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Thursday Page 35

by David Ridgway

  The immediate assessment, made in the dark, was that the inundation had washed away much of the park itself. The Control Building on the south side, however, was still in place, but only because it had deep, solid foundations.

  Inside the Control Building, they found Barrier staff marooned on the top floor. The first task was to make an urgent assessment of the Barrier itself. Teams on both sides of the river broke out inflatables and, together with Barrier staff members, set out from both river banks to check the piers. After each inspection, the individual barrier between each pair of piers was lowered. They immediately reported that the Thames Barrier was still in good working order but that each individual barrier had received a considerable battering during the flood. This information was forwarded to the Ministry of Defence and to Downing Street.

  Both teams also observed the large number of sunken containers littering the river bed. On the seaward side, until they could all be cleared, they would remain a considerable hazard to shipping. On the London side, even in the moonlight, they could see individual containers that had been washed over the Barrier itself, lying higgledy-piggledy in the mud of the river bed.

  Acting on the advice of the Barrier management and with the agreement of the Environment Agency, it was agreed to keep the Barrier raised until after High Tide scheduled at just after six o’clock that Friday morning.

  Both teams were now tasked to assess the river banks. The Barrier staff overrode the original instructions from the Ministry of Defence and insisted that it was necessary to check the flood defences on both river banks below the Barrier. From the Barrier to the Woolwich Ferry, for many years both banks had been protected with iron pilings. The sea surge had completely washed over these, so it was now important to confirm whether they were still in place, how badly damaged, or even destroyed. Much of the domestic housing on both banks suffered flood damage from the inundation as well as specific and massive structural destruction from the rolling, tumbling containers. On the north bank, just down river from the Barrier itself, the Tate and Lyle refinery was unable to avoid being totally destroyed, as was the London City Airport just to the north at Silvertown.

  As both teams of soldiers worked their way down river from the Barrier to the Ferry piers, they quickly realised that the iron pilings were basically still in place and had suffered no specific damage. The piers for the Ferry, however, were no longer in place, as they had been completely swept away. With the water now draining rapidly off the land, the stench of kerosene from the devastated airport was a confirmation of the damage done both to the aircraft and the fuel storage tanks. After making their reports, both teams were instructed to return to the Barrier and start their assessments of the river defences westwards towards the centre of London.

  Slowly, led by David and Jackie, the bedraggled group walked down the Strand, towards Trafalgar Square. As they approached the cobbled square outside the Amba Hotel at Charing Cross, the street lights started to come on. They could now see Admiralty Arch beyond the statue of Charles I sitting proudly on his horse. A few minutes later, they passed through the arch into The Mall, where they could see and smell the mud and other detritus on Horse Guards Parade and in St James Park. Now that the water was receding, they noticed more and more drowned bodies deposited with no dignity whatsoever all over the grass. Their progress was painfully slow, because the old man with the injured ankle needed to be supported. When they set off, Jackie and the Bulgarian girl put his arms over their shoulders and half carried him between them.

  David was at the front with the other lady, whose briefcase they had recovered, while the man with the wrenched shoulder walked behind the group with the Bulgarian boy.

  “We should be checking to see whether any of these people need our help.” The lady commented to David, as they walked down the Mall.

  “I know, but I think it’s best if we get this party to shelter first and then we can reassess the situation.”

  “I expect you’re right. Anyway, why are you in London this evening?”

  “I’m revising for my ‘A’ levels at the moment and to attempt a decent General Studies paper, I’ve been tracking these recent storms as they crossed the Atlantic. When I read the message put out by the Environment Agency I realised that there would be problems today and I just wanted to see it for myself. I suggested to Jackie that we bunk off school and come here.”

  “So what has caused all this?”

  David explained about the two weather fronts and the creation of the sea surge.

  When he finished, he added, “But, I had no idea that it would be as big as that.” He turned to the lady and asked, “Anyway, what do you do?”

  “I’m a Woman Police Constable, working out of Scotland Yard.”

  “Oh! That’s interesting. You might know Jackie’s father.” David remarked.

  “Is Jackie your girlfriend?”

  “Yes.” David thought about it for a further second and repeated, “Yes, she is. And she’s been really fantastic, helping me get all these people out of the bus.”

  “So, who’s her father?”

  “Chief Inspector Bleasdale. Do you know him?”

  “Well, he’s well known at the Yard for his work in the Illegal Immigrant Department,” she replied somewhat disingenuously. She quickly changed the subject. “How soon do you think the taxi will come back?”

  “If it comes back at all.”

  Just as David was responding, Andy’s cab did a U turn next to them and drew up besides the kerb. They all squeezed into the back. The man with the wrenched shoulder and the man with the damaged ankle sat on the pull down seats with their backs to the driver. The WPC, Jackie and the two Bulgarians sat on the main bench seat, while David sat on the floor between Jackie and the policewoman.

  “Won’t be long before we get there,” Andy announced cheerfully. “There’s very little traffic about, but I suppose that’ll change as people realise this part of London has mainly missed the flooding.”

  “Have there been any news announcements yet?” the WPC asked.

  “The radio’s still dead and I haven’t had an opportunity to check my phone.”

  “Hang on,” said Jackie. “I’ve got mine in my pocket.” She wriggled closer to Liz Drury and finally dragged the phone from her jeans. “There’s still no signal.”

  As they began to warm up, the smell of the river water in their clothes began to fill the cab. The windows misted over and blocked any further view of the outside. Andy drove as quickly as he could and within twenty minutes, they had arrived at the Gloucester Palace Hotel. David and Liz quickly got out of the vehicle so that they could help the others. Between them, they organised the Bulgarian boy and girl to help the man with the ankle, while Jackie assisted the other man. David and Liz held open the doors, as they all traipsed into the lobby.

  Chantelle was behind the desk and began to fill in the registration cards. Betty was also hovering in the background, to help them to their rooms. It was decided that they would have to share with three to a room. They would all have an opportunity to shower or bathe, but more importantly get warm. With the power restored, Betty was also offering to wash and press any clothes, during the night.

  Jackie and Liz took the Bulgarian girl upstairs, while David and the Bulgarian boy helped the man with the ankle to a second bedroom. The unconscious lady was lying on a settee in the lounge behind the reception area with a second settee occupied by the man with the broken leg. The three ladies from the tourist boat were allocated the third bedroom, while their companion was in the fourth.

  As Jackie and the Bulgarian girl walked into the bedroom, they were both rather surprised that Liz immediately turned to Betty to ask how quickly she could get her clothes back if they were washed straightaway.

  “The wash takes thirty minutes and the drying and pressing will be a couple of hours after that. Mind you, with all the extra people coming in, it’s bound to be a bit longer,” Betty replied.

  “I’ll be very gratef
ul if you can start on mine as soon as possible.”

  “Well, yes. That’s no problem at all. There are dressing gowns laid out for you, if you want to get changed.”

  With that, Liz started to strip. She took off her coat, followed by her jacket and skirt. She then took off her blouse and underwear, revealing a toned body which was obviously in very good shape. She slipped on one of the dressing gowns and looked at the other two girls.

  “Come on! I suggest you do the same as me, because those at the front of the queue will get their clothes back soonest.”

  “That’s quite right,” agreed Betty.

  Jackie immediately took the hint and took off her coat. She stripped off her jumper and jeans, followed by her blouse. She was not wearing a bra, nor tights, but she had a pretty pair of knickers, which has been soaked when she was in the bus. As soon as she was naked, she saw the Bulgarian girl watching them both, with her eyes wide in amazement.

  She walked over and explained, “This lady will wash your clothes and dry them.” She looked at the girl. “Do you understand?” The girl shook her head as her eyes began to fill with tears.

  Jackie started again. “Your clothes all wet…from the river. Yes?”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “This lady,” pointing at Betty, “Will wash and make clean. OK?”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “Well, take them off quickly,” added Liz, handing a dressing gown to Jackie.

  “I can’t. Not with you both.”

  Jackie put her arm round the girl and turned her away from Liz. “What’s your name?”


  “Ivelina, is this the first time you have been without clothes in front of strangers?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you ever taken off your clothes with other people there?”

  “No. Never,” she replied haltingly.

  “There is nothing wrong.” Jackie was now putting on her towelling gown. “We will all get our clothes cleaned.” Ivelina nodded. “And dried.” Ivelina nodded again. “And then you can be dressed again.”

  “OK.” She took off her coat. Underneath she was wearing a T shirt and jeans with typical eastern European boots. She took off her underwear and Jackie noticed that her pubic area was unshaved. Her breasts were quite large for a girl who said she was only sixteen. Jackie handed the dirty clothes to Betty and then helped Ivelina to put on the third dressing gown.

  As Jackie was assisting Ivelina, Liz started to fill the bath. The taps were half way down the side of the bath. She settled down in the soothing water and considered the extraordinary coincidence of being in a hotel room with the daughter of her boss and part time lover. Jackie stuck her head round the door.

  “Do you mind if Ivelina gets a shower. She’s absolutely freezing.”

  “She can get in here with me, if she wants. There’s plenty of room and that’ll warm her up quicker and better. After all, I don’t take up too much room!” She added, jokingly.

  “I’ll try to persuade her.” Jackie immediately saw the sense in what Liz was saying.

  Liz heard Jackie explaining to Ivelina through the open doorway. They both came into the bathroom and Ivelina took off her dressing gown. She lifted her leg to get into the bath and then her second leg until she was standing there facing Liz.

  “Tell her to turn round and sit down.”

  “Ivelina. Turn round and sit down,” Jackie said to the Bulgarian girl. She turned slowly and started to sit down and as she lowered herself into the hot water, Liz opened her legs to allow the teenage girl to sit between them. She put her hands on her shoulders and gently pulled the younger girl back until she was resting her head on Liz’s shoulder. Liz gently moved her legs closer together, until she was holding Ivelina firmly between her knees.

  “You’re right!” She looked up and saw Jackie watching them. “She’s absolutely freezing.” She took the soap out of the recess in the wall and began to wash the girl, starting with her shoulders and arms. Her skin was unblemished and of an attractive creamy tan colour. She lifted her right arm to wash her body and ribs underneath, feeling the girl move between her legs. She lifted the left arm and repeated the process, before rinsing away the soap.

  “I think our young Bulgarian friend has fallen asleep,” Liz commented. “Can you wash her legs?”

  Jackie tried to roll up her sleeves, but found it impossible, so she slipped off the terry towelling bath robe and knelt on the bathroom floor. Liz passed her the soap and Jackie lifted and washed first the left leg and then the right. As she soaped the legs above the knee, Ivelina once again moved and murmured contentedly.

  “Well, she seems to be enjoying this!” Liz looked at Jackie enquiringly. “I think you’re old enough to warm yourself! But before you can get in, we’ve both got to get out, so I think we should wake her.”

  Jackie shook Ivelina’s shoulder until she jumped slightly and opened her eyes. She looked at Jackie and smiled.

  “Thank you … for saving my life.” She slowly realised that she was in the bath, lying between the legs of another woman and turned to see Liz smiling gently at her.

  “Why am I in here…? With you?”

  “We had to get you warm as quickly as possible. You were also very dirty and we had to wash you. I suggest do the rest yourself. I’m going to get out to let you do that on your own.”

  Liz made sure that Ivelina’s arms were on the sides of the bath, before pushing herself backwards and then standing. She was pink with the warmth of the water and her red hair was wet. As she stood up, she lifted her left leg over the side, followed by her right. She turned and knelt down next to Jackie. She looked directly at Ivelina.

  “You must wash yourself. Jackie has the soap. Wash your hair, as well.” She put her hand onto Ivelina’s shoulder. “You’ve done well today. You’re young and you’ve seen many horrible things. You are very brave. When you’ve finished in here, you must get some sleep. Don’t take too long.”

  Ivelina looked at Jackie, who was putting the bathrobe on. “You get in bath now?”

  “When you’ve finished washing.” Jackie explained that the river water was dirty and carried much contamination. She had to say this slowly and carefully, until Ivelina fully understood, before she finished washing herself. She then washed her hair. Finally, Ivelina arched her back and put her head under the water to rinse out all the soap. Jackie gazed admiringly at her breasts. Although Ivelina was two years younger, her breasts were fuller and heavier.

  As soon as the young Bulgarian girl finished rinsing her hair, she got out of the bath and Jackie gave her a big bath sheet. Jackie now let out all the dirty water before running in more hot water. They continued talking together, haltingly, slowly making their words understood. Jackie explained that she was at college and hoping to go to university in the autumn. For her part, Ivelina said that she and her brother had arrived in England only six weeks before. They had made contact with their older brother, who was living with an uncle, but the work they had been given was very badly paid and people took advantage.

  In the bedroom, Liz could hear the younger girls talking together. She wondered whether the Bulgarian brother and sister were illegals, without papers. Well, they’re not likely to have any papers now, are they? she thought. And this flood will be a real godsend to thousands of people, if they aren’t already drowned. We’ll have to be really on our toes to ensure that records aren’t compromised. She made a mental note to discuss her thoughts with Chief Superintendent Bleasdale.

  As Jackie got into the clean, warm water, Ivelina went into the bedroom. Liz was already in the bed. She beckoned the young girl to join her and as she hesitantly approached the bed, Liz folded back the duvet, showing that she was quite naked. The girl took off the gown and got into bed with the older woman.

  “You are nice and warm now.”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “You must now sleep. Everything will seem much better in the morning.�

  Liz pulled Ivelina closer to her, towards the centre of the bed. As the younger girl’s head touched the pillow, her eyes began to close. Liz turned her onto her side, before snuggling closer to her. They were both in the foetal position, Liz’s knees touching the back of Ivelina’s knees, her body moulded to the younger girl’s and her arm lying over the younger girl’s waist. Ivelina, as she fell into an exhausted sleep, took hold of Liz’s hand and placed it gently between her breasts. When Jackie came out of the bathroom, she saw that they were both asleep. She was warm and clean, but so very tired. She turned out all the lights, slipped off her bathrobe and got into the bed behind Liz.

  At Waterloo Station, Milton and Pamela continued to help the teams separating the living from the dead. The station was free of all flood water by eight o’clock that evening, but still Milton kept the teams working. Their task was made much easier when power was restored and Milton decided that they should concentrate on clearing the bodies away from the stairs leading down to the Underground.

  They made excruciatingly slow progress, such was the sheer press of bodies. As they slowly descended lower and lower, the number of survivors dramatically reduced. The work was hard, with very little respite and it was increasingly unrewarding.

  Soon after midnight, a platoon of soldiers entered the station’s concourse. The commanding officer, a young lieutenant, immediately observed that the disaster was already being addressed. He strode over to a blonde, middle-aged lady who appeared to be assessing the state of some of the survivors.

  “Who’s in charge here?” he asked.

  “Well, I am, I suppose,” replied Pamela. “With my boyfriend who’s organising the removal of bodies from the entrance to the Underground.”

  “Is there anything you need?”

  “Warm clothes, hot drinks, hot food, doctors and medical equipment.”

  “I’ll radio that in.”


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