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HOT SEAL Hero Page 9

by Lynn Raye Harris

  His phone buzzed. It was Neo.

  Neo: Dude, you’re sleeping at her house again?

  Somebody left a threatening note in her mailbox. Apparently, Neo hadn’t talked to Viking.

  Neo: Whoa. Not cool. Is she okay?

  Yep. She’s sleeping. I’m on the couch.

  Neo: Your dick’s gonna fall off if you don’t do something about that massive woody she’s giving you.

  Ryan rolled his eyes. I can handle sleeping on her couch. You worry about your own woody.

  Neo: Need anything? Besides a blowjob, I mean…

  You offering?

  Neo: Fuck no. You’re not my type.

  Ryan snorted. You aren’t mine either, stud. No tits and too many appendages.

  Neo: Amen, brother. I’m going to bed. Let me know if anything happens.

  Ryan thought about it for a second. Then he typed, How’s Kayla?

  Neo: Don’t know. Haven’t seen her.

  Ryan frowned. Neo had been gone a lot lately, but he wasn’t bringing any chicks home at night. Ryan had been wondering if his roomie was seeing Kayla Jones, but apparently she was still a topic that was off limits.

  Ryan stood and shucked out of his jeans, tugged his T-shirt off, and lay back down on the couch. It wasn’t a very big couch, and his legs hung off the end. Not the most comfortable place he’d ever slept, but he’d also slept in a lot worse. His Sig was on the floor beside him so he could reach it if necessary. He didn’t think he’d need it. Whoever had left the note for Chloe wasn’t looking for confrontation. At least not yet.

  His phone buzzed again and he picked it up. Surprise snapped through him.

  Chloe: Hey there. You awake?

  Yep. Why are you? Last time I saw you, you were swaying on your feet.

  Chloe: I woke up. Can’t seem to get back to sleep.

  You could always come out here and talk to me. Be easier than texting.

  Chloe: You say that, but I can say things here I won’t say to your face.

  His skin prickled. Oh yeah? Like what?

  Chloe: Like I can’t sleep because I keep thinking about you. How nice you’ve been to me. How great your friends are.

  He shook his head. That’s it, C? I’m nice and have great friends?

  Chloe: Well, those things are pretty important to me. But no, that’s not all. When I look at you, I just want to get close to you. I want to pretend like we met under normal circumstances.

  We did meet under normal circumstances, babe. You were moving in. My truck was in the way. That’s normal.

  Chloe: I guess so. But the rest of it—the messages, the stuff about Travis. Those things aren’t normal at all.

  Ryan sat up. He wanted to go knock on her bedroom door and have a conversation about this stuff, but he didn’t do it because she’d probably clam up. Instead, he typed out a reply. They are surprisingly normal in my world. Trust me.

  Chloe: I wish…

  You wish what? he prompted when she didn’t finish the thought.

  Chloe: I wish I was brave enough to let things happen earlier. To let you kiss me and do whatever happened after. I’m not a prude, but I’ve also never jumped into bed with a man I just met before.

  It’s okay. You don’t have to do that. Some people get together the first time they meet, others take their time. It is what it is.

  Chloe: You probably have women throwing themselves at you all the time. Why would you want to go slow?

  “Dammit, Chloe,” he muttered. I can hit the drive-through for a burger or I can make reservations at a fancy restaurant that serves the finest steak in town. They both serve a need, but one is far superior to the other.

  It took her far too long to reply, but what she sent back was a series of laughing emojis followed by text. Did you just compare me to a steak?

  He snorted. The finest steak, I believe.

  Chloe: Jeez you’re fun.

  So are you. Now go back to sleep or tell me what you’re wearing.

  She sent another laughing emoji. I’m wearing a cute little sleep set I got from Victoria’s Secret. Shorts and a tank top.

  His dick throbbed. Oh yeah? How short?

  Chloe: Short.

  This isn’t going to work for me. Call me.

  Chloe: ???

  Ryan growled. I’m planning to talk those shorts off you, babe. Safe in your bedroom with your door shut. You’re going to come. So am I.

  Oh jeez, what was she doing? Chloe stared at the words on the screen, her skin heating to a thousand degrees. He wanted to have phone sex. Could she do that?

  Hell yeah, she could. She stabbed the number to call him. He picked up right away.

  “Hey,” his sexy, growly voice rumbled over the line. She felt the power of that voice in her deepest recesses.

  “Hey. So what’s this about getting my shorts off?”

  “I’d like to remove them with my teeth, Chloe. Then I’d spread your legs apart and lick your pussy until you scream. In lieu of that, I’m going to tell you all the dirty shit I’d like to do to you while you touch yourself.”

  Her heart banged her ribs. Her pussy grew wet and swollen with need. Her fingers drifted down her belly, beneath the waistband of the shorts. But then she stopped, frozen at the idea of rubbing herself into orgasm while he listened.

  Hell, he could literally be listening since this house wasn’t big and her room wasn’t far from the living room.

  Just tell him to come in here and then hang up, Chloe. Let him lick you. It sounds amazing.

  “Would you really do that?”

  “Do what? Lick your pussy? Fuck yeah. Are you telling me Asshat didn’t?”

  She bit her lower lip. “He, uh, didn’t like it. No.”

  Ryan groaned. “Oh Jesus, Chloe. I want to taste you so bad it fucking hurts. Right now I really want to show you how badly I want to eat you up. I could do that and take care of myself after just for the pleasure of proving to you that your ex was an idiot in more ways than one.”

  Her heart wasn’t going to survive this crazy trip. Her body was a bundle of nerves waiting for release. Her brain kept thinking of reasons it would be a bad idea. “We haven’t even kissed yet,” she said as her fingers dipped slowly between her legs. Right into all that wet heat.

  She heard him drag in a breath. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m out here going crazy at the thought of licking you, but it’s too much too soon. I’ll behave.”

  Chloe closed her eyes. Groaned inwardly as she touched herself. Did she want him to behave? Or did she want to take the risk and leap off the edge?

  She trusted him. Liked him. Knew he was one of the good guys. And maybe what she needed was a hot, torrid affair with a sexy Navy SEAL so she’d feel normal again. Push Travis from her head once and for all. JoJo would approve. So would Avery.

  “I don’t want you to behave. I want you.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  She stroked her clit. Stopped because it was too, too much. “I want you to give me everything you promised, Ryan. Now.”

  “For real?”

  She swallowed. “For real.”

  “Just so I’m clear, you want me to hang up this phone and join you in your bedroom. Or have I got it wrong?”

  “You aren’t wrong.”

  She could hear him breathing. “Wait—are you certain? I want you badly, Chloe. But it’s selfish of me too because while I want to eat you and make you feel good, I also want to fuck you until I get some relief. Cocks don’t have consciences, and mine certainly can’t think of any good reason not to accept your offer. But my brain—well, that’s a whole different animal. And I don’t want to make a mistake here. If you want me to come in there and lick you, then take care of myself, I can do that. Just let me know that’s where we’re headed so I’m ready.”

  Chloe’s jaw dropped. Her heart hammered. She could love this guy. Like really love him. He was that amazing. “I know it’s fast, I know it seems like we were just having a whole different conversation
a few hours ago, but I’m certain this is what I want. We’re friends, right? Maybe this is just two friends giving each other relief. People do that. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”

  “So you’re saying you want to be fuck buddies tonight? No expectations or promises?”

  “I’m saying it’s a start. I don’t know what happens tomorrow. Do you?”

  “Nope. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to want more. Then what?”

  “Ryan, you just told me you plan to lick me until I scream. If you do that as good as you claim you can, I think more of you is going to be just fine with me.”

  He laughed, a rusty sound that made her smile. “You’re so fucking adorable.”

  There was a knock at her door. Butterflies fluttered in her belly. “Just a sec,” she said, dropping the phone and jumping from the bed to run into the bathroom and swish mouthwash. Then she went to the door and tugged it open. He wasn’t wearing anything except a pair of boxer briefs that hugged his thighs and the outline of his massive cock. Her gaze slid upward until their eyes locked. It was dark in the house, but her night vision let her see enough.

  What she saw reflected in his gaze made her knees wobble.

  “Hi,” he said, the coolness in his voice belying the heat glittering in his eyes. “You ordered room service?”

  “I did—and now I see you and I’m nervous all over again.”

  “We don’t have to do anything, Chloe.”

  She trembled. Leap. “Kiss me, Ryan.”

  “I can do that. But baby, if you change your mind about any of it, tell me. I’ll stop.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  He reached out and put an arm around her waist, tugging her in close to his hard body. His other hand caressed her jaw, tipped her chin back as he stepped even closer. Then his mouth dropped to hers—and Chloe’s heart sang.

  Her mouth opened beneath his and their tongues tangled, so hot and sweet. Chloe gripped his biceps, holding on tight as her entire world went sideways. The kiss was perfectly and utterly delicious. Ryan’s hand slipped down over her ass, squeezed softly. Pulled her so tightly to him that there was no mistaking that he wanted her. As if she hadn’t known it from the visual of him standing in her doorway.

  His cock was hard, huge, and pressed into her belly. She wanted to touch it. Her hand drifted down the rock hard muscle of his chest, down until she could touch the tip of him through his briefs. He stiffened slightly, a groan emanating from his throat.

  Then he bent and swept an arm behind her knees, picking her up as if she weighed nothing. He carried her the few steps to her bed, then put a knee down and laid them both back on the mattress as smooth as silk. And he did it all without ceasing to kiss her.

  He pushed her wispy tank up her chest, exposing her breasts. Then he dropped and sucked one tight nipple while tweaking the other between his thumb and forefinger. Chloe thrashed her head on the pillow, her entire body on fire as he expertly sucked and nibbled her sensitive breasts.

  A few moments later, he was tugging her shorts down her body, following their progression with kisses and licks on her belly and along what would have been her panty line if he hadn’t dragged those off too.

  She kicked them free and he dropped lower, pushing her legs wide so his broad shoulders fit between them. Then he gazed up at her. Moonlight came through the slats in the blinds, illuminating the bed and everything on it.

  Chloe’s pulse thrummed as they stared at each other. She could hardly believe he was here, that this was about to happen. How had they gone from new neighbors and friends to this intense heat, this raw exposure, in the space of a few hours?

  “You have no idea how much I want this,” he told her. “How much I’ve thought about this. Burying my tongue in your hot pussy. Watching you come apart while I do it. Such a turn on, Chloe.”

  She couldn’t believe what he was saying. In her experience, guys either liked giving oral sex or they didn’t. And when they did, it was mostly as a prelude to what they wanted. No one had ever told her he’d dreamed of it before. Not that her experience was vast or anything.

  “I want it too,” she said. “All of it.”

  “Good thing we have all night.”

  When he dipped his tongue to her seam, she thought she’d come right away. But Ryan knew what he was doing. He licked her hot and fast and deep, and then he stopped and slid a finger in and out of her before starting the whole cycle again.

  It was embarrassing how wet she was, how out of control, but she could hardly care. She moaned and begged and tried to thrust her hips in his face to make him hurry up, but he just laughed and kept doing what he was doing.

  And then, finally, he let her fly.

  It. Was. Amazing.

  Chloe’s back arched, her mouth opening in a silent scream that turned into a real one as her orgasm slammed into her. She said things she would later recall with heat in her cheeks. Deeply dirty, naughty things that shocked her and thrilled her at the same time.

  It took several moments to come down off that high. She thought he’d probably want to fuck her then, and she tried to roll over and reach into the bedside table for the condoms that should still be there from before. They’d been meant for Travis, but he’d refused to wear them after the first few times. He’d wanted to get her pregnant, but she’d secretly been on the pill. Thank God.

  Before she could get the condoms, Ryan pulled her back over and spread her wide again. Then he slid his tongue around her clit and she melted into the pillows.

  “You taste good,” he told her before taking her to orgasm three more times.

  Chloe was a boneless heap when he crawled up her body, kissing his way to her breasts again. He sucked them lazily, as if he had all the time in the world when he had to be painfully aroused by now.

  She reached between them, palmed his cock. He sucked in a breath. Blew it out. “Jesus, Chloe. I want to be inside you.”

  “I want you inside me.” It’d been over six months and she was a little worried it might hurt at first in spite of how wet she was. Guess she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. “Condoms inside the drawer.”

  He reached over, tugged the drawer open, found the box and dragged a strip from it. She helped him remove his underwear, shoving them down his legs until he kicked free. He was ripping open the foil package when she wrapped her hand around him.

  He was so hard and so soft at the same time. Hot, hard, and big enough to hit all the right spots. Oh God, this was insane. What was she doing?

  “I want to be on top,” she blurted.

  He immediately rolled to the side, then sat up and leaned against the headboard. “Okay.”

  She followed him over, a little amazed that he’d given in so easily. Travis had never let her dominate. Not ever. She’d spoken in a moment of panic as she’d thought about lying beneath his big body and taking the power of his thrusts into the heart of her. Remembering those times when Travis had caused her pain.

  “You don’t mind?” she asked while he rolled on the condom.

  “Why would I? You’re about to let me inside the gates of paradise. Last thing I intend to do is complain about how you choose to do it.”

  She settled her knees on either side of his body but she didn’t slide onto him yet. She grasped the headboard behind him and dipped her mouth to his. He tasted like her, a little earthy and sharp, and she kissed him hard and deep. And then she started to sink onto him, the tip of his dick parting her folds and stretching her body for him.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped when they were fully joined.

  His big hands were like iron grips on her hips. His eyes glittered with hot, dark emotion. “Baby, you just said it all.”


  Ryan still wasn’t quite sure how he’d gone from Chloe’s couch to sitting here on her bed, buried deep inside her sweet little pussy, but he wasn’t complaining. No, in fact he was trying like hell not to blow his load on the first stroke. She hadn’t moved yet, but she was abou
t to start.

  And he was primed to go off like a Roman candle.

  He slipped his fingers between them, stroked her clit. She shuddered. “Ryan,” she moaned.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Oh that feels so good. You feel good.”

  Fucking hell, this girl. She made him feel things that surprised him. He loved sex, loved women, but he didn’t usually feel so damned possessive about one. Or fierce.

  Chloe made him feel fiercely protective of her, like he’d kill anyone who hurt her.

  Right now, though, he felt the need to move. His skin was on fire. His balls ached. His dick was beyond sensitive.

  “Chloe, baby,” he whispered, dropping his mouth to her neck. Licking her sweet skin, gently biting her collarbone.

  Her hands curled into his shoulders—and then she lifted herself, sank down again slowly. He groaned as fire streaked through him. So. Fucking. Good.

  “I had no idea,” she gasped as she moved again.

  He filled his hands with her tits. Sucked her nipples as she gyrated her hips up and down his dick. His skull felt like it was going to explode any second.

  “Damn, baby—just like that. Fuck yeah.”

  She rode him faster, her hips pumping, their bodies sliding together so sweetly. He slipped his fingers between them again, stroked her clit. “Ryan—I’m going to come!”

  “Do it, Chloe. Don’t hold back.”

  “It’s too soon,” she gasped. “I want it to last longer.”

  He wanted to laugh because he was holding on by a thread, but he didn’t. It took all his concentration to keep from spilling everything he had before she was done. He gripped her hips, thrust up into her, the root of his cock dragging against the base of her clit.

  She shuddered hard, her nails digging into his shoulders as she threw her head back and cried out. He made her ride it to the end, and then he finally let go of the control he’d barely had, emptying himself inside the condom until there was nothing left.

  The only sound was their breaths in the darkness. Chloe relaxed against him, her forehead dropping to his. Her naked body was warm, slightly damp. Her arms curled around him and he skimmed his fingers up her spine. Down again.


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