Order of the Omni: A Supernatural Romantic Suspense Novel (The Immortalies Book 1)

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Order of the Omni: A Supernatural Romantic Suspense Novel (The Immortalies Book 1) Page 10

by Penny Knight

  I’ve missed a whole interaction. I need to get this woman’s thoughts out of my head.

  “Actually, yes. Thank you.” I smile. “Tea would be nice.”

  You’re a ditsy one, aren’t you? Just like those whores at school who didn’t even bother looking in my direction. I could give you something much better than tea, but I doubt that boyfriend of yours would be ok with it. Look at those juicy lips. Yum.

  It’s getting harder to keep the bile down. Light dots are forming in my vision and I’m lightheaded.

  “Not a problem, I’ll just put on the kettle.” He smiles, his dark brown eyes staring at me.

  If I wasn’t able to hear his thoughts, I would just have thought he was a plain man. Nothing out of the ordinary. The house is spotless. It has an old school style, not updated to the times. Walking past the dining table, I spot pictures of him and an older woman on the mantle with many innate ornaments lining it. There doesn’t seem to be an ounce of dust.

  The woman’s cries have subsided in my head, there’s soft whimpering. And I will it to cease even more. I need my wits about me.

  I stop walking just as I enter the kitchen space, waiting patiently.

  “Thank you,” Leo says coming to stand next to me. “They shouldn’t be too long. We appreciate your help.”

  “Not a problem, buddy,” he says over his shoulder. “You want one, too?”

  “No thank you, I’m good,” Leo says.

  The man turns and continues with the tea.

  Leo peers down at me and mouths, “You ok?”

  I nod.

  His intense blue eyes burn holes in me as he whispers, “You don’t look it. You’ve paled.”

  That’s not surprising since I feel as though I could pass out at any moment. Again.

  “I’m fine,” I whisper back.

  “I don’t get much company here.” Trevor turns and interrupts us. He strides in holding two cups. He nods to the table and we follow. “You are welcome to stay and wait until they come. It normally takes a while up here.”

  “That’s nice of you,” Leo says. “Have you lived here long?”

  Trevor hands me my drink.

  Long enough to have a dozen bodies buried in the back.

  My hands slip as I try to grip the cup, almost spilling the tea.

  “Sorry,” I say, looking down.

  “A while,” Trevor says. He walks to a chair and sits.

  I need to get control of this situation. The cries are creeping their way back in. She is begging to die, for it to be over. She can’t take it anymore. My vision fades in and out. I blink hard until it comes back.

  What is wrong with her? She looks familiar. She’s hiding something. Maybe she knows. Maybe she knows that slut downstairs. Car trouble. That’s very convenient. She looks white as a ghost.

  Crap. I lift the tea to my lips and urge my shaky hands to settle. My grip tightens as I take a sip and swallow. How the fuck am I meant to act normal, with such atrocities in my head?

  “Don’t mind me,” I say. “I’m feeling a little queasy. Morning sickness.” I smile.

  It seems to fit, one reason for me to look sick like I do. Hopefully that’s enough to appease his concerns.

  “Are you ok, sweetie?” Leo rubs my shoulders, playing the supporting boyfriend perfectly.

  “Yeah.” I smile at him. He may sound concerned, but I can see in his eyes there is something else. “The tea is helping,” I say to Trevor holding it up.

  Trevor’s eyes dilate as he watches me like the dangerous predator that he is. Pregnant. I have never had a pregnant woman before. That could be fun. I could kill two in one. Oh, I could drive my knife right in her stomach and watch the blood from between her legs flow. Oh, I want her. I want her bad.

  I freeze.

  Oh. Fuck.

  Enough is enough. How long am I expected to sit here and watch her suffer? What the hell did he just think? Elita has no idea I know about her abilities, and she certainly hasn’t told me. But watching her across from this piece of shit, sitting through this torture is driving me insane.

  If I had it my way, this man would be dead. This ordeal would be over and her back safe and sound in my penthouse.

  Instead, I need her to realise she can trust me. To do that, I have to follow her now and support this ridiculous plan, which still infuriates me. If the boy hadn’t of called her. She would be here by herself right now.

  First thing’s first, I need to stop her from face-planting on the table, she’s five seconds away from doing just that. Her heart rate is so fast, I take her hand in mine under the table. Expecting resistance. I’m suprised when her grip tightens, and clenches my hand for support. Whatever he’s thinking must be bad; I could only imagine.

  Her eyes meet mine, and I can see the tears welling up. I want to fly across the table and rip his head off. This woman in front of me would have to be one of the strongest I have ever met. And I’ve met a lot of women.

  I squeeze her hand in return. I want her to understand she is in absolutely no danger. That, I can guarantee.

  “What brings you out this way? You seem like city folk,” the man asks.

  “We’re just travelling to my house at the coast for the weekend,” I say. I don’t want her to have to converse with him any longer.

  Elita looks down at the table. Anger boils inside me. I can’t help stop what she’s hearing. Whatever she took off at the car seems to help her control it. I could go back quickly and get it for her. But there’s no way I’ll risk one second of her, alone with this man.

  “What’s your name?” He looks straight at Elita.

  “Jessica,” she looks up, and I’m surprised at the strength in her voice. She is an anomaly.

  “Jessica,” he repeats. He does not even attempt to hide the desire in his voice. Now I will rip his head off.

  No, Leo, you need to calm down. She should not have to see something like that. I can come back and find him after he’s arrested. That’s it. Wherever he ends up, I will make sure I’ll be the one to end him, as soon as it can be arranged.

  This helps appease my simmering anger. For humans, I know that taking a life is life changing. For me, I don’t feel bad one bit. Removing someone like Trevor from this world is a privilege.

  Her breathing is slowing, and her grip is loosening. I can sense she is struggling to stay with us. Just a little longer.

  Finally, in the distance I hear the sirens. It’s faint. We have about five minutes before cops start banging down the door.

  I release her hand. In an instant, I’m behind him. Pulling him up by his shirt, I hear a whiny scream. That’s right you piece of shit. Time’s up.

  Elita jumps from the table and without hesitation runs towards the hall.

  God dammit, she’s going to get the girl.

  I throw him so his head hits the corner of the table and knocks him unconscious. I position the chair in a way for it to appear he tripped. I don’t want the police to investigate why this man is knocked out. Hopefully, they take the bait. Rule it an accident. If not, I must call Commissioner White. I really don’t want to have to deal with that headache.

  My fast pace brings me to the door of the basement. It’s still dark. She’s like a bull, running headfirst into danger. At least turn on the light.

  I do.

  Just in time to see her reach for the blindfold on the poor woman. I’m there before she takes it off. My hand stopping hers. She looks up to me, anger flashing in her eyes.

  I shake my head. “She can’t see us.”

  Her mouth goes hard. I know she’s fuming, but she must understand. We can’t be here when the cops come. There’s no time for human law, with what’s at stake.

  “It’s ok,” she says to the woman who is bound to a post. I avert my eyes not wanting to degrade her even more as she sits naked and bloodied on the floor. “It’s over. You’re safe now.” Her voice is soft and calming.

  The woman’s cries are muffled by the gag over her mouth

  Elita works at taking it off.

  The sirens grow louder. We are running out of time.

  I take over and easily tear the gag in two. Her cries turn into howls.

  “We have to go,” I say.

  When her wet eyes meet mine, and I see the tears trailing down her cheek, it hits me right in the gut. I grab her in my arms and in a haze, fly her back to the car.

  Once I get there, I open the passenger side door. Easing her to her feet. I hold on to her until she stops swaying.

  “I… I don’t feel -” she says. Then goes limp, and for a second time. She is unconscious in my arms.

  Gently, I lay her in the front seat and strap her in.

  Getting in the driver’s seat, I hear multiple loud sirens. I watch in the rear-view as two police cars are pulling into the long drive. In no time, this place will be swarming with police.

  I start the car and forgo turning on the headlights. I don’t need them, and it will be better to stay unnoticed.

  With Elita peacefully resting next to me, I drive us back to the hotel.

  Ten minutes from the hotel I get my phone from my pocket and call Broderick. He answers on the second ring.

  “Leo,” he says.

  “Are you at the hotel?” I ask.

  “Yes. The kid keeps asking for her. Everything ok?”

  “It is now.” I still can’t believe how this night turned out.

  “Where are you?”

  “Nearly back. I need Doc at the suite in ten minutes.”

  “Done. Leo, what’s happened?”

  “What has happened is we have a real Nancy Drew here. She ran off and chased a murdering rapist.”


  “Exactly,” I say.

  “What do I tell the boy?”

  “She’s fine. Too much adrenaline is all. She fainted after I ran her to the car. Just need the doc to check her over as a precaution.”

  “Fair enough.” It’s not uncommon for humans to pass out after their first time at those speeds. It can take some time to get used to.

  “Oh and Broderick, have Lucas monitor the police scanners. I need to know the outcome of the arrest at Hayborough.”


  I look over at Elita as she rests, her long hair framing her delicate face. At the next set of lights, I adjust her seat for her comfort. She smells of vanilla and it brings a smile to my lips.

  “One more thing?” I add, “Get the boy ready. I can’t take any more chances. Tonight, I will enslave him.”

  “Will do.” He hangs up.

  She makes me lose my senses too easily. Whether from the hit of desire or from anger at her carelessness. Even though I have known for so long to expect the mark to come to me, I had no idea this would be the package it was to be delivered in. She is my destiny.

  That must be the reason I have the overwhelming sense of protection over her, or lust. Whatever this feeling is, it must be because of that.

  I’m aware she’s one of the most gorgeous women I have seen, but I am not one to get attached or intrigued by human women. I have had my fair share yes, but I find her utterly fascinating.

  Most of my existence I have been feared or respected. It’s not often anyone talks to me as freely as she does. I know she senses my power and the potential danger. She simply does not care.

  Her words flood back. She will not let me have her fear. So much pain in her eyes. So much strength. But why? What has her life been like? There’s not much information on her. The file came back slim from the background check. She was born on the outskirts of Victoria, her mother only listed on her birth certificate. She was enrolled in the public school at Portland, then enrolled at a school in Tanunda in South Australia when she was eight. Living with a Franziska Gottschalk. A relative maybe? It’s unclear. She has no social media. No digital imprint except for a picture on a dating website. My body tenses at the thought.

  I pull the car into the underground carpark and swipe my access pass at the monitor. The boom gate opens, and I drive straight into my reserved space near the private access lift. Finally, I have her home safe.

  The elevator pings and the doors open to the penthouse. The boy runs towards me.

  “Oh my god, what did you do to her?”

  My eyes narrow, holding her in my arms. The thought he would think I’d harm her, adds to this already shitty night.

  “I mean, what’s happened? Is she ok?” he asks.

  This time I respond. “She’s ok, she just passed out from adrenaline.”

  “She fainted again?” His eyes go wide. “What the hell?”

  He follows me as I walk towards the hall.

  “Your friend decided it was a good idea to go solo and confront a murdering rapist. What kind of cases do you take?” I ask, my voice clipped. I give the same bullshit story Elita tried with me.

  “What!” he yells. “A murderer?”

  I nod and open my bedroom door.

  “Uh, I think this is the wrong room.”

  I ignore him and stride to my bed, lifting the quilt and laying her down gently. I need her safe. And close. I cannot explain why, but there is no way she is sleeping anywhere else tonight.

  “Is the doctor here yet?”

  “Um, I don’t know. I’ll go check.” He turns and leaves.

  I reach into my pocket and take out the delicate amulet she hid. Bending down, I softly lift her head and place the necklace around her neck, then guide her down so she can rest in peace.

  I lean forward and brush my lips on her forehead.

  “Good night, trouble.”

  My heavy eyes flutter open, slowly blinking as my vision centres. Arms gliding on the luscious soft sheets like I’m floating on a dreamy cloud. I’m relaxed and snug in the soft bed as I outstretch my arms. It’s big.

  I swallow.

  And not mine.

  My eyes fly open and I realise. I don’t know where I am. Again.

  This is not the room I’ve been staying in. My panic escalates, and I jolt up. That’s when I see Leo sitting in an armchair across from the bed. Illuminated under the only light in the room, a floor lamp in the corner. His eyes on me.

  This is his room.

  Feeling exposed I look down and let out a relieved exhale. I’m still dressed in my clothes. Then like dominos it all starts falling around me. The night comes flooding back. The girl. The monster. The thoughts.

  Leo stands. “I’ll get Topher.” His voice is cool, unattached.

  I try to think if I’ve angered him. The entire night was crazy, so I assume I probably have.

  “He wanted to see you when you woke.” He walks straight for the door.

  “Thank you,” I croak, my throat dry.

  He looks back and lifts his chin as he leaves the room.

  He is a very odd man. That being said, it was lucky he was with me. I have no idea how I got back here. Or what would have happened if he weren’t.

  My back hits the headboard as I bring my knees to my chest. The room is paralysing. So large and grand. I feel like a small child in this enormous bed, overlooking an entire living quarters that is fit for a king. Just like the rest of the penthouse, it’s full of rich, regal furnishings. The clock on the bedside table reads Twelve-fifteen AM. Is that all? What an emotional, draining day. My body feels lax, limp like I’ve just ran a marathon.

  I saved a woman’s life today. Nothing I feel now would ever come close to how she must be feeling. My stomach drops and my heart hurts remembering how I found her, even worse than the cries in her thoughts. No matter what, it was the right decision. The only decision. Right?

  I had to follow the monster into his lair. The evil in the world. How can someone do and think what he did? What if I never went shopping? Or taken the amulet off and practiced all day?

  The necklace. My hand flies to my neck, and I’m relieved to feel it back on. One thing I don’t want is to be in anyone’s mind for a while.

  The door opens and Topher steps in.<
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  “How are you feeling?” he asks as he walks straight to me.

  “Ok.” I force a smile. He scoots into the bed and pulls me close.

  “You need to stop scaring me E.”

  I nod as my eyes tear up burying my head in his shoulder.

  “What were you thinking?” he asks.

  “I’m ok, really. It wasn’t that bad.” Well, that’s a lie.

  “You can’t just go after crazy, dangerous people like that. What if Leo wasn’t there? Fuck, I can’t even imagine what could have happened.”

  Leo must have told Topher what happened. “You don’t understand.” I pull back and bring my knees up, hugging them. No one can understand what it’s like. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “You didn’t hear what he was thinking. The evil, vile things he was planning to do. How can you say that?”

  “You could have called and told us what was happening.”

  My head drops on my arm. I use it to rub my forehead.

  “I took it off for a few minutes.” I swallow to stop the tears from falling. My head hangs low. “What if I didn’t? What if I never heard that man?” My heart sinks into my stomach. “What about all the things I’ve blocked out? I could walk past anyone in trouble and not know.”

  “You can’t put that on yourself. It’s not your fault.” He nudges me to look at him. I oblige as a tear falls down my cheek. “No one is meant to be able to read minds. You can’t save everyone.”

  “You don’t get it. The pain. Constant pain.” I don’t know if it’s my responsibility to help others. But now I know what I could be avoiding by not hearing. How can I walk out of here and make that choice? I don’t understand what I’m meant to do. The tears fall.

  “I was happy. We were happy. Weren’t we? We had it together. You and I went through so much shit. But we had it good, for a while. Now it’s gone.” Now that I’ve started, the tears don’t seem to slow down.

  “If I hadn’t heard that man, that woman would be dead. And if I had this on...” I grab the necklace with force. “And what about all the other psychos? Or worse, kids in trouble that I just walk past? Then yeah, it is my fault if I choose not to hear.”


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