His Prize: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 3)

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His Prize: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 3) Page 2

by Callie Vincent

  Bonnie nodded. “Of course.”

  I cleared my throat. “Bonnie, we have t—”

  Alice acted like I wasn’t talking. “How do you plan on assuming control of an empire you didn’t even want to be part of? Because I’m pretty sure word on the street is that you jumped ship to fight with the Rossi’s. And now, you want to take over your uncle’s place? Seems a bit fishy to me. People might not be willing to listen to that kind of a leader.”

  Bonnie nodded. “Well, your complaint has been logged with our HR staff. I’ll see to it personally that someone contacts you shortly with a resolution to your issue, Miss Esposito.”

  Alice grinned. “You’re cute. You know that?”

  Bonnie smiled. “And you’re not going to be wiggling your way back to Israel’s side as his number one woman if all you’re bringing to the table is a lunch date and your mother’s muscle.”

  I heard someone snicker down the hallway, and it pulled Alice from her trance. She whipped around, ready to lay her teeth into the person who dared to mock her. But, Bonnie simply turned away and walked down the hall. Making her way for me before she walked past me altogether.

  “Coming, Israel?” she asked.

  I looked back at Alice and saw her staring at me again. “Yeah. I’m coming,” I said.

  Alice wiggled her fingers at me. “See you tomorrow, Israel.”

  “If he doesn’t push things back again!” Bonnie exclaimed.

  Everyone we passed in the hallway was trying to swallow their laughter. And I couldn't blame them. This change in Bonnie had definitely been for the better. She was stronger and wiser. She didn’t take people’s shit anymore, and she walked with a kind of self-confidence I’d never seen in her before. This position suited her well. But, Alice did bring up some concerns she’d eventually have to address with everyone.

  I waited until we were in the safety of my car before I turned to face her. “Don’t listen to her,” I said.

  Bonnie looked over at me. “Come again?”

  “Don’t listen to Alice. She’s just my ex, and she’s got her own plans brewing.”

  “Oh, I know.”

  “Well, good. Because I want you to know that no matter what happens—”

  She sighed. “Did your father really make you plan that date? Or, did you make it after the anniversary party with her of your own volition?”

  I stared into her eyes. “On my soul, my father set that thing up. He sprung it on me last minute almost three months ago, and I’ve been postponing it ever since.”

  “Why not simply cancel it?”

  “You don’t just cancel something with the Esposito Family.”

  “And why not?”

  I blinked. “Because they control every single port that runs in and out of this state. If you want to import anything, you get in good with the Esposito’s. Hands down.”

  “So, you’re going to entertain this date eventually. What happens after that?”

  “I’m not sure I’m—”

  “Are you going to sleep with her to keep importing your stuff?”

  I shook my head. “Never. The thought didn’t even cross—”

  “Are you just going to fake an entire relationship with her because you want to stay in good with her family?”

  I pointed at her. “Now, you listen here. What Alice did to me was wrong. She faked who she was, where she came from, and what she was doing with her life for nothing other than shits and giggles. I fell in love with that woman, Bonnie. And when I proposed, I knew with every fiber of my being that she was the one for me. Until she turned me down, ran off, and disappeared the next day. Her place—completely cleaned out. Her place of work had no one hired by that name. She played me for a fucking fool, Bonnie. And she won’t do it again.”

  “So, you want to play her like a fool.”

  I paused. “What?”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine if you do. We all have people we want revenge on. And if you’re eventually going to go along with this to play her like a fool, no one would blame you.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing.”

  “Well, then good luck rekindling things with your ex. Because I know your business well enough to know that you don’t import or export anything out of Illinois. You have no need for being in the good graces of any Esposito, given the reasons you’ve stated. So, good luck.”

  I sighed. “Bonnie, I don’t know what to—”

  She looked over at me with determination in her eyes. “If you married me, right now, you could have everything: the Moretti Empire, a wife who wants to do nothing but throw herself at you, a home I know you want. Not to mention, it’d get Queen Esposito off your back when it comes to her throwing her damn daughter at you. And all we’d have to do is head back to the courthouse, get in front of a magistrate, and make it happen. Right now. You and me.”

  I shook my head. “I know that’s not what either of us wants.”

  “Is it not?”

  I hesitated. “Is that what you want?”

  She turned away from me. “I don’t know what kind of man I thought you to be, but maybe you aren’t the man I thought you were.”

  And as we rode home the rest of the way in silence, I pondered what her words meant.

  If anything, so I could show her that her assumption wasn’t the case.



  I drew in a whiff of my uncle’s study, and the smell of leather filled my nostrils. The old books filling the inlaid shelves transported me back to a time in my childhood where I’d sneak into his office just to pluck something off the wall. And every time he caught me, I remember how comforting my uncle’s laughter was. How comforting it felt for him to pick me up, place me on his knee, and scribble on some papers while I read a book to him.

  Granted, they weren’t fun books. Some of them were biographies. Others were instruction manuals. A few of them were wonderful fiction novels, but not the kind of genre I usually gravitated to. I loved mysteries and thrillers with a bit of romance, while my uncle had always been into space and astronomy and science fiction.

  Still, the memories bombarded me as I stood there.

  And it brought tears to my eyes.

  “Did you always think of me this way?” I whispered.

  My hand settled itself against the mahogany desk I’d grown up to associate with my uncle. Spilled whiskey and cigar smoke laced the wood, and it continued to threaten to rip me back to a time where I really did assume I was one of his children. Loved, just like Brianna.

  “Boy, was I wrong,” I murmured.

  “You’re wrong about a lot of things.” My cousin’s voice sounded from the door, and I turned around to see her standing there, with her back straight and her dress freshly pressed and her heels shining as if they had just come out of the box. Brianna had always been so put-together. Her makeup was impeccable. Her jewelry always matched her outfit. And her purse, when going out, never ceased to match her shoes, even if her shoes and her purse were patterned.

  “Hello, Brianna.”

  She nodded. “Bonnie.”

  “Can I help you?”

  “You can start by getting out of this house.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  She snickered. “You don’t live here anymore. You’re not part of this family anymore.”

  I shrugged. “Well, I run this family now. So, until I can get all of this stuff moved to Israel’s—”

  “You listen here, and you listen right now, Bonnie. None of this stuff is going anywhere. My father isn’t going to jail. He’s going to find a way out of this. And when he does? He’s coming for you. He’s going to slaughter you, and I’m going to make sure I have a front-row seat to watch the woman who almost ruined our family die.”

  I sighed. “Well, at least now I know what you’ve been dreaming about at night.”

  She charged me. “Get the fuck out of this house.”

  “Be mindful of who you’re talking to. I’m not
your father, so I don’t have to favor you.”

  “You’re the one who jumped ship! You’re the one who decided to take matters into your own hands!”

  “And your father is the one who killed my family in order to get us out of the way so he could take over the family. We have recorded proof of that.”

  She snarled. “That’ll never be admissible. My father didn’t know he was being recorded. The lawyers won’t be able to use it. Not here in Illinois. I know the law well enough.”

  “I’m sure you do.”

  “And I’m telling you, all you’re doing is sealing your death.”

  I shrugged. “Even if he doesn’t go down for my parent’s murder, I’m still the heir to this throne. So, the second your father is overthrown, I’m still the one to step into place. Not you.”

  “Trust me, I don’t want that job.”

  “You just want the money that comes with that job. Which is something else I’ll change after Uncle Pava—”

  The next thing I knew, a stinging sensation wafted against my cheek. My head fell off to the side as Brianna cried in front of me, with hot tears streaming down her cheeks. My God, that woman could hit. I felt the smallest droplets of blood appearing against my skin. I slowly looked at the hand trembling at her side and saw her ruby ring, with small pieces of my skin dangling from the inlaid diamonds that surrounded the gem.

  “When my father gets back, the first thing he’s going to do is kill you. And when he does, I’ll be there to cheer him on. We all will. Because you turned your back on family.”

  I glared at her, staring her down. “No, Brianna. I turned my back on senseless murderers. And unless you want your mother wrapped up in this case, you’ll keep your mouth shut and realize where you stand right now. Because it wouldn't be smart for you or your mother to bite the hand that’s currently feeding you.”

  Her nostrils flared. “Mark my words, you’re a dead woman.”

  “Whatever helps you sleep at night. Bruno!”

  The enforcer stepped into the room. “Yes, Miss Moretti?”

  “See Brianna out, please.”

  She whipped around. “Really, Bruno? After serving my family all these years, you’re going to listen to her?” She pointed at me, and I simply shrugged.

  “What’ll it be, Bruno?” I asked.

  His eyes darted between the two of us, and I knew this wasn’t going to be good. The fact that he wasn’t currently taking Brianna’s arm didn’t bode well for any future endeavors I might ask of these people. Brianna grinned at me as if she had just stuck it to me or something.

  Until a woman’s voice piped up. “What is it, Miss Moretti?” she asked.

  I paused. “What is your name?”

  She clasped her hands behind her back. “Ash, ma’am. Short for ‘Ashley.’”

  “Well, Ash, could you please escort Miss Brianna out of my office. I have a lot to get accomplished today.”

  Brianna whipped around. “Anyone who lifts a finger to help this traitor is going to have the first bullets cocked in my father’s chamber when he gets back. Do you hear me?”

  Ash nodded. “We do. But, until your uncle comes back to assume his role, she’s the one in charge. And that’s who I listen to.”

  Brianna scoffed. “You’ll be killed for having no loyalty, just like Bonnie will be killed for the same reason.”

  I nodded. “Ash, please see her out. Thank you.”

  She took Brianna’s arm. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Let go of me!”

  I watched as Ash kept her cool while Brianna slung around every insult and every threat in the book. My eyes slowly gravitated toward Bruno, who couldn't quite bring himself to look at me. I wouldn’t punish him, though. I understood it. Until my uncle went away for the charges that were rattled off in court today, no one would know who to follow. I mean, all these people had to go on were stories my uncle shoveled into their ears day in and day out. I could only imagine what they thought of me.

  Still, it didn’t negate the fact that I had a job to do.

  A job I was apparently born to do.

  I turned back toward my uncle’s desk as his study door closed. I walked around and sat in the oversized leather seat and leaned back. I heaved a heavy sigh. I let my eyes fall closed for a few seconds. And as I breathed in another lungful of the scented memories around me, my eyes fell back open.

  I’ll make you proud, Dad.

  I knew that in order to gain the allegiance of this empire my uncle had built, I’d have to do some drastic things. Things I probably wouldn’t enjoy, just so they saw me as one of their own. I didn’t know where to start, though. I started pulling out drawers and clocking the sheer amount of paper files my uncle kept, and I quickly realized what was going on.

  My uncle always avoided digital trails because he never used digital items.

  “Good God,” I murmured.

  A knock came at the study door, and the hairs on the nape of my neck stood on end.

  “Who is it?” I called out.

  “Ash, ma’am. May I come in?”

  I stood. “Come in.”

  The door opened, and the female bodyguard slipped back into my office. Well, my uncle’s office. And I had to admit, part of me was worried about moving things back to Israel’s place—or any place, for that matter—until he was behind bars for good. Still, that meant coming here every day to get work done, and I wasn’t sure I could weather Brianna and my aunt regularly until my uncle saw the other side of a jail cell.

  “Can I help you?” I asked.

  Ash clasped her hands behind her back. “I just wanted to say that it’s very nice to see a woman in power.”

  I nodded. “I appreciate that, thank you.”

  “And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you in this position instead of giving it back over to Pava.”

  I paused. “You don’t like my uncle.”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  “Mind if I ask why?”

  “You can ask anything you want. You’re the Donne.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Why don’t you like my uncle?”

  “Because he’s erratic, hard to read, and quick to pull the trigger. I’ve only been in his employ for a few months now, but I’ve listened to him murmur regrets more than accomplishments at this point. He’s become volatile, and this family needs someone who will guide the business in a different path. And I think it’s going to take a woman to see that.”

  “I appreciate your vote of support.”

  “Is there anything else you need of me, ma’am?”

  I held up my hand. “Call me Bonnie.”

  She blinked. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’m sure. It’s very clear to me that I’m going to have to pull teeth around here to get people to listen to me.”

  “You mean, literal teeth?”

  “No. It’s just a saying.”

  “It wasn’t a saying with your uncle.”

  My eye twitched. “Well, it’s a saying with me. I need someone who’s going to listen first and ask questions later. And it’s clear to me that Bruno out there isn’t willing to do that.”

  “So, we’re on a first-name basis because…?”

  “Because, at least for now, I’d like you to be my personal bodyguard. Think you can do that?”

  She smiled. “I can definitely do that, Miss Bonnie.”

  “Wonderful. Now, stand and keep watch with Bruno outside. I’ll call you if I need anything.”

  “Yes, Miss Bonnie.”

  And when I sat back down at my uncle’s desk, I felt a bit more accomplished than when I had stepped foot into this place a few hours ago.

  Which made me feel that I might actually be able to pull this off.

  “All right, time to get started,” I breathed.

  Then I pulled out the first drawer of paperwork to sift through.




  The study door opened. �
�Yes, Miss Bonnie?”

  I looked up from the files. “I’m ready to head out. Could you walk me to the car? It’s waiting out front.”

  “Yes, Miss Bonnie.”

  I heard Bruno scoff to himself outside, and I committed that moment to memory. Not that I’d punish him for it. Oh, no, no. But, I would remind him of it. Once my uncle went away for good and he got a small demotion, I’d remind him of this moment—of the moment when he had chosen to follow an ex-Don instead of his current Donne. Then, I’d give him a chance to work his way back up the ladder, like any sensible boss would do.

  I wouldn't shoot him in the middle of the foyer.

  Like I’d known my uncle to do.

  I slid some file folders into my purse before I stood. I took one last look around the study and drew in another big whiff of air before heading through the open door. Ash escorted me to the Town Car waiting for me, and I saw my aunt in the window, holding Brianna close to her side while the two of them scolded me as I slipped into the car.

  “Miss Bonnie?”

  “Yes, Ash?”

  “Would you like me to accompany you back to your place?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll be fine. My driver is trained in evasion tactics as well as self-defense. We’ll be okay until we get back to Israel’s.”

  “Well, if you ever need me, I slipped my card into your purse.”

  I paused. “You did?”

  She grinned. “Drive safely, Miss Bonnie.”

  I nodded. “I will. Thank you.”

  As she closed the door, I rummaged around in my purse. And sure enough, there was her card. Well, it was less of a formal card and more of a note folded up. But, it had her name, her email address, and two separate numbers of contact. I smiled to myself before I slid it back into my purse.

  The drive home seemed longer than usual, and I couldn't wait to get back to Israel. I had some questions I wanted to ask him, like what the hell he’d do in this situation. I mean, he was raised to do this. Groomed for it, from the time he was a child.

  Then, it hit me.

  “Gary?” I asked.


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