The Ultimate Community

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The Ultimate Community Page 15

by J Meverington

Bile rose in Alice’s throat. ‘What do you mean by that?’

  ‘When you were born, he downloaded a program into your brain.’

  Alice gasped. ‘What did that monster do to me?’

  ‘Don’t worry, it was nothing harmful, he just wanted to see how you coped with life after the download. For example, your adoptive parents’ fake death was not a spur of the moment thing. Nor was the fact you got shipped out to that awful family in Kentucky. It had been planned from the start. But you survived, you escaped, you coped. And you’re still a wonderful person despite all of that.’

  ‘Seriously? What about Charles, was he part of it?’

  ‘Yes, he was sent to test you. To make you fall in love with him and see how you coped when put in an abusive relationship.’

  ‘So, how did Martin know how I reacted? Was he following me?’

  ‘In a way, yes. You have a chip installed in you, like a geo tag. They’ve been able to monitor your activities. You’ve also had someone following you, keeping an eye on you.’

  ‘So, what you’re telling me is, my entire life has been an experiment?’

  ‘I’m sorry to say so, but yes. And you can see why I didn’t want to tell you this, it’s truly awful, and I feel sick to my stomach that Martin could have done this to an innocent child.’

  ‘This is crazy.’

  ‘I know, and I tried to fix it.’

  ‘Fix it? How?’

  ‘There is so much more you need to know.’

  Chapter 40

  Alice waited gingerly for Ethan to carry on with his story when his phone shrilled. Ignore it, she willed him, but he fiddled around in his pocket until he found it, and to her dismay, he answered it.

  ‘Hello? What? No! Okay, I’ll get there as soon as I can.’

  He disconnected the call. ‘I gotta go, Zac’s taken a turn for the worse.’

  Ethan raced out of the apartment, and Alice moved inside and sat with Damion. She was worried about Zac, but there was nothing she could do so she filled Damion in with what Ethan had just told her.

  ‘Holy shit Allie, this is crazy. I had no idea who Camilla was getting messed up with. Geez, I feel so bad I didn’t try harder to stop her giving you away.’

  ‘Damion, please don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s in the past and can’t be changed. In a way, it’s made me a better person. I see the world in a different light now, and that’s thanks to Ethan.’

  ‘I still don’t trust him, Allie. He wasn’t a nice person before he started getting downloads.’

  ‘How well did you know him back then, though?’

  ‘I don’t know. He was always uptight, intense was a good word for him. And I didn’t like the way he treated Matty.’

  ‘But was that before or after the downloads?’

  Damion stopped for a minute, appearing to be deep in thought. ‘Come to think if it, it might have been afterwards.’

  ‘What did Leonora think of him?’

  ‘She liked him, always stood up for him.’

  ‘And was she a good judge of character?’

  ‘That was the thing about Leonora, she never judged anyone. Such an amazing lady. I still miss her Allie, after all these years. She was the only person I’ve ever been in love with.’

  ‘Soul mates, huh. Well, you’re lucky you’ve experienced that. I’ve yet to meet mine.’ Ethan’s handsome face sprung into her mind. If anyone was her soul mate, she believed he was. But could you fall in love with someone who had so many secrets?

  ‘You’ll meet someone Allie, and even if you don’t, it’s not the end of the world. You’re destined for big things, I can feel it.’

  ‘Really? But I’m such a loser, working in a bar, not bettering myself at anything.’

  ‘No way, surely you don’t think that. You’re an amazing person, Allie. You bring joy to everyone who meets you. And you’re still finding your way in life; you’re barely thirty years old. It may seem old to you now, but you have so much life ahead of you.’

  Her phone rang. Expecting it to be Ethan with an update, she grabbed it, but noticed it was Doofy calling.

  ‘Hi Allie, I’ve got news on your stalker.’

  ‘Really? You’ve found him?’

  ‘Yep, and it’s not a him, it’s a her. I traced the phone calls to an address in Los Angeles. You’re never gonna guess who’s been stalking you?’

  Alice did a mental scan of her old elementary school friends from LA, but couldn’t imagine any of them holding a grudge after so long.

  ‘Okay, I give up, who?’

  ‘Your old high-school nemesis, Peaches Campbell.’

  ‘No way, why would she do that after all these years?’

  ‘I paid her a little visit and said I wanted an explanation, otherwise I’d be reporting her to the police. She told me how you were a bully at high-school, and I told her to cut the crap. I also threatened her by going to the authorities about her unpaid tax over the last few years.’

  Alice laughed, ‘You’re so awesome Doof-balls, so did she say why she’s sending them?’

  ‘She blames you for busting up her relationship with Carter Willis. She said she hates seeing him with her best friend and she wanted to make you pay for what you did.’

  ‘Really? That was so long ago. Do you think she’s dangerous?’

  ‘Nah, she’s okay, just insecure. I told her if she threatened you again, I would plaster a whole lot of dirt I’ve dug up on her on social media. And the threat of her unpaid tax.’

  ‘Oh Doofy, thanks so much, you’re the best. How’s Chas doing now?’

  ‘He’s doing much better, thanks. I’ve got him off that music app, and he’s getting back to normal. He’s horrified he had homeless people living in the house. But he still shops at Walmart and has downgraded his Audi to an electric car.’

  ‘That’s good news. You should bring him out to London next time you come, I’d love to meet him.’

  ‘Will do, you take care Allie.’

  She disconnected the call and a sense of relief washed over her. Carter had told her how needy Peaches was as a girlfriend, how she’d tried to commit suicide once. Alice felt sorry for the girl, still holding a grudge after so many years.

  She was busy telling Damion the news when a text pinged on her phone.

  ‘Zac is stable, still waiting on results.’

  Chapter 41

  Alice texted Ethan back, saying she was pleased that Zac was okay. She wanted to know what else he had to tell her but didn’t think now was the time to ask.

  A text pinged back. ‘Do you want to come over? I’ll cook you dinner and explain everything.’

  Had he just read her mind? She wondered about the chip installed in her. This was scary. Were her thoughts being uploaded into the cloud somewhere for anyone to view?

  She wondered where this so-called chip was, and if it could be removed. She needed answers, so she replied. ‘Sure, I’ll be right there.’

  ‘Damion, I’m heading around to Ethan’s. He’s going to explain everything.’

  ‘Ask him to come back here, then I can keep an eye on him.’

  ‘No offence, but he doesn’t feel comfortable here with you around.’

  ‘I’ll come with you then?’

  ‘Damion, I’ll be fine.’

  ‘Well, at least let me drive you. I’ll wait in a bar nearby, so you can call me if you need me.’

  Alice didn’t fancy catching public transport all the way to Marylebone, and she couldn’t afford a cab, so she agreed.

  Damion dropped her off, and Ethan buzzed her up to his flat.

  The smell of cooking made her realise how hungry she was. ‘What delicacy are you making me tonight?’

  ‘Just another stir-fry I’m afraid, this time with chicken.’

  ‘Smells delicious. How’re you holding up?’

  ‘Okay. I just hate seeing Zac like that. I’m so worried about him.’

  ‘Of course you are, he’s your son. But, he’s in the best place. He m
ight not have made it if he was still in The Community.’

  ‘You’re right, but hey, I need a distraction. Thanks for coming by.’

  ‘You’re a friend, I’m here for you.’ And for answers, but she didn’t say this.

  Ethan dished up their dinner, and they ate in silence. Alice enjoyed the fresh flavours and decided she would learn to cook, making delicious healthy meals like this.

  After dinner, Ethan packed the dishes in the dishwasher and made them both a cup of tea. Then he sat opposite.

  Alice broke the silence. ‘I found out who was sending me the threatening text-messages.’

  ‘Really? Who?’

  ‘A girl I went to high-school with. Apparently, she’d been jealous that I ruined her relationship with her boyfriend and she’s been holding a grudge after all these years.’ Alice brought him up to date on what Doofy had told her.

  ‘What was her name?’

  ‘Peaches Campbell.’

  A dark look came over his face.


  ‘I’m pretty sure that’s not the reason she was holding a grudge.’

  ‘Ethan, what’s going on?’

  He took a deep breath.

  ‘I’ll tell you everything from the beginning. What Martin did to you was unforgivable, using you as an experiment like that. I’m not condoning what he did, but he thought he was working towards a better world. And you weren’t the only one Allie. There were many babies who suffered the same fate, their details being collected in a database.’

  ‘Do you know where this database is?’

  ‘Yes, I have access. I’ve run a program to analyse the data, and the news is good. All the babies grew up to be strong, self-thinking people, who are making a difference to the world.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘They’ve grown up with empathy, and a strong need to help others. Some have become nurses, others have become psychologists, some are just good people willing to help those who are down and out.’

  ‘So, what about me? Why have I not done anything with my life?’

  ‘Because you, Allie, are destined for better things.’

  ‘I don’t understand. What better things?’

  ‘You’ll know when the time comes.’

  ‘Ethan, stop being so cryptic. Just tell me.’

  ‘I can’t Allie, because I don’t know. All I know is, when the time comes, you’ll know what to do.’

  Alice’s frustration bubbled inside, threatening to boil over.

  ‘Anyway, I can tell you what I do know, and what you deserve to know.’

  Finally. At last she would get some answers.

  Ethan continued talking. ‘I felt bad about what Martin had done to you and I wanted to fix it. Now this is the bit you’ll hate me for.’

  ‘Hey, just tell me, I know it’s not your fault.’

  ‘I knew I couldn’t approach you, I needed you to come and see me. I know we met in that cafe in Oxford. That was no coincidence. I knew you went there when you visited your grandparents, so I made sure I got a job there. I was still Martin back then, and not a nice person. He wanted to see you in the flesh, but that was before I broke through.’

  ‘So you do remember me from all those years ago?’

  ‘Of course I do, who could forget you Allie?’

  ‘What happened next?’

  ‘I employed Jason.’

  ‘Jason? My ex-boyfriend?’

  ‘Yes. He was an actor I hired to get you to trust him. The six months you were with him was orchestrated to send you to BanAddiction, to see me.’

  ‘Oh... my... god... Are you telling me my relationship wasn’t even real?’

  ‘It was real. Jason admitted he had feelings for you. He fell for you Allie, and he was gutted when you broke up with him. For the record, you weren’t supposed to do that.’

  ‘That doesn’t exactly make me feel better. And what about Peaches?’

  ‘This is another bit you won’t like, but you need to know.’

  ‘Oh Gawd, carry on.’

  ‘Peaches was paid to make your life hell at school, to see how you coped. You did well by the way.’ He smiled at her, but she didn’t smile back.

  Ethan continued. ‘Thing was, she’d been offered a bonus to make you crack.’


  ‘Yes, have a breakdown, anything that might show a weakness. But you passed with flying colours and fled, denying her any chance of a bonus.’

  ‘I can’t believe this. You’ve made my life hell!’

  ‘Not me Allie, I’m not the bad guy here.’

  ‘Who is then?’

  ‘Your foster father, Nat Willows.’

  ‘What? So, he was in on it too?’

  ‘No, not exactly. Did you know your adoptive father, Pete Willows, was involved in Martin’s business?’

  ‘Uh-huh.’ Alice didn’t like where this was heading.

  ‘When your parents were supposedly killed off, they had some money in their will. It was to go to Nat Willows if he could break you. They gave him a $100,000 advance, and he would receive a further million if he succeeded. So, he used some of the money to bribe Peaches, and told her she’d receive a $10,000 reward if she broke you.’

  ‘But my foster parents were poor. I can’t believe they had all that money and treated me the way they did.’

  ‘He was after the big money, Allie. A million dollars was a lot of money to the likes of him.’

  Alice shook her head, unable to believe what he was telling her. ‘So basically, my entire life has been a lie?’

  ‘No, not at all. Your friends are yours, and the people you worked in the bar with. Your friends from New York, Mrs K, Damion, they are all your real friends.’


  ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Oh, thank goodness.’ She’d spent a lot of time having heart-to-heart conversations with Katie.

  This was a lot of information to process. What was real in her life and what wasn’t?

  ‘So, this experiment, what was it all about?’

  ‘Martin wanted you to think for yourself and not be easily brainwashed by society. And it was a success; you’re independent, know your own mind, don’t care about material things. And you’re an all-round good person. You lack ambition, but that was part of it too. You’re a survivor, and that’s all the ambition you needed.’

  ‘So, you’re telling me, without the download when I was a baby, I might not have been like this? I might be a completely different person?’

  ‘No, not at all. But can’t you see, Allie? If everyone could be like you, the world would be a much better place. You’re a lovely person, you’re not shallow or self-absorbed, you’re just you, and that’s how people see you.’

  ‘You make me sound perfect when I’m far from it. So, why do you think I have a drinking problem?’

  ‘That was probably genetic. Camilla was an alcoholic too.’

  Alice believed her biggest fear had been answered, but she needed to ask it, to be sure.

  ‘Am I a clone?’

  He laughed then. ‘No, of course not. You’re Damion’s daughter, that much is true!’

  Alice breathed a sigh of relief. The other question which had been churning away in her brain, blurted out. ‘What about the chip I had installed in me. Is that being uploaded to a database? Can you read my thoughts?’

  Ethan laughed again. ‘Oh, what an imagination you have. No, it’s not that advanced, it was installed thirty years ago remember? No, it’s purely there to track you if or when you went missing.’

  ‘So, when I moved to New York, being careful not to be traced, people were tracking me?’

  ‘Yes, and I’m sorry for that.’

  ‘Can I have the chip removed? Where is it exactly?’

  Ethan’s phone rang. ‘Hello? Okay, I’ll be right there.’

  He disconnected the call. ‘They’ve got the results. I need to get to the hospital.’

  ‘I’ll come with you.’ />
  They raced to the hospital. Terri was already there and explained what had happened. They had the results back and Zac needed a new heart to save his life. The only problem was, he was a rare blood type, and the chances of getting one were slim to none.

  Ethan paced backwards and forwards for a few minutes.

  ‘I know what I have to do,’ he said, and told them of his plan.

  Chapter 42

  It horrified Alice what Ethan had suggested. At the time, she’d run to the bathroom and vomited until there was no more to bring up. She couldn’t believe she’d been at his house, chatting with him a few hours ago, and now he was contemplating something so hideous. She needed fresh air, and most of all she needed her father.

  Damion picked her up and took her back to their apartment. Once they were inside, Alice explained everything.

  He took her in his arms as she sobbed, big fat tears of despair. She’d become close to Ethan over the last few days, even felt like she was falling in love with him. Now she wished she’d never met him, never known the truth of her situation. It was true, he’d tried to protect her from it, but that was wrong. Her life was one big lie. She wondered about the other babies that Martin had manipulated, and what they were doing now.

  But she hadn’t turned out badly, had she? She wasn’t a bad person, and never had a bad word to say about anyone. Perhaps Martin had been onto something.

  Her life as she knew it was insane. She only hoped Ethan wouldn’t be able to carry out his abhorrent plan. Organ donation was fine, but not at the expense of someone else.

  Alice needed a drink but knew that wouldn’t solve anything. It was time to stand up for herself, be strong, and resist the urge.

  The next day when she awoke, there were many missed calls from Ethan, but she didn’t want to talk to him. She tagged along with Damion while he visited his bars, hoping for a distraction.

  Nothing helped. Her naturopathy course couldn’t start soon enough and she looked forward to a new venture in her life. She called Katie and told her she’d had a row with her doctor.

  ‘Oh, you poor thing. I’ve got an overnight spa voucher for two people that one of my clients gave me. Come with me, my treat.’

  Alice had to admit, getting away sounded like a good idea.


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