Home > Other > LOVE ABOVE LAW > Page 15

by Alvarez, Sandy

  Reaching across the armrest, I clutch his hand, threading our finger together. "You're right. I'm sorry for bringing it up. Let's focus on the wedding."

  Pulling up at Logan and Bella's house, Lex parks alongside the other vehicles. Turning the car off, I wait for him to come around to my side and help me out. Taking his hand in mine, we make our way around the back of the house to where the guests are milling about.

  "Leyna!" I hear my name shouted. To my left I see Bella jogging toward us. With a big smile, she embraces me. "I'm so glad you two made it. Alba is ready and we're almost ready to start. Wait until you see her; she's breathtaking."

  "I'm sure she is," I beam. It's also then I spot my brother over Bella's shoulder. He's standing next to the lake along with Logan, Jake, and Quinn. I see the moment he notices my presence. His eyes go from me to the man standing next to me, and he visibly stiffens. When Bella follows my line of sight, she sighs and shakes her head. "We're gonna go say hi," I tell Bella.

  "Sure. I'm going to see how the bride to be is doing. I'll see you two in a bit." Bella gives us a wave over her shoulder as she makes her way into the house. Turning to Lex, he squeezes my hand giving me the assurance I need.

  With a nod, I straighten my back and trudge across the yard toward Gabriel with Lex in tow. "Hermano," I greet stepping up to Gabriel and hold my breath as he looks past me to the man standing directly behind me. Lex brings his body flush against my back with a possessive arm snaked around my waist. When my brother settles his eyes back on me, I see his face soften a smidge. Taking that as a good sign I step out of Lex's hold and wrap my arms around my brother. I let out an audible exhale when he hugs me back.

  "Hermana. Glad you could make it," he rumbles into my ear. Stepping back, I peer up at him. "I wouldn't miss my brother getting married for anything in the world." Gabriel lifts his lips into something that resembles a smile, and I decide I'll take what I can get. What little bit of acceptance he's showing at this moment is one step closer in the right direction. When Gabriel glances behind me once again, he surprises me when he acknowledges Lex. "Taylor," he nods. He doesn't smile or offer a hand, but he's not turning him away either.

  "Martinez," Lex returns with a nod of his own. Turning his attention to Jake and Logan, Lex tips his head in Jake's direction, "Delane." Then he does the same with Logan. Our little area of social gathering is undeniably tense, but all four men have taken the road less traveled and silently agreeing to be civil. I'm thankful for the truce because I would hate for Alba's wedding day to be ruined.

  The ceremony goes by rather swiftly. The bride was beautiful, and her vows were spoken in perfect Spanish. Lex and I didn't stay for the party afterward. I gushed over my nephew for a bit then we took our leave. Today was a small victory, and I didn't want to push things further than necessary. Not wanting to stay in a hotel, Lex and I made the seven-hour drive back to Seattle, arriving back home by midnight.

  Since I had Monday off, Lex and I laid in bed together where he made love to me twice before he got called into work. He doesn't talk about work, but there is something about this particular case he's working that is getting to him. I see it in the way his demeanor changes every time his boss calls. I never ask questions, or push for him to talk. Lex knows I'm here if he needs me. I guess for him, that is all he needs.

  * * *

  The next day Lex is at Rumors like clockwork to pick me up. No matter how much I insist he goes home after work to get some rest, he refuses to do so. Passing his usual table, I place my hand on his shoulder. Abandoning his conversation, Lex gives me his full attention. "I'm going to head on back and change. Do you want to stay a little longer with Kai?"

  "No. I'm gonna hit the head while you get ready. I'll wait for you outside the dressing room."

  "Okay. I won't be but a minute." I leave letting Lex say his goodbyes to his partner. Passing Dana and Maggie, I send them both a wave over my shoulder as I make my way down the stairs. Once I'm in the dressing room, I do quick work at changing out of my dress and into my black skinny jeans and low V-neck sweater. Snagging my coat off the hanger, I swing my purse over my shoulder and head out the door. The moment I step out of the dressing room, my ears perk up at the sound of Lex's voice. What's alarming is the anger I hear in his tone.

  "You showing up here is unacceptable, April. First the phone calls, now this."

  "Don't you miss me, baby? I mean, you can do better than some fat bitch. Don't tell me you would choose her over me."

  Picking up my pace I see Lex standing at the end of the hallway and with him, a woman. The only thing I can make out in the dim hall is the top of her blonde head. The sound of my heels clicking on the floor alerts the woman to my approach. When she peaks over Lex's shoulder, baring her face, I instantly recognize who she is. She's the same blonde bitch I bumped into that day on the sidewalk in front of mine and Lex's apartment. At that moment two pieces of information click in my brain. The first being that the woman standing in front of Lex is indeed the same woman from the sidewalk. The second piece is how familiar she and Lex are with each other.

  When I catch the last words that Lex spits out, I know without a doubt this is his ex. This bitch did not just call me fat.

  The moment April catches sight of me, she gives me a calculating sneer right before she kisses Lex. And when her mouth touches what's mine, I see red. This puta has gone and messed with the wrong person. Cause, believe me, I am not one to be fucked with and in a flash I'm on her. "Hold this," I tell Lex shoving my coat and purse into his chest the same moment he pushes his ex away from him. My action is quick; I don't give him time to open his mouth. Using my left hand, I grab hold of April's blonde hair, wrapping it around my fist. She counters by trying to slap my face only I'm already anticipating her move. You don't spend some time around an MC and not learn a few things. Grasping the hand she was about to slap me with; I twist her arm counterclockwise then bend her fingers back, my maneuver sends her to her knees. Right where I want her. Without missing a beat, I lean down and level my face with hers. "It looks as if you can't get it through your thick skull, that Lex is not interested. So, I want you to listen, and listen well because the next time I have to say these words, I won't be as forgiving." Applying pressure, I bend her finger back a little further, and she winces. "The next time you and your diseased lips come anywhere near my man there will be hell to pay. I don't play games, and I have no problem breaking bones." Leaning down real close next to her ear, I whisper something only she can hear. "By the way. Lex loves it when this fat chick rides his big cock every night."

  "Is there a problem here?" I recognize Dare's voice. With a shove, I let go of April. She stumbles back on her ass and right away starts playing the victim.

  "Yes! Your employee here just assaulted me. I want her fired, and the cops called," she shrieks.

  With a calm expression, Dare tucks his hands into his suit pants. "I didn't see any assault. Did you see anything, Lex?" Dare questions the fuming man behind me.

  "Can't say I did." Flicking his wrist Dare motions for one of the bouncers, Ace to join us.

  "Yes, boss?"

  "Please escort this woman out of my club. I don't want to see her back in here."

  Ace takes April by the arm and begins leading her away and I give her a triumphed smirk. The moment April is out of my sight, I turn to my boss. "I'm sorry about causing a scene, Dare. I understand if you feel the need to fire me."

  "I'm not going to fire you, Leyna," he chuckles. "I'm not always a tight ass."

  I let out a relieved breath. "Thank you."

  Dare takes his leave, and I turn to face Lex, who at this point still hasn't said anything aside from answering my boss's question a minute ago. I fully expect him to be pissed at the way I handled the whole ex-girlfriend debacle, but instead, I'm met with the biggest grin.


  "That was sexy as fuck, babe."

  Rolling my eyes, I take my coat from his outreached hand and slip it on. "Can we
go home now?"

  "Abso-fucking-lutely." Lex takes my hand in his, and we walk out of Rumors. Opening the passenger door to his car, I go to slide in when he snags me around my waist and pulls me flush against his hard chest.

  "When we get home, I'm going to strip you naked, then I'm going to watch your lush tits bounce as you ride my big cock."

  My sex clenches at the mere thought of having him inside of me. Too shocked to say anything back, Lex guides me into the seat and shuts the door. When he climbs into the car, I cannot help but to look at him and smile. "I look forward to it," I say finally finding my words, and he winks.



  As soon as my alarm goes off, I untangle myself from Leyna's legs and sit on the edge of the bed. Rolling my neck, I try to release the tension built up in my muscles. The hours spent on these two cases are starting to take their toll. We were hoping to get a crack in one of the homicide cases after the local media reported on the on-going investigation, but as of now, there have been zero leads.

  Careful to not wake Leyna, I quietly make my way to the bathroom. Reaching into the shower stall, I turn the water on. Once I step under the hot stream, some of the tension in my shoulder eases and I close my eyes clearing my thoughts of everything entirely as my skin soaks in the heat.

  Hearing the glass door, I open my eyes to Leyna stepping in. I drink her in. Fuck if I'm not the luckiest man alive.

  She is all mine.

  She doesn't say a word as she reaches around my right side and retrieves the bottle of body wash from the inset tiled shelf. After pouring a small amount into the palm of her hand, she places the bottle back on the shelf. Working up a slight lather she then places her palms on my chest and begins working the citrus-scented soap all over. Working in soft circular movements, Leyna works from one shoulder crossing over to the other. I stand there, unmoving as she makes eye contact with me before trailing her hand further down my abs before letting her fingertips graze the base of my cock then slowly moves her body against mine just enough for her breasts to brush against my skin as she maneuvers behind me.

  Her small hands travel the length of my spine until her palms splay out along the top of my shoulders. Leyna begins to massage my tired muscles. Skillfully kneading and releasing the tightness in them. She works her hands in a circular motion all the way down my back, then stops, pressing her wet body against mine. Her arms wrap around my torso, and she places her palms on my chest. We stand under the hot water like this, the front of her body pressed against the backside of mine. I put my hand over hers, bringing it over my heart, letting her feel it beat against her touch. Leyna interlocks her fingers with mine. This moment isn't about sex. It's deeper than that. I let it sink in for a moment.

  I want to think I saved Leyna when I was doing my job months ago, but the truth is, she saved me—in a moment I didn't know I needed saving.

  Twisting my body to face her, I take Leyna's face in the palms of my hands and press my lips to hers. I'm not sure what I have done right it my life to deserve her, but I'm never taking her for granted, and I'm never letting her go.

  Pressing her back against the tile, I palm her breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers as I trail kisses down her neck then across her collar bone. Grabbing her behind the knee, I wrap her leg over my hip. Reaching between our bodies, I take hold of my cock and slowly sink into her. Clinging to my shoulders, Leyna digs her nails into my flesh, the sharp sting adds to the pleasure of our lovemaking as our harsh breaths' echo off the shower walls.

  I'm still riding the high from this morning when I sit down at my desk at work. Opening my emails, I notice our outside source used to trace hackers—essentially hacking the hackers themselves has sent a report. Eager to know what he found I click it open.

  "By the look on your face, I'm assuming you're reading the same email I just read," Kai pulls a chair across the floor from his desk to mine.

  "Yeah. It seems as if someone has replaced Santino. Our ghost went a whole lot deeper than expected."

  "Read down a little further. He gave us a name and address. I don't know how this guy does it, but the motherfucker found a lead for us. This could be the break we are looking for to find out who funneled money from that secure account," Kai adds.

  After reading the entirety of the email, my eyes finally land on the name and address. Chad Ridder.

  Like any metropolitan city, Seattle has its own district riddled with drugs and crime and this guy's address is right in the heart of it. I quickly enter the name and address into our system. "Looks like he's been in and out of jail since the age of eighteen. He has a long rap sheet, mostly petty crimes. He was also a suspect in an identity theft case a couple of years back, but those charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence." Lifting my wrist, I look at the time. "We need a search warrant."

  "Already on it," Kai tells me.

  A couple of hours later we have a warrant in our hands and Kai, and I are standing outside a rundown apartment complex. It's one of those areas where drug activity and prostitution are boldly displayed in broad daylight. As we enter the building, we come across someone passed out on the steps leading up to the first story. Noticing his chest rise and fall with steady breaths we continue up the stairs. The guy we are looking for is supposedly on the second floor in apartment 18B. The smell in this building reeks of piss and vomit the further we get down the hall. Once we reach the apartment door of our suspect, the distinct smell of death permeates all around us.

  "Fuck, man. That is not a good sign," Kai coughs at the smell.

  I bang on the door with my fist, "FBI."

  We wait for a beat.


  Kai steps to the side, we pull our weapons and prepare for anything or anyone who could be behind that door. Taking action, I raise my foot and kick the door in. It doesn't take but that one time for the cheap deadbolt to rip from the doorframe.

  The stench intensifies as soon as the door opens. We announce ourselves one more time before stepping into the apartment. "FBI. Chad Ridder, show yourself." I keep my gun trained, ready to fire, trying to ignore the urge to vomit on the floor.

  After clearing the living room and kitchen area we split. There are two doors off the living room—both closed. Kai positions himself to the side of one, and I do the same with the other. Simultaneously we turn the knobs shoving the doors open.

  "Clear," Kai calls out.

  I take in the scene before me. "Found our guy," I tell him. Kai steps beside me. Neither one of us steps inside the small bedroom.

  "Fuck," Kai says what I'm thinking.

  Who I'm assuming, by what's left of his face, is Chad Ridder, slumped over in his desk chair. There is blood and matter everywhere. By the color and bloating of his body, he has been dead a few days. "Shit. Do not go in there. Let's call it in."

  After calling it in, the complex and the small apartment becomes swarmed with activity as teams of people come to collect evidence, take photos—everything we may need for the case. Kurt showed up thirty minutes ago. With gloves on, some of us start combing through things outside the hazardous zone in the bedroom. Kai comes across a cell phone buried under a pile of half-eaten takeout containers on the coffee table. Flipping it over he swipes the screen. A couple of text messages pop up.

  Payment was made

  Too bad. I want more, or I give you up to the feds.

  "Turn it over to our guys over there," I lift my chin toward the other side of the room. "They're getting ready to transport Chad's laptop and desktop system to headquarters. Let's see what they can give us now that they have direct access to his personal files," I tell him.

  It turns out Chad had a shit ton of useful information leading to the one suspect we could never find after the raid on Santino's place—Hugo Diaz. He was Santino's right hand man—his enforcer. And from the looks of everything laid out before us, Santino put too much trust in the man and now he's looking to take his old boss's place. Hugo managed to disappea
r and during that time paid Chad to hack into not just the U.S based account but some overseas accounts as well. He was stealing millions of dollars. Good thing for us Hugo isn't that bright; he should have never trusted a hacker with a drug problem.

  Chad Ridder also owed some debt he accumulated to feed his hunger for the needle over the years and apparently the amount paid to him wasn't enough. Fear drove him to blackmail, and I'm willing to bet Hugo didn't like it. Though we can't prove it yet, I'm positive Chad was killed by Hugo Diaz. One pissed off Hugo, and a large caliber bullet put through the skull of Chad Ridder later solved his drug habit and Hugo's problems—so he thought. Every bit of this information found on Chad's cell and a USB drive found in his pants pocket is right here. Everything we need to take down Hugo Diaz; if we can find him.

  Pushing away from my desk, I stride across the office toward the coffee station and pour myself a cup. Needing a breather, I take my coffee and make my way to the roof of the building. The moment fresh air hits my face, I take a deep breath in. The loose gravel crunches beneath the soles of my shoes as I walk toward the ledge and set my cup down. The sun feels good on my face, and I close my eyes clearing my head of all the shit I've taken in today.

  Thoughts of Leyna flood my mind. Pulling my phone out, I give her a call.

  "Hey," Leyna sounds chipper.

  "Hey, beautiful." I rub my forehead as the first signs of a headache presents itself as a dull throb above my right eye.

  "You sound tired."

  "It's been a long morning. I took a moment for myself, and your voice is the only sound I want to hear, so tell me about your day so far," I change the subject.


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