The Baby Blindside (Baby Surprise Romance)

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The Baby Blindside (Baby Surprise Romance) Page 7

by Layla Valentine

  “Okay, Johnny should be bringing us some toys.” He cleared his throat. “Beach toys.”

  “Awesome, I can’t wait.”

  Heidi looked at two lounge chairs that were already set up for their leisure on the beach, and had a towel and sunscreen resting atop them. She moved towards a chair and grabbed the sunblock, squirting a generous load into her hand. Clicking the top shut, she tossed it to Bradley.

  “Here, block up.”

  They applied lotion, working it into all their creases. Bradley watched her out of the corner of his eye, admiring the way she rubbed every part of her body. She swiveled around, and he hastily averted his stare.

  “Can you do my back?” she asked, approaching him with the tube.

  He nodded, though frankly, he wasn’t sure if he could do her back and keep it together. She seemed so relaxed, so professional. With a lump in his throat, he squeezed some lotion out of the tube and into his hand.

  You can do this, he told himself sternly. It’s just sunblock. Chill.

  “Just hold your hair up,” he instructed her, and she gracefully lifted the mass of auburn waves into her palm.

  Bradley touched her back, tentatively, and then again, this time with a hunger. He worked the lotion up and down her spine and across her shoulders. His heart was racing, and other parts of him were throbbing.

  Finished with the top portion, all he had left to do was the small of her back. Gulping, he applied the sunblock just above the line of her bikini bottom. If his hand slipped even an inch further down, he’d be inside her swimsuit, cupping her ass, squeezing it—

  He pulled back with a jerk. Don’t fucking do this, he thought. Just don’t.

  “You’re set,” he said, his words slightly garbled.

  “Thanks, dude.” She took the lotion back from him. “Should I do you?”

  Yes please. No, wait, that wasn’t the right answer. “Sure.”

  She twirled her finger, indicating the he should turn around, and slowly, he did. It took her ages to apply the sunblock over the entirety of his broad back, and by the time she was finished, he was properly hot and bothered. Her hands, though small compared to his own, were strong, and he liked the way she gripped his shoulders to keep him in place while she moved the lotion back and forth.

  She grunted, apparently satisfied with her work.

  “Looks good to me.” If there was innuendo under those words, he didn’t catch it.

  If the sun-blocking might’ve devolved into something else, they’d never know, because just then, Johnny arrived with a bevy of beach items loaded onto his cart.

  “Hello, Mr. Fox, nice to see you. Where shall I put the toys?”

  “Oh, anywhere, Johnny. Thank you.”

  “Very well. Allow me to set up the volleyball net. I’ve also brought you some snacks, on the house.”

  Johnny climbed out of the cart, and went about his duties, erecting the net and so on. Heidi hefted the bag of food from the seat, and set it near the lounge chairs.

  “Anything good?” Bradley asked, motioning to the food.

  “Big time. Looks like some fresh muffins, a bag of raspberries and whipped cream, I think some beef jerky—”

  “Yes,” Johnny interrupted, “good protein.”

  Heidi raised her eyebrows at this, and shot Bradley a covert smile. He returned it happily.

  The butler finished his various tasks, then waved them good-bye, reiterating that they could get in touch at any time. He drove off their beach, and out of sight.

  “All right,” said Bradley, when everything appeared to be ready. “What first?”

  What followed was an afternoon filled with peals of laughter that must have echoed all the way to the hotel.

  First, Bradley easily bested Heidi in a round of volleyball. She cried foul; he had almost a full foot on her, height-wise. She scrambled and rallied pretty well, but there was no contest. He joked that if he lifted her onto his shoulders, they’d be unstoppable—privately, he was hoping she’d take him up on the offer. But no dice.

  Everything she said was friendly and professional, but everything she did…well, he wondered if she really needed to bend over like that just to pick up a volleyball.

  Then they were on to paddle tennis, at which he was so bad that Heidi had to stop playing; tears of hilarity were running down her cheeks so densely that she couldn’t see.

  “Watching such a big man,” she managed to get out, “try and hit such a little ball—” she devolved once more into a fit of laughter.

  She pulled herself together, and they tried to resume the game, but every time, one of them would begin to laugh, and then they were both lost in giggles. Bradley thought that this might take the prize for the most fun day of his life.

  At last, Heidi—now covered in sand and sweat—suggested they take a dip. Together, they jogged into the ocean, both diving headfirst under the water. Just then, a long rip current tore through. Bradley, accustomed to the ocean’s ways, emerged quickly, and looked around for Heidi. He tilted his chin down to look beneath the waves, and found Heidi, still underneath.

  Frantically, he dove back down again, grabbed her under the arms from behind, and pulled her to the surface. She emerged, sputtering.

  “Are you okay?” he questioned with urgency.

  She coughed up some seawater, then gave a thumbs up. They both seemed to realize that his forearms, which had swooped under her armpits during the rescue, were now perilously close to her breasts. Heidi swam away, unlocking his hold.

  How is she resisting this? Doesn’t she feel it too? he wondered, amazed at her resolve.

  The riptide shifted in a different direction, and they passed the rest of their time in the water with ease, splashing one another, joking, ducking beneath oncoming waves.

  Finally, they agreed to return to dry land. Bradley jogged up first, grabbed a towel, and brought it down to Heidi at the ocean’s edge. She smiled gratefully and dried off, and they walked back together to their lounge chairs.

  “Maybe nap time?” Heidi asked.

  “We’ve earned it.

  The pair dozed off for some small amount of time. Bradley again awoke first, and decided to rummage through Johnny’s food bag to set up lunch for the two of them. He arranged everything on the petite table between the lounge chairs, then dug a final hand into the bag, and came out with a bottle of wine, which he set on the table with a thud.

  The noise startled Heidi awake.

  “My bad,” he apologized, “you can go back to sleep.”

  “No, no,” she said with a yawn. “I’m ready for food.”

  She rubbed her eyes, and looked at the bounty between them.


  She began to nibble on some of the snacks while Bradley jimmied open the cork, sans corkscrew.

  “Where’d you learn to do that?”

  “Being QB at a party school means being able to open any bottle of booze, anytime, anywhere.”

  She laughed at that. “Do we have glasses?”

  He looked into the bag and came out empty-handed.

  “It appears not. Mind just drinking from the bottle?”

  “Even better,” she replied, and took the wine from his grip.

  She tilted her head back and put the bottle to her lips, taking a deep gulp of the liquid. Bradley looked on in appreciation.

  Somehow, without warning, day had passed into night, and the moon had risen high above the water. They remained on their lounge chairs, talking, sipping wine, laughing.

  Taking an abrupt turn in the conversation, Heidi asked, “Hey, where’s your watch?”

  He looked down at his wrist, and back up at her.

  “Oh, I took it off so that the water wouldn’t damage it. Why?”

  “No reason, I just noticed that you wear it everywhere. I was putting together some of your publicity photos the other day, and saw that you had it on in each one. But I guess it makes sense you wouldn’t want to damage a fancy watch in the ocean.”

>   “Actually,” he said, then paused. He hadn’t told anyone about this—but with Heidi, it felt right to have no secrets. “It’s from my mom.”


  “Yeah. And it’s not fancy. In fact, it probably cost less than this bottle of wine. But she saved up to buy me the watch just before I went off to U of Miami. Momma said it was my little piece of Hawaii. The joke was that it ran slow, because even the watch was on island time.” He smiled at the memory. “She means the world to me, and it reminds me every day of who I am, where I come from.”

  He looked up from where his fingers had been rubbing his empty wrist, and into Heidi’s eyes. Bradley noticed that they were glistening, and that she had a wide smile.

  “That’s really…really lovely,” she said breathlessly. She was flushed, and he didn’t think it was from the wine. Heidi swallowed, and asked, “Do you wanna go for a midnight swim?”


  They left the food and drink on the table, and walked back into the water. The moon hung overhead, illuminating the ocean. Heidi went in first this time, not with the puppy-like eagerness of before, but with the slow sensuality of a nymph. Bradley followed her out until they were waist deep.

  “It’s a beautiful night,” Heidi sighed, looking into the sky.

  “And not a bad day either.”

  His heart racing, he turned to face her. He went to walk over the rocks on the ocean floor to close the distance between them, then clumsily tripped on a sandbar. He fell right into Heidi, his hands landing on her shoulders.

  She caught him, balancing her hands on his abs to stop the fall. Bradley righted himself, and found that suddenly, they were pressed up close to one another.

  Testing the waters, he slipped his hands from her shoulders, slowly past her shoulder blades, and down to the small of her back. She held his gaze and her red lips parted. He gripped her back harder, and pulled her easily through the water, until they were flush against one another, her breasts squeezed against his chest.

  Without thinking, he bent down and put his mouth to hers. The kiss expanded, growing hotter by the second. Tongues moved in and out of mouths, lips roamed. She reached a hand up to curl it firmly in his hair, and tugged him even closer. They were frantic with desire, weeks and weeks which had been building up to this one moment.

  With a shaky breath, Bradley moved his hands from her back, down to her ass, and gripped both cheeks. Heidi responded by letting her mouth wander down to his neck and sucked on the thin skin. Turned on, he lifted her by the ass, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. She brushed against his erection, and tightened the hold of her legs.

  “Take me back to the bungalow,” she whispered into his ear.

  With no other words needed, he carried her, still entwined around his body, out of the water and onto the sandy beach. He walked a few steps, continuing to kiss her, before he realized he couldn’t possibly make it all the way to the bungalow.

  Looking into her eyes, he saw the same desperation. He lowered their conjoined bodies to the ground, placing himself on top of her. His feet dug into the sand as he watched the moonlight bathe her ecstatic face.

  She arched her back, and he took the opportunity to slip a hand around and deftly untie her top. He ripped it off her and threw the fabric to the side. His mouth immediately clamped around her nipple, gently sucking at it while she gasped with pleasure. She caught hold of the waistband of his trunks, urgently pushing them briefs past his ass, until at last he could kick them off entirely.

  Heidi smiled, and he grinned back. So much for professionalism.

  He reached down for her bikini bottoms and found them wet to the touch. She laughed at his apparent discovery.

  “We just went swimming, remember?”

  “Oh, I think it’s a little more than that,” he said, smirking. He rose onto his forearms, and then to his feet. He bent down and threw her over his shoulder with ease, her ass planted firmly next to his cheek.

  “Bungalow,” he said by way of explanation. “We’re not even close to done; I’m going to ruin you, but not with all this sand in the way.”

  Chapter 12


  They made it back to the suite in no time flat, with Bradley running her like she was the ol’ pigskin, all the way to the proverbial finish line. She’d never been with a man so animalistic, muscles rippling in his shoulders, tossing her around like she weighed no more than the aforementioned football.

  Heidi pinched herself subtly, ensuring that it wasn’t a dream—though how could the real world build a man like this? Every part of him, from the deep ‘V’ at his hips, to his long, thick manhood, looked as if it were cast in bronze. And those eyes…a girl could lose years getting lost in them. He clocked her hungry stare.

  “Something I can help you with?”

  “No,” she replied, “I’m just devouring you.”

  His breathing got deeper, and he slammed her against the wall of the living room. Her head hit the wall with a dull thud, but she didn’t care; she was past the point of feeling anything besides pleasure. Communicating in nothing but guttural noises, he lifted her to the marble island in the center of the kitchen, and spread her legs open forcefully.

  “Open your mouth,” he instructed.

  She obeyed, and he stuck two fingers inside. Heidi sucked and nibbled on them, reflecting that she’d never felt so aroused by someone’s hands.

  Bradley withdrew his fingers, then immediately let them roam lower over her body, gently flicking at her clit, then slipping them inside her.

  “How do you like it?” he asked.

  “Like that,” she managed to get out, before becoming so steeped in pleasure she couldn’t communicate verbally.

  His fingers moved in and out, curling and uncurling, working for many minutes until he knew she was on the cusp.

  “I want you inside me. All of you.”


  “I’m on the pill.”

  He grinned. “Good, because I didn’t bring a condom.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “This was supposed to be a business trip, remember?”

  She laughed—that seemed so long ago, the ‘business’ trip to the Bahamas. Who had she been fooling? It could only have ended like this, in his arms.

  Still on the kitchen counter, she sat back on her forearms and scooted her ass to the edge of the marble. She was ready to have every damn inch of him.

  She saw him blink and take a deep breath. He ran his hands down the inside of her thighs, worshipping her, and toyed with her clit once more. Ready at last, he moved nearer, pressing himself up against her. She felt his desire and knew that it closely mirrored her own, but he continued to tease her, holding back.

  Unable to contain herself any longer, she grabbed Bradley and pulled him closer, guiding him into her wetness.

  They moaned in unison; they fit together like lock and key. He began to thrust, and Heidi tilted back her head to scream. No more questions needed to be asked, no more lines could be crossed. They were—at last—together, and it felt right.

  He bent low over her, continuing to rock his hips, slower then faster, slower then faster. She grabbed his ass, urging him to thrust deeper inside of her. The frantic grope drove him wild, and he began to pump into her ruthlessly. She felt time slow down as her world came to revolve around just the two of them, moving as one in rhythmic ecstasy.

  Heidi let out one final, ecstatic cry of delight, and climaxed. The moment of pure pleasure went on, and on, and on, for what felt like hours but was probably only a minute.

  She raised her head from the counter, beaming, a sweaty, satisfied mess.

  Bradley put a hand behind her back, raising her the rest of the way to meet his mouth, and sliding her off the counter. They shared a long, deep kiss, before he turned her around—she let out a high-pitched giggle like nothing she’d ever emitted—and bent her over the countertop, firmly grasping her hair. He found his way inside her once
more, and needed only a few more strokes to join her in orgasmic bliss.

  The rest of the evening passed in much the same way. They had sex on what must have been every surface of the bungalow: the couch, the shower, even the workout room. The only room that remained untouched was the bedroom, which they never quite made it to. They contorted into positions Heidi had only seen in porn, drawing shapes with their passion.

  She loved his athletic ability, the way he could throw her around the room, and how he needed mere minutes to regain his erection. It made for a night that stretched on into the wee hours. She orgasmed again, and again, and again. He was the kind of attentive lover that made every other past sexual encounter seem mediocre at best. His fingers, tongue and cock were precise and perfect, playing each fiber of her being until they all sung in harmony.

  At last, in a haze, they collapsed on a shag carpet; they weren’t even sure what room they were in, they were so exhausted. Bradley pulled her in close. Heidi sighed with contentment, and snuggled in closer, feeling the firmness of his arms as they twisted around her. Moments later, the lovers fell asleep.

  Chapter 13


  Bradley awoke wrapped comfortably in the pristine white sheets of the master bed—the same bed they’d collapsed into every evening since that first night. The last few weeks had been a private paradise for the two of them; when Bradley wasn’t rigorously training, he was with Heidi, constantly discovering new ways to make love. They ate chocolates, improvised sex toys (his ties came in handy), and generally had their way with one another.

  He opened his eyes slowly and saw the light filtering through gauzy curtains. Semi-conscious, he reflected that it was far better to be awoken by the sun coming into your private island retreat, rather than the bright lights of a jail cell.

  He rolled over and looked at Heidi’s sleeping form. How, he thought with disbelief, did I get this lucky?


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