Mr. Sin: Book One of the Sin Series

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Mr. Sin: Book One of the Sin Series Page 21

by S. J. Tilly

  Standing a few feet away is Jason. A man who I dated, causally, for a short while, but whom I haven’t seen in months. Of fucking course, I would run into him here. Today, of all days.

  Jason doesn’t seem to notice my hesitancy as he approaches. “How’ve you been?” His gaze drags down my dress-clad body. “You look great.”

  I cringe. This isn’t going to go well for him. “Uh, hey. Thanks.”

  Jason’s smile hasn’t dimmed. He clearly hasn’t read the room at all, since he continues to get closer, raising his arms as though he’s going to try to give me a hug.

  I don’t have to decide how to respond. Vincent drops a heavy arm over my shoulders and steps so he’s standing slightly in front of me, acting as an oversized, overprotective human shield.

  The move is enough to finally have Jason’s smile slipping. His eyes darting back and forth between me and Vincent.

  “Vincent, this is Jason. Jason, Vincent.” I give introductions in a surprisingly normal voice.

  “Oh, hey man.” Jason holds his hand out.

  When Vincent doesn’t immediately take it, I glance up. He’s giving Jason a hard once over, and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. This dick measuring is pointless. And unnecessary. I know who’d win that contest, and it isn’t Jason.

  I also know exactly what Vincent sees when he looks at Jason. He sees a good looking, nerdy 30-something, who’s slender and just a few inches taller than I am. He was a nice enough guy, but honestly, I felt like I was going to smother him any time we were together. It’s no fault of his, but I was always self-conscious of my size when we were together. That’s not why we didn’t work, but it’s one of the reasons I didn’t try harder at what could have become something.

  Vincent though, I don’t ever feel like I’m too much for him to handle. And if anyone is going to break during sex, it’s me. I warm at that and lean into Vincent’s side.

  That must be the right move because his grip on me tightens and he finally accepts Jason’s offered hand.

  “Ex-boyfriend, I take it?”

  Vincent’s direct words shock me so much a strange squeak comes out of my mouth. “Vincent!” I whisper at him.

  Jason seems just as flustered. “Uh, well, not exactly. I mean we dated.”

  “You got a last name, Jason?” Eric’s voice has me turning to see him standing on my other side. My peripheral vision showing that Angelo is standing behind me.

  “Um…” Jason trails off.

  I let out a string of silent curses. It probably looks like I have some sort of oversized reverse harem.

  I try to give him a sincere smile. “Jason, please excuse the cavemen routine. It was nice to see you.”

  When Jason doesn’t move, Vincent leans forward, ever so slightly. “Bye, Jason.”

  Finally taking the hint, Jason backs away, nearly knocking over a small table, before he turns and hurries out of the store.

  I swat at Vincent’s abs, but he snags my wrist. Holding my hand against his hard stomach, he bends down, putting his lips next to my ear. “If all your ex’s are little pricks like that, then this caveman routine is going to be easier than I thought.”

  He punctuates his statement with a kiss to my temple.

  I should be mad at him for being such an oaf, but I don’t have it in me. I do feel a little bad for Jason though.

  I raise my eyes to respond, when my gaze locks on yet another familiar face standing in line for coffee. Jessica. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is open as she stares right at us.

  Oh shit.



  M y body tenses.

  “What’s wrong?” Vincent straightens as he asks this, scanning the crowd.


  He talks over my head. “Eric.”

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Hey!” I grab Vincent’s face in both hands and make him look down at me. “It’s just one of my coworkers. I need to go talk to her.” Sensing his next words, I cut him off. “Alone.”


  “Vincent.” I give him my best I’m serious look. “I’ll be 20 feet away. I’m not gonna sneak out and go sprinting down the street.”

  I can feel his jaw clench under my palms before he turns his head to kiss my wrist. “Fine.”

  Not giving myself time to freak out, I step away from Vincent and walk towards Jessica. I should have been paying better attention to who was in here. I know she frequents BeanBag. I’m just lucky it was her who caught me and not someone else.

  As I near, I watch her eyes dart between myself and where I left Vincent standing. If I know him, he’s probably still standing there staring right back. Along with his meathead buddies.

  “Hi, Jess.” I greet her cautiously.

  Her eyes don’t stop their back-and-forth pattern, and her jaw is literally hanging open.

  I reach out and flick her chin. “You can close your mouth now.”

  “Is that… Are you… How long have you… Oh my god, you’re sleeping with Mr. Sin!” Her eyes widen with each attempt at a sentence. “Oh my god!”

  She saw enough that there’s no point in denying it. And her reaction is so comical I shrug and smile in response.

  Jessica reaches out and flicks my chin in return. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” She waves off the question as soon as she asks it. “Never mind. I get it. Golden Girl Sasha is sleeping with a client. This is the scandal of the century.” She grins.

  “Yeah, you’re making me feel so much better about this.” I laugh.

  Jessica scoffs. “Give me a break. You have that giant pile of sexy over there to comfort you.” She fans herself. “Tell me his cock is as big as I’ve imagined it is.”

  I feel my face flush red.

  Jessica squeals. “You stupid bitch! I’m so jealous of you right now. But seriously, we most definitely need to catch up. Dinner and drinks for sure.”

  “Deal.” I agree, honestly looking forward to it.

  Seeing her here was a shock but being able to talk to another woman about Vincent would be so nice. Jessica is a bit rowdy, but she’s a good person and a great listener.

  I think about my schedule. “I’m swamped for the next couple days until the photoshoot at Marie’s House, but after that I’m open. Did you want to do another yoga class?”

  Jessica scrunches up her nose. “Yoga? No. I’m done with that.”

  “The class or the guy?” I ask.

  “Both. I could hardly move for three days after that dumb class. And flexibility is great and all, but turns out that moron thought the female orgasm was a myth.”

  “What? Wow. Fuck that guy.”

  “Fuck what guy?” Vincent’s voice rumbles right next to me.

  I expect Jessica to go back to being starstruck, but of course she doesn’t. “Oh, just this loser I went out with a few times who didn’t believe the woman should also get off.”

  Vincent clucks his tongue in disapproval. The flash of pink between his teeth causing my thighs to clench. “That’s unacceptable.” He turns his gaze to me. “Right, Sasha?”

  “Umm.” I have no appropriate response for that.

  Jessica lets out a cackle of laughter. “Oh my god, this is so great! You two are so adorable together!”

  Vincent presses a hand against my lower back, turning me into him.

  “Aren’t we just.” The jackass says before kissing the top of my head. With his other hand he reaches out to greet Jessica. “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced. I’m Vincent. Sasha’s boyfriend.”

  Jessica beams.

  I groan.

  She ignores me. “Jessica. Sasha’s friend from work. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  I see Eric step up next to Vincent, a coffee cup in each hand. Figuring I should get it over with, I gesture towards him. “You might as well meet Eric, too. I’m sure he’ll have to tag along for our girl’s night.”

  “Oh?” Jessica’s eyebrows go up.

  I s
igh. “He’s my bodyguard. For the next little while at least.”

  Jessica gives him an approving look, not at all phased by the fact that I have a bodyguard now. “You like tacos and margaritas?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Eric replies.

  I roll my eyes at his formality, but Jessica just smiles harder.

  Vincent slides his large palm up my back. “I hate to cut this reunion short, but we need to get back.”

  I tip my head back to look up at him. “Okay.”

  Something in my tone makes him grin. “You’re coming too, sweetheart. I’m riding with you.”

  “Oh? How’d you get here?”

  “I went into the office early, so we just walked over.”

  I shoot a glare over at Eric, but he just shrugs.

  When I turn back to Jessica, she’s beaming. I roll my eyes. “Text me, okay?”

  “Whatever you say.” She replies with a smirk. Then she mouths sweetheart.



  I end up sandwiched in the backseat between my boyfriend and Shrek, with Eric sitting shotgun. To say it’s cramped would be the world biggest understatement. Really though, I don’t mind. It gives me an excuse to lean into Vincent’s side.

  The drive to the office is only a few minutes, but I pull out my phone and scroll through my emails while the men on either side of me talk about business.

  Vincent’s hand squeezes my knee. “If Uncle Enzo is back in town, make sure he gets an invite to the gala next weekend.”

  I glance up, thinking he’s talking to me but see that his attention is still on Angelo. I haven’t heard Vincent mention an Uncle Enzo before, but if it’s not a task for me to do, then I won’t concern myself with it.

  I’m excited for the gala-style charity fundraiser that Mazzanti Enterprises will be hosting as a sort of breakout event. We thought about holding it elsewhere in the city. The Syndicate Hotel was at the top of the list for a potential location, but between the rental fees and the hotel’s nefarious history, the planning committee decided to keep it in-house. Once I finally took a peek at the event space on the second floor of the M.E. building, I realized it was a smart choice. The room is stunning.

  It’s going to be a glamourous evening filled with music, delicious food and fabulous silent auction items, but it’s also something I can be proud to be a part of. The money that we raise will be split between a handful of local organizations that all focus on homelessness, hunger and domestic violence. There will be mention of Marie’s House throughout the event, but the main point is to bring together like-minded donors and like-minded organizations.

  I’m excited to see the final outcome. And I’m thrilled I don’t have to do much of the work since it’s primarily an event planning affair. My team will only have a minor role to play, and for that I’m thankful.

  I’m also thankful that my driver, who’s name I still don’t know, pulled us into the underground executive lot. It’s hard enough to explain Eric’s presence to my coworkers. The last thing I want is to be seen arriving at work in the same car as Vincent.

  Every assumption they’d probably have would be true, but still - I’m not ready to deal with that fallout yet.

  Vincent holds the door open for me, then lets Eric and Angelo walk ahead of us as he twines our fingers together.

  “Come over tonight.” The cocky Devil tells me, instead of asking. “I have a lunch meeting today and I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to see you again.”

  Oh. Well. When he says it like that.

  Using my grip on his hand, I pull him to a stop. My other hand reaching up to smooth down the front of his shirt. “If that’s what you want, sir.”



  M y mind keeps wandering as I follow Vincent and his entourage through Marie’s House. I did a walk through yesterday, so I’m not as captivated by this tour as everyone else. Not to say that this place isn’t perfect. Because it’s well on its way. It’s just that this prolonged proximity to Vincent has my brain short circuiting. I know I’m the one responsible for keeping our relationship under wraps. If it were up to Vincent, he’d probably put up a freaking billboard. But I stand by my decision. I’m the one with a job on the line if this gets out.

  But being this close, and pretending that we don’t know each other as intimately as we do… It’s killing me. Or at the very least, it’s making me crazy. My dumb brain is suddenly questioning everything. I’m blaming Vincent. He’s a skilled actor; I know he is. He has to be. Ever since we arrived here, his demeanor towards me has been coolly indifferent. He hasn’t touched me. His eyes haven’t lingered on my lips. He hasn’t even addressed me since I introduced him to the journalist, Vanny. And it’s driving me insane.

  And I feel even more insane for questioning him, us, since I spent last night in his home. Eating dinner with him and Annie. I know what we have is real. When I’m with the two of them I feel so at home. So calm. I’ve never really considered myself a kid person. Or someone who would like a domineering man-beast. But here I am. Loving every moment I have with them. I feel like maybe I should be alarmed at how easily I’ve integrated our lives, but I’m too happy to worry about it.

  I’m just glad it’s not the 90’s anymore, when every phone plan comes with a limited number of minutes. Because the nights that I haven’t spent at Vincent’s house this week, I’ve fallen asleep with him on speaker phone. Sometimes he only talks for a few minutes. Sometimes he climbs into his bed at the same time as me. Sometimes I simply listen to him typing. But it’s working. I feel comfortable in my apartment again. It’s not perfect, but it’s better. I don’t need Eric to sleep outside my door anymore, and with Vincent’s help I was able to convince Eric to use the guest bedroom rather than the couch. Eric might annoy me on occasion, but he’s been a decent roommate.

  Laughter breaks out in the crowd around Vincent and I catch myself clenching my fists. I know just about everyone here. They’re all professionals. But I still feel the slimy tendrils of jealousy crawling over my skin.

  “You asked for this.” I remind myself on a grumble.

  “What was that?” Eric’s voice sounds from right behind me.

  “Jesus creeping Christ!” I whisper-shout at him, spinning around and slapping a hand over my heart. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Literally the opposite.” Is his smartass reply.

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing pulse. “Where the hell did you come from? I thought you were staying in the lobby.”

  “Boss texted me. Asked that I keep a closer eye on you.”

  “When?” I ask. We’ve been on this tour for about half an hour and neither Vincent nor myself have left the group.

  “About two minutes ago.”

  “Huh.” I glance ahead to watch Vincent’s back as he walks on. He must have messaged Eric while he was talking. “Is he worried that Randal might show up here today?”

  “No.” Eric replies.

  “Then why…” I trail off. There has to be a reason.

  Eric’s phone chimes and he holds it up for me to read. Vincent just sent him another text. Stop questioning my men, sweetheart. I have to bite my lip to keep from grinning like a fool.

  Another chime. Let me get a look at you, then go to the lobby. Annie and my mom just arrived.

  I look up. And lock eyes with Vincent.

  He’s maneuvered himself to face the small crowd, and me. He’s still talking, but his eyes are locked on mine. No one seems to notice, but I can feel his gaze down to my bones. His head dips down in a nod. I’m sure he made it seem natural in the conversation, but I know it’s for me. He’s so damn smooth, I want to poke him.

  Instead, I wink.

  His grin is immediate, and I swear two of the women lean towards him.

  I grab Eric’s phone, and reply to Vincent’s last text. If any of those hoochies touch you, she’s losing her manicure.

  A second after I hit send, I he
ar Vincent bark out a laugh. Not wanting to give myself away, I spin on my heel and head towards the lobby.

  Vincent has poured money into this project. Even though they only just started, Marie’s House is about half done with the remodel. The building was previously a hotel, in minor disrepair. The rooms are being renovated and combined to create one- and two-bedroom apartments. They’ll house women and families, serving as transitional housing, until a more permanent situation can be arranged. Guests might stay for just a week or for several months. The idea is to be flexible.

  Vincent has already secured partnerships to furnish the apartments. There’s also a space on the first floor that will act like a store with clothes, toiletries, and pantry items. All free of cost. A couple nights ago, when I was trying to fall asleep, Vincent told me about the logistical issues the designer is having with the layout of the store. All of the items will be donations, so it’s hard to design permanent shelving when you don’t know what you’ll have week-to-week. But Vincent was adamant that it be set up like a store, not just a service counter. I’m confident that his team is highly motivated to find a solution.

  “Sasha!” Annie calls out, and I spot her waving from across the lobby.

  This area is mostly completed. There’s more artwork coming, but one wall is already covered in a mural of the Minneapolis skyline, painted by a local artist. There will be several photos in the article from Vincent’s tour, but the shot that includes Annie will be taken in front of the mural. Vincent insisted that his mother join in the photograph as well. He wanted the three generations of Mazzantis together, presenting a united family image. Not to mention the fact that this facility is named after his mother.

  Marie joined us for dinner another night this week and I got to know her a little better. I already knew she was a kind and caring woman, but seeing her light up when she talked about Marie’s House cemented that belief.

  “Hey Annie!” I match her wide smile.

  “Do you remember?” Annie asks, stopping directly in front of me.


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