocking us even farther from anyone’s sight beyond. He leans the seat back, and I lie along him, savoring the sweet ache between my legs, the fullness of feeling in my belly, and the way our breath mingles, our chests rising and falling in sync as he holds me in his arms, protective and nurturing all at once.

  “I can’t believe it,” he finally whispers, after a long moment of silence, and he reaches down to kiss the top of my head, his lips lingering against my hair for a moment.

  “You’re going to be a father,” I whisper back, leaning up to catch his eye and smile. “And a fucking great one at that, if your own father is anyone to judge by.” I allow for a wry smile. “The insistence on his need for grandchildren aside.”

  Jasper laughs, his chest vibrating pleasantly underneath me with the sound of it. “And you’re going to be the best mother around, Dee. I just know it.” His arms slip down to my waist. He kisses my forehead, my cheeks, one after the other, then the tip of my nose. Then my lips, soft and sweet. “I can’t wait to meet our little race car driver.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Um, our little race car designer, thank you very much. She’ll take after me in the career department.”

  “She? You don’t think he’ll be the next speed devil in a long line of his father’’ speed demon family?”

  We both grin and shake our heads. “Either way,” I say.

  “I can’t wait to see what the future brings,” Jasper whispers. “And I’m so lucky that I have you in my life, to face that future with.”

  We’re silent for another long moment, then distracted by more kisses, our hands trailing over one another’s bodies. Jasper flips me over beneath him, and his hands wander down my hips, before he pauses, a laugh catching him by surprise.

  I tilt my head and arch one brow. “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just thinking. If it’s a boy, maybe we ought to name him after the person responsible for getting us together in the first place.”

  I snort. But I don’t hate the idea, either. “Baby Greg?” I arch one brow. “He’d probably hate us for it.”

  “He’d claim to, but deep down I think he’d secretly love it.” Jasper laughs. “I do have a lot to thank him for, at the end of the day.” Jasper cups my cheek and turns my face toward his. Then he tucks back a stray hair from my forehead. “I have him to thank for my entire life, now, Dee. Because you… you’re not just my wife. You’re my whole world.”

  “And you’re mine,” I whisper. Together, we fall back into the kiss. This time, when Jasper begins to harden against my thigh, I spread my legs wide and wrap them around his waist. Let him lie down along me, as we get to work steaming up the windows of this car again.

  In this moment, I realize… I couldn’t ask for anything else in life. I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more.

  Copyright © 2019 by Penny Wylder

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  I sigh and check the clock on the wall. Or at least, that’s what I pretend I’m doing. In reality, I’m checking through the large floor-to-ceiling office windows beside my desk, out of the corner of my eye. Luke is still in there, as usual. And as usual, he’s bent over his computer like a hunchback. That man is going to give himself back problems soon if I don’t step in.

  That’s all I’m doing, I insist. Being a good assistant. Helping out. Making sure he doesn’t need me to book another chiropractor session in a week’s time.

  This definitely isn’t an excuse to pop my head into his office for the dozenth time today. Nope. Not an excuse to stand near him and catch the scent of his cologne; the smoky, spicy scent that haunts my dreams. Not a thinly veiled reason to stand near him and hope he hands me some more paperwork, just for that split second when our fingertips brush and my whole body goes electric.

  “Luke?” I tap on his doorframe.

  He glances up and flashes me one of his trademark Luke Rossfield smiles. I swear, in a past life the guy must have been some kind of Nordic god or something. Tall, blond and angular, he’s got the kind of blue eyes that pierce right through you, and the cheekbones to finish the job. But when he smiles, it all softens, like he’s sharing a secret. A little hint of emotion meant just for you. “Celia.”

  Not to mention the way my name melts on his tongue…

  “Don’t make me call Dr. Morgen on you again.” I point at his spine.

  Dutifully, he straightens, though the smile never leaves his lips. He arches his back and reaches up to rub the back of his neck with one hand. “Old habits die hard. At least that explains this crick in my neck.” His smile widens. “Thank you, Celia. What would I do without you?”

  My heart skips a beat. I force myself to ignore it. “Probably slip a disc,” I respond. He laughs, and I take that as my cue to spin back to my chair. Just a few feet away, and yet, with the glass of his office between us, it feels like a million miles.

  His phone starts to ring, and through the window, he catches my ga
ze just to roll his eyes dramatically. I check my own line, an extension of his, and immediately understand why. Tony from shipping and processing, again. It’s the dozenth time this week. Luke’s about to pick up the line when I hold up a palm to signal him, and mouth, Let me.

  “Tony?” I pick up, my voice sweet as honey.

  There’s a pause on the other end. “Celia. I was looking for Luke.”

  “Of course. Unfortunately, he’s unavailable right this moment. Can I help you instead?”

  Another, longer pause. Tony hates dealing with me. I suspect it’s because he doesn’t like answering to women, which is why I enjoy making him. Finally, he lets out an audible sigh over the line. “We’re going to be late with the Tuesday shipment—”

  “Why is that, exactly?” I keep a smile on my face, because I swear you can hear that kind of thing over the phone.

  Through the window of his office, Luke’s expression is torn somewhere between annoyance and relief that I’m handling this. Like I always do. There’s a reason I’m paid the big bucks.

  I’m good at this. At handling every annoyance the world throws our way. Luke is the ideas guy, great at leading the company and developing new wild plans for where to take it. But I’m the one who excels at follow-through. I get things done.

  Tony rambles through a million explanations, all of which I’ve heard before. They boil down to crappy excuses for why he hasn’t been doing his job.

  “So there’s no way you’ll have the shipment processed in the next five days?” I clarify. “In that case, why don’t I just call Morgan and her crew.” The night shift in the warehouse and Tony’s mortal enemy. “We can afford to pay them overtime if it will make the difference here.”

  Tony hesitates. Clears his throat. I know he’s weighing his options. Get the overtime pay himself and actually do his job? Or continue making bad excuses and give up the overtime pay—and the credit—to his arch-nemesis?


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