Wicked Enchantment

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by Wanda Coleman

tonight i dance dance of dead

  my ancestors enter

  my body spins/shock


  my brown skin

  great granddad makes the oklahoma land rush

  slave of city

  i bow before the ashes

  the cold black tar my skin sticks

  each move agony

  i can’t get out of it

  fuck me. make it hurt



  heart valves the blood flow slows

  eyes haunted eyes see beyond the veil

  outside the window. let me in. i’m cold

  my fists sore my blood cakes

  the skin becomes translucent, glows

  the heart brittle delicate easily shatters


  it beats against the window. can’t let it in

  it eats and leaves no bone

  no history/memory of having been


  white birds do not eat them


  in my soul winged beings flutter


  my mouth open. moths take flight

  The Saturday Afternoon Blues

  can kill you

  can fade your life away

  friends are all out shopping

  ain’t nobody home

  suicide hotline is busy

  and here i am on my own

  with a pill and a bottle for company

  and heart full of been done wrong

  i’m a candidate for the coroner, a lyric for a song

  saturday afternoons are killers

  when the air is brisk and warm

  ol’ sun he steady whispers

  soon the life you know will be done

  suicide line i can’t get you

  best friend out of town

  alone with a pill and a bottle

  i drink my troubles down

  the man i love is a killer

  the man i love is a thief

  the man i love is a junky

  the man i love is grief

  some call saturday the sabbath

  it’s the bottom of the line some say

  whether last or first, my heart’s gonna burst

  and there ain’t no help my way

  here with a pill and a bottle

  and a life full of been done wrong

  i’m a candidate for the coroner, a lyric

  for a song

  I Love the Dark

  —for Eloise Klein Healy

  it is its own idea

  like breath

  it knows. does not have to be told

  the dark is omni

  (his hand on my breast. my skin sees)

  a voice calls

  my name vacant avenue motel blue a lone walker

  the dark cocoon at the beginning of my life

  storm in his eyes my lover hurt

  rainy winter days. hot chocolate and

  devil’s food cake

  it’s hide-and-seek i’m safe in its cloak

  can’t be found or lay in the bed of it eyes open

  hungry for his touch

  early eve. i wait. dark arrives/grape crush velvet

  curtain falls. an old friend

  we smile. reminisce

  i sense it warm a throb between my thighs

  movement. slow. easy. sensual

  smell of fresh wet black earth

  out of the dark

  a phone rings his erotic need

  it fills the space called bedroom

  gives birth to obeah/Vudu/jazz

  is for escapists to dress in

  i move thru dark

  waters quell, free my imagination

  i hear sunset/a lone sax wail/pulse

  compels, tremors

  night wakes

  i welcome you dark

  soft. gentle. my mother’s hands

  Male Order Catalog

  polished cotton hawaiian green & purple-brown print, scoop-necked

  muumuu, size 20 on sale. Jerry. southern fried chicken

  Necco wafers. RC cola & bubble gum. blue grass. $20.00. gave my

  pregnant-for-the-first-time belly room

  gold & rust brown double-breasted floral print broadcloth tailored

  jacket with inset pockets, a gangbanged girl drunk off reds left it behind

  size 10. Al. steak sandwiches. Silver Satin Bitter Lemon

  reds and tuinal. jazz. a gift, classy, me strutting my stuff down

  the court walk

  fake gold lamé-look knit sleeveless pantsuit, size 14. doubled as

  mini-dress with peek-a-boo button down front. Bo. pork chops.

  Colt 45 and hashish. rock & roll. $22.50. my hips ground into his crotch

  love at first bite

  royal blue mini-dress with zip-up back and princess sleeves plus

  bow-to-back tie, size 11. Chuck. barbeque spareribs. whiskey and

  Bel Airs. gut bucket. $25.00. my thighs shaking to the d.j.’s

  mother popcorn/him dancing with Sir Lady Java

  red-violet green & white synthetic polished cotton-look, angel sleeved

  maternity-topped pantsuit, size 12. Ray. munchies. cognac and

  purple haze. psychedelic soul. $15.00. stoned at the laundromat

  he came over to tell me how good i washed/his eyes

  sky-blue crepe skin-tight floor length evening gown with vee neckline

  and angel sleeves trimmed in navy blue ribbon, size 11. Harold

  butter broiled steak. chocolate milk, Kool filter longs and heroin

  street corner harmony. $50.00. me smuggling dope in cakes

  past prison guards

  white linen & navy blue trim safari pantsuit with bell-bottom

  cuffed slacks, size 11. Mister C. lobster. red diamond, cocaine & power

  classical jazz. $25.00. wild-eyed tears & running snot

  i drove to San Diego and asked for his tutelage

  denim coordinates, cadet blue tailored jacket, studded in brass

  and steel and rose plus one gold heart with an arrow thru and steel

  studded tijuana-slim navy blue bell-bottoms, size 10 & 12. Tauru

  gumbo. beer & ganja. rhythm & blues. $5.00 & $10.00

  concerts at the Civic. he told me not to cling

  The Mountains/

  Entrails Curling Down and Out the Hole in the Side

  body in six acts


  they never have anything bad to say about you. nothing but

  praise and keep away. eyes languorous and coke-fat


  we smelled something burning. the stove was off. smoke everywhere

  a fire. we couldn’t breathe. until he threw water on me


  red white and blue, it hung from the rope

  someone had lynched it. i couldn’t believe it. it still had an erection


  madness was bleeding out my fingers. i kept wiping

  my hands on the back of his shirt. he complained that they were

  laughing at him down at the laundry


  i put the disk on his stereo and spun pain

  so he went and got his whips and various paraphernalia

  a great beginning, but i was tired of being finger-fucked


  the oil was sweet and brown. we toked it black. and at that

  moment i knew i was the reincarnation of nat turner

  Essay on Language

  who stole the cookie from the

  cookie jar?

  this began somewhere

  suggest middle passage. consider the dutch ship

  consider adam and eve and pinchmenot

  blacks think in circles she said. no they don’t

  i said it too readily, too much on the defense. of course

  blacks think in circles. i think in circles

  why did i feel it necessary to jump on the defensive. defensiveness

  is sure sign of being gored by unpleasant truth

  equation: black skin + new money = counterfeit

  i keep going back over the same thoughts all the time (the


  poverty poverty poverty

  syndrome oft times accompanies social stigmata)

  sex sex sex

  desperately seeking absolute understanding (the way out) –

  black black black

  the impossible (my love relationship wears me thin) i know

  number one stole the cookie

  but knowing doesn’t

  stop me from thinking about it—trying to be the

  best i can spurred by blackness but they keep telling me the

  best fashion in which to escape linguistic ghettoization

  is to

  ignore the actuality of blackness blah blah blah and it will

  cease to

  have factual power over my life. which doesn’t

  make sense to me—especially when the nature of mirrors

  is to reflect

  when a mirror does not reflect what it is? not necessarily a


  merely glass? can it be something other than a glass? and once

  it becomes glass can it ever be a mirror again?

  violent animal can’t take it no more can’t

  take it anymore from anyone tired of being

  one in a world of everybodies and someones

  violent animal you throw chalk against the

  blackboard rocks at reluctant lovers assault

  money-grubbing landladies with cold dishwater

  they’re all against you in that paranoiac $$$

  prism keep trying to see yourself/reflection

  oooh black as swamp bottom mired in muck you

  violent animal struggle struggle struggle to

  get to solid ground get free get solidified/


  substitute writer for mirror, visionary for window, hack for glass

  who me? couldn’t be

  (smashing is addictive and leads to greater acts of violence/

  throwing things, i.e. the first sign of danger)

  equation: colorlessness + glibness = success

  i am occasionally capable of linear thought, stream of consciousness

  and hallucinate after a three day fast (have eyes will see)

  i’m much too much into my head. stressed. i can’t feel


  below the neck

  number two stole the cookie

  he says he hates me

  and i’m wondering what in

  hell on earth did i do except

  be who he says he loves to hate

  equation: circle + spear = spiral

  going down and in at the same time going outward and up


  this ends and begins here

  Woman on Sand

  my eye the coastline disappears on

  gray horizon he moves a vision a child searches

  for seashells amid litter beer cans cig butts

  broken glass my heart the pieces bleed

  cool water/dead cum

  the loving is the needing

  he shows me the sculpture

  the naked woman of sand a silicone siren

  entrenched in the music of her pain

  abandoned to inquisitive eyes

  her lover gone on to greater adventures

  the loving is the healing

  yes. i could smother the child/pillow to face

  the fears and trusts. what must be done

  end suffering/torture/starvation

  love does the right thing in his eyes

  mercy. free him. anguish. free him

  move on. urban pastures, slum sky

  the loving is the wanting

  we travel. i am aware of his question

  it beats against my heart, tries to get in

  someday. maybe. i will answer. when time

  for now there is the long hard drive

  speeding up slowing down taking curves

  the loving is

  cruising. our arms. clutching

  each other. tongues deep into mouth and throat

  become one/the other. embrace/the beach the wave.

  i can’t swim it covers me. i drown

  the next day they find me on the shore

  he’s gone on to other adventures

  the loving. the killing

  Scratch Me


  beached again. i hate being beached. the affirmation of my

  poverty, stranded on an inner city cement dune as white as

  the center of sun, cold as iceberg. i sulk in the middle of it

  burnt toast on a china plate as children laugh and play in sand

  and he swims out to ride an endless high. the only thing making

  this itchy ordeal tolerable is the joy i watch others having


  my heart is this city when the smog clears. the cool gold red

  sun paints the skyscrapers downtown in late day. the children

  return to school. my struggle deepens in shoes and school books

  my job demands my flesh as the fever goes round. street hawking

  nights are refuge. my skin softens. the rash disappears. the

  itching and burning goes. my blackness warms to red, becomes cocoa

  love on the curb


  friends wither and drop away/maple leaves/dead bark. outside the

  sun razzles but it snows on the soul. phone calls come

  rations doled to the hungry. there is no glad to thaw by

  the night’s thinned blankets of romance barely keep the freeze

  off. monks and nuns belong to the church. i see more of my

  parents than i used to


  the phone rings. i’m invited to the party if i want to come

  and i can ride with them for as long and as far as i need

  his voice is careful, exploring my mood. i sense veiled hope

  and smile, “no thank you.” i can’t explain that this is my last

  scuffle. i have given up. i am planning a crime to end this

  chronic scream. this shroud my skin claims me

  Standoff in East Hollywood

  mother madness i am hiding in the broom closet

  i have unraveled the noose of your giving

  and am holding your son captive

  i will not come to the door

  Wanda Why Aren’t You Dead

  wanda when are you gonna wear your hair down

  wanda. that’s a whore’s name

  wanda why ain’t you rich

  wanda you know no man in his right mind want a ready-made family

  why don’t you lose weight

  wanda why are you so angry

  how come your feet are so goddamn big

  can’t you afford to move out of this hell hole

  if i were you were you were you

  wanda what is it like being black

  i hear you don’t like black men

  tell me you’re ac/dc. tell me you’re a nympho. tell me you’re into chains

  wanda i don’t think you really mean that

  you’re joking. girl, you crazy

  wanda what makes you so angry

  wanda i think you need this

  wanda you have no humor in you you too serious

  wanda i didn’t know i was hurting you

  that was an accident

  wanda i know what you’re thinking

  wanda i don’t think they’ll take that off of you

  wanda why are you so angry

  i’m sorry i didn’t remember that that that

  that that that was so important to you

  wanda you’re always on the attack

  wanda wanda wanda i wonder

  why ain’t you dead

  Heavy Daughter Blues

or Yusef Komunyakaa

  the t.v. is teaching my children hibakusha

  i am in love with a dopefiend who sleeps under freeways

  my neighbors are refugees from S.A.

  and i speak negrese

  the source is promising to terminate my train

  of thought. the postman has put a hex on my P.O. Box

  when my mirror cries do my pupils dilate?

  i put my dial on quiet, my ears are gaining too much hate

  i went to the clown show

  disguised as you

  you did not

  recognize me

  i dream i dream i dream

  pass the pipe—please

  put the gold in the shredder

  Vietnam has taken Hollywood in helicopter blades

  & kliegs

  (let’s arrest the runts)

  i always withstand other people’s hopes & desires

  until they doublecross me. then we clash

  i have proof that the culture of the biz-zi-ness man

  is disappearing due to his inability to produce

  one perfect realm of solitude into which

  sanity can be delivered

  when reading all those thick tomes written on God

  it should be noted God is caucasian


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