A Savage Dreamland

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A Savage Dreamland Page 33

by David Eimer

  Enter the Dragon (film) here

  Every, Henry here

  Falam, Chin State here

  Federal Movement here

  feminism here; see also women

  Fern, Mrs (Sao Sarm Hpong) here, here

  Fielding-Hall, Henry: The Soul of a People here, here

  films and cinema: industry here; official control of here; popularity here; prevalence here; women in here

  FMI City, Yangon here

  food and diet here, here, here

  Force 136 (World War II) here

  Fort Hertz here

  fortune-tellers here

  ‘Four Cuts’ doctrine here, here, here

  Frankie (Bangkok travel agent) here

  Fraser, George MacDonald here

  Fu Manchu (fictional villain) here

  Furnivall, J.S. here, here

  gambling here, here, here, here, here

  Gamlang Razi (mountain) here

  Gardiner, (John) Ritchie here, here, here, here, here, here

  Glory (Chin woman) here

  gold mines here, here

  Golden Triangle: drug production here, here, here, here

  Golden Valley (Yangon neighbourhood) here, here

  golf here

  Hakha, Chin State here, here

  heroin here, here; see also drugs; opium

  Hertz, William here

  Himalayas here, here, here

  Hinthada here

  Hkakabo Razi (mountain) here, here

  Hlaing Tharyar (Yangon township): crime in here, here, here; as shanty town here, here, here, here

  Hu Jintao here

  House of Memories, Yangon here

  Hpakant here, here

  Hsipaw here

  Htay Htay Mint here

  Htoi Pan here, here

  Htoi Paw here, here

  Indawgyi Lake here, here

  India: border with Burma here; migrant workers in Burma here, here; trade with Burma here

  Insein Prison here

  Inya Lake here

  Irrawaddy, river see Ayeyarwady River

  Islam see Muslims

  jade: industry and trade here, here, here, here, here

  Jama Mosque, Sittwe here, here

  Japan: defeated in Burma here, here; invades Burma (1942) here, here, here; victory against Russia (1904–5) here

  Jar Lann (island) here, here

  John (‘the Baptist’; Chin Christian) here, here, here, here

  John (‘the Catholic’; Chin Christian) here, here

  Johns, Captain W.E. here

  Johnson, Boris here

  Joshu (Lisu drug addict) here

  Journey to Pyay (film) here

  Junaid (Mawlamyine Muslim) here

  junta: belief in occult guidance here; corruption here; refuses international help after Cyclone Nargis here; reports little bad news here; revises constitution here; suppresses student activism here, here

  Kachin Independence Army (KIA) here, here, here, here, here, here

  Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) here, here, here

  Kachin people here, here

  Kachin State: anti-drug policy here, here; autonomy movement here, here, here; border with China here; Chinese money and support in here; Christianity in here, here; civil war in here; higher education in here; jade mining and trade here, here, here; population here; sense of unity here; Tibetans in here; wildlife trafficking here

  Kadan Island here

  Kalaymyo (Kalay) here, here, here

  Kam Suan Mang here

  Karen people here, here; rebel here, here, here

  Katha (town) here

  Kaung Myat Min here

  Kawthoung here, here, here

  Kayah here

  Kayin State here

  Kengtung, Shan State here, here

  Kennedy Peak, Chin State here

  Ket here

  Khen Thang, Felix Lian, Bishop here, here

  Khin Kyi (Aung San Suu Kyi’s mother) here

  Khin Nyunt here

  Khin Zaw Lwin here

  Khine Hmin Wai here

  Khun Sa (Zhang Qifu) here, here

  Kipling, Rudyard here, here; ‘Mandalay’ (poem) here

  Ko Min Min here

  Ko Min Nyo here

  Ko Myint here, here

  Kokang (Special Region 1, Shan State) here, here

  Kublai Khan here

  Kyaikthanlan Pagoda, Mawlamyine here

  Kyaingtong, Shan State here

  Kyaukme here

  Kyaw Mint here

  Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Sergeant Major here

  Kyunsu, Kadan Island here

  Laiza here

  Lamin Oo here

  Lewis, Norman here

  Limouzin family here

  Limouzin, Ida (Orwell’s mother) here

  Lin Mingxian here, here

  Lisu people here, here, here, here, here, here

  Lo Hsing Han here

  logging here

  Loi Mwe, Shan State here

  Loi Tai Leng here, here, here

  Love and Liquor (film) here

  Ma Ba Tha (organisation) here, here, here

  Macgregor & Co. here, here

  Machanbaw here, here

  Madaw Razi (mountain) here

  Mae Hong Son here

  Mae Sot, Thailand here

  Magwe here

  Mai Ja Yang, Kachin State here, here

  Malaya: communist insurgency suppressed here

  Malihka river here

  Mandalay: crime increase here; founded as royal capital here; railway to Hsipaw and Lashio here; riots here; war damage here

  Mang, Mr here

  Mang Son Pau here

  Mantong here

  Marxism here

  Maugham, W. Somerset here

  Maung Thaw Ka here

  Maungdaw here

  Mawlamyine (earlier Moulmein): character here, here, here, here, here; position of Muslims in here

  May Chin (movie star) here

  May Thin Zar here

  media: controlled and censored here

  Meiktila: war damage here

  Mergui see Myeik

  Miao (town) here

  Michael here, here

  Min Ko Naing (earlier Paw Oo Tun) here, here

  Min Ma Naing district, Yangon here, here

  Mindon, king of Burma here

  Mingalar Taung Nyunt here

  Mitton, G.E. (later Scott): A Bachelor Girl in Burma here

  Mizo people here, here

  mobile phones here

  Mon people here, here

  Mon State here, here

  Mong Kung here

  Mong La, Shan State: Chinese presence here, here; conditions here, here, here, here, here; drugs museum here, here; follows Chinese time here; gambling and prostitution here, here, here; lacks university here; lavish buildings here; opium trade here; people smuggling here; as Special Region here; three armies in here, here; wildlife trafficking here

  Mong Tai Army here

  Mongols here

  Morse family here, here

  Moses (Mawlamyine Christian) here, here

  Moulmein see Mawlamyine

  Mrauk U here, here

  Mulashidi Village here

  Muse, Shan State here

  Muslims: attacked by Buddhists here, here, here, here, here; barred from serving in Tatmadaw here; identity cards and voting difficulties here; in Mawlamyine here; presence in Burma here; see also Rohingya

  Myanma: people here; word meaning here

  Myanmar see Burma

  Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) here, here

  Myazedi Monastery, Mawlamyine here, here

  Myeik (earlier Mergui): British in here; character here; and piracy here; trade with Thailand here

  Myeik Archipelago here, here

  Myitkyina here, here, here, here

  Namhsan here, here, here

  Namhsan Militia here

  Namtu here, here

Narai, king of Siam here

  Nargis (Cyclone) here, here

  Nargis: When Time Stopped Breathing (film) here

  National Coalition Group here, here

  National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) here, here, here, here, here

  National League for Democracy (NLD): attitude to media here; in by-elections (2012) here, here; election victory (2015) here, here, here, here; excludes Muslim candidates here; formed here, here; Muslim suspicion of here; Muslims support here; presence in Burma here; restrictions on media here; in Shan State here; support in Chin State here; supposedly protects Muslims here

  nats (animist spirits) here

  Naypyidaw: character here; established as Burmese capital here, here, here; and ethnic forces here

  Ne Win, General: on Buddhists and Muslims here; controls film industry here; dressing up here; ends authority of sawbwas here; expelled from Rangoon University here; expels Christian missionaries here; faith in occult here; heads Tatmadaw here; leads coup (1962) here, here, here; lifestyle here; photograph here; political programme and rule here, here, here; represses student rebels here, here; and Sao Kya Seng here; supports Japanese in war here; takes office here, here; wives here

  Nga Hmun here

  Ngwalisa here, here, here, here, here, here

  Nilar (Burmese woman) here

  969 movement (anti-Muslim) here

  Nixon, Richard M. here, here

  N’Maihka river here

  Nogmung here

  Noor (of Rakhine State) here, here

  North East Frontier here

  Northern Alliance here, here

  numerology here, here, here, here

  Nyan Win here

  Nyaung Toung Lake here

  oil: reserves in Burma here, here

  opium: grown in Shan State here, here; local use here; popularity here; production and trade here, here; see also drugs

  Orwell, George: anti-imperialism here; and Burmese prisoners here; father in Indian Civil Service here; forgotten in Burma here; home in Katha here; and Kipling here; and Robinson here; serves in Burma Police here, here, here, here, here; Burmese Days here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here; ‘A Hanging’ here; ‘Shooting an Elephant’ here, here

  Orwell, Sonia here

  Pakokku here, here

  Palaung People here

  Palaung Self-Administered Zone here

  Panghsang here, here, here

  Panglong Conference (Shan State, 1947) here, here, here, here, here, here, here; 21st Century version here

  Panhsay Militia here, here

  Pat Ja San (anti-drug organisation) here

  Pau Cin Hau Sect here, here

  Peck, Gregory here

  Pegu Club, Yangon here, here, here, here, here

  Pegu Yoma range here

  Pialrâl (animist heaven) here, here

  police here, here

  Popa, Mount here

  prisons here

  prostitution here, here; see also Mong La

  punishments (criminals) here

  Purple Plain, The (film) here

  Putao (north Burma) here, here, here, here, here

  Pyay here, here

  Pyin Oo Lwin here

  Pyu people here

  Rakhine people here

  Rakhine State (earlier Arakan): Buddhist-Muslim clashes in here, here, here; conditions here; economic deprivation here; as independent state here; name here; neglect and poverty in here; resentment of Burmese domination here; Rohingya in here, here; unrest here; in World War II here, here; see also Rohingya Muslims

  Rance, Sir Herbert here

  Rangoon see Yangon

  Rangoon Institute of Technology (RIT) here

  Ranong, Thailand here

  Rawang people here, here, here, here

  Rebellion Resistance Force (Rawang) here

  religions here; see also animism; Buddhism; Christianity; Muslims

  Restoration Council of Shan State (or Shan State Army - South; RCSS) here, here, here, here

  rice farming and trade here, here

  Rih Lake, Chin State here, here

  Rihkhawdar here, here, here

  Robert, Major here, here, here, here

  Robinson, Herbert here, here; A Modern De Quincy here

  Rohingya Muslims: Burmese army mistreatment of here; Burmese hostility to here, here; emigrate here; flee to Bangladesh here, here; language here; numbers here; origins and status here; persecuted and discrimated against here; in Rakhine State here, here, here, here, here, here; Sao Shwe Thaike defends here; support British in World War II here, here; in Yangon here

  Rohmer, Sax here

  Rowe & Co. (department store) here

  Ruili, Yunnan Province here, here

  Russo-Japanese War (1904–5) here

  Saffron Revolution (2007): and Cyclone Nargis here; filmed here; monks in here; opposes army rule here, here

  Sai Hong Kham here, here

  Salang Kaba here

  Salone people here, here, here

  Sangermano, Vincentius here

  Sao Kya Seng here

  Sao Sai Long here, here

  Sao Shwe Thaike (Yawnghwe) here, here, here

  sawbwas (‘sky lords’) here, here, here, here, here, here

  Saya San here

  Scott, James George here, here

  Sea Gypsy (boat) here, here, here

  Setilaw village here

  786 (Muslim Basmala) here

  Seven Stars group here

  sexual harassment and violence here

  Shah Bandar mosque, Mawlamyine here

  Shahida (Rohingya woman) here

  Shan National Day here

  Shan people here, here, here, here

  Shan State: border with China here; civil war in here, here, here, here; conditions here, here, here; disunity here, here; in election (2015) here; ethnographic and demographic composition here, here; history as state here; jungle here; opium growing and consumption here, here, here; political-economic situation here; Special Regions here; as threat to Burmese rulers here

  Shan State Army - North here

  Shan State Army - South see Restoration Council of Shan State

  Shan United Army here

  Shunn Lei here

  Shwebontha Pagoda, Pyay here

  Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon: ATMs installed here; character here, here

  Shwesandaw Pagoda, Pyay here

  Siangsawn Village, Chin State here

  Sichuan Province (China): earthquake here

  Siliw here

  Sittwe (earlier Akyab), Rakhine State: conditions here, here; Rohingya Muslims in here, here, here, here; University here

  sky lords see sawbwas

  smoking (tobacco) here

  socialism here

  soothsayers here

  Soppong here

  Southeast Asian Games (2013) here

  Special Regions here

  Sri Ksetra here

  Steel Brothers (company) here

  Sucittasara (monk) here, here

  Sule Pagoda, Yangon here

  Suu Kyi, Aung San (Daw Suu): admires Kipling here; aims for peace in Burma here; autocratic tendencies here; awarded Nobel Peace Prize here; barred from office under constitution here, here; criticised here; election victory (2015) here, here, here, here; entry into politics here; first elected to parliament here; freed from house arrest here, here; indifference to state autonomy here; influenced by father here, here; and inter-faith marriage here; jailed in Insein Prison here; maintains film censorship here; marriage and children here; meets Yawd Serk here; monks demand release here; residence here; and Rohingya crisis here; and second (21st Century) Panglong Conference here; in Shan State here; silence on Muslim issues here, here; soldiers support here; Than Shwe attempts to influence here; uncompromising nature here; under house arrest here; unpopularity in Rakhine State here; unpopularity in Kachin here; wedding here; and women’s rights here

  Swe Zin Htaik (‘Grace’) here, here

nbsp; Symes, Michael here, here, here

  Ta Aye (Salone woman) here

  Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Ta’ang region: lack of development here; opium addicts here; rebellion against Burmese state 2584; signs ceasefire (1991) here, here; tea cultivation and production here

  Tachileik, Shan State here, here

  Tai Khamti people here

  Tai Khun people here

  Tai Nua people (China) here

  Tanai here, here

  Tang Raw here, here

  Tanintharyi Region here

  Tar Maw Shan here

  Tashi (Tibetan) here

  Tatmadaw (Burmese military): Aung San founds here, here; base at Machanbaw here; and capital city Naypidyaw here, here; commercial interests here; conflicts with ethnic armies here, here; and cronyism here, here; destroys Shan sawbwa palace here; divide and rule policy against rebels here; and drug trade and use here, here; and film censorship here; ’Four Cuts’ doctrine here; hostility to Rohingya here, here; idealises kings here; involvement in government here; Kachin Independence Army opposes here, here, here, here; in Kengtung, Shan State here; Muslims barred from here; on national unity here; Ne Win heads here; opposed by Ta’ang National Liberation Army here, here, here, here, here; and protests here; reaction to Cyclone Nargis here; and rebellious regions here; repression in Rakhine here; size increase here; supported by Shan State Army here; Suu Kyi’s relations with here, here; takes over Pegu Club here, here

  Taunggyi here

  Taungoo here, here

  tea: cultivation and trade here, here, here, here, here

  teak here, here, here, here

  Tedim, Chin State here, here, here

  television here, here

  Tenasserim Hills here

  Thaiddhi (film maker) here

  Thailand: border checkpoints here; and opium trade here; trade with Myeik here, here

  Than Shwe here, here, here, here, here

  thanaka (natural sunscreen) here, here

  Thanlwin River here, here

  Tharrawaddy here, here

  Thein Thut here

  Theroux, Paul here

  Thibaw, king of Burma here, here, here, here, here

  Thida here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Thirty Comrades (political group) here, here

  Thunderball (film) here

  Tibet here, here

  Tibetans: in Burma here

  Tim: dress here; exile in USA here; political activism here, here; returns to Burma from USA here, here; on Rohingya here; in Yangon here

  tin mines here

  trade unions here

  Tun Tun here

  U Aung Aung here, here

  U Hla Myint here, here

  U Nu here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  U Oktama here


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