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by Alvarez, Sandy

  "Lex, what about Dana? Did you find her?"

  Peering down at me he gives me a small smile. "Yeah, babe. We found her, and she's fine. Kai is with her now. She led us right to you. She also told us what you did; how you escaped and how you saved her life. I'm so fucking proud of you, Leyna."

  It takes us over an hour before the house Hugo had brought Dana and me to comes into view. Lex wastes no time striding up to the ambulance where two EMT's are waiting. Laying me down on the stretcher, he goes about relaying all my injuries. When his gaze lands on my bloody swollen features, a look of rage takes over his handsome face, and I know he's hanging on by a thread.

  Next, the focus is put on my feet when the EMT begins removing my blood-soaked socks. I suck in a sharp breath when he peels the fabric from my injured feet. The EMT then takes in how bad the bottoms are cut. "I'm going to be as gentle as possible, but I have to clean these cuts. I will warn you, it's going to sting," he says, and I nod. Leaning into me, Lex takes my hand in his and places his forehead against mine as the EMT takes care of my feet. I keep my eyes focused on him, and he allows me to draw my strength from him. "You're so fucking brave." Lex gently kisses my lips.

  "Alright, that's it," the guy wrapping my feet in gauze announces. "You have several cuts, but none of them looks as if they need stitches. I do recommend you go to the hospital and have a doctor look them over; just to be sure."

  "No hospital," I shake my head.

  "Leyna," Lex protests.

  "No. I'm not going to the hospital."

  Lex hangs his head and sighs the moment my brother appears at the back of the ambulance. "Give it up, man, she's a Martinez. So, you know what that means."

  "Yeah, It means she's too damn stubborn for her own good," Lex grumbles.

  "Taylor!" a man standing on the steps of the house hollers out.

  Lex brushes a strand of hair away from my face. "I need to go see what Kurt wants. I'll be right back." Then kisses me again before standing and stepping out of the ambulance leaving me with my brother who climbs in and takes a seat beside me.

  Gabriel becomes quiet as he lets his eyes roam over every, bump, every scratch, and every bruise that covers my flesh. I watch his fists clench and unclench at his sides. My brother is struggling, and it breaks my heart. "Gabriel," I reach for him, and he shakes his head.

  "I broke my promise, Leyna."

  "What?" his confession confuses me.

  "I promised my shitty past would never touch you again. That you would be safe, and I would never let anything else happen to you. I fuckin' broke my promise." Anger laces his voice.

  Sitting up on the stretcher, I tug at Gabriel's beard. "I love you, hermano, but I swear if I hear you say something like that again, I'm going to kick your ass. I told you last time; you can't control what other people do. Had you known Hugo was still alive and was after me, you would have done something about it." When Gabriel lifts his head and looks at me with his dark eyes, I smile. "There is only one thing I want from you, Gabriel."

  "Anything, hermana."

  "A hug."

  The moment my request leaves my mouth the corner of Gabriel's lips lifts into a slight grin. He wastes no time pulling me into his arms. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "No more silent treatment, Gabriel. That's the only promise I want from you."

  Releasing me, my brother looks at me with guilt. "That's one fuckin' promise I can keep. Never again, Leyna. On the way to Seattle, all I kept thinking was how I had been purposely trying to hurt you by not speaking to you. I let my personal feelings cloud my judgment. I'm a jackass, Leyna. I knew months ago I was wrong, but I was too damn stubborn to admit it."

  "You are a Martinez," I say the same time he says, "I am a goddamn Martinez." We both chuckle.

  "Babe," Lex calls standing outside the ambulance. Gabriel looks at Lex then back to me. He stands, leans over, and kisses the top of my head. "I'll come to check on ya in a bit."

  "Okay," I agree and my brother climb out of the ambulance. I watch as my brother and Lex come face to face. They look at each other for a long moment. Neither one is saying a word. This is the moment of truth. Can the two most important men in my life come together for me?

  Lex is the first to make a move by offering Gabriel his hand. Looking at his outreached palm, Gabriel places his hand in Lex's. Finally. With a grunt and a nod, Gabriel makes his way over to the rest of the guys.

  "I love how even after everything you just went through you can still come out with a smile on your face," Lex says sitting down next to me.

  "Oh, I'm sure I'll have my breakdown later when I'm alone, but right now, I'm happy to be alive, and I have you," I squeeze his hand, "and I have my brother back. Thank you for what you did out there with my brother."

  "I'd do anything for you, beautiful." Lex strokes his thumb over my swollen cheek. "I hate that motherfucker marked you," he says through clenched teeth.

  Leaning into his touch, I close my eyes and shake my head. "Lex, that man does not deserve another second of our thoughts. He's dead and can no longer hurt me or anyone ever again. I just want to move on and live the second chance I've been given. Can we do that?"

  "Yeah, beautiful, we can do that."

  "Good. Take me home."




  Currently, I'm sitting in my car outside the English building on the college campus Leyna attends. She started her first semester of school not long ago and damned near every day since, I've made it a point to pick her up when she's finished her classes for the day. While I wait for her, I reflect on the months that have passed since she entered my life. After my relationship with April, I thought I was content with the way things were. I didn't know I was missing something until Leyna came along. Now I can't image what my life would be like without her in it.

  Things with her brother have settled as well. Hugo kidnapping Leyna seemed to be the tipping point between him and me. Both Gabriel and I have a mutual dislike for one another for our own respectable reasons; I chuckle to myself, and we still don't like each other, but we don't dislike each other quite as much either. He is her brother and always will be. That is one thing that will never change and will always remain a constant in Leyna's life; as it should be. But Gabriel has come to realize I love his sister and would do anything for her. He saw that firsthand the night I put a bullet in the head of the man who took her.

  I still work for the bureau. I don't know how he did it, but Kurt somehow managed to keep me from being involved in any internal investigations. Resilient as ever, Leyna has moved forward with her life and so have I—together.

  A crowd of students starts trickling out of the building. I watch as Leyna steps out the double doors with three other women. As soon as I pull up to the curb, she looks over her shoulder and smiles my way. I can't help but smile back. Waving goodbye to her friends she walks towards the car.

  The door swings open, and Leyna sinks into the passenger seat, quickly tossing her books on the back seat before giving me what I have waited for the entire day—her lips on mine.

  "Hey," she pulls away and buckles her seatbelt.

  "Hey, beautiful. How'd your first semester exam go?" I ask her as I put the car in gear. She has busted her ass studying for weeks preparing for the test.

  "I think I passed, but I won't know for sure until the end of the week. I feel great about it though."

  Since the campus isn't far from our apartment, it doesn't take us long to get home. The moment we walk in, and Leyna hangs her coat, I pull her into me. "Go get ready; I'm taking you to dinner tonight, babe."

  "What? I thought we were staying in tonight?" she says sounding a bit disappointed.

  "Change of plans. Go look in the bedroom; I bought you a little something. It's sitting on the bed." Her face lights up with another one of her gorgeous smiles. Turning, she heads straight for our room. Following behind her, I watch her pick up the light pink box and lift the lid. She holds the contents up
in front of her. I love red on her. The moment I passed by and saw that ruby red dress in the window display while out shopping for her birthday gift the other day, I knew I had to see her in it.

  "Lex, it's beautiful," she pulls it against her body running her hand down the front of the silky material. I stand there in the doorway watching her. Laying the dress down on the bed she pulls the lingerie from the box; a matching bra and panty set in the same color red as her dress.

  Striding across the room, I come up behind her. Pulling her long hair to the side, I kiss her neck and run my hand down her bare arm feeling the way her skin prickles when I touch her.

  "I love them, Lex. Thank you."

  "You're welcome, babe." I slap her ass cheek. "Now, get ready; there's more," I confess.

  She spins and looks up at me. "Take a shower with me?" Leyna runs her palm down the length of my cock.

  I look at my watch. We have a little more than an hour. "Fast and hard," I warn her.

  "Bring it." I watch Leyna saunter toward the bathroom, stripping her clothes off along the way.


  Pulling up in front of Rumors, I give Lex a confused look. "What are we doing here?" The club is closed on Monday's, so I can't imagine why he would bring us here. Honestly, this wasn't what I had in mind when he announced he was taking me out for my birthday. What I would have liked for my birthday was for us to take a trip to Polson and maybe spend the weekend with Lex and my family. It has been months since I have seen Gabriel, and even longer since I've seen my nephew, but with Lex working a new case and me starting school, the two of us haven't had the time. Alba and I have kept up with our weekly Facetime chats though. It gives me the opportunity to see baby Gabe, who is growing like a weed. Mine and my brother's relationship has been stronger than ever too. I can say, that is one promise my brother has kept. He calls and texts me every day.

  Turning the car off, Lex doesn't say a word as he climbs out and makes his way over to the passenger side and opens the door. "Come on, beautiful." With an expected look, Lex holds out his hand. I cock my head to the side as if to say I'm waiting for him to answer my earlier question, only he says nothing. Shrugging, I place my hand in his and step out of the car. With his palm on the small of my back, he ushers me inside. The moment we step inside, the room erupts in a chorus of "surprise!"

  Startled, I let out a small yelp and clutch my chest. "Dios!" Once my eyes adjust to the lighting, I'm struck by who I see in front of me—my family. Everyone is here; Gabriel, and Alba who is holding baby Gabe. Next to them is the rest of The Kings. Also, standing with my family is Lex's family. His mom and dad, along with all four of his sisters, and let's not forget Nonna and Nonno.

  "Happy birthday, babe," Lex says into the shell of my ear causing goosebumps to prickle my skin. Twisting in his arms, I drape my arms around his neck.

  "I can't believe you did this for me."

  "I'll do anything to make you happy, Leyna. I love you."

  "I love you too," I declare just before he takes my mouth in a toe-curling kiss.

  "If you're done, I'd like to wish my sister a happy birthday," my brother's gruff voice says from behind me. Reluctantly, Lex releases me, and I face Gabriel.

  My brother doesn't waste any time pulling me in for a hug. With his beard tickling my cheek, he whispers into my ear so only I can hear him. "Happiness looks good on you, hermana."

  Unable to hold back my tears, I give him a watery smile, "thank you," then for old times' sake, I wipe my face on the front of his shirt, and he chuckles.

  "Mind if I speak to your brother for a minute, babe?" Lex asks over my shoulder.

  "Sure. I'm going to go say hi to everyone." Leaving Lex and my brother alone, I make my way over to the bar where the rest of the family is seated. I have just made my rounds and passed out hugs when the door to Rumors opens and in walks Dana. With a big smile she spots me in the crowd then heads in my direction.

  "Happy birthday, Leyna," she hugs me.

  "Thank you, Dana. I'm so happy you could make it."

  "Of course, but I can't stay long."

  "Why? Is everything okay?" I ask with worry.

  "Actually, everything is great. It's just that I have decided to go back home to Tennessee. My car is packed, and I'm ready to hit the road, but I couldn't leave without stopping to say Goodbye."

  When Dana sees the guilty look on my face, she's quick to add. "Get that look off your face. My leaving is not because of what happened. It's because I decided a while back it was time; our conversation at the mall helped me see everything more clearly. Your words inspired me to go out and find my happy; so, I'm going to start by going home," Dana beams and I can tell by the look on her face she's telling the truth.

  "Do you promise to keep in touch?" I ask.

  "I promise." Dana hugs me one last time before she turns to leave. I watch as she stops at the door, looks over her shoulder and gives me a wave.

  I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind, and the smell of Lex's cologne fills my senses. "Hey, babe."

  "Hey yourself. Is everything okay with you and my brother?" I ask.

  "Yeah, just had something I needed to ask him." Squeezing me tighter, Lex asks, "are you happy, beautiful?"

  Resting my head back against his chest, I sigh. "I couldn't be happier. What about you? Are you happy?"

  "Almost," he says, and I'm stunned. Facing Lex, I go to ask him what his last statement meant when he places his finger over my lips. "There's only one thing I need that would make me the happiest man in the world." Holding my face in the palms of his hands he rests his forehead against mine. "Marry me." I blink a few times as my brain tries to process the words that came out of his mouth. "I knew the moment I laid eyes on you; I was done. Leyna, you own my heart. I can't imagine not coming home every day to your smile and not making love to you every night. I want to listen to you talk about your hopes and dreams and stand by your side when you achieve them. I want us to have a family of our own. I want to grow old together. What do you say, beautiful? Will you marry me?"

  Without a moment's hesitation, I answer. "Okay." With my face still in his hands, Lex crashes his mouth down on mine.

  Pulling away, Lex reaches into the front pocket of his jeans and pulls out a black velvet box. "My Nonna gave me this ring. It has been in my family for generations. She gave it to me the day I introduced you to her. She told me she saw in my eyes you were the one." Lex slides the ring on my finger. I look down. It's a beautiful vintage ring with a floral ruby set inside a halo of diamonds mounted on an encrusted diamond band.

  "Lex, it's perfect," I gush admiring the look of the ring on my hand.

  "Holy shit! Did you two just get engaged?" Quinn's nosy butt questions. From the way the room falls silent and all eyes fixate on Lex and me, Quinn's outburst was loud enough for everyone to hear.

  "Si, Lex asked me to marry him," I look up at my soon to be husband then back toward my family, "I said yes." I announce holding my hand in the air, showing off the ring.

  The room erupts into cheers. Lex lifts me off my feet and kisses me once again. "I love you, Leyna."

  "I love you too, Lex."

  * * *

  Dear Readers,

  We hope you enjoyed Love Above Law. If you’re new to us, please feel free to turn the page and read the first chapter of Undaunted; the first book in our MC series and get to know The Kings of Retribution men and their strong women.

  Thank you for reading!

  Crystal and Sandy

  Before You Go

  Please consider leaving an honest review.

  Excerpt from Undaunted Chapter One


  I live and breathe this life. Bikes, women, whiskey. There isn’t anything better. I am who I am and make no excuses. I may not be what society would call an upstanding citizen, but the way I see it, our time on earth is limited. And I don’t plan on wasting any of mine. I refuse to let other people’s opinions keep me from having the courage
to live my life the way I choose. There is only one day a year I throw all that shit out the window, allowing the negativity and darkness to creep in. And that day is today. The Club’s throwing a big party for my twenty-fifth birthday. They do it every year. They fire up the grills, bring in all the families, then as night falls the old ladies and kids go home and the women and whiskey start to flow.

  I love my brothers, but I’d much rather lose myself in booze—which is exactly what I’m doing right now.

  I have a home not far from the clubhouse, right on the lake. I got one just for the peace and solitude. There are times when I need to be alone—away from the club, away from my brothers. Times like now. My birthday isn’t a day for celebrating. To me, my birthday will always be a reminder of the worst day of my life.

  “Hey, son. Happy Birthday.” Jake acknowledges, patting me on my back as he takes a seat beside me. I’ve been sittin’ outside in the cold for the better part of an hour. Lucky for me, the alcohol is not only good for drowning my sorrows but works wonders at keeping me warm.

  “Thanks,” I answer dryly.

  Jake has been in my life since I was eight. He married my Aunt Lily, my mom’s younger sister. “Why don’t you call it a night? Go home. I know you’re not into any of this shit today.”

  I look to him and lift my beer to my lips, drinking the last swallow. “I think I’ll just take a bottle to my room. Tell the guys I’m out for the night will ya?” I ask as I make my way back inside. Stopping at the bar, I grab my poison of choice before making my way to the stairs that lead to my room.

  Jake understands the struggles today brings. No matter how many years pass, tragedy and pain will forever stalk me.


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