Broken Shadows (The Broken Series Second Generation Book 2)

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Broken Shadows (The Broken Series Second Generation Book 2) Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Earth to Easton.” Carl tapped my shoulder and the memory floated away. “You ready?”

  I nodded a few times. It was more to convince me than him, I think. Carl pulled the earbuds from my ears, and I stood. He grabbed my robe, wrapped it around my shoulders, and then motioned for me to go ahead of him.


  Stepping into the concrete hallway felt like nothing I can describe. I’ve competed in at least fifty fights over the years, but this was the biggest yet. The roar of the crowd could be heard as soon as I came out of the locker room, and I knew it would be deafening when I reached the arena. “Tune it out! Nothing matters but you and Jordan,” Carl barked from behind me.

  I stopped at the top of the stairs, waiting for my cue as the lights dropped in the arena. Jordan would be announced first, he was the reigning champ. The crowd got quiet and the spotlights swirled through the dark space. “Ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer’s voice echoed. “In the blue corner…Jordan ‘The Jackhammer’ Lambert!” The crowd rose to their feet as the applause came to an unheard-of level. Jordan appeared in the far corner, draped in a blue and green robe. His head was down with his hood up. He jogged down the stairs unfazed, before stopping at the bottom and climbing in the cage. He raised his arms in a V as he looked up at the crowd for the first time.

  “You got this!” Carl patted my shoulder. “And in the red corner, Easton ‘Easy E’ McKay.” The announcer’s voice boomed once again. I blew out a few breaths as I bounced on my toes before descending the steps. Carl was hot on my heels, and when I reached the cage, he took my robe. “No Fear!” he shouted as I climbed in. I froze for a moment as visions of my dad flashed through my head. Why was this happening tonight, and why couldn’t I keep my head on straight? I’ve never had this much trouble concentrating. I shook it off as I rocked on my feet and cracked my neck. I’d always been known for antagonizing my opponents, and I needed to get that back in my head.

  The ref stepped into the ring and motioned for us to come to the center. Jordan clapped his hands together and then reached out to shake mine. The ref glanced at both of us, and then it was on.

  Jordan was quick to advance and swung right away with a left cross followed by a jab. I ducked before attempting to take him down with a sweep to the knee. He bounced back, and took another jab, making contact this time.

  I shook him off and blinked the stars away. He grinned, his black mouth guard on full display. He motioned for me to come get him, a move my dad used frequently. I rushed forward, swinging as I swept my leg again, this time making contact. Jordan rolled, locking me in place. As he squeezed my body in a hold, I could hear Carl yelling from the corner, “No Fear, E. No Fear!” It took me back to my dad’s gym and the day he pinned me to teach me a lesson. I used all my weight to roll and escape before pouncing back on him. Jordan was quick, but not quick enough. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, pinning him to the mat. It was a blur after that. The ref blew a whistle, points were awarded, and I was standing in the middle of the ring with my arm in the air. I could hear screaming and my name being chanted through the crowd. It wasn’t until I came back to the moment that I caught a glimpse of my parents. Mom was grinning as she jumped beside my dad, and he was nodding in what looked like approval.


  “Nice job, kid.” Carl smiled as he cut the tape from my hands in the locker room. “I’ve got to talk to a few people before I leave, but I had the car pull up for you. Enjoy your night. You’ve earned it.” He patted my shoulder as he stood and walked to the door. “And kid,” he turned to face me once more, “don’t do anything stupid. You’re on top of your game right now. Let’s stay there.” He smiled before rounding the corner and leaving me there.

  I chuckled as I headed to the showers. My body ached and my eye was swelling, but I was high on adrenaline at the moment. When I finished and was toweling off, I noticed my parents had texted me. Knew you could do it. We love you. It definitely came from my dad. Mom would have sent me a novel on how proud she was. I typed back Thanks. Love you too. One would think that this win would warrant them coming to the locker room, but things were still tense between us. I knew they meant well, but I still wanted my space. Tonight’s win jumbled my feelings, but the part of the me that wanted out of Dad’s shadow was still striving for that goal. This fight was the first in a list of fights that would make my career. If I kept winning main tickets, then the shadow would be broken, and I’d be the light at the top.


  “Where are we going again?” Hunter asked as our car inched along the streets of New York. I knew he’d be up for celebrating tonight, and could hook us up with some ladies.

  “It’s a club I heard about. It’s right up here. Supposed to be slammin’.” I wrapped my arm around the girl beside me.

  “Sounds fun.” She giggled as her hot pink fingernails trailed down the front of my shirt. She paused when she reached my lap before giving my dick a squeeze. “I’m always up for any slammin’.” She grinned.

  “Do you two need us to leave?” Hunter snickered as the two girls flanking him cuddled closer. One was nuzzling his neck while she caressed his abs.

  “There’s room for all of us,” I mused as turned and locked lips with Amanda, I think her name was. She tasted like cherries, and sounded like a little kitten when she mewled.

  The car stopped in front of The Mist, and a bouncer opened our door. The velvet rope, that was blocking the line, opened to let us through. Two men wearing dark glasses despite the fact that it was nighttime, held the front door for us.

  “I’ve never skipped the line before,” Amanda squealed excitedly. Hunter laughed as he followed behind me.

  “I’ve got a table reserved for us.” I motioned as we made our way through the crowd. Music was pumping out of the speakers, causing everything to vibrate. A large dance floor in the middle was packed with gyrating bodies and smoke filtering out of the smoke machines. It looked like a mist, and I assumed this is where the club’s name came from.

  I led our group to the section where the private booths were held. They were like a large half circle with curtains on each side. You could close the curtains and have total privacy if you wanted. We sat down and a cocktail waitress appeared. “Can I get you anything?” She smiled.

  “We’ll take a round of Belvedere and a bottle Cristal.” I reached for the card in my pocket. “Mike’s taking care of the bill.” I handed her the business card Mike had given me after the fight. VitaBar was so impressed that they were treating me tonight, and upping my sponsorship.

  “No problem.” She bounced a little. I’m sure it had to do with the fact that we were drinking well, and she’d get a fat tip at the end of the night.


  As the night wore on, our table became littered with shot glasses and empty bottles. I was beginning to feel really good, and wasn’t concerned about the fact that I had a meeting with Carl in the morning. All I wanted to do at the moment was fuck this hot little number who was currently rubbing my dick off. “Get lost,” I barked to Hunter across the table. He took the hint and pulled one of his dates to the dance floor. The curtain fluttered as it closed shut, leaving me alone with Amanda. “Now, where were we?” I grinned drunkenly at her. She giggled as she slipped under the table. I sighed and leaned back against the cushion of the booth as her fingers worked their way to my belt. She made quick work of getting my pants open, and then reached inside to release my cock. I could feel it throbbing as her thumb rubbed over the tip. She pumped it a few times, and then leaned forward, taking all of me into her warm, wet mouth.

  It’s been a while since I’ve had a good blow job. Most women want to fuck me; they don’t care about the foreplay, but apparently Amanda did.

  I groaned as my eyes rolled back. She used one hand to cup my balls, rolling them between her fingers, as the other hand pumped my shaft. I swallowed and fought back the urge to come already. I wanted to enjoy this. Her tongue swirled around the ti
p as she bobbed faster, sucking harder and moaning, causing vibrations to travel up my length. I reached under the table, and threaded my fingers through her hair. I yanked, forcing her to go faster. She obliged and doubled her efforts. It only took a few more pumps before I came like a racehorse, emptying into her mouth. The next thing she did made me want to fuck her even more. I watched as she climbed back up into the booth, licking her lips and grinning as if she’d just won the grand prize. “You taste really good,” she whispered as she leaned in next to my ear. “I’d really like you to fuck me now.”

  My cock tingled as it slowly roared back to life. I thought after the orgasm I’d just had that I might be done for the night, but Amanda wasn’t having any of it. Never mind the fact that we were in a packed night club, or that someone could push open the curtain and see us. I think part of her liked that possibility.

  She began pushing her Spandex skirt up over her hips, exposing the matching lace thong she was wearing. She climbed over my lap, pulled her thong to the side, and sunk down on my cock. Her head dropped back, her hair brushing over the table. “You’re bigger than I ever imagined.” She groaned as she rose on her knees and sunk back down. She lifted her head, looked right into my eyes, and commanded, “Now, fuck me!”

  I snapped into action, wondering what took me so long in the first place. I ground her down on me, twisting my hips and rubbing my pubic bone against her clit. She mewled and joined the effort, bouncing and twisting. She reached up and pulled her top down, exposing her breasts. They bounced like two firm melons in front of me. I leaned forward, grabbing a nipple between my teeth and sucking…hard. When I let it pop free, I grabbed the other. My hands went back and forth from her hips to her tits and around to her ass. I was everywhere, and we were fucking like starved animals. I’d had some crazy women in the past, but Amanda was by far my most adventurous lay. She moaned, but the music muffled us. I could feel my balls tightening and I knew I wasn’t far from coming again. I leaned forward, licking a trail up to her ear as one hand cupped her ass and the other squeezed her tits. I roared as my orgasm consumed me and filled her. She sagged against me, both of us breathing heavily. My arms dropped away from her as I attempted to come back to reality. She slowly climbed off, my cum leaking down her leg in the process. She reached down, swiped at it with her finger, and then licked her finger clean. My cock twitched as my eyes began to glaze over. Was this chick real?

  “You are amazing,” I panted as leaned over and kissed her.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” She giggled. “Don’t worry. I’m clean,” she muttered as she righted her clothes. It didn’t register until then that I hadn’t worn a condom. Reality started crashing around me as I sat up and tucked my cock back into my pants. I think Amanda sensed it because she started rambling on about how she was on the pill, and she wasn’t worried, and for me not to worry either. Then she shocked the hell out of me again. “How do you feel about threesomes?” She looked all serious now and it was comical after what had just transpired between us. “I have this friend, and if you want to come back to my place tonight, we can party some more…that is, if you’re interested.” She flipped her hair with her hand, grabbed a bottle on the table, poured a shot, and then smiled at me as if this was a normal conversation.

  “I’ve never considered that.” I smirked. “If she’s anything like you, I’d be up for trying new things. I mean, I’m a champ and I’m celebrating. What’s a better celebration than fucking the night away?” I laughed as she pulled her phone from her purse.

  “I’ll set it up then.” She giggled as she typed out a text and began to climb from the booth. “I’ve got an Uber on the way. Tell your roommate that you’re not coming home tonight.” She opened the curtain and walked away, shaking her hips the whole time.

  My cock started hardening at the possibilities the night was holding, and I rushed after what I could only describe as my fantasy girl. I only hoped her friend was just as freaky as she was.

  Chapter 7


  I could hear buzzing from my phone, but wasn’t sure where it was. I blinked against the sun shining though my window. Amanda’s naked body was curled beside me. She’s been staying over almost every night for the last month.

  “Make it stop,” she groaned as she shifted and covered her ears.

  I sighed as I rolled over and swiped my hand around on the floor. When I felt it, I answered. “’Lo?” It was garbled and I may still be a little drunk.

  “Where are you?” Dave barked into the phone. “Carl is having a fit because you missed your workout again.”

  “I’m on my way,” I grumbled. Fucking Carl was still riding my ass despite the fact that I was winning big fights. I didn’t understand what more he wanted from me.

  “You better hurry.” Dave sighed and then the line went dead.

  “Get up.” I shoved at Amanda. “You gotta go.”

  “Can’t I just wait for you to get back?” she whined. “It’s comfortable here.” She pouted, and it only made me angrier.

  “No. Get out!” I pointed to the door.

  She stood and yanked at her clothes. “I don’t know why you’ve got to be such an ass in the mornings. I thought we were building something real here,” she huffed as she pulled her tank top down over her tits. Her makeup was smeared and her hair was a tangled mess from our evening of debauchery.

  “Building what exactly? We fuck. We have a good time. We aren’t building anything,” I roared. I have no interest in having a girlfriend, and this chick knows it. “Are you finished?” I smirked as she slipped her heels on.

  “Fuck you!” she screamed as she stomped out of my room and down the hallway.

  “You already did that,” I called as the front door slammed.

  “What the fuck, dude?” Hunter came around the corner and stuck his head through my door as he rubbed his eyes.

  “She thinks we’re dating.” I laughed. “Anyone who spreads their legs like that isn’t girlfriend material. She’s just a ring rat.”

  “I’m fucking exhausted. How about you two take your drama somewhere else?” He turned and went back to this room.

  It was then that my phone started going off again. In10city Gym flashed on the caller ID. It had to be Carl. I sent him to voicemail as I climbed out of bed and quickly dressed. My head spun from the previous night and my back ached from my newest art. I’d almost forgotten that Amanda and I went to Ink Tank last night.

  “Shit!” I hissed as I lowered my shirt, grabbed my bag and keys, and rushed out the front door. Carl was going to have my ass.


  “What’s the one thing I told you on your first day?” Carl’s voice boomed when I came through the door. He was standing by the front desk with his arms over his chest. He looked like a smaller version of my father.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” I scowled. I was tired of being treated like a child. I was busting my ass for this gym, and him. I was booking main ticket fights and winning.

  “You will not disrespect me in my gym, son,” he growled. “I told you I expect my fighters to be on time. If you can’t show up for your training sessions, then maybe you need to train somewhere else.” His head tipped to the side as if he was appraising me and waiting for me to fold. The one thing Carl didn’t know about me was that I didn’t back down. If you threaten me, then I’m the person who will call your bluff.

  “I’ve brought in two major donations to the gym. I think I’m doing just fine on my responsibilities.” I mirrored his stance.

  “This isn’t about money.” Carl sneered. “All you little punks think it’s always about money.”

  “Because it is. As long as the gym is making money, then I’m doing my job,” I shot right back. The longer I stood here, the angrier I was getting.

  “What happened to you?” He sighed and rubbed his jaw. “You have such a promising career. I watched you grow up in this sport. I saw your dad in his prime. I know you could be just as good if not b
etter than him, but it’s like you have darkness inside you. You fight against all the things that can make you great, and look at what you’ve become.” He motioned to me, but all I heard was the part about my father. Blood rushed in my ears, drowning out the rest.

  “I am not my father!” I roared. “We aren’t the same, and I don’t want to be him…and I am going to be better!” I could feel the veins in my neck pulsing as Carl shook his head at me.

  “I don’t think In10city is the place for you anymore. You need to leave,” he muttered as he signed a few papers and handed them to the receptionist. “I’m releasing you from your responsibilities. Good luck, Easton. I hope you find what you’re looking for before you kill yourself.” He waved me off, and then walked away.


  When I got back to the apartment, Hunter was making coffee. “How’d it go?” He grimaced.

  “I’m leaving,” I muttered as I stormed past him.

  “Leaving? What?” He chased after me, following me into my room.

  “Carl dumped me. I’m leaving. I’ve got people constantly calling me asking me to train with them. I could go anywhere, but I’ve stayed. Well, not anymore.” I grabbed my suitcase out of the closet and started throwing my clothes in. “I can spot you next month’s rent until you find someone.” I pulled out my wallet and tossed him several hundreds.

  “What should I tell Amanda when she shows up the next time?” He grinned.

  “I don’t fucking care. Tell her whatever you want. Hell, you can have her.” I waved him off. I was being a dick, but I was mad and my temper has never been good for me.

  “Where are you going?” Hunter leaned against my door.

  “Florida, I think. At least I’m going to head that way. I may stop somewhere else; I don’t really have a plan.” I zipped my bags and pulled them from the bed. “I’m sorry I’m leaving you in a lurch like this, but I need to get away from here.”


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