by Honey Palomino

  I moaned and arched my back, melting into the bed and opening my thighs wider, wrapping them around his hips, his cock nudging against my center teasingly.

  He moved his head, his mouth wrapping around my other nipple, leaving me yearning to feel him even closer.

  “Oh god,” I moaned, my fingers sliding into his silky hair, as I raised my hips, silently begging him to give me what I so desperately needed. Instead, he pulled away, sliding down my body until his fiery tongue found my quivering center.

  “Yes,” I hissed as his lips and tongue worked against me, pulling every ounce of pleasure from my shuddering body. His fingers slid up my inner thighs, sending jolts of pleasure shooting through me as he slid one inside of me.

  He growled, his tongue vibrating against my clit as he devoured me. Writhing below him, I clutched at the sheets as I endured his sensuous assault, the flames inside me igniting into a white-hot heat as I crashed over the edge, wave after wave of pleasure pouring out of me as my juices poured over his hand and lips.

  With a groan, he pulled away, lifting himself over me, his eyes peering into mine as his cock throbbed hotly against my sex, hard and ravenous. Slowly, I wrapped my thighs around his hips, his hardness nudging against my center as I quickly pulled him inside of me.

  We gasped together as he slid into me smoothly, his hardness filling me up deliciously, my entire being bursting into flames from his heat.

  “Storm, please,” I begged.

  He groaned as he began lifting his hips, his rock hard cock smoothly sliding in and out of me with determined precision, his intention quickly becoming clear as he sped up, his hips slamming against me as he pressed into me harder and harder, our bodies wildly searching for the release we both needed.

  “Don’t stop, please,” I urged him on. “More, Storm, more…”

  He answered with another powerful thrust and then another and another, leaving me gasping for breath as my desire flowed, my center quivering and spasming around him as he slid out and slammed back in smoothly and fully.

  His mouth caught mine again, his lips hot and urgent as my thighs pulled him in closer. His muscles rippled under my fingertips as my hands caressed his inked skin.

  He sunk into me, each time slamming into me harder and harder, his hips flying through the air, until he stopped suddenly, his cock buried deep inside of me as he swelled thickly. The heat of his release sent me careening over the edge with him again, my body spasming, his mouth searching mine as we exploded together in a primal, animalistic release that shook my very soul.

  Afterwards, we gazed into each other’s eyes with gleeful surprise and slight shock, slowly regaining our breath as the realization of what we’d just done washed over us.

  I sighed — a deep, heavy, satisfied sigh — his body still tangled with mine, a slight sheen of sweat on our brows, our skin sliding sensuously together. A slow smile spread across Storm’s face and he lowered his head, kissing me gently and sweetly. I melted into him again, wrapping my thighs and arms around him again as his cock swelled deliciously inside of me again, his hips slowly moving as he took me again.

  Chapter 29


  Pepper’s hair tickled my chin as she lay in my arms.

  Hours had passed, and I was shocked someone hadn’t knocked down her door by now. Lucky, Grace, someone. She’d left the clubhouse crying many hours ago, and we’d been locked in each other’s arms ever since.

  I figured they were just giving her a little space, and I was grateful for it. Because it had allowed me to get as close to her as physically possible and it was the most delicious space I’d ever had the pleasure of occupying.

  Holy shit.

  Her body was like a work of art. She was all velvety curves and soft crevices and I planned on tasting every single inch of her delicious skin and dipping into each one of those crevices before the day was over.

  I figured I was about halfway done, but we still had plenty of time.

  I still didn’t know what had gotten her so upset earlier, but the smile on her face right now told me I’d done a pretty damned good job of making her forget it, whatever the hell it was.

  And, holy fuck, was I ever glad to be of service.

  “How long have we been in here?” Pepper murmured, her voice so sweetly soft it put a little crack in my heart.

  “By the looks of the sun setting in that window, I’d say at least three hours.”

  She nodded slightly, and I couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking. I didn’t dare ask, though, lest she start crying again. It felt as if we were suspended in time. I didn’t want to be the one to break the spell.

  Outside of asking what she was thinking about, or what had upset her so much, I couldn’t think of one other thing to say that wouldn’t make this whole house of cards tumble to the ground.

  She didn’t seem like she was in the mood to talk when I knocked on the door and by the silence that had fallen over us once I’d realized I was going to need a good long break before I could go again, I’d venture to say she still wasn’t in the mood for chatting.

  Her fingers slid along my abs, causing the hair traveling down toward my cock to stand up on end. I groaned, pulling her close.

  “I could stay here all day.”

  She stiffened at my words, or perhaps my grasp, I wasn’t sure exactly but in a flash she was out of bed and walking away, calling out to me over her shoulder.

  “There’s a towel in the cabinet if you need to take a shower.”

  My mouth dropped at her sudden coldness and any semblance of an erection that had begun to reform dissipated.

  What had I said? I wondered.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, sitting up and combing my hair back with my fingers.

  Women. Once again, I was left wondering if I should go after her. She had a habit of just walking away, apparently. I guess I did, too, now that I thought about it. I chuckled to myself and stood up, walking naked as a jaybird down the hall and into the living room.

  I froze when I saw Lucky standing there, her eyes glued to my junk and her brow raised.

  “Aww, dude, no way!” I heard Slade’s voice before I saw him. I turned my head and there he was, standing in the doorway right next to Pepper, who’d somehow found the time to put my t-shirt on before kicking our pile of clothes out of the way and opening the door.

  Mortified, I searched my mind for words, but instead I stood there with my mouth open and looking like a fool as I tried to hide my cock with my hands.

  “Coffee?” Pepper said, turning away from all of us and heading toward the kitchen.

  “Sure, but hold the cream,” Slade said, before bursting out laughing. I groaned and grabbed my clothes, before rushing back down the hallway.

  “What an ass on that one,” Lucky said. Slade’s mocking laughter echoed after me down the hallway.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I muttered as I quickly got dressed, minus the t-shirt that I was wearing that was now hiding Pepper’s delicious curves. I threw on my vest, pushed my hair outta my face and squared my shoulders before going back into the living room

  I avoided Slade’s eyes completely. I knew I had a tongue lashing due and I planned to take it like a man. Instead, I kept my gaze firmly glued to Pepper’s naked thighs, memorizing the vision of her swallowed up in my shirt so that when I was getting my ass beat later by the Gods, I’d remember that it was worth every blow.

  Chapter 30


  “Really, I’m fine,” I insisted. Slade and Lucky sat across the table from me while a bare-chested Storm hovered in the kitchen behind me.

  “We just wanted to check on you,” Lucky said, flashing me an apologetic look as her eyes darted between me and Storm.

  Everyone was so concerned. It was nice. It was kind. It was quickly becoming a tiny bit annoying.

  Even Storm wouldn’t fuck me without checking in on me first. I’d jumped him, literally. The clearest form of ‘yes’ I could think of, and he still st
opped to check in first.

  What kind of man does that?

  I sighed, thankful he was behind me and out of my line of sight. I could still feel his hands on my skin. Still feel his massive hardness sliding in and out of me. The fact that Lucky and Slade were in this room was the only thing holding me back from opening his Levi’s and devouring his cock right there on my knees in the kitchen.

  My attraction to him was this deep, savage yearning that I’d never felt before. I’d had plenty of one-night stands that didn’t mean a thing — in fact, that was what I preferred. Transactions, right? Quick sessions that were merely mutual gratification based on physical needs alone.

  And that’s what this was with Storm, too. Only somehow it was way more intense. It was as if our bodies were made for each other — everything fit together in a way that seemed custom made to be together.

  And, yet, by jumping out of that bed so quickly when we were finished only proved to myself that my heart was exactly where it needed to be — locked safely away and protected.

  It’s just sex, I told myself as I’d walked away. I’d been surprised by the knock at the door and was even more surprised when a very naked, and very sexy, Storm walked out.

  All I could do was think to offer coffee at that point, to break the ice.

  Now, look what my politeness had gotten me — the two of them staring accusingly at us across the table like parents who’d just caught their daughter’s boyfriend in her bed.

  I’m a grown ass woman.

  Which is why I didn’t give a shit what either Lucky or Slade thought. I did feel a little bad for Storm — he had to work here and live here.

  I was just passing through.

  All I wanted was for them to leave so I could have another taste of Storm before I had to leave.

  “You didn’t seem fine when you left Riot’s office,” Lucky said. “I wanted to give you some time, or I would have come sooner. But, I, uh…” She let her gaze land on Storm again.

  “Oh, my god,” I said, standing up, so over it. “So, I fucked Storm. So what? Are there some sort of rules I’ve broken or what?”

  “No, of course not —.” Lucky said.

  “Actually, yeah —.” Slade said.

  “No!” Storm shouted over them.

  They stopped and looked at him in surprise.

  “I mean, look, we’re all adults,” Storm continued. “What happened is between me and Pepper, that’s it. I don’t even think this should be discussed at all. And if there are rules around here, then I’d say they were made to be broken. Wouldn’t you, Slade?” he asked, looking at him pointedly.

  Slade burst out laughing and put his hands up.

  “Sure, man, you’re right,” he said. “But, I’m just saying getting involved with each other can make things complicated. You’ve gotta —.”

  Mortified, I interrupted him. “— We aren’t involved. We just fucked.”

  You could have cut the silence with a knife.

  They all stared at me like I’d just slapped Storm or something. My god, we’d just met. It was just sex.

  Why did it have to turn into a thing?

  I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, leaving them all there with my words hanging in the air.

  Chapter 31


  “The Gods of what now?” I asked Charlie, the phone pressed to my ear. I could barely hear him, the connection was horrible.

  “Chaos. You know…like destruction and rioting and shit and glrlslfjfh…”

  “Dude, you’re breaking up. Where the hell are you?” I demanded. “Just come to my house.”

  “Sorry, Artie, I can’t. I’m chasing down a lead. Listen, Lucky has a boyfriend. It’s not well known, she tries to keep him out of the public eye….” The phone crackled before picking up his voice again. “…a biker.”

  “You’re chasing a bicyclist?”

  “No, Artie, a fucking motorcycle gang member. Hell’s Angels or something, you know? And they…” His voice faded away completely.

  “What, what about them? Goddammit, Charlie, I can’t hear you!” I shouted into the phone, my blood pressure rising. “Where are you?”

  “Oregon!” I finally heard one word, in between a bunch of silence, but now I was even more confused.

  “Why the fuck are you in Oregon?”

  “Bikers…Lucky…fllfsldfh….” Loud crackling cut him off again

  “For fuck’s sake!” I roared into the phone. “I don’t care if you’re on the fucking moon, Charlie! Find me Pepper, goddammit!”

  I threw the phone across the room, rage rising through me.

  Most likely, that little bitch has probably sold my diamonds by now. It’s been days. And now, the only thing I’m paying Charlie for is to bring her tight little body back to me. Dead or alive, I didn’t fucking care at this point.

  Although, alive would be a lot more fun, I had to admit. I might as well get a good time out of her somehow, if I couldn’t get my shit back. Thinking about what I’m going to do to her has been serving as a nice distraction from the worrying I’ve been doing.

  The fucking cops sent their man over to inspect my security system this morning and then, they wouldn’t even talk to me afterwards. They didn’t get the footage of course, because I destroyed that shit, but now I suspect that they don’t fully believe my story.

  If I can get my hands on that little whore and offer her to them, it might just be what I need to move on with my life. And if Charlie doesn’t succeed, there are plenty of other men in this town who can do the job.

  That spicy little bitch can run, but she can’t hide.

  Chapter 32


  I stayed in the bedroom until I heard them leave.

  Relieved to be alone, I retrieved my cup of coffee from the kitchen and sat on the couch to finish it, my head spinning from the sudden change in stimulation. Storm’s touch still lingered on my skin and I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about the look on his face when he’d walked out naked and realized we weren’t alone.

  Laughter bubbled out of me, releasing waves of stress and worry.

  The meeting with Riot had left me reeling. So much so that I’d basically attacked Storm. I owed him an apology for that.

  And then, as soon as he’d mentioned ‘staying’, I freaked out and jumped out of that bed like it was engulfed in flames. I owed him an apology for that, too.

  Worst of all — I’d declared in front of Lucky and Slade and God that fucking Storm meant absolutely nothing to me. I groaned at the thought of how rude I must have sounded.

  I owed him a huge apology for that one.

  I pulled myself up and headed to the shower, reluctantly washing the scent of him away. My hands ran over my curves and I closed my eyes, remembering the feel of his touch, the firmness of his lips trailing over my skin.

  While it may have been bold, and perhaps a little politically incorrect, I was glad I’d made the move I had.

  Now, I had what I wanted. The memory of those few hours that I would keep with me forever. It was almost a shame I had to leave now, it had been that amazing.

  In fact, it had me wondering if being with a man like Storm was something I might be able to get used to. I was so used to being alone, being independent, that I couldn’t imagine what it might feel like to have access to a body like his all the time. I shuddered at the thought of waking up in his arms. To feel his sleepy softness turn to a hungry hardness as he sank into me, while the birds sang their morning song out the window, the morning sunlight streaming in.

  I sighed, drying off slowly, a smile plastered on my face as I found it nearly impossible not to replay the last few hours in my head.

  It had been the best afternoon I’d ever had. A fairytale.

  “Well, it’s over now,” I muttered to myself as I padded down the hallway and back to the bedroom. I dressed quickly, folding up Storm’s t-shirt and setting it on the dresser.

  I pulled my backpack out of the
closet and pulled out my phone, checking for a message from Bea.

  Still nothing.

  I frowned, contemplating texting her again.

  Maybe I should call her, I thought. No, a text is safer. A call can be traced too easily.

  “Please text me back, Bea. Are you okay?” I hit send and said a little wish. I was really beginning to get worried about her now and the guilt of leaving her all alone was weighing heavily on my mind, despite the delicious buzzing of my body after all of Storm’s attention.

  It was becoming clear that my reasons for needing to leave were multiplying.

  But first, I had some apologizing to do.

  I walked out of the cabin in search of Storm and found him packing a backpack near a blue Harley with mud-caked tires. Other Gods were sprinkled around and I wondered just how far the word had spread about me and Storm’s adventures in my cabin. I let my gaze travel over them, and felt my shoulders relax when I realized none of them were paying any attention to me.

  Just the way I liked it, I thought. Blending into the background was another one of my greatest survival tools. It was right in my comfort zone and being the object of gossip was the farthest thing from that.

  I walked over to Storm. He was leaning over the bike, his Levi’s hugging his ass tightly, his black boots dusty. My head flashed back to the image of those boots discarded by my doorway and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

  “Hey,” I whispered softly. He froze and slowly turned around, his eyes shining with our not-so-secret secret.

  “Hey you,” he said, his voice a husky growl that went right to my gut.

  I took a deep breath and dove right in.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  I bit my lip, waiting for his response.

  His face blank, he shook his head, raising a brow. “For?”

  “For attacking you like a rabid dog.”



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