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HOT SEAL Hero Page 11

by Lynn Raye Harris

  His gut clenched and his tongue wouldn’t form words as he took in her pretty face, the smile that was all for him. Something hot and dark and intense swirled inside him. Is this what some of his teammates felt whenever they looked at the women in their lives? Viking and Ivy. Money and Ella. Cowboy and Miranda. Etcetera.

  “Hey,” she said. “I sure hope you’re hungry.”

  Hungry? It wasn’t a strong enough word for what he was feeling right this second. He swept through her door, swept her into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss her. “Ravenous,” he said in the second before their mouths touched.

  Chloe melted beneath his kiss. She’d been nervous all day, and now she wasn’t. Ryan was here and he would keep her safe. His tongue, hot and wet, speared into her mouth. She took him eagerly, clinging to him as her senses assaulted her with heat and need.

  Presently, she started to realize they were standing in her open door. That anyone could see them. That someone was watching her, even if they weren’t watching her right this moment. She shuddered and pushed Ryan’s rock hard chest. He responded instantly, lifting his head to gaze down at her.

  “The whole neighborhood can see us.”

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Yeah, probably right.”

  She stepped farther inside and he followed her, shutting the door and twisting the lock behind them. He was still in uniform, and she let her eyes travel his body as he swept his hat from his head and set it on the entry table. She’d never realized that a uniform would be a turn on, but it seriously was. He was wearing tan camouflage, nothing so dramatic as Navy whites—yeah, she’d totally looked up Navy uniforms—but he made the camo look so sexy she wasn’t sure how the whites could get any better.

  His head lifted as he sniffed the air. “Man that smells awesome.”

  “You’re right on time. The biscuits just came out of the oven and everything else is ready to go.” She’d been a little nervous cooking for him, but she’d needed the distraction so she’d forged ahead. “Is Neo coming?”

  Ryan shook his head. “He can’t make it tonight.”

  “Too bad. I made enough for an army. Er, for a navy, I mean.”

  Ryan laughed. “You can fix him a plate. I’ll put it in the fridge later.”

  She bit her lip. Did that mean he wasn’t staying? “Okay, that’ll work.”

  He came over and looped his arms loosely around her. “I didn’t want to assume anything, but I’m down with staying here tonight. Unless you want to be alone.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’ve done nothing but dream about what we did last night—if I can have that again tonight, I want it.”

  He dropped his head and nuzzled her ear. “No problem, babe. You’ve got my favorite dessert.”

  Shivery tingles skipped down her spine. Dessert? What did that have to do with anything? “Strawberry pretzel salad?”

  “No. Pussy.”

  A blush flared in her cheeks, heating her skin to a thousand degrees. “Oh.”

  He chuckled. Then he licked her ear. “I can’t wait to go down on you again.”

  “Please stop talking like that,” she groaned. “I cooked too much food and you have to eat it. But if you keep saying those things, we’ll end up in bed instead.”

  He stepped back, still grinning. “Nah, I’m starved. Long ass day at work. Plenty of time to eat dinner before I eat you.”

  She took his hand and led him to the table situated in the eat-in nook by the picture window. “Okay, you sit and I’ll fix your plate.”

  He did as she said while she drew the blinds. Then she went over to the stove and piled up a plate with chicken and sides before taking it back to him. He watched her, his gaze heated.

  “What would you like to drink? Water, beer, soda, tea?”

  “Water, thanks. You don’t have to wait on me,” he said when she turned to fetch a glass. “I can get it.”

  She threw him a glance over her shoulder. “I’m Southern. Of course I have to wait on you. It’s what we do when we have guests.”

  She got the water and went to set it down. He hadn’t touched anything. “Eat,” she said. “Before it gets cold.”

  He picked up his fork. “My aunt impressed upon me that you never start to eat until everyone at the table has their food.”

  “Well, that’s very chivalrous of you, but when the hostess says you can eat, you eat. I’ll be back in two shakes with my plate.”

  She returned to the stove to dish up food for herself. She hadn’t thought she’d be able to eat a bite but now that he was here, she felt her appetite kicking in. It was like having him here gave her enough peace of mind to function.

  She was going to have to tell him about the letter she’d gotten at work, but she didn’t want to do it yet. She’d almost texted him as soon as she’d unfolded the paper, but she’d decided she couldn’t do that. He was doing everything he could to find out who’d threatened her. Calling him in a panic wouldn’t make it happen any faster.

  When she returned to the table, he was eating. He looked over at her as she took her seat. “Damn, Chloe, this is freaking delicious. I almost feel bad that I twisted Neo’s arm so he wouldn’t come tonight.”

  Chloe gaped at him. “You did what?”

  He shrugged. “I wanted you to myself. What if you decided you like Neo better? Couldn’t risk it.”

  She rolled her eyes at his teasing tone. “Seriously?” She tilted her head as if thinking. “But wait a minute. How do I know his skills aren’t better than yours? Maybe I should give him a chance…”

  Ryan arched an eyebrow as he pointed his fork at her. “No way in hell. You made your choice. You can’t change horses in the middle of the race.”

  Chloe laughed. “I don’t want to change when I’ve got a sure thing here. But you could have let the poor guy come over for a meal.”

  “Next time.” He took a bite of chicken and closed his eyes. “I’ve never had chicken this moist and crunchy. KFC doesn’t taste like this. What the hell did you do?”

  “Salt, pepper, flour, buttermilk. It’s not too difficult. Mama taught me when I was about twelve, I think.”

  “Can you cook other things, or is this your go-to meal?”

  Chloe’s chest swelled with pride. “Oh honey, I can cook all kinds of things. My mama was a Southern cook, my grandmama was a Southern cook. Gravy swims in our veins. And lard. Can’t forget the lard, though I try to be mindful of the health implications these days.”

  “I grew up in Southern California. I ate a lot of Mexican food when I could get away with it. But my aunt was a stickler for organic meats and local-sourced produce. Butter and lard would horrify her.”

  “Oh dear. Well maybe you shouldn’t tell her about my chicken then.”

  He took another bite. “Chloe, I’m going to write a poem about your chicken. Or a song. I don’t know which. My aunt will just have to accept that her little boy is a man making a man’s choices. My arteries are my own business.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re silly. I like that. You laugh a lot, but you’re tough too. You don’t make me afraid of what might happen next.” The look on his face made her wish she hadn’t said anything that hinted at her former life with Travis. Because there was no doubt that he understood her.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you, Chloe. But you have my word that if he shows up here, I’ll make sure he thinks twice about ever bothering you again. After I kick his ass into next week.”

  “I know you will. I’m grateful.”

  “You don’t have to be grateful. It’s what’s right. There’s not a man on my team who wouldn’t do the same. You’ve got an entire SEAL team at your back. Remember that.”

  She closed her eyes as her stomach twisted. “I have to show you something.” She reached for her purse on the counter behind her and pulled out the envelope. Then she handed it to him. “A man brought it to the shop today. I didn’t see him. Avery described him, but he didn’t look like Travis. He didn’t loo
k like that mover either.”

  Ryan pulled the sheet of paper from the envelope. She could see the moment he processed what it said. His brows drew low. His face went from easy and filled with humor to angry and mean. Not Travis’s kind of mean, but the kind of mean that was in service to her. It was a scary, heady feeling. Ryan Callahan was a weapon of war, and right this minute his war was protecting her.

  “Why didn’t you call me when you got this?”

  She bit her lip. “I, uh, I didn’t think it mattered. You’re already working to find whoever’s sending me this stuff. What good would it have done to call you in a panic?”

  “Chloe. Honey. I’d have come over and tried to find this asshole.”

  “Don’t you think he’d have been long gone by then?”

  “Probably. But sometimes these sick fucks hang around to see if they’ve succeeded in terrorizing their target.”

  She shuddered at the thought. “I didn’t leave the building. I had a client coming. I just thought it was best to get on with my day and tell you when I saw you.” She dropped her gaze. “I wanted to call you, Ryan. But I talked myself out of it.”

  “Honey, don’t talk yourself out of it again, okay? Just call. I might not get the call right away, but leave me a message. And if there’s a clear and present danger? Call the police. Don’t hesitate with this stuff.”

  “Okay.” Because she knew he was right.

  “Do you recognize the handwriting?”


  “Does your place of work have security cameras?”

  “Um, no. But there are cameras on the bank building next door. He might have passed by them on his way to the salon. Can you get access to them?”

  “Possibly.” He turned the paper over, then back again. “Is there anything about Travis James you aren’t telling me?”

  A stone formed in the pit of her stomach. “Why would I hide anything? I hate him.”

  “I know you do. But I had to ask.”

  She understood and yet she felt a little bit wounded by the question. “Somebody’s watching me,” she said, voicing her fear. “That message showed up today, after you spent the night. I know I said Travis was the type to charge in like a bull, but now I’m wondering if he’s actually more patient than I gave him credit for.”

  Ryan was still frowning. “If it’s him doing this, what do you think he wants?”

  Chloe shook away the blinding terror threatening to wrap inky arms around her heart. “He wants me to know he’s coming for me. And he wants me to fear what he’s going to do when he gets here.”

  “He’s not doing anything to you,” Ryan growled. “I won’t let him.”

  Chloe wished she could believe him. But Ryan wasn’t with her every minute of the day, nor was he going to be. “You said you’d teach me how to shoot my daddy’s pistol. Will you still do that?”

  “Absolutely. When do you want to start?”

  “How about after dinner?”

  She thought he might have an excuse why they couldn’t start tonight but instead he nodded. “Sure, why not? I’ll call the guys.”

  “The guys?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I told you that you’d have a SEAL team at your back, Chloe. That wasn’t a lie. After we eat, I’m calling the guys. Whoever can meet us at the range tonight will.”

  For the first time since she’d read the writing on the paper today, she felt as though she could breathe again. Ryan Callahan and his SEALs were going to keep her safe.


  Ryan stood with Cowboy and Viking behind the glass that separated them from the shooting bays while Camel showed Chloe how to use his sniper rifle. It wasn’t his military-issued rifle but a smaller, more compact version that wasn’t in danger of piercing through the berm at the end of the range and then through the wall beyond.

  Ryan had already showed Chloe how to use her father’s revolver, though he felt a lot better giving her a 9mm semi-auto pistol to try. She’d liked how it felt in her hand compared to the revolver and her accuracy was better with the 9mil compared to the .45. With that in mind, he planned to take her gun shopping as soon as possible.

  Viking and Cowboy had helped her with her shots too, and now Camel was showing her how to use the rifle. She could buy a shotgun faster than a handgun, plus it wouldn’t be a bad defensive weapon to have. They couldn’t shoot shotguns at the indoor range, but the rifle was similar in feel and kick. Just as soon as he had a chance, he’d take her to the outdoor range and let her practice with one of his shotguns. Probably the 410. It was light, it didn’t kick badly, and the shells were enough to stop anybody foolish enough to break into her house.

  “I asked for Hacker’s help with the camera feed,” Viking said. Sky “Hacker” Kelly was a member of HOT’s Echo Squad and a bit of a computer genius. So was his wife, Bliss, who worked as a private contractor for HOT. Between the two of them, if there was anything to find on the bank’s cameras, they’d have it.

  “Thanks, boss. I appreciate it.”

  “We’ll figure this out, Dirty. If it wasn’t Travis James or Darrell Pruitt, then it’s probably somebody one of them paid to deliver the message.”

  “I have a hard time believing it’s Pruitt,” Ryan said.

  Viking scratched his cheek. “I have to agree with you there.”

  “Do we know if James is definitely still in Cedarville?” Cowboy asked.

  “No, we don’t know it,” Viking said. “He hasn’t used a credit card but that doesn’t mean he didn’t take plenty of cash. He didn’t withdraw any big sums lately though.”

  “He hoards cash according to Chloe. So he wouldn’t need to withdraw anything if he didn’t want to raise suspicion. He’s got plenty on hand to draw from.”

  Cowboy frowned. “Here’s what I think Miranda’s people would do—they’d map out a couple of possible routes he could have taken, then they’d search the camera feeds on some of those routes for his plates. Gas stations, fast food restaurants.”

  Miranda McCormick was CIA and Ryan didn’t doubt the CIA would do something like that. But they weren’t going to have the resources for that kind of operation for one very important reason.

  “You know we can’t do that,” Ryan said. “Helping Chloe is unofficial.”

  Cowboy’s frown darkened. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Shit.”

  “We know his vehicle description and plate number,” Viking said. “He couldn’t have rented a car without a credit card, so that’s out. He could have borrowed somebody’s vehicle, but why bother when all he’s doing is coming to find Chloe? He doesn’t have any reason to suspect she’s got our kind of help. If he’s hanging around, we’ll find him. The kind of hotels where you don’t need a credit card to secure your room are easy to figure out. We’ll start there.”

  Damn, Ryan loved these guys. Didn’t matter that he’d asked them to help a girl they barely knew. They stepped in and did it because he’d asked. He’d do the same for any of them. Had done the same. That’s what made them brothers. It wasn’t that they were teammates, or that they routinely went through hell together—though those things didn’t hurt. Still, it was knowing they had each other’s backs no matter what—on a mission, at home. Didn’t make a difference.

  “Probably ought to talk her into staying at your place tonight,” Viking said. “If somebody’s watching her house, maybe they’ll try something if she’s not there.”

  The thought of anyone breaking into Chloe’s place angered him. And yet it wasn’t a bad idea to keep her away from there for now. He’d have to park on the street behind his house and take her through the backyard so they could enter unseen, but that wouldn’t be difficult.

  “I’ll ask her. Not sure she’ll like the idea of staying with me and Neo though.”

  “Maybe not, but it’ll be safer for the time being.”

  He couldn’t disagree. They all looked up as Camel and Chloe walked out of the shooting bay and through the door that separated them. Chloe was beaming. S
he had a smudge of gunpowder on her cheek. He didn’t point it out because it was kind of adorable.

  “Wow that’s fun,” she exclaimed. “I had no idea!”

  The guys all chuckled. “Better than video games,” Cowboy said.

  “Who needs Halo or Fortnight when you’ve got a shooting range and ammo?” Chloe threw back.

  “Damn straight,” Camel said behind her. He met Ryan’s gaze. “She’s got a good eye, Dirty. With some practice, she’ll be hitting bullseyes in no time.”

  “Just need her to hit the torso, Camel,” Ryan said with a laugh. “That’ll do the trick.”

  “Well, sure, but why not practice enough for some finesse if you’ve got the talent?”

  Chloe glanced up at Camel. He winked at her. She laughed. Ryan’s gut tightened. If Camel weren’t a happily engaged guy, Ryan would be a lot more jealous than he currently was.

  Jealous? Seriously?

  But, yeah, that’s what that prickly feeling in his belly was. He liked Chloe. A lot. And he didn’t want anyone else nudging into his territory.

  Chloe smiled as she walked toward him. She turned and leaned on the counter next to him. “Nah, I think Ryan’s right. I just need to be able to hit the torso. I’ll worry about finesse later.”

  Camel shrugged. “All right, suit yourself. Hey, Dirty, you know who you need to get to train her next?”


  “Blade. Dude knows all that crazy mixed martial art stuff.”

  “I was planning on it. He had a date with Quinn tonight. Something about the women’s organization she’s starting with Ella.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” Camel said. “I’m really hoping they get the support they need. Bailey’s excited about the possibilities. She hopes they can help women like her sister who get in trouble and can’t get out without a lot of help.”

  Ryan couldn’t help but think that Chloe could benefit from an organization like that. Of course there were women’s shelters and organizations who tried to help women in bad situations, but another one couldn’t hurt. Especially with Ella’s and Quinn’s money behind it.


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