Sorcery & Sirens

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Sorcery & Sirens Page 23

by Iris Woodbury

  They did not have to wait too long. And they were surprised when Empusa did come. Instead of arriving stealthily, as they themselves had done, Empusa was whistling a happy tune as she approached the spot where they were hidden. Lily, who could not sing, walked alongside her, pulling by the reins a lone horse with the lifeless body of John straddled across its back.

  Crystal's heart froze. Was he––dead?

  The arriving party slowed as they neared the enclosure.

  "You can come out now," Empusa said. "I can smell human flesh a mile downwind. The way you guys have been sweating I could have tracked you from another continent."

  "There's no need to be rude!" Nic said.

  "A simple thank you would do. See, I brought you a gift, just like I promised." She walked round to John's head and slapped him a couple of times on the cheek. "Wakey wakey. Come on now, you've napped long enough."

  John opened his eyes, and a groggy grunt escaped his lips. "Wha––? Whe––? Oh."

  With a tremendous effort, he slid off the back of the horse, only to be instantly assaulted by Nic, who ran into him like a defensive linesman at the Super Bowl. Together they went sprawling in the grass. John was conscious enough to start hugging and kissing her, only to realize, he'd misinterpreted the assault and had to shield himself from her slaps.

  "What the––? I thought you'd be pleased to see me?"

  "I am. After I've beaten the crap out of you. What the hell were you doing, kissing Ella?"

  They rolled over in the dirt, his movement impeded by Ella's bejeweled and heavy cloak. But after grappling with her arms, he finally pinned her down.

  "I remember kissing her, but it wasn't me, you crazy idiot."

  Nic pushed back in an unsuccessful attempt to free herself. "Yeah? Well whose mouth was that stuck to her face back there then, huh? Tell me that, asshole." With a tremendous push she almost had him off her.

  "Shush and let me explain, will you!"

  "Well, let's hear it then."

  "Hold on." He was clearly still groggy and needed a moment to collect his thoughts. "I'm gonna let go your arms, and you're not gonna hit me anymore, okay?"


  "Promise, or I'll keep you pinned down on the ground."

  She pushed again, but her head bumped back hopelessly on the ground. "Alright. I promise."

  Crystal glanced at Empusa, who rolled her eyes. But the vampire's lips held the suggestion of an amused smile.

  Ever so carefully and holding onto her arms as long as he could, John climbed off her. He slipped out of the cumbersome cloak and brushed the dirt off his knees. Straightening up, Crystal watched amused as John winced and cupped his hands round his head. She also noticed he kept his gaze fixed on Nic, who was still panting like a wild cat on the ground.

  He shook his head. "Where to start? The moment you left; she gave me this awesome thing to drink. It was like the most amazing thing I'd ever tried, like coke cola but creamy, and the moment I drank it, I was in love with everything. But then Ella took my hand in hers, and I felt this weird bond with her. I dunno, it's hard to explain."

  Nic pinched her lips, tight. "Try."

  "Perhaps I may offer some wisdom on this matter," Empusa said.

  They all turned simultaneously to look at her. "The dagger only becomes potent when it senses love between the participants. Ella needed your mate to love her, if only until the ceremony was complete. It is likely she slipped an elixir into his drink. Her hold over him was certainly not true love, but neither was it sorcerous in nature. The elixir merely emulated the emotion, while also subduing his ability to reason."

  "He's not my m––“ Nic broke off, looking embarrassed. "Well maybe just a little."

  "Oh my god, she gave him roofies," Stu laughed.

  This time Crystal rounded on him. "What do you know about roofies?"

  "What is a roofie?" Jake asked, utterly forgotten about.

  They all snickered.

  "I know no more than you," Stu laughed, answering Crystal. "So, am I right, did you turn all those riders by the waterfall into vampires?"

  Empusa licked her lips, like someone recalling a delicious meal. "You were right. The food in these parts is incredible." And then she winked.

  "So, are all the Guardsmen dead now?" Stu asked.

  "Dead? No, I think not. More um, drained."

  "And Ella?" Crystal asked. "What happens to her now?"

  "Nothing, unless you let it, I think," Empusa said. "In your mind, her power is vanquished. You have beaten her, so unless you imagine a way for her to rise up again, she can do you no more harm. She will fade to nothing, just another puppet waiting to be awakened in this world of dreams."

  "I'd like to kick her into a thousand nightmares," John said.

  Lily slapped the horse's backside and it trotted off into the woods. She walked over to Empusa and took her by the hand. The expression on their two faces became suddenly solemn.

  "You are right, my friend, it is time."

  They all looked at them and a shadow crossed Crystal's heart. "Time? Time for what?"

  Empusa looked up to the heavens. "Ella was wrong, the ceremony should always be performed when the sun is high in the sky, not as she did at first light."

  Crystal could only stare at her, astonished. "Now you're going to perform the ceremony. What for?"

  "Ella's heart ached to leave a life of dreams and shadows. She yearned for peace. I ache to leave the world of the undead. This is the sacred dagger of Caducus." She held it aloft and its inner blue light gleamed. "It has the power to open the door between two worlds. It's the key to the rifts between your world and ours. There are several rifts, cut from the past, present and future. It's a good thing you never found one of the others, like the one in the bay, for then you may have lost your way entirely."

  "I don't understand," Nic said.

  "Not every door would take you back the way you came. You might inadvertently have gone into another future or past, and from there, you might never find your way home."

  "Oh, I get it now," Nic said.

  "How does it work?" Crystal asked, pointing at the dagger.

  "Whatever it's plunged into, opens a door."

  "Are you telling me, that if we'd, I dunno," she looked around for inspiration and her eyes alighted on a tree. "If we'd stuck it into that bark over there, it could have got us home?"

  "Possibly. But it might have taken you someplace else. Really, you're much safer going back home the way you came."


  Nic still looked dubious. "So, what's the deal with the love thing?"

  "Ah, well, if anyone just plunged the dagger into my heart, I would become a portal to another world, and I would die."

  "Um, but you're a vampire," Nic said. "Aren't you already dead?"

  "No, I am undead."

  "So?" Nic continued. “Is there a difference?”

  "It's different when the dagger is wielded by someone who loves you in return.”

  “I still don’t understand,” Nic said.

  "The legend says that that when the dagger is wielded by love, the victim can choose which door is opened. Kind of like having a wish.“

  "So?" John asked.

  Empusa sighed, as if she were addressing a bunch of idiots. "Ella wanted John to plunge the dagger into her, so she could escape Caducus and enter the world of humans. That was her wish.”

  "I'm guessing that would be bad for us.”

  "There's no knowing what havoc she might cause there. You don't want your dreams encroaching on reality now, do you Crystal? Especially when your dreams are beyond your control."

  "Yeah, I guess that would be bad," Crystal said, trying not to imagine what it would be like if acid monsters and giant spider-women invaded her world.

  "I know what you're thinking," Empusa said. "You wouldn't want a vampire unleashed there either. Although I must say, it's a tempting thought. All those good eats."

  Lily nudged her and frowned. Empus
a smiled, flashing her pearly-white fangs, giving a deadly glimpse into what might have been.

  "No. Tempting as it is, I have chosen a different path." She looked at Lily and squeezed her hand. "Lily and I have both agreed––what I want––that is, what we both want–– is to be ourselves again. When she releases me, I want to be just a woman, alive, and not undead. And so does she. She wants to be a siren. So, long ago, we made a pact, and thanks to you, we can now realize our hearts' desire. All we have to do now, is find the courage to do what must be done."

  The two turned to face each other, and everything went deathly quiet. They all watched as the two friends straightened each other's hair, then both pairs of hands clasped nervously around the dagger.

  "Me first," Empusa said.

  Crystal's heart broke to see a single tear slip down the siren's cheek. Lily raised Empusa's hand to her lips and kissed it ever so gently, brushing her face softly against Empusa's fingers. Empusa released her grasp on the dagger, and with a single nod, signaled she was ready.

  "Oh God, I can't watch this!" Nic cried. She turned to John, who held her close as she shielded her eyes.

  Lily dropped the dagger to her own chest level, and with a single thrust, pushed the blade deep into Empusa's heart. The vampire fell to her knees, and for a terrible moment, it looked as if everything had gone horribly wrong. The little blood there was drained from her face, and her eyes looked puzzled, like a startled deer. Lily also fell to her knees, and grasping her friend close to her bosom, opened her mouth to shriek a silent scream. Though there was no sound, her expression conveyed the agony of a banshee, touching the hearts of the friends now gathered around her.

  Nic, who had peeked through her fingers, sobbed. John pulled her close and rocked her in his arms.

  Crystal felt like her heart would explode in sorrow, and she reached out to Lily, desperate to comfort the grieving siren.

  And then a strange thing happened. After the impact of the dagger, Empusa's arms had slumped languidly to her sides. But they suddenly rose a few inches, and it looked like she was shaking off a stubborn numbness. A moment later she pushed herself away from Lily, a look of relief and wonder on her face.

  In the books Crystal had read and the films she'd watched, vampires were always beautiful, if perhaps a little challenged in the tanning department, but nonetheless no one could deny the physical allure of the immortals. Restored to life, Crystal thought Empusa was even more beautiful than before. Her once black hair was now a vibrant auburn, her cheeks were rosy and full of life, and her eyes, a gentle hazel. She looked deep into her friend's eyes, and wiped away the tears, still resting on her cheeks.

  "It hurts, but only for a moment."

  Lily nodded, and the dagger passed to Empusa.

  Without rising to their feet, Empusa thrust the blade into her friend's chest, then withdrew it almost immediately, letting it fall in the space between them. Lily also slumped, and Empusa held her steady in her arms, closing her eyes in silent prayer. Her devotion was answered when a moment later Lily opened her pale blue eyes, and smiled an angelic, fangless smile. What was more, she opened her mouth and hummed. All at once, Jake, Stu and John took an involuntary step forward, drawn in by the incredible sound.

  Nic stamped her foot when John let go of her. "Err, excuse me. What exactly do you think you're doing?"

  Empusa grinned and stared questioningly into her friend's eyes. "Oh my God, really?"

  Lily hummed again, but closed her mouth quickly, giggling like a schoolgirl and covering her mouth with her hand. She pointed to the others.

  "Ah yes, I see. Better wait until we're alone." Empusa turned to face the group. "It seems her voice has returned. That's an unexpected bonus."

  "Geez," Crystal cried. "You're excited about her voice? A moment ago, you were both dead!"

  "Awesome, isn't it!" Empusa said, her face alive with delight.

  The two women rose to their feet, and Empusa picked up the dagger, and handed it to Crystal who took a step back, suddenly afraid.

  "What? No, I can't--"

  "Hear me out. I feel this should come to you. After all, you made this all happen. And I think it might be a good thing to remove this from Caducus. It can do much harm in the wrong hands."

  Crystal took it from her and stared at the blade. She had not seen them wipe it, yet there was no sign of any blood. I'm not sure it will be any safer in my world, she thought. Still, she hadn't the heart to turn down such an incredible gift, so instead she just stared at it in wonder. "Thank you," she said, meaning it.

  The others all gathered round, now very much in awe of Crystal's prize.

  "And now," Empusa said, "I think it's time to get you good people back home. You must be tired of this place and will be eager to return to your own world."

  "I must admit, I long to see my mom and my sister," Crystal said. "We all miss our families, very much. And I won't be sorry to leave this place, not one little bit, only...."

  Jake was standing beside her, and she turned to take his hand. How different he was now, compared to when she first met him. And how sorry she felt, saying goodbye at last. "I am so going to miss you, my friend," she said. "And I am afraid for you. You know we must leave, but I've been so worried about what will become of you."

  "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," Empusa said.

  "Why ever not?"

  "He no longer has anything to fear."

  Jake uncharacteristically punched the air and whooped. Crystal and the others looked at him with astonishment. "Well, what did you expect me to do?" he grinned.

  Even Empusa had to smile. "When you slip back into your world, its connection with your consciousness will be severed, and all will go on as before."

  "Then Caducus will go on?" Nic asked.

  "Oh yes, absolutely. And then when another mad soul bursts it on us, Caducus will tailor an adventure especially made for them. I never cease to wonder at its adaptability."

  "How do you know all this?" Nic asked. "I mean, aren't you just a figment, just like all the others?"

  Empusa smiled, enigmatically. "That, young woman, remains a mystery." She was thoughtful for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Well, if you're ready, I think the curtain needs to come down on this particular adventure."

  She raised her arm and indicated the direction of the hill. "Shall we?"

  All the way, Crystal's heart was bursting with excitement. In a short while she would be reunited with the people she loved. And the real Ella and Jake. In a short while, she would be back in their world. She was almost giddy with excitement.

  They were closer to the curtain than she expected. After just a few steps, they reached the familiar hill, and she could see the entrance that would take them back to the costume shop. In a few minutes, if all went well, Caducus would be behind them, no more than a frightening memory, but one that would stay with them forever. But their lives would be returned to them, and that's all she really wanted. She was shaking, and it wouldn't stop. Stu put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze.

  "Just be brave a little longer. It's what you're good at."

  Crystal looked up into his handsome face and smiled. "Thank you for that."

  She turned one last time and embraced Lily, and then Empusa, though once again instinctively cranked her neck low to protect her jugular vein. Empusa laughed. "You're safe. I gave that up for Lent. I've gone vegetarian, didn't you hear?" She shook her hand warmly. "Take care of yourself, Crystal. It was a pleasure knowing you."

  The others all followed her lead, and last but not least, she turned to Jake. "I am going to miss you the most, my tree-dwelling friend."

  He smiled and kissed her warmly on the cheek. "You never know, it might not be goodbye, Crystal. You may come back for another adventure."

  "Yeah, for acid-monsters, blood-sucking vampires and giant millipedes. You're insane. But you never know," she smiled.

  They all hesitated at the curtain, not sure who should go first.

  "Let's hope this works," Crystal said.

  "You should go first, Crystal," Nic suggested, "since it was you who went through first originally. Then Stu. Just in case changing the order screws things up. I really don't want that to happen!"

  "Okay.” Crystal took a deep breath, then raised the first fold of the black curtain, and stepped inside.

  A Touch of Normal

  Crystal could barely breathe. What if it doesn't work? What if this doesn't take us home? Her heart beat wildly as she fought through the endless rows of curtains, not knowing if the nightmare was over at last, or if more monsters were to come. So, when she entered the changing room, with the peculiar mirror which was just as she remembered it, her heart filled with a mix of joy and relief.

  While the others flooded into the changing room, Crystal stood in front of the mirror and gazed into it. How odd. The scars, the cuts, the tears to her dress, all were gone. She looked just as she did the first time she went through into Caducus.

  "Take a look," she said. "It's like the whole thing never happened."

  "Like what never happened?" John asked. "And should we all be in this changing room together? Isn't there some law about mixed sex rooms? Not that I mind. But since we've found Stu already, I vote we get the hell out of Dodge."

  Had he banged his head harder than she thought? She turned to Nic for support. "You look then. See," she said, pointing to the mirror. "Everything is back to normal."

  "Why shouldn't it be?" Nic looked at her as if she'd got a touch of heatstroke. "Nice story about that funny Cad––camp––Cadowompus place. You should go in for role playing with the boys. You'd be good at it. Anyway, I don't think red suits me. And you know, on second thoughts, I don't think I'm in the mood for dress up. I think I'd rather just look around the stalls if that's okay. You change if you want to. Me and John will meet you outside." She and John turned around and quickly changed into their regular clothes.

  As the curtain fell behind them, Crystal turned to Stu, flabbergasted. "Am I missing something?"


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