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by Alvarez, Sandy

  "Got an extra change of clothes on the back seat of my truck."

  After retrieving his bag, we climb in my car and drive to my place. "What's the deal with Stamos?" I ask Kai who's standing outside on the balcony.

  "Have you looked at her?" He turns and walks back in and sits on the couch.

  She's a good-looking woman, but only one woman has clouded my mind the past few hours. I wonder if she's okay? "Pursuing anything with her?" I ask him.

  "A lot of questions coming from someone who wouldn't answer any of mine this morning," Kai's eyes stay fixed to the stock market stats flashing across the TV screen.

  Having no rebuttal, I turn on my heels and head toward the bathroom to take a shower. No sense in either of us answering questions we may not have the answers to.

  A short time later I'm dressed in a pair of tailored suit pants, and a button-down white-collar shirt with my sleeves rolled up displaying the tattoos on my skin. Rumors is an upscale club, and they maintain a formal dress code. Having connections to the right people is about the only way you can get into the place—or have a shit ton of money, but from what I've heard not even that can get you in the door most nights.

  Kai and I make it to Mackey and Stamos's hotel just as we notice them walking out the entrance. "Fuck," Kai stares at Stamos as they make their way to the car. Climbing out Kai and I pull the seats forward allowing Mackey and his partner to slide into the backseat before lowering ourselves back into the driver and passenger seats. Kai flips his sun visor down pretending to check himself in the mirror but what he's really doing is checking out Zoe.

  She clears her throat. "I want to say thank you, Kai. Stephanie did an amazing job helping me find the perfect dress."

  "Yes, she did," Kai says making eye contact with her in the visor mirror.

  We make it to the club, and I hand my keys to the valet. Another thing about downtown Seattle—parking sucks, but Kai holds a club member card which allows for parking on the lot behind the building marked reserved. Looking around, I finally spot Kurt leaning against the brick wall enjoying a cigar. Raising my hand in the air, I flag him as we make our way toward the front entrance. The bouncer lets us pass the long line of hopefuls waiting to get in.

  "Impressive," Stamos remarks as the waitress leads us past the bar and up the stairs to the second floor. Once seated we order drinks, sit back, and listen to the live band playing on the stage below us. There aren't many clubs in the city with the type of vibe Rumors has. The music is never too loud, the liquor is always top shelf, and they have a full kitchen in the back ready to prepare just about anything you want. The waitress appears placing our drinks of choice on the table. Mine—Scotch whiskey neat.

  Kurt raises his glass. "Before we enjoy a job well done on the Santino case, let's toast to the man who couldn't be here—Dean and his wife who welcomed a baby boy into this world three weeks ago and is taking some much needed time off of work to be with his family."

  Cheers erupt around the table for our friend.

  With music playing and conversation flowing around the table, the night passes by. I finished my third glass of scotch over an hour ago, so, needing to hit the head, I excuse myself and make my way downstairs.

  When I round the corner of the stairs on my way back, I spot the one person I don't want to see—ever. April. She's standing beside my table talking to my friends. What the fuck is she doing here? Kai turns his head just in time to catch me heading in their direction and judging by the look on his face he knows I'm pissed. I don't have the patience for her shit tonight. Pulling the ticket for the valet out of my pocket, I hand it over to Kai since he agreed to be the designated driver tonight. "I'm done for the night." Ignoring April, I look at Mackey and Stamos, telling them, "If I don't get the chance to see you two and say it again, it was a pleasure working with you both." Reaching across the table, I shake their hands. "Kurt, I'll see you tomorrow. Kai can take you home." I shake his hand as well.

  "You want me to have the staff call a taxi?" Kai asks.

  "No, I need some fresh air, so I think I'll walk the few blocks back to my place." I happen to catch April's shocked expression when I pivot on my heel heading back downstairs.

  "Lex, wait," April follows me toward the exit.

  "Why are you here?" I storm across the dance floor with her hot on my heels.

  "Lex, wait, would you please stop."

  Stopping by the coat check, I gather my things. While I'm putting on my jacket and pulling a black beanie from the pocket, April steps between me and the counter.

  "All I'm asking for is a—." I interrupt her, stopping the conversation from going any further.

  "Where's Chris?"

  "He has the night shift," her hand reaches out grabbing mine. Pulling away, I draw the hat over my head.

  "Lex," she becomes a little bolder and presses her body against mine.

  I take a step back. "Go home, April," and leave her standing there.

  Stepping out into the cold night air, I take in a deep cleansing breath. I'm trying to clear my mind and find a little clarity when Leyna comes to the forefront of my thoughts. I wonder how she is doing? Is she safe?

  Instinctively I pull my phone from my back pocket and pull up the number to the cell phone I gave her when I dropped her off.

  Me: Everything okay?




  I start walking and wait for her reply.



  Leyna: I'm okay.

  Me: They treating you well?

  Leyna: They are my family. Yes, they are treating me well.

  Her words bring a smile to my face. She's sassy. I like that.

  Me: I'll check on you tomorrow.



  Leyna: Okay.

  I turn the corner then cross the street heading toward my apartment building. My cold fingers continue to type without thought.

  Me: Goodnight, beautiful.

  I hit send then realize I had typed out beautiful. Shit. Ten minutes pass before my phone pings again. I pull my hand from my coat pocket and look down at her reply.

  Leyna: Goodnight, Lex.



  Lying in Gabriel's bed I can hear murmured voices coming from behind the closed door. I've been awake for over an hour but have yet to force myself to get up and face reality. The past several weeks has felt like a nightmare and the last twenty-four hours I have felt like I've been in a constant daze. My emotions are being pulled in a dozen different directions. I don't quite know how to process them. The moment Lex drove off last night, my brother whisked me inside and to his room. I knew he could sense my tension and wasted no time falling back into his big brother protective role.

  Pulling me close, he led me straight inside, up a set of stairs and to his room. Not once did he ask me any questions. He didn't grill me for information. Though I could see the battle to do so in his eyes. For that I was thankful. I had already been interrogated by Agent Stamos and was not in the mood to go through the same line of questioning with my brother. Instead, no words were spoken as he tucked me into bed. My brother sat next to me and held my hand until I fell asleep. He gave me exactly what I needed.

  Sitting up in bed, I allow myself to take in Gabriel's room. Last night; or I should say early this morning; I was so exhausted I didn't pay attention. I've heard my brother refer to the place he lives as a clubhouse. Over the years I've learned a few things about the MC. For instance, those men I saw last night, Gabriel refers to them as his brothers—his family. He says the clubhouse is home to many of the brothers and is also where they conduct business, family parties, things like that. When Gabriel stepped inside the clubhouse last night with me tucked into his side, he didn't stop to introduce me to anyone. I could see the curious faces of several men and a couple of women, but none of them had made any attempts to approach myself or Gabriel.

  With a deep sigh, I clear my thoughts and climb out of bed, the
n make my way to the bathroom. Stepping in front of the sink, I see an unopened toothbrush, a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, body lotion, a few hair accessories and a folded stack of women's clothing. Wanting nothing more than to get out of the clothes that were given to me by Santino and take a hot shower, I shut the bathroom door and strip. Once I've removed my clothes, I toss them in the trash bin next to the toilet. Stepping into the shower, I stand under the spray of hot water, close my eyes and allow my muscles to relax. It doesn't take long for my mind to drift and I begin to replay the events that have led me to this point.

  Since the day I was taken from my home, I haven't allowed myself to cry. I never cry. But at this moment, I can no longer hold back. My will to fight my emotions has vanished and I lose the battle. Sinking to my knees, I wrap my arms around my body and allow the tears to break free. My body begins to shake, and sobs take over my entire being. I don't know how long I lay in the bottom of the tub, but the next thing I hear is the low rumble of Gabriel's voice through the door just before the water is cut off. Next, I feel someone place a towel over the top of my body, followed by a warm, feminine voice I don't recognize.


  Lifting my head, I look through my tear-filled eyes at the woman sitting next to the bathtub. This woman is small like me, has brown wavy hair and kind hazel eyes. She offers me a warm smile. "My name is Bella. Gabriel sent me in here to check on you. Will you let me help you out? You're freezing, and I'd like to get you dried off and dressed. Then maybe we can have some hot tea, she says in a smooth, calm voice. "Thank you," I croak and allow her to help me out of the tub.

  No words are spoken as Bella steps out of the bathroom allowing me to dry myself off and get dressed in private. I take a few extra minutes alone in the bathroom to compose myself before I walk back out into the bedroom. Waiting for me is Bella. She is sitting at a small table with two cups of hot tea. Sitting down across from her, I take a small sip and close my eyes while allowing the hot liquid to warm my body. After several beats, I set the mug down. Bella has remained quiet. She patiently waits for me to break the silence. "Thank you. I'm sorry we had to meet this way."

  "You have nothing to apologize for," Bella assures. "Considering the circumstances, I'd say you are doing pretty damn good." Bella is quiet for a moment before she asks. "Do you want to talk about it?"

  "No," is my swift reply. "It's just I had to retell everything when the FBI questioned me. I don't want to go through that again. I want to forget and move on."

  "I understand. My offer stands though. If at any time you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

  I nod then ask, "do you live here at the clubhouse? Are you related to one of Gabriel's brothers?"

  "No," she smiles. "I'm not related to any of the guys. I'm married to Logan. He's the VP of the club," she says with pride. "And we don't live here. Logan and I live out by the lake."

  Remembering what Gabriel has told me in the past, I know VP stands for Vice President. "The whole family is anxious to meet you," she continues, "but big guy has demanded they let you rest."

  "Who's big guy?"

  "Sorry," Bella chuckles. "I call Gabriel big guy."

  "Oh," I smile. "Mi hermano is pretty big." Taking another sip of tea, I sigh. "I really should go out there and meet everyone. I can't stay held up in this room forever. Honestly, I could use the distraction. This is all so new and a little scary. When I thought about being reunited with my brother, I never imagined it would go like this."

  "I'm sorry, Leyna," Gabriel's deep voice cuts through the room as he stands at the doorway of the bedroom. Without a word Bella stands and excuses herself, leaving Gabriel and me alone.

  "None of this is your fault, Gabe," I say as he strides across the room and drops to his knee in front of me. Using his finger Gabriel lifts my chin, leveling my eyes with his. The tortured look in his dark eyes saddens me.

  "Every single thing you went through is on me. My shit past caused your nightmare. So, yeah Leyna, it most definitely is my fault. Can you forgive me?"

  "You can't control the actions of other people, Gabriel. There is nothing to forgive. I'm here with you, and I'm safe. You kept your promise. Just as I knew you would. My big brother has never let me down," I say reaching up and tugging on his bushy beard hoping to lighten the mood. His slight grin lets me know it has worked. "I don't know if I can ever get use to you looking like this. I mean we've both grown up, but in my head, all I remember is the child version of you."

  "Si. I know what you mean. Mi hermana has grown into a beautiful woman. You look just like mamá," he tells me, and I throw myself into his embrace. I don't think I could ever grow tired of my brother's hugs. "I've missed you so much. I didn't think this day would ever come. Now I want to forget about the past and focus on today. So, no more feeling guilty, okay?"

  Letting go, Gabriel stands and holds out his hand. "Alright, Leyna. Today we move forward. But know this, I won't let any more of my shit touch you, and I'll put down any mother fucker who dares to lay a hand on you."

  "Okay, big brother. Now let's go and introduce me to your family," I say placing my hand in his and following him out of the room.

  Stopping, Gabriel turns back, "they are your family now too, Leyna. You'll see."

  Following my brother down the stairs, and through a large room with a sofa, bar, and a pool table, he leads me through a set of double doors and into a large kitchen. The moment we step in the low murmured voices I heard seconds ago halts. And looking at us is are seven sets of eyes. Nobody says a thing for a few awkward moments.

  Finally, a man with dirty blond hair and a goofy grin speaks. "Damn, brother. You didn't say your sister was a knockout. Hey, there darlin'. My name is—."

  "Dipshit," my brother growls, cutting the blond-haired guy off mid-sentence the same time the man sitting next to Bella slaps him upside his head. I can't help but giggle because I've only been in the presence of these people a minute and I can already tell they act like a family.

  "Hey!" the blond says rubbing his head. "That shit wasn't necessary. I was trying to be friendly."

  "Friendly my ass," Gabriel gruffs. Pointing toward the blond, then turning to me, Gabriel makes the introductions. "That asshole is Quinn. Just ignore him." My brother continues down the line at all the people seated at the table. "Sitting next to Quinn is Logan, and his wife Bella, which you met earlier. Then we have Reid, Bennett and his old lady, Lisa. Next to Lisa is our Prez, Jake." There is a chorus of "hi's" and "nice to meet ya's" around the table, and everyone's friendliness helps with easing my nerves.

  "It's nice to meet all of you. Thank you for welcoming me into your home."

  The man Gabriel introduced as Jake, his Prez; the same man that came with my brother to Santino's house, stands. "We all want you to know you are now a part of The Kings family. Anything you need, anything you want don't hesitate to come to me or any one of my brothers." Once Jake has finished welcoming me to the family, I peer up at my brother and see him looking at the man he calls Prez with gratitude and respect. At this moment surrounded by these people and seeing how they have accepted me into their fold without hesitation, I understand why Gabriel chose them as his family.

  * * *

  It's been three weeks since the whole ordeal with Santino. I've settled into the clubhouse, and Jake even gave me my own room here. The guys have been great, and Bella has taken me under her wing. I met Sofia, the young girl who lives with Logan and Bella. She's a bit shy, and her story is a heartbreaking one. Bella told me a little about it, but I didn't pry too much. Sofia's story is her own, and she'll tell it when she is ready. Let's say she wasn't as lucky as I was to escape the clutches of evil. And the club taking in this young girl who has no family, protecting and raising her as their own is admirable.

  For the most part, I am adjusting well here in Polson. I sometimes miss my country, my friends, but I'm happy to be making a life here with my brother. The only nagging feeling I have is as each day that passes; I sti
ll feel an emptiness. There is a void in my soul, and I have no clue how to fill it. It's not that I'm not happy, because I am. I have my brother back and have made new friends; a new family. How do I explain feeling lonely, despite being surrounded by family every day? I think Gabriel can sense it too. I see it in the way he looks at me. He's asked me many times if I'm okay, if I'm happy. I tell him each time I'm fine. The guilt of feeling this way is eating me up inside. I finally have what I've wanted for years, yet it's not enough. How am I supposed to confess something like that to Gabriel? He's done too much for me. I don't want my brother to feel like he's let me down in any way. I need to work my emotions out on my own. I refuse to let the way I'm feeling, and my struggles become a burden to anyone.

  "So, I heard you were going to start working for the guys down at Kings Construction," Bella says taking a seat next to me at the kitchen table and effectively breaking me out of my private pity party.

  It's 7:00 am, and I came down to the kitchen a few minutes ago for a cup of coffee before I start my first day of work. "Si. You heard right. It's been three weeks, Bella. I've been going stir crazy. I told Gabriel I needed something; anything to keep me busy. Plus, I want to earn my keep. I don't want my big brother taking care of me."

  "Oh, man. How'd the big guy take you asking to get a job?"

  "Ask? No, I did not ask, I told," I state and Bella chuckles. "I am a Martinez through and through. We are stubborn to a fault. Gabriel knew not to argue. I know my brother comes off as grumpy and intimidating, but not to me. To me, he's just Gabe. Trust me, I know how to handle him. Besides, mi hermano has never been able to tell me no." At my last statement, both Bella and I laugh. Changing the subject, I ask, "is your sister coming home for Thanksgiving? I do hope to meet her."

  "No," Bella says letting out a disappointing sigh. "She claims to be sick. Alba decided to stay at school this Thanksgiving."

  Bella's little sister, Alba is the young woman Gabriel fell for then acted like a jackass, pushing her away. She attends college a few hours away from Polson. Bella doesn't know any of this though, and according to Gabriel, nobody does. I don't like knowing such information about Bella's sister and keeping it a secret, but my brother has told me of his issues with Alba in confidence. I won't break the trust between Gabriel and me. I just hope things will work out in the end.


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