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Vowed Page 21

by N R Tucker

  Victoria raised an eyebrow, something everyone who spent time with Tempe eventually copied. “I tried to teach science to some Northern Realm fae, and they couldn’t understand. It was a waste of time.”

  Salix’s lips twitched, “We have a list of possible students and leave it to you to pick five for training. I think you will find the fae on this list to be of acceptable intelligence.” He handed the list to Ryan. “We will, of course, expect you to offer no subterfuge to your students.”

  Victoria blushed.

  “Subterfuge is customary during a kidnapping, but when training allies, accuracy is expected.” Ridge grinned. “We agree to send the students to the Seen for training, but I would remind you that Ralliner lives in the Northern Realm. None would offer you harm while you wear her ring. It would be suicide to do so. We have an excellent facility for advanced training in what you call the hard sciences.”

  “What level of training do you expect?” Victoria asked.

  “You will find the fae on the list to have completed studies equal to a master’s degree in at least two of the hard sciences of the Seen,” Salix answered.

  Ryan looked over the list, surprised to find that many had attended major universities in the Seen and completed master’s programs. A few even held doctoral degrees. Even though she wouldn’t know the fae on the list, Ryan handed it to Victoria and waited. She nodded, he said, “Training is acceptable. We’ll work out the details on location and timing once the five are chosen.” He leaned forward, “I need to inspect your training facility, but I’m not saying we’ll use it.”

  “Of course,” Ridge nodded.

  Victoria looked at Salix in surprise, “You’re on this list.”

  “Yes. I’m here in case you wanted to question a prospective student to test our general level of comprehension. I think you will find I’m a bit more versed in the Seen sciences than those you tried to train before.”

  “You would have to be,” she huffed. She drew something on her tablet and pushed it over to Salix and asked, “Four identical masses are connected by four identical springs and constrained to move on a frictionless circle of radius “b.” How many normal-modes of oscillations are there? What are the frequencies of small oscillations?”

  Ryan looked over, “Huh?”

  “And it’s on,” Fred grinned. To the rest of the room, he said, “Prepare to feel like a scholastic failure.”

  Salix looked at the drawing and answered the question. He answered the next nine questions as well, covering subjects from engineering to math to physics, doing all calculations in his head.

  Victoria smiled, “You’re in the program. Are the others on this list at your level?”

  “I haven’t studied with all of them, but I would say yes. We’ve all completed the same level of scientific training available to us.”

  Victoria smiled. With any luck, they would teach her some of the science of magic.

  Chapter 40

  Which to take? The red look-at-me dress? Perhaps the sea green I-am-an-island dress? Both were comfortable and appropriate, according to Serenity, and they made her feel good. When facing a castle of beautiful people, feeling good about yourself became top priority. Victoria put on the sea green and stuffed the other into the weekend bag. She didn’t have a clue what she was doing. Victoria was going to a party in the Farseen with fae, shifters, and wizards. She rarely attended parties in the Seen with humans.

  At least the rest of the meetings with the fae realms had been simple. They all wanted training. Worked for her. The wizards, vampires, and shifters had come to some agreement on a shared lab, so Victoria didn’t have to worry about them anymore. The humans were the only problem. Victoria’s threat, aimed at Ewing, had caused a ruckus, but what did they expect? As far as she was concerned, if you threaten family, playtime was over.

  Victoria checked her makeup, opened the door, and joined her posse in the hallway.

  Sara and Bridget joined them at the same time. Sara’s eyes were shining, “Is everyone ready? This will be great fun.”

  “Oh yeah, fun,” Shawn grumbled. To Ryan, he added, “You aren’t giving Asp permission to be with Sara, are you?”

  “Silly, this trip isn’t like that. I’ve talked to the fae at PAC HQ, and we’re all encouraged, nay expected, to enjoy ourselves.” Sara’s eyes danced.

  “Expected to… Oh no. That’s wrong, right Ryan?”

  “Sorry man, Sara’s right.” Ryan patted him on the back. “However, I expect everyone to maintain decorum. No fights, no anything that could start a war. Don’t make me pull out this friggin’ sword.”

  Phoenix chuckled, and even Shawn grinned. That sword had become quite the calling card. A number of fae had already tried to goad Ryan into wielding it.

  “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Tempe said as she joined them. “Have fun but do remember that you represent all shifters. Lady Saffron is attending, and if you have any questions about propriety ask her. She will speak the truth to pay back a debt to me. And remember, if you do anything to cause Ryan to wield the Patron’s Sword, I’ll be waiting for you when you return, and I won’t be happy.”

  “Somebody shoot me,” Shawn whispered.

  “If it comes to that, one of the fae probably will,” Phoenix grinned, “with an arrow dipped in something dreadful.”

  Tempe patted Shawn on the shoulder, “While it is acceptable to spend the evening with someone if you wish, please keep in mind what we’ve discussed. The fae are good with picking a partner for political gain. Choose wisely. Choosing no one is acceptable.”

  “Yeah, choose no one. I like that option. Order Bridget and Sara to do that.”

  “I could,” Tempe agreed, “But then I would order you to do the same.”

  Shawn’s face fell. Lady Snowbell would be there.

  “Come on people, it’s a party,” Phoenix grinned. “I’m rather okay with being seduced for political gain.”

  Ryan rolled his eyes. Phoenix would drive him to distraction during the solstice assembly. He just knew it.

  “As the oldest shifter there, try not to be a bad influence.” Tempe’s smile belayed her comment. She nodded to Ryan, and he opened the gate event and led them in.

  Victoria walked through and stood beside Ryan as she had been instructed. Due to Ralliner’s protection, she was expected to be on Ryan’s right. The reason was immediately apparent. A small red dragon sat directly in front of her facing the fae. He couldn’t have been more than fifteen feet long. The dragon was a teenager.

  The dragon turned and bowed, “I am Montore, descendant of Ralliner, supreme matriarch of the reds. I am old enough to take down a wall and young enough to fly through most of the castle. The ring will call to me if you feel threatened.”

  Okay then, guess subtle wasn’t part of the plan. Victoria hadn’t expected so obvious a threat to the fae, but they didn’t appear to be surprised. Neither was Ryan. She glared at him for all the good it would do. She had to make him understand that he had to communicate with her.

  Before anyone else could speak, another gate opened, and the wizards arrived. Murdoch nodded to Ryan, and Ryan replied in kind.

  The master-at-arms for the Southern Realm signaled the guards to stand down. Nymphs moved forward to take luggage while pixies fluttered around.

  Lady Dawn, looking stunning in a cross between a sundress and a spider web, moved forward, her arms spread wide. “Welcome, revelers, to the Southern Realm and the Summer Solstice. Tonight, we take our repast on the beach. Follow me.”

  Ryan and Murdoch stepped off the platform together and followed Lady Dawn. Victoria walked beside her dragon guard, the other guards spread out strategically. The cave didn’t look like a cave at all. The light from the rocks was stronger than candlelight but provided lovely shadows. The plant life was incredible. Even though it wasn’t her field of expertise, Victoria wanted to study the ecosystem here. As they neared the cave entrance, it began to look more like a cave. A boulder cut like
a door moved to the side as they approached, and then they were outside.

  The three moons were beautiful, and while none of them were full, they cast a beautiful glow on the white beach, and dark water. Tents were set up with food and drink. Tables and blankets were available for eating and relaxing. Victoria noticed some of the smaller tents were closed, and she blushed. The fae didn’t waste time.

  Lady Dawn leaned over and whispered, “Some of the revelers have requested but not yet received permission to court from their realm lords. This is their only time to be together without the rules of court that govern our daily actions.”

  Victoria nodded. Tempe had explained that, but still it seemed odd to her that adult females could not see a male without the permission of their realm lord. Made a girl wonder just who the guys were seeing.

  “I shall be atop that ridge, listening for the ring.” Montore bowed and flew to a position overlooking the beach and the residence.

  Victoria’s guards closed in. Lady Dawn smiled, “All guards are invited to enjoy themselves as much, or as little, as their duties allow.” She drew Victoria with her. “Come, many have asked for an introduction to you. Once that is out of the way, you are free to enjoy yourself.” Her sparkling smile turned on Ryan, “It’s nice to be without guards for once.”

  It was Ryan’s turn to blush. Phoenix’s laughter didn’t help.

  The introductions continued forever. Victoria wasn’t sure if everyone wanted to meet her or if they were following the crowd. Being a science nerd, Victoria had never been so admired. Perhaps brains were more highly prized in the Farseen than in the Seen. Doubtful, it was probably a requirement to meet the teacher. As the introductions slowed down, she noticed the shifters and wizards were still in a tight huddle.

  After introducing herself to Victoria, Lady Snowbell of the Northern Realm slid an arm into Shawn’s and asked, “Are all of you guarding Lady Victoria? Surely, some of you are free to enjoy the evening.”

  “Some of us are,” Phoenix grinned. “Shawn, perhaps you should go with Lady Snowbell, so we don’t look like we’re running in a pack.”

  Shawn nodded without taking his eyes off Lady Snowbell and followed the wise advice his Uncle Phoenix provided. As soon as he was out of sight, Rune approached Bridget. That seemed to break the ice, as various fae approached the shifters and wizards. The conversations were tentative at first but grew more relaxed as food and drink were consumed.

  Ryan stood back and watched, not sure how approving, or disapproving, he should look. Everyone currently focused on food and drink, but at what point should he draw a line, or two. He watched Phoenix show a female fae how to dance to the hip-hop that suddenly blared from concealed speakers. With Murdoch’s assistance, Phoenix had connected his iPhone into a hidden sound system. Surely magic was involved. What were the odds electronic connectors matched between the Seen and the Farseen when connectors didn’t match within the Seen? Heck, what were the odds the Farseen had connectors for electronics? He hadn’t seen anything to indicate they did.

  “Well met. “Asp stopped beside him. “You’re frowning at Phoenix. That’s not who I expected you to watch this trip.”

  Ryan rolled his eyes but didn’t speak. After all, he wasn’t here to start a fight with Asp, although the urge was nearly irresistible.

  Asp cleared his throat and continued, “Although normally frowned upon during solstice, I’m declaring myself. I desire to spend solstice with Lady Sara. We have found ourselves to be compatible in many ways.”

  Ryan glanced over at Sara, who was eyeing them with distrust.

  Asp followed Ryan’s eyes and grinned. “She’s angry I’m telling you. She feels it is none of your business, but given our background, I prefer the truth to speculation. And to be clear, I will not back down if you disapprove.”

  “Fair enough. If you hurt my cousin, we’ll speak again.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” Asp walked away, his arm slipping easily around Sara as if he had held her many times before.

  Ryan sighed. If this ended badly, Cousin Shawn might kill him, unless Uncle Ben got to him first. A growl to his right shook him out of his contemplation. He moved quickly past a tall fae to stand between Victoria and Fred. “Anything I need to know?”

  “Yep, tell Blondie here to step away,” Fred growled.

  Victoria rolled her eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Well met, Acer,” Ryan said with a sigh. “Fred, Acer is from the Northern Realm and a student for Victoria’s upcoming classes. He’s also a brother of Lady Tempest.”

  “Huh? Her only fae bother died centuries ago.” Fred didn’t take his eyes off Acer.

  Acer grinned. “The fae do not distinguish between siblings who share both parents and siblings who share only one. Lord Ellwood is my father.” He pointed to an open table, where three fae looked on in anticipation. “There are a few of us here who wish to discuss science, instead of revelry, if our future professor is so inclined. You may, of course, sit with us.”

  “Oh, well, that’s okay then.” Fred relaxed. Talking to eggheads instead of watching idiots hit on Victoria would be a good thing.

  Victoria shot him a look that said he would pay later and walked toward the table with Fred on her heels. Her other guards maintained their distance.

  “You might consider a guard who isn’t so attached to her,” Acer observed.

  “Yeah, tried that,” Ryan muttered. Fred had promised he wouldn’t cause a scene, but it was evident to everyone his interest in Victoria was personal.

  Ryan continued to walk the beach, keeping an eye on everyone. He watched Lady Dawn out the side of his eye. She also kept an eye on everyone. Made sense. Since she was the eldest daughter of the Cavern Lord of the Southern Realm she probably had duties to attend as the solstice was being held in their realm. Ryan had watched her send away numerous suitors and was pleased Asp wasn’t one of them. Asp had been true to his word. He and Sara hadn’t left each other’s side. Ryan looked around, hoping Shawn wouldn’t notice. He found Shawn and chuckled to himself. Shawn wouldn’t, not any time soon. Lady Snowbell still held his interest.

  “Would you care for some drink?”

  Ryan swallowed his curse. He hadn’t even heard her approach. That could be dangerous. He couldn’t afford to drop his guard, especially here, with so many depending on him. He smiled and took the cup, “Lady Dawn, you have rushed about all evening tending to others. Have you eaten?”

  “No, we could take food and sit on the hill. There we can watch over the others.”

  Ryan winced, “That obvious?”

  “’Tis expected,” Lady Dawn smiled showing a perfect dimple that drew his eye. “It’s the first time full-blooded shifters and wizards have been invited to solstice. Murdoch also watches.”

  Ryan shrugged. He suspected Tempe asked Murdoch to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t get distracted. He would have been insulted, but one glance at Lady Dawn, and he understood. Ryan watched Lady Windy, a member of the Central Realm air guard, approach Murdoch and grinned, “Yeah, let’s check out the food.”

  Sitting on a blanket, on the hill overlooking the beach, Ryan relaxed. Lady Dawn was intelligent, as well as fun, and lovely to watch. She tensed, and he followed where her eyes led.

  “Pagan does not have Father’s permission to court Lady Fawn. I have to stop them.” She moved to stand, and Ryan gently gripped her arm.

  “Perhaps I don’t know all the rules, can you stop them? During solstice?”

  She ground her teeth, “No, I can’t. But she must be careful. Father will send Pagan away from court if he finds out and doesn’t approve. Although no one should tell, someone will, if only to seek Father’s pleasure.”

  “Yeah, I wondered about that.”

  She grinned, “If we were to make use of one of the tents, it would create a rather large incident.” She moved a little closer, until their lips almost touched, and added, “No one could blame us for a kiss. It would sound fool
ish to mention a mere kiss during solstice, especially to their realm lord.”

  Ryan grinned and closed the distance between their lips. Just when the kiss was getting good, Montore screeched and dove toward Victoria. Ryan jumped up, pulled Lady Dawn to his side, and said, “Teleport us to Victoria.”

  They arrived to find a fistfight, no weapons, no powers, just fists. Montore’s wings circled Victoria. She was safe. She wasn’t even the source of the fight, just a nearby onlooker. Ryan nodded to the dragon and pulled the Patron’s Sword.

  The sword’s song weaved its way through the crowd. Slowly, all but the two combatants stopped moving, waiting to see what he would do with his new weapon. With a disgusted sigh, Ryan used wind to break the two apart and sheathed his sword.

  Pagan was the first to move. Ryan grabbed him before he could take another swing at the male.

  “Let go!”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Ryan tightened his grip.

  Asp moved in and grabbed the other fae roughly, receiving a kick to the thigh for his trouble. “Odell, kick me again, and I’ll feed you to Montore.”

  “I would enjoy a snack,” Montore said agreeably.

  Asp glared at Odell and Pagan. “Have you lost your minds? Fighting at solstice?”

  “Look at Lady Faun’s arm,” Pagan shouted, “He bruised her.” Pagan struggled, but Ryan’s grip remained firm.

  A blush rose up Lady Faun’s face while the spectators looked at her arm where a bruise was forming.

  Asp growled, “Did you harm Lady Faun?”

  “She belongs with me.” Odell whimpered, and Asp tightened his grip.

  “You idiot. She belongs with the one she chooses.” Asp looked toward the residence as the warriors approached. “It might be helpful if Montore left the scene. If you cannot add to the explanation, spread out. Let’s not end up posturing the first night of solstice.”


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