Witchin' You're a Dragon

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Witchin' You're a Dragon Page 1

by Isabel Micheals

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  Copyright © 2018 by Isabel Micheals

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is coincidental.

  This book contains content that may not be suitable for young readers 17 and under.

  The Author of this Book has been granted permission by Robyn Peterman to use the copyrighted characters and/or worlds created by Robyn Peterman in this book. All copyright protection to the original characters and/or worlds of the Magic and Mayhem series is retained by Robyn Peterman.


  I’d like to thank Lissa M. and Deb S. for their willingness to always entertain my crazy ideas as we brainstorm what’s going to happen next. You ladies ROCK and it truly wouldn’t be as much fun without you.

  I’d also like to thank Blackraven’s Designs for their thorough editing. As always, it’s greatly appreciated.

  Cover by Blackraven’s Designs

  Edited by Blackraven’s Designs


  Witchin’ You’re A Dragon is dedicated to my sweet babies, Max and Jax, who provide me with unconditional love on a daily basis. My life is truly better because of you guys.


  Blast Off with us into the Magic and Mayhem Universe!

  I’m Robyn Peterman, the creator of the Magic and Mayhem Series and I’d like to invite you to my Magic and Mayhem Universe.

  What is the Magic and Mayhem Universe, you may ask?

  Well, let me explain…

  It’s basically authorized fan fiction written by some amazing authors that I stalked and blackmailed! KIDDING! I was lucky and blessed to have some brilliant authors say yes! They have written brand new stories using my world and some of my characters. And let me tell you…the results are hilarious!

  So here it is! Blast off with us into the hilarious Magic and Mayhem Universe. Side splitting books by fantabulous authors! Check out each and every one. You will laugh your way to a magical HEA!

  For all the stories, go to https://magicandmayhemuniverse.com/. Grab your copy today!


  Sarah Abrams is on the run from a Dark Warlock who wants her secret power. A secret power she’s never divulged to anyone. But, the more she suppresses her true nature, the weaker her secret power becomes. When she’s cornered by the Dark Warlock in Sin City, it’ll take the power and ingenuity of a red dragon and his friends to help her escape.

  Cole wasn’t sure what drew him toward the damsel in distress, but everything in his being told him to protect her. When he’s confronted by the Dark Warlock’s hellhounds, he’s left with only two choices. Let his dragon fly free and create more havoc on Sin City, or call in backup.

  Either way, all hell is about to break loose again, when a feisty damsel in distress hiding her powers and an out-of-control, fire-breathing dragon hiding from a leotard wearing warlock find themselves surrounded by Dark Magic. Who knew sequins were flammable?


  Zara knew something was wrong, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. It wasn’t like Cole to not show up. Worried and somewhat agitated, she suddenly wondered if this was how he felt every time she was late. Nah, if the roles were reversed, he’d simply wait patiently for her and then they’d argue about it when she finally showed up. If she were being honest with herself, it was an argument they had on a weekly basis.

  “Where are you?” Zara asked through their connection, but the channel remained silent.

  She racked her brain trying to remember the last time she’d seen Cole at the celebration, but the champagne was messing with her memory. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t realized he had left the reception without a word until Big Bertha and Skinny Mo started cutting the cake. Her biggest fear was that he was feeling out of place around her newly found family, or like a third wheel since she and Stefano had become a couple. The longer it took for him to arrive, the more worried she became. She had to let him know that he was still her family and always would be.

  Where are you Cole?

  “Zara. Honey, we can’t wait any longer,” her sister, Zelda said.

  “Just a few more minutes,” Zara pleaded with her older sister. “I’m sure Cole is on his way. He wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  “Okay. We can give him a few more minutes, but when the clock strikes midnight, like it or not, we have to say the spell or Magic will be forever exposed to Vegas and the rest of the world, her sister said with a worried look on her face as she ate another chili cheese nacho.

  “I understand,” Zara said, solemnly.

  Once again, she tried connecting with Cole telepathically through their bond to no avail. Either he was upset and ignoring her or he was in trouble. Since she hadn’t done anything in the last twenty-four hours that would have warranted the silent treatment, her gut was screaming that he was in trouble.

  “Are you okay, babe?” Stefano asked, concern evident on his face.

  “Not really. I have a bad feeling about Cole.”

  “Have you tried contacting him through your bond?”

  “Of course I have, but he’s not answering,” Zara snapped.

  Holding his hands up in surrender, Stefano said, “Down girl, I was just asking.”

  Sighing in frustration, but knowing that she needed to apologize, Zara finally said, “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. Snapping at you isn’t going to make Cole suddenly appear. Trust me, if I thought it would, you’d be really pissed at me right now.”

  “Good to know,” Stefano said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

  “Get a room!” Zoe yelled.

  Zara knew it was childish, but she turned to her sister and stuck out her tongue in response.

  “If you two are finished acting like you’re on the playground, it’s time to say the spell. Everyone take your places,” Zelda ordered, as she nibbled on a boneless wing.

  Where the hell is she getting all of this food? Zara thought, amazed at her sister’s ability to multi-task. Once they had taken their place at the base of the Eiffel Tower and Zelda had finished her wing, of course, they began chanting the spell Zara had whipped up in their dad’s Love Machine.

  Let the chaos in Sin City,

  Become but a dream,

  As the destruction of Cole's red dragon,

  Becomes Unseen

  Let the chaos in Sin City,

  Become but a dream,

  As the destruction of Cole's red dragon,

Becomes Unseen

  Let the chaos in Sin City,

  Become but a dream,

  As the destruction of Cole's red dragon,

  Becomes Unseen

  As Magic swirled freely throughout the air, the sisters watched in amazement as the Eiffel Tower in Sin City was restored to its former glory, and the balance of Magic was once again in its rightful place.


  Cole quietly snuck out of Skinny Mo and Big Bertha's wedding reception when no one was looking. Now that things had calmed down and they were no longer on the run, he knew Zara would be worried about Betsy Lou, the name she had lovingly given her Ford Focus. His intent had been to retrieve her car from The Bellagio parking garage and return to the reception without anyone noticing. Unfortunately, his plan had been blown all to hell by a sexy, damsel in distress with silky red hair and a body made for Sin.

  What is it with me and redheads who are always in trouble? he thought, making his way toward the beautiful woman struggling to get away from the two goons who were currently trying to pull her into their van.

  “Let me go you imbeciles,” he heard the vixen say.

  “Quit being a pain in the ass Sarah and get in the damn van,” the large, blonde haired man said as he tightened his grip on her arm.

  “Hey, you heard the lady. Let her go,” Cole said in an effort to distract the goons.

  “Mind your own damn business,” the other guy retorted, who was stocky with brown hair and had no neck.

  I don’t have time for this crap, Cole thought as he picked up his pace. In a few more minutes, they would have Sarah in the van, and there would be nothing he could do. Well, he could shift, but that was a last resort given his last debacle in Vegas.

  Cole couldn’t help but smile when Sarah managed to knee one of her captors in the balls. When he let go of her arm, she twisted her body and used the heel of her stiletto to stomp on no-neck’s foot. When he howled out in pain and loosened his grip, Cole was within arm’s reach. He quickly kicked the idiot holding his family jewels in the side, while his not so damsel in distress showed no-neck her right hook.

  Damn she’s feisty were his last thoughts before the two men shifted into hellhounds.

  “What the hell?” he yelled to no one in particular.

  “Don’t hurt them. They’re under the spell of Dark Magic,” Sarah yelled.

  “Lady, I don’t give a rat’s ass what kind of spell they’re under. If they bite me, I’m biting back,” Cole countered.

  “Look, I don’t know who you are, and I didn’t ask for your help. Just leave me be, and I’ll handle this.”

  “Have you been smoking something, or are you naturally crazy?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but neither.”

  “Good. Then that means you’re not oblivious to the fact that these hellhounds want to eat us alive.”

  “Are you deaf or dumb?” Sarah snapped.

  “Neither. Just practical and a little grouchy according to my best friend,” Cole replied, keeping one eye on the hellhounds. He needed to figure a way out of this mess and fast. Zara was going to kill him for not showing up to the ceremony.

  “Read my lips,” Sarah said before she was abruptly interrupted.

  “That’s a little difficult right now, so why don’t you just speak your peace. But make it quick,” Cole countered, continuing to watch the hellhounds every movement.

  “Fine. They’re under the spell of Dark Magic. If you will just leave, I’ll take care of this and no one will be the wiser. I don’t want them hurt.”

  “Wait! You had no problem kicking one in his manhood and knocking the crap out of the other one, yet you don’t want to hurt them. What am I missing?”

  Sighing in frustration, Sarah said, “They’re not really human. I know you won’t believe me, but their true forms are cocker spaniels. I used to play with them when I was a kid. The one on your left is named Jax, but I fondly refer to him as big-booty-baby. The one on your right is Max, but I like to call him Maxamillion.”

  “You’re right. I don’t believe you. What I see are two vicious hellhounds who want to rip us apart.”

  “How many times do I have to say this? That’s the Dark Magic spell they’re under.”

  “Spells. Bells. Their canine teeth tell me they’re hungry and we’re about to be lunch. So zip it and help me figure a way out of this mess.”

  “Men. You can’t live with them and you can’t shoot’em,” Sarah replied in an angered voice. “If I had my way, I’d be done with all of you.”

  “Sarah. That’s your name right?” Cole asked. “How about we try less bitching and more action?”

  “What did you just say to me?”

  “I said let’s try less bitching and more action. In case you haven’t noticed, our friends are closing in on us. They’re going to attack soon.”

  Tired of arguing with the fiery redhead and unable to shift, Cole did the only thing he could. He opened up his connection with Zara and asked for help. He knew it was passed midnight and they had said the spell because he could feel the excess Magic still swirling in the air, almost calling to him. But he’d resisted its call to help a crazy woman.

  “Z, I don’t have time to explain so just listen. I’m cornered in The Bellagio parking garage by two hellhounds who are one step away from ripping us apart. I need your help and fast.”

  “Why don’t you just shift and burn the damn dogs to a crisp?”

  “You don’t think that crossed my mind? Besides, I promised the crazy woman that I wouldn’t hurt them.”

  “What crazy woman?”

  “Z, we don’t have time for this. I’ll explain more when you get here.”

  “Fine, have it your way,” Zara said breaking their connection.

  “What’s wrong?” Stefano asked.

  “Cole’s in trouble and needs our help. We need to get to The Bellagio parking garage.”

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Everyone pile into the Love Machine,” Fabio said.

  “Dad, as much as I loathe… I mean love that contraption, it will take us forever to get down the strip in it. Given the situation, I think a little more Magic might be in order,” Zelda said.

  “Do we want to risk exposing Magic again?” Stefano asked.

  “You have a point there. Maybe Zara, Zoe and I should go. The three of us would only leave a small ripple of Magic.”

  “No,” Mac quickly said in a voice that brokered no argument. “Wherever you and our babies go, I go.”

  “Believe it or not, we can handle this,” Zelda countered.

  “We don’t have time to argue. Cole said the hellhounds were close to attacking him and some woman,” Zara exclaimed.

  Tired, hungry and needing a nap, Zelda finally conceded and said, “Okay, we’ll all go. Are you happy now?”

  When everyone nodded, she quickly said a spell that transported all of them to the parking garage.

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that,” Zara said, swaying toward Stefano.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll always be right here to catch you,” Stefano whispered in her ear.

  “I’m counting on it,” Zara whispered back before kissing him softly on the lips.

  “I hate to interrupt your tender moment, but we have a situation here,” Cole said, sarcastically.

  “Keep it up Colrath and we’ll leave your butt here to fend for yourself,” Zara countered.

  “You really have a knack for pissing people off,” Sarah said, matter of fact.

  “I’ll remember that the next time I’m trying to save a damsel in distress.”

  “Hey, I’m no damsel and I definitely wasn’t in distress. Just a little pre-occupied.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, Princess,” Cole smirked.

  “Don’t. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again,” Sarah said through gritted teeth. Her father had given her the nickname Princess after her mother passed away. Initially, she had loved and treasured the endearment until she
turned sixteen and realized she had become his willing captive. That’s when things changed between them. She did everything in her power to escape and he did everything to keep her a prisoner in his castle or rather mausoleum, as she had fondly referred to it over the years.

  “Dad, that’s a lot of Dark Magic swirling around those hellhounds. Have any suggestions on how to disentangle the two without hurting the puppies?” Zelda asked.

  “Give me a minute,” Fabio replied.

  “Cole doesn’t’ have a minute from the hungry looks those hellhounds are throwing his way,” Zelda said.

  Zoe wasn’t sure what possessed her, but she suddenly started chanting,

  Ole’ Dark Magic hear our plea,

  Flee into the light and ye shall be free,

  If you’re unwilling to embrace the light,

  Then know we’re prepared to fight this night,

  It’s time to go back from whence you came,

  Far away I banish you to shame,

  Release these innocents in the Goddess’ name,

  May all your attempts to harm be in vain

  At first, it looked as though the spell wouldn’t work, but when Zelda and Zara joined her a few minutes later, the Magic in the air shifted. The cloud of Dark Magic dissipated and the hellhounds shifted into cocker spaniels just as Sarah had said they would.

  Stunned into silence, Cole simply looked back and forth between the puppies and Sarah knowing the gang would give him shit about this for years to come, especially Zara. He could hear them now, laughing at how two little puppies kept his big, bad dragon at bay and forced him to call for help. Guess he’d be checking his man card at the door tonight.

  “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could go for a chili cheeseburger and some bacon Gouda fries,” Zelda said, rubbing her stomach.


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