The Dragon Marked Chronicles: Prince of Dragons (Book 2)

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The Dragon Marked Chronicles: Prince of Dragons (Book 2) Page 3

by Jay Lynn

  “Say a word sorceress and I’ll slit his throat,” sneered a cold, grey eyed soldier as he pressed the tip of his sword against Alec’s neck.

  Clamping her mouth shut, Isabelle let the magic seal in her palm dissipate. There was no way she could defeat these men and protect Alec from this monster. Considering how much The Pure hated sorcerers, Isabelle was sure the soldier would do exactly as he threatened. Raising her hands she could think of nothing else but to surrender.

  Another soldier came up behind her. Removing the knife from her belt, her hands were roughly bound as she was gagged with a dirty rag.

  “Take them to the compound,” the new squad leader commanded.

  Helpless, Isabelle was pushed forward towards the village. Behind her, two men unceremoniously hoisted Alec up and proceeded to drag him along. Briefly squeezing her eyes shut, she fought off tears. It should have been her the soldiers captured. Alec would have been able to defeat them. He’d know what to do.

  Isabelle couldn’t stop a tear from escaping. This is all my fault. The bitter truth struck her like a blow. Her combat skills might be improving quickly, but she was nowhere near ready for this type of high risk mission. Isabelle shouldn’t have insisted on coming. Her foolishness most likely just cost both of them their lives.

  A pain throbbed in perfect rhythm inside Alec’s skull. His body felt heavy, strangely so, and ached all over. Floating on the edge of consciousness, he was swayed to let his mind drift in the shadowed clouds of sleep. Here, there were no insidious plots. No stuck up nobles. No endless battles he needed to face. It was all too tempting to remain.

  Wake up, a strange woman’s voice gently commanded.

  Alec heard her once before, on the day of his initiation as an Emerald Sage. At the time, he hoped he was hearing things.

  Alakaid, wake up.

  A warm tingle traced the dragon shaped birth mark between Alec’s shoulder blades. Sleep was instantly the furthest thing from his mind. The pain in his head seemed to worsen. Alec shifted, going to rub his temples, yet was hindered. The rough feel of rope dug into the skin at his wrists along with the odd feel of cold metal encasing his right one.

  The sorcerer slowly pried his eyes open. Darkness completely surrounded him save for a large bright bonfire. The first thing he noticed was a crowd of soldiers chatting as they sat scattered around what appeared to be the town center. To his left was Isabelle, tied to a pole on the brim of the fire’s light just as he was.

  Sitting with her knees pulled to her chest, she gazed at the ground miserably.

  A few soldiers sat close by, mocking her as they blew kisses and drank from oversized mugs of ale.

  Alec pulled against the ropes, testing their strength.

  “Good, you’re finally awake,” observed a man with long greasy hair hanging to his shoulders.

  Downing the rest of his drink, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve as he stared at Isabelle with an evil glint lurking in his eyes. The man rose purposefully and sauntered over towards the sorceress.

  Alec stiffened. His narrowed gaze tracked the soldier’s every step.

  “The boys and I have been ordered to keep an eye on ya,” the man said, gesturing towards several of the others lingering by the prisoners. “And it’s been mighty boring. I could use a good intrigue. How about we have some fun. What do ya think?” he asked the others, staggering a little as he moved in front of Isabelle. “Your sister’s very beautiful.”

  “Don’t touch her,” Alec warned in a quiet, icy voice.

  Smirking, the soldier knelt down and twisted a lock of her golden hair around his finger.

  “What are ya going to do? Nothing, cause that bangle around your wrist ain’t for decoration. The carvings negate all magic. Ya can’t cast a single spell while it’s on.” He released her hair and pulled out a knife. “Just sit back and watch the show.”

  Alec wasn’t concerned with the cold metal touching his heated skin. The rules for magic were different for him. With Isabelle’s life on the line, he wasn’t dwelling on the promise he made to Malcolm either. Alec knew he shouldn’t cast without a spell. He knew it would mark him, like the dragon on his back and awaken some unknown danger as if revealing himself to an evil force. At the moment, it didn’t matter as his power seemed to take on a will of its own.

  Eyes glowing faintly, the flames of the bonfire rose, lighting up the area with greater intensity.

  “I warned you,” Alec growled frostily.

  The square filled with a heavy, charged energy. Objects all around the space shook as they rose to hover in the air. Face a hard mask of stone, even the ends of Alec’s hair lifted up.

  No one moved as they waited on the brink to see what the sorcerer would do.

  “What do you empty headed morons think you’re doing?” demanded a stern voice as the camp’s commanding officer strode into the square.

  Regarding Alec carefully, the man’s brows rose slightly as they took in the sorcerer’s blazing eyes. He could feel the surrounding atmosphere charged with a dangerous aura the second he strode into the square. Gaze narrowing on the soldier eagerly staggering away from Isabelle, their commander stormed across the stone courtyard. A loud crack sounded as he backhanded the soldier so hard he was knocked off his feet.

  “I won’t ask again. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Not bothering to give the man a chance to answer, he peered up at the other men stationed in the space. “We are soldiers of the noble Pure. In case you have forgotten, this woman is a sorceress. You touch her and you’ll be tainted for life. Any man under my command that’s stupid enough to be tainted by a wizard, I’ll kill myself. Now back to your posts!”

  Nursing his bloody nose, the soldier took off down a side street. His loudest conspirators quickly scattered as well. They were replaced by grim faced guards who eyed the sorcerers without so much as a word.

  The objects floating around the square plopped to the ground shortly after the commander slapped his subordinate. Arms crossed, he stood with his weight to one side as he studied Alec.

  Sorcerers could be tricky. One never knew what they were capable of, or what types of vile evil magic they might unleash. He would have thought his men would know better than to antagonize a wizard.

  Reaching up to scratch his chin, the soldier wondered if it might have been wiser to kill them after they were dragged into his camp. Then again, the money he could make was too good to pass up. Instead, he would sell them off to a nearby lieutenant commander who ran a slave trade operation on the side. This way, the sorcerers would be on their way to Zerrok by first light. Death would find them soon enough.

  His spirit calmed, Alec focused on the camp’s leader as the man strolled over to a chair by the flames. Considering The Pure’s hatred of wizards, he found it interesting they were allowed to live this long, even if it meant the loss of a sale. Once again, Alec was reminded man’s greed knows no bounds.

  At least we’re alive, he told himself, still watching the commander.

  Each day alive meant another chance to escape. Somehow, he would find a way to get Isabelle out of here. He should never have allowed himself to get caught in the first place.

  Leaning back in the chair, a servant rushed forward to place a mug in the commander’s outstretched hand. As his eyes settled on Alec, their gazes locked together in a silent battle of wills.

  Unflinching, the sorcerer didn’t back down, nor look away.

  A smile spread across the soldier’s lips. “You have spirit,” he said taking a long drink. “If you weren’t a filthy wizard, I might have enlisted you. It’s a shame to waste a man skilled with a blade.”

  “What do you plan on doing with us?”

  “Sell you of course. There is no greater motive than that. In the meantime, I can’t have any of my men damaging the merchandise. So you and your sister will be safe until you reach the next camp, as long as you behave. After that, I don’t really care.”

  He’s worried about my power. “Fair enoug

  Considering the direction things were heading, it was more than Alec could ask for. Once they were sold, he would have to go from there. Alec suppressed a shudder. To think he was on his way back to the barbaric land of his birth as a slave once more.

  Chapter 3

  Malcolm rushed through the corridors of Ariston Castle as if a demon were on his heels. Heading towards King Titus’s study, he stayed not one step as he strode around servants, nobility and soldiers alike. Most of the Royal Guard moved out of the great sage’s way as he bolted down the hallway. Those who didn’t were nearly run over as Malcolm passed like a dark storm. Having received word of an urgent message from Marcia, he would allow no one to interfere with his journey.

  Please don’t let it be about Alec, the wizard silently pleaded.

  The moment Malcolm read the important summons from King Titus, a knot formed in the pit of his stomach. Alec’s mission to Rhordack was near Marcia, and something intangible told him the two were linked.

  Bursting through the highly decorated study door, Malcolm quickly gazed around the room. Two soldiers sealed the space behind him as his hazel eyes skimmed over the others who were summoned.

  Prince Zachary was present along with Layfon Eldridge, Grandmaster of the Emerald Sages, and General Phillip Rickman, commander of the Royal Guard.

  “Good afternoon, Your Majesty,” Malcolm greeted with a bow.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly.”

  “Not at all, Your Majesty. What news from Marcia?”

  Titus took a seat behind his desk and motioned for the others to do the same.

  Joining Layfon, Malcolm leaned forward as he waited for the royal to speak.

  “I have gathered you here to discuss news of a most disturbing nature. Recently, two of our sages were sent to investigate an executed village near the Black Mountains in Rhordack. There was a possibility of Zerrok involvement in the deaths of the villagers. Both sages are now missing.”

  Malcolm briefly closed his eyes. Clenching his jaw, he waited for Titus to continue.

  “The Dragon Sage left word with the leader of a small mountain village by the border. I am told he had prior dealings with the gentleman while staying in Marcia, and left instructions to seek out Lord Kegan should they not return. Men from the village arrived in Marcia yesterday with the sage’s horses, equipment and rings. Since the village is part of Malyndor’s protection under our agreement with King Soren, Lord Kegan dispatched soldiers to investigate further.”

  Titus interlaced his fingers while a frown pulled at his lips. “A messenger hawk arrived only a short time ago. It seems members of The Pure have been occupying the village. However, there was no sign of the sages.”

  A tense silence fell as his words sank in. It was grave news indeed.

  Layfon was the first to voice his thoughts. “What are the chances they’re still alive?”

  “Alec’s smart,” Malcolm immediately declared with certainty. “He purposely left behind anything that would tie them to the Emerald Sages, or Malyndor for that matter. The soldiers most likely believed they were ordinary Rhordackian peasants.”

  “That would be to their benefit,” Phillip stated, standing up to hover over a map of the kingdoms.

  “They are alive,” Malcolm firmly insisted. The sage refused to believe otherwise. Rising, he joined Phillip by the map. “Alec spent his whole life around these types of people. He knows how they think. I doubt the soldiers would waste an opportunity to make money. Odds are they’re on their way back to Zerrok to be sold.”

  “Sold as slaves,” Titus mumbled unhappily, shaking his head. “I have already petitioned King Soren to send a search party after our comrades. Until I receive an approval, I cannot send a military force through Rhordackian lands outside of the specified region. Hopefully, Soren’s soldiers will intercept them. If not, they’re on their own for the moment. There was a reason Alec survived all those years in Zerrok. I have confidence he will be able to protect them until we are able to complete a rescue.”

  Leaning forward, Titus hit a hand on the polished surface of the desk. “That being said, Lord Kegan has already been given my permission to launch a full attack. We cannot ignore The Pure’s actions near our border. Rhordack has been severely compromised. Once this threat has been neutralized, we can turn more of our resources to rescuing our comrades. I will not leave our people behind to suffer.”

  Malcolm knew Titus was right. Still, that did not ease the sour taste in his mouth. Alec’s power was great, yet there was only so much one could do when imprisoned behind enemy lines. Part of him regretted urging Alec to promise not to use his magic without spells. If forced to, the wizard would not blame him for breaking that oath. Survival was key. Help would be coming. Malcolm would see to it personally. Dragon mark or no, he cared too much for his former apprentice to leave him to relive such a twisted fate.

  Leaving the study a while later, Malcolm frowned to himself. He slowly headed towards the library with a shadowing pair of footsteps.

  The king’s younger brother joined his side with an equally displeased expression. “You should not have let him go, Malcolm.”

  Glancing at Zachary, the sage’s brows furrowed. “He’s an Emerald Sage, Your Highness. It’s his job to undertake the missions he is assigned.”

  Malcolm continued on his way, but Zachary kept pace with him easily.

  “Alec’s different, as you well know. I am certain my brother would have agreed. If he knew the truth, I doubt Titus would have put Alec in such a dangerous position.”

  “My former apprentice was a warrior long before he was a sorcerer. He is not afraid to do what he must.”

  “It is not his courage which concerns me, it is his life.”

  Eyeing the soldiers stationed at the end of the hall, Malcolm said nothing.

  Zachary slowed his pace, allowing the other man to move on ahead. His voice sounded soft, yet clear, in the corridor as he recited these words:

  “Ancient dragons, their magic combine,

  the blood of one throughout his line.

  Till born a child mightier than any blade,

  on whom the mark of power shall not fade.

  Once to its owner, the magic returns,

  a new light awakens, strongly it burns.

  Evil will rise; beast and man must unite,

  or darkness reign, and hope takes flight.”

  Malcolm drew to a stop. Glancing back, a humorless grin touched his lips. “And to think they call me cunning.”

  Zachary closed the distance between them. Lowering his voice, his gaze locked on the wizard.

  “So, it is true. To think he’s still alive after all this time. Does he know about the prophecy? Who he is? Anything?”


  Zachary’s eyes widened as his mouth gaped.

  The great sage held up his hands. “I suppose it makes no difference now, but I was going to tell him about the prophecy the night of his initiation. Then, Layfon gave him that mission and…”

  The royal couldn’t recall seeing Malcolm ever look so torn.

  “He wasn’t ready when I first met him,” Malcolm told Zachary starting again. “I believe he is now, for at least part of the truth. Yet, I couldn’t allow him to go on such a dangerous assignment with another burden hanging on his shoulders.”

  Zachary sighed. “I hate to admit it, but I must agree. Telling him about the dragon prophecy prior to traveling to Rhordack would not have been wise. Hopefully, we can rescue him and the girl quickly.”

  “I haven’t kept this secret to be cruel, Zachary. I did it for Alec, to prepare him for what is to come.”

  “If the slave traders make it to Zerrok, I worry he might not have a future for which to be prepared.”

  With the force of a thousand men, Leos crossed the Black Mountains and charged into the Rhordack Valley.

  Somehow, The Pure was alerted of the incoming threat, though it offered them little advantage. They believed the lush fo
rest, swift river and steep surrounding hills would provide them ample cover. It might have, if not for the fierce rage of Leos’s men.

  Marcia’s soldiers knew of Alec and Isabelle’s situation. Having trained with and battled beside the sorcerer, many of them attacked with the overwhelming need for vengeance. The earl personally led his men into the ally kingdom.

  The two forces clashed with a thirst for blood. Like an unstoppable flood, Malyndor’s troops washed over the village, desecrating The Pure’s outnumbered soldiers. The terrain which they believed would save them only served to box them in. In the end, those who surrendered were the sole survivors from the enemy’s force.

  Freed from their captors, the village slaves gladly shared what they knew about the missing sorcerers.

  Leos’s heart sank at the news. Apparently, they were moved to another location the day after their imprisonment. To make matters worse, The Pure knew Alec and Isabelle were spellcasters. Each was bound with an anti-magic cuff, though one woman did speak of Alec’s power frightening several of the soldiers even with the device.

  Knowing their comrades were still alive when they departed offered some hope. Now, the task of tracking down the caravan remained.

  Leos pounded a fist against the side of a hut. “Damn it! I will not lose him again.”

  Sliding further back into the trees, a pair of sharp yellow eyes watched the scene in silence. Suppressing a growl, Cassidy moved through the forest with great speed. She was supposed to protect the marked one. It was her sacred duty. Dragon kind was linked to his fate. After her initial discovery, it had taken some convincing to gain the support of Emperor Draco and Empress Shiori to be assigned his protector. Even so, his safety was not merely a duty. Alec was her friend and she was failing him.

  Smoke seeped from the dragon’s nostrils. How could the humans allow him to be captured? Cassidy could no longer locate Alec by sensing his power. When she left for Ellfraya, he was still in Ariston. Since he couldn’t leave her a message in the city, tracking him thus far hadn’t been easy. Perhaps she could find him another way. The dragon knew of a local slave trafficking route. There was much to learn when one spent a great deal of time hiding in the woods. Following it could lead her to the sorcerers.


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