The History of Pendennis, Volume 2

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The History of Pendennis, Volume 2 Page 30

by William Makepeace Thackeray



  Early next morning Pendennis's shutters were opened by Morgan, whoappeared as usual, with a face perfectly grave and respectful, bearingwith him the old gentleman's clothes, cans of water, and elaboratetoilet requisites.

  "It's you, is it?" said the old fellow from his bed. "I shan't takeyou back again, you understand."

  "I ave not the least wish to be took back agin, Major Pendennis," Mr.Morgan said, with grave dignity, "nor to serve you nor hany man. Butas I wish you to be comftable as long as you stay in my house, I cameup to do what's nessary." And once more, and for the last time, Mr.James Morgan laid out the silver dressing-case, and strapped theshining razor.

  These offices concluded, he addressed himself to the major with anindescribable solemnity, and said: "Thinkin' that you would mostlikely be in want of a respectable pusson, until you suited yourself,I spoke to a young man last night, who is 'ere."

  "Indeed," said the warrior in the tent-bed.

  "He ave lived in the fust families, and I can vouch for hisrespectability."

  "You are monstrous polite," grinned the old major. And the truth isthat after the occurrences of the previous evening, Morgan had goneout to his own Club at the Wheel of Fortune, and there finding Frosch,a courier and valet just returned from a foreign tour with young LordCubley, and for the present disposable, had represented to Mr.Frosch, that he, Morgan, had "a devil of a blow hup with his ownGov'ner and was goin' to retire from the business haltogether, andthat if Frosch wanted a tempory job, he might probbly have it byapplying in Bury street."

  "You are very polite," said the major, "and your recommendation, I amsure, will have every weight."

  Morgan blushed, he felt his master was "a-chaffin' of him." "The manhave waited on you before, sir," he said with great dignity. "Lord Dela Pole, sir, gave him to his nephew young Lord Cubley, and he havebeen with him on his foring tour, and not wishing to go to FitzurseCastle, which Frosch's chest is delicate, and he can not bear the coldin Scotland, he is free to serve you or not, as you choose."

  "I repeat, sir, that you are exceedingly polite," said the major."Come in, Frosch--you will do very well--Mr. Morgan, will you have thegreat kindness to--"

  "I shall show him what is nessary, sir, and what is customry for youto wish to ave done. Will you please to take breakfast 'ere or at theClub, Major Pendennis?"

  "With your kind permission, I will breakfast here, and afterward wewill make our little arrangements."

  "If you please, sir."

  "Will you now oblige me by leaving the room?"

  Morgan withdrew; the excessive politeness of his ex-employer made himalmost as angry as the major's bitterest words. And while the oldgentleman is making his mysterious toilet, we will alsomodestly retire.

  After breakfast, Major Pendennis and his new aid-de-camp occupiedthemselves in preparing for their departure. The establishment of theold bachelor was not very complicated. He encumbered himself with nouseless wardrobe. A Bible (his mother's), a road-book, Pen's novel(calf elegant), and the Duke of Wellington's Dispatches, with a fewprints, maps, and portraits of that illustrious general, and ofvarious sovereigns and consorts of this country, and of the generalunder whom Major Pendennis had served in India, formed his literaryand artistical collection; he was always ready to march at a fewhours' notice, and the cases in which he had brought his property intohis lodgings some fifteen years before, were still in the lofts amplysufficient to receive all his goods. These, the young woman who didthe work of the house, and who was known by the name of Betty to hermistress, and of 'Slavey' to Mr. Morgan, brought down from theirresting place, and obediently dusted and cleaned under the eyes of theterrible Morgan. His demeanor was guarded and solemn; he had spoken noword as yet to Mrs. Brixham respecting his threats of the past night,but he looked as if he would execute them, and the poor widowtremblingly awaited her fate.

  Old Pendennis, armed with his cane, superintended the package of hisgoods and chattels under the hands of Mr. Frosch, and the Slaveyburned such of his papers as he did not care to keep; flung opendoors and closets until they were all empty; and now all boxes andchests were closed, except his desk, which was ready to receive thefinal accounts of Mr. Morgan.

  That individual now made his appearance, and brought his books. "As Iwish to speak to you in privick, peraps you will ave the kindness torequest Frosch to step down stairs," he said, on entering.

  "Bring a couple of cabs, Frosch, if you please--and wait down stairsuntil I ring for you," said the major. Morgan saw Frosch down stairs,watched him go along the street upon his errand and produced his booksand accounts, which were simple and very easily settled.

  "And now, sir," said he, having pocketed the check which hisex-employer gave him, and signed his name to his book with a flourish,"and now that accounts is closed between us, sir," he said, "I porposeto speak to you as one man to another" (Morgan liked the sound of hisown voice; and, as an individual, indulged in public speaking wheneverhe could get an opportunity, at the Club, or the housekeeper's room),"and I must tell you, that I'm in _possussion of certinginformation._"

  "And may I inquire of what nature, pray?" asked the major.

  "It's valuble information, Major Pendennis, as you know very well Iknow of a marriage as is no marriage--of a honorable baronet as is nomore married than I am; and which his wife is married to somebodyelse, as you know too, sir."

  Pendennis at once understood all. "Ha! this accounts for yourbehavior. You have been listening at the door, sir, I suppose," saidthe major, looking very haughty; "I forgot to look at the key-holewhen I went to that public-house, or I might have suspected what sortof person was behind it."

  "I may have my schemes as you may have yours, I suppose," answeredMorgan. "I may get my information, and I may act on that information,and I may find that information valuble as any body else may. A poorservant may have a bit of luck as well as a gentleman, mayn't he?Don't you be putting on your aughty looks, sir, and comin' thearistocrat over me. That's all gammon with me. I'm an Englishman, Iam, and as good as you."

  "To what the devil does this tend, sir? and how does the secret whichyou have surprised concern me, I should like to know?" asked MajorPendennis, with great majesty.

  "How does it concern me, indeed? how grand we are! how does it concernmy nephew, I wonder? How does it concern my nephew's seat inParlyment: and to subornation of bigamy? How does it concern that?What, are you to be the only man to have a secret, and to trade on it?Why shouldn't I go halves, Major Pendennis? I've found it out too.Look here! I ain't goin' to be unreasonable with you. Make it worth mywhile, and I'll keep the thing close. Let Mr. Arthur take his seat,and his rich wife, if you like; I don't want to marry her. But I willhave my share as sure as my name's James Morgan. And if I don't--"

  "And if you don't, sir--what?" Pendennis asked. "If I don't, I split,and tell all. I smash Clavering, and have him and his wife up forbigamy--so help me, I will! I smash young Hopeful's marriage, and Ishow up you and him as makin' use of this secret, in order to squeezea seat in Parlyment out of Sir Francis, and a fortune out ofhis wife."

  "Mr. Pendennis knows no more of this business than the babe unborn,sir," cried the major, aghast. "No more than Lady Clavering, than MissAmory does."

  "Tell that to the marines, major," replied the valet; "that cock won'tfight with me."

  "Do you doubt my word, you villain?"

  "No bad language. I don't care one twopence'a'p'ny whether your word'strue or not. I tell you, I intend this to be a nice little annuity tome, major: for I have every one of you; and I ain't such a fool as tolet you go. I should say that you might make it five hundred a year tome among you, easy. Pay me down the first quarter now, and I'm as mumas a mouse. Just give me a note for one twenty-five. There's yourcheck-book on your desk."

  "And there's this, too, you villain," cried the old gentleman. In thedesk to which the valet pointed was a little double-barreled pist
ol,which had belonged to Pendennis's old patron, the Indiancommander-in-chief, and which had accompanied him in many a campaign."One more word, you scoundrel, and I'll shoot you, like a mad dog.Stop--by Jove, I'll do it now. You'll assault me will you? You'llstrike at an old man, will you, you lying coward? Kneel down and sayyour prayers, sir, for by the Lord you shall die."

  The major's face glared with rage at his adversary, who lookedterrified before him for a moment, and at the next, with a shriek of"Murder," sprang toward the open window, under which a policemanhappened to be on his beat. "Murder! Police!" bellowed Mr. Morgan. Tohis surprise, Major Pendennis wheeled away the table and walked to theother window, which was also open. He beckoned the policeman. "Come uphere, policeman," he said, and then went and placed himselfagainst the door.

  "You miserable sneak," he said to Morgan; "the pistol hasn't beenloaded these fifteen years as you have known very well: if you had notbeen such a coward. That policeman is coming, and I will have him up,and have your trunks searched; I have reason to believe that you are athief, sir. I know you are. I'll swear to the things."

  "You gave 'em to me--you gave 'em to me!" cried Morgan.

  The major laughed. "We'll see," he said; and the guilty valetremembered some fine lawn-fronted shirts--a certain gold-headed cane--an opera-glass, which he had forgotten to bring down, and of which hehad assumed the use along with certain articles of his master'sclothes, which the old dandy neither wore nor asked for.

  Policeman X entered; followed by the scared Mrs. Brixham and hermaid-of-all-work, who had been at the door and found somedifficulty in closing it against the street amateurs, who wished tosee the row. The major began instantly to speak.

  "I have had occasion to discharge this drunken scoundrel," he said,"Both last night and this morning he insulted and assaulted me. I aman old man and took up a pistol. You see it is not loaded, and thiscoward cried out before he was hurt. I am glad you are come. I wascharging him with taking my property, and desired to examine histrunks and his room."

  "The velvet cloak you ain't worn these three years, nor the weskits,and I thought I might take the shirts, and I--I take my hoath Iintended to put back the hopera-glass," roared Morgan, writhing withrage and terror.

  "The man acknowledges that he is a thief," the major said, calmly, "Hehas been in my service for years, and I have treated him with everykindness and confidence. We will go up-stairs and examine his trunks."In those trunks Mr. Morgan had things which he would fain keep frompublic eyes. Mr. Morgan, the bill discounter, gave goods as well asmoney to his customers. He provided young spendthrifts withsnuff-boxes and pins and jewels and pictures and cigars, and of a verydoubtful quality those cigars and jewels and pictures were. Theirdisplay at a police-office, the discovery of his occult profession,and the exposure of the major's property, which he had appropriated,indeed, rather than stolen--would not have added to the reputation ofMr. Morgan. He looked a piteous image of terror and discomfiture.

  "He'll smash me, will he?" thought the major. "I'll crush him now, andfinish with him."

  But he paused. He looked at poor Mrs. Brixham's scared face; and hethought for a moment to himself that the man brought to bay and inprison might make disclosures which had best be kept secret, and thatit was best not to deal too fiercely with a desperate man.

  "Stop," he said, "policeman. I'll speak with this man by himself." "Doyou give Mr. Morgan in charge?" said the policeman.

  "I have brought no charge as yet," the major said, with a significantlook at his man.

  "Thank you sir," whispered Morgan, very low.

  "Go outside the door, and wait there, policeman, if you please--Now,Morgan, you have played one game with me, and you have not had thebest of it, my good man. No, begad, you've not had the best of it,though you had the best hand; and you've got to pay, too, now, youscoundrel."

  "Yes, sir," said the man.

  "I've only found out, within the last week, the game which you havebeen driving, you villain. Young De Boots, of the Blues, recognizedyou as the man who came to barracks, and did business one-third inmoney, one-third in Eau-de-Cologne, and one-third in French prints,you confounded demure old sinner! I didn't miss any thing, or care astraw what you'd taken, you booby; but I took the shot, and it hit--hitthe bull's-eye, begad. Dammy, sir, I'm an old campaigner." "What doyou want with me, sir?"

  "I'll tell you. Your bills, I suppose, you keep about you in thatdem'd great leather pocket-book, don't you? You'll burn Mrs.Brixham's bill?"

  "Sir, I ain't a-goin' to part with my property," growled the man.

  "You lent her sixty pounds five years ago. She and that poor devil ofan insurance clerk, her son, have paid you fifty pounds a year eversince; and you have got a bill of sale of her furniture, and her noteof hand for a hundred and fifty pounds. She told me so last night. ByJove, sir, you've bled that poor woman enough."

  "I won't give it up," said Morgan; "If I do I'm--"

  "Policeman!" cried the major.

  "You shall have the bill," said Morgan. "You're not going to takemoney of me, and you a gentleman?"

  "I shall want you directly," said the major to X, who here entered,and who again withdrew.

  "No, my good sir," the old gentleman continued; "I have not any desireto have farther pecuniary transactions with you; but we will draw outa little paper, which, you will have the kindness to sign. No,stop!--you shall write it: you have improved immensely in writing oflate, and have now a very good hand. You shall sit down and write, ifyou please--there, at that table--so--let me see--we may as well havethe date. Write 'Bury-street, St. James's, October 21, 18--.'"

  And Morgan wrote as he was instructed, and as the pitiless old majorcontinued:

  "I, James Morgan, having come in extreme poverty into the service ofArthur Pendennis, Esquire, of Bury-street, St. James's, a major in herMajesty's service, acknowledge that I received liberal wages and boardwages from my employer, during fifteen years. You can't object tothat, I am sure," said the major.

  "During fifteen years," wrote Morgan.

  "In which time, by my own care and prudence," the dictator resumed, "Ihave managed to amass sufficient money to purchase the house in whichmy master resides, and, besides, to effect other savings. Among otherpersons from whom I have had money, I may mention my present tenant,Mrs. Brixham, who, in consideration of sixty pounds advanced by mefive years since, has paid back to me the sum of two hundred and fiftypounds sterling, besides giving me a note of hand for one hundred andtwenty pounds, which I restore to her at the desire of my late master,Major Arthur Pendennis, and therewith free her furniture, of which Ihad a bill of sale. Have you written?"

  "I think if this pistol was loaded, I'd blow your brains out," saidMorgan.

  "No, you wouldn't. You have too great a respect for your valuablelife, my good man," the major answered. "Let us go on and begin anew sentence."

  "And having, in return for my master's kindness, stolen his propertyfrom him, which I acknowledge to be now up-stairs in my trunks;and having uttered falsehoods regarding his and other honorablefamilies, I do hereby, in consideration of his clemency to me, expressmy regret for uttering these falsehoods, and for stealing hisproperty; and declare that I am not worthy of belief, and that Ihope--yes, begad--that I hope to amend for the future. Signed,James Morgan."

  "I'm d--d if I sign it," said Morgan.

  "My good man, it will happen to you, whether you sign or no, begad,"said the old fellow, chuckling at his own wit. "There, I shall not usethis, you understand, unless--unless I am compelled to do so. Mrs.Brixham, and our friend the policeman, will witness it, I dare say,without reading it: and I will give the old lady back her note ofhand, and say, which you will confirm, that she and you are quits. Isee there is Frosch come back with the cab for my trunks; I shall goto an hotel. You may come in now, policeman; Mr. Morgan and I havearranged our little dispute. If Mrs. Brixham will sign this paper, andyou, policeman, will do so, I shall be very much obliged to you both.Mrs. Brixham, you and your worthy landlo
rd, Mr. Morgan, are quits. Iwish you joy of him. Let Frosch come and pack the rest of the things."

  Frosch, aided by the Slavey, under the calm superintendence of Mr.Morgan, carried Major Pendennis's boxes to the cabs in waiting; andMrs. Brixham, when her persecutor was not by, came and asked aHeaven's blessing upon the major, her preserver, and the best andquietest and kindest of lodgers. And having given her a finger toshake, which the humble lady received with a courtesy, and over whichshe was ready to make a speech full of tears, the major cut short thatvaledictory oration, and walked out of the house to the hotel inJermyn street, which was not many steps from Morgan's door.

  That individual, looking forth from the parlor-window, discharged anything but blessings at his parting guest; but the stout old boy couldafford not to be frightened at Mr. Morgan, and flung him a look ofgreat contempt and humor as he strutted away with his cane.

  Major Pendennis had not quitted his house of Bury street many hours,and Mr. Morgan was enjoying his _otium_, in a dignified manner,surveying the evening fog, and smoking a cigar, on the doorsteps, whenArthur Pendennis, Esq., the hero of this history, made his appearanceat the well-known door.

  "My uncle out, I suppose, Morgan?" he said to the functionary; knowingfull well that to smoke was treason, in the presence of the major.

  "Major Pendennis _i_s hout, sir," said Morgan, with gravity, bowing,but not touching the elegant cap which he wore. "Major Pendennis haveleft this ouse to-day, sir, and I have no longer the honor of being inhis service, sir."

  "Indeed, and where is he?"

  "I believe he ave taken tempory lodgings at Cox's otel, in Jumminstreet," said Mr. Morgan; and added, after a pause, "Are you intown for some time, pray, sir? Are you in Chambers? I should like tohave the honor of waiting on you there: and would be thankful if youwould favor me with a quarter of an hour."

  "Do you want my uncle to take you back?" asked Arthur, insolent andgood-natured.

  "I want no such thing; I'd see him--" the man glared at him for aminute, but he stopped. "No, sir, thank you," he said in a softervoice; "it's only with you that I wish to speak, on some businesswhich concerns you; and perhaps you would favor me by walking intomy house."

  "If it is but for a minute or two, I will listen to you, Morgan," saidArthur; and thought to himself, "I suppose the fellow wants me topatronize him;" and he entered the house. A card was already in thefront windows, proclaiming that apartments were to be let, and havingintroduced Mr. Pendennis into the dining-room, and offered him achair, Mr. Morgan took one himself, and proceeded to convey someinformation to him, with which the reader has already hadcognizance.


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