Dangerous & Deadly- The Nick Myers Series

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Dangerous & Deadly- The Nick Myers Series Page 27

by Tanya R. Taylor

  “Where is the recording?”

  Kevin slid out his cell phone – a Samsung Galaxy model. “It’s here on my cell. I also emailed a copy of the recording to myself which I can show you whenever you want.”

  Nick nodded.

  “I went on and followed the plan set before me, but after I shot the Prime Minister, I didn’t dispose of the gun even though that was the plan. I kept it as a kind of insurance to support my case if ever the truth needed to come out. I buried the gun that night after Sheri went to sleep.” He looked at her. “I buried it in our back yard.”

  Sheri gasped. He’d left out that little piece of crucial information.

  “I can get everything I kept, to prove that I’m telling the truth.” He looked into the camera again.

  “Why are you revealing all of this now, Kevin?” Nick asked.

  That’s when Kevin got all choked up. “I couldn’t live with myself any longer knowing I’d made a decision that would ruin my wife and son’s life probably forever. And I couldn’t see myself allowing a young kid like that to spend time in jail for a crime I committed. I messed everything up and I can’t fix it. I just had to come clean. I made a terrible mistake and now we’re all gonna suffer for it.” He turned to his wife with tears streaming down his face. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to cause you all this pain. They’re gonna lock me up and throw away the key. How are you and Mark gonna manage now? I just feel like ending it all.” His face was wet and his nostrils draining.

  “Don’t you speak like that!” Sheri demanded. “It’s not all your fault.”

  She held him tightly and he wished she’d never let him go. He realized it would probably be one of the last hugs he’d ever give her as a free man.

  “I think we’ve heard enough for now.” Nick stopped taping.

  Kevin looked at him. “When are you gonna take me in?”

  “As soon as it’s safe to. I’ll need your cell.”

  Kevin handed it to him.

  Nick got up, returned to the living room, and sat on the sofa. Sheri and Kevin went to check on Mark who was now fast asleep; Kevin knelt down and hugged him warmly.

  Sheri was struggling to be strong knowing that soon her husband would be ripped out of his family’s life. She knew life would be difficult again and probably more difficult than it had ever been before Kevin started working for Thaddeus.

  Nick observed them through the corner of his eye as he attached the video recording he’d just made, to an email. He then attached Kevin’s audio recording of the murder plot, then pressed “send”.

  Moments later, he got Cleaver on speed dial. “Just sent a communication.”

  Cleaver saw it pop up. “Got it. Will review and get back.”

  Nick stood up and headed over to the others. “I have to wait for directives.”

  Kevin and Sheri both nodded.

  “Kevin, you said the weapon is buried in your yard.” He spoke quietly.

  “Yeah. I can show you where it is,” Kevin replied.

  “I know. We’ll get to it. I want you to realize that things are going to unfold differently from how they might normally work here in Haston. You are an admitted murderer, but with that in mind, your family’s safety, as well as your own is priority. Once that mechanism of safety is in place, the wheels of justice must turn, as you know, and you’re gonna have to do the right thing publicly. Do you understand?”

  Kevin appeared disheartened, but he knew what was coming when he allowed Sheri to convince him to meet with the detective that night. He realized that no matter which way the ball bounced, he had killed a man and not just any man. He’d killed the leader of his own country, regardless of who else might have been involved. That was enough to send him to the gallows or at least to prison for the remainder of his natural life.

  “I know,” he replied.

  Nick was concerned for Kevin as he felt the guy might not get a fair trial in Haston due to the political landscape of the justice system. He sat in a corner of the living room, keeping an eye on the windows and front door, and listening intently for any odd sounds. Cleaver’s call could not come quickly enough.

  Finally, he felt the vibration of his cell before hearing the ring tone, and he immediately slipped the phone out of his shirt pocket and answered.

  Cleaver spoke, giving Nick clear and concise directives, which he knew must be followed to the letter. A few minutes later, he hung up.

  Kevin and Sheri’s eyes were on him. They were sitting on the couch near their son. He got up right away and went over to them.

  “I need you to go home and behave as if nothing has changed,” he told them. The look in their eyes revealed their shock as they both thought that somehow Kevin would be in handcuffs that night.

  “Kevin, go to work as usual tomorrow morning. And Sheri, don’t alter your routine. I can’t go into details with you, but we’re working to ensure that the process runs smoothly.”

  “Okay,” Kevin said, relieved that he got to spend at least one more night with his family.

  “Don’t go anywhere in the vicinity where you buried the weapon. It’s crucial that you don’t, but alert me right away if you notice anyone in your yard or you hear anything that might be a cause for concern,” Nick said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Nick turned to Sheri. “I know this is difficult, but I gave you my word. Don’t worry, okay?” He rested his hand on her shoulder.

  “Thank you, Detective.” She nodded, appreciatively.

  “Let’s go. You can let me off at the tunnel where we met and go straight home from there. Here’s my card with my local cell number on the back. Call if you need me.”

  “When will we hear back from you?” Kevin asked.

  “Maybe in a day or two, but remember… continue your daily routine. You don’t want to draw any suspicion to yourself and if you need to call me, don’t hesitate to do so. My number is untraceable.”

  They drove back to the northern end of the tunnel where Nick exited the car and commenced his walk back to the hotel. When he arrived at his room shortly before 1:00 a.m., he sat in bed and opened his laptop. There was work to do before daylight. He also sent Steve a text to let him know he no longer needed to pick him up, but he’d be catching a cab to the airport for an earlier flight.


  Nick caught a cab to a car rental company around seven o’clock that morning.

  He made an economy rental, then headed back to the hotel where he sat in the restaurant and had a quiet breakfast. At 9:05 am, while there, a text message hit his phone, which he viewed. There was no need for a reply.

  Two hours later, while lying out back by the pool, another message came in. Again, he viewed it right away. No reply was necessary.

  At 1:17 p.m., he hopped into his rental car and headed out to the grocery store. He thought about the Clarkes and hoped they were coping well enough and had followed his advice. They hadn’t called and so far, that was a good sign.

  “Hello… how are you today?” An old lady asked as she was slowly pushing her cart along the aisle.

  “Just fine, ma’am. How are you?” Nick smiled.

  “I’m splendid! You are a very nice-looking young man. Has anyone ever told you that?” She stopped and asked, to his surprise.

  He chuckled. “No, ma’am. You’re the first angel to tell me that. It’s very kind of you.” He figured he’d take that opportunity to make her feel really special, although he’d lied straight through his teeth.

  “Do you have a girlfriend? If not, I’m available.”

  “Uh, no... actually, I don’t.” He nearly tripped over his words. “But I think my life’s too busy and complicated to bring any ladies into right now.”

  “Not ladies, young man. Just me. I’m sort of complicated myself. You can ask any of my ex-husbands; they’d tell ya.” She laughed.

  Nick thought she was cute in a motherly way and he was quite entertained.

  “Well, if you change
your mind, ask anyone around here for Dorothy Brennen, okay?”

  “Okay, Dorothy. It’s been a pleasure,” he said.

  He laughed to himself as she walked on and realized after she’d gone on her way that he truly needed that. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a good laugh. Ever since he landed in Haston, he’d kept on his serious cap as he felt the nature of his job required it. The only downtime he remembered having was that day out at the beach – the day he’d spent shooting the breeze with Steve. Back home, he didn’t have a social life. All that was important was his work and getting a good night’s sleep. He knew the trauma of his past was keeping him from settling down and having a family like the other guys he worked with. And it’s not like he didn’t desire the same thing they’d found to enhance their lives: Nick was afraid that once he finally had it, it would all one day be snatched away from him in an instant and he’d have to endure the anguish of having to pick himself up again.

  That day would have appeared to be one of complete leisure, but the messages that hit his phone several times that day were all work-related. Though none required a response on his part, he was on the job and ready for what was coming next.

  * * * *

  Nick and three other men arrived at the Clarkes’ residence at ten thirty that night. Kevin, expecting them after Nick’s brief phone call, met them outside in the backyard. He’d brought out a shovel and a pickaxe.

  “Where is it?” Nick asked him.

  Kevin walked over and pointed to a spot approximately ten feet away from his back door. “It’s right here.”

  One of the men picked up the shovel and started digging while the other used the pickaxe to speed up the process. Nick didn’t allow Kevin to have anything to do with the recovery of the weapon, beyond leading them to it. In the meantime, he used the night vision feature of his cell to record everything.

  The men were foreign police officers who had flown down earlier that day to assist in Kevin Clarke’s claim of murder. That night, they both were to be unbiased witnesses to the retrieval of a weapon deemed to have caused the death of the former Prime Minister.

  “Seems like we found something,” one of the men said, kneeling down at the hole.

  “That’s it there,” Kevin said.

  The shotgun was wrapped in a long, thick towel. The men carefully retrieved it and secured it as evidence.


  Kevin walked into the building and headed up to Thaddeus Sherman’s office which was now known as The Office of The Prime Minister. All of the files Jackson Cunningham had been working on were transported to Thaddeus’ office the very day he was sworn in as the new Prime Minister. He’d chosen not to uproot himself, but to proceed in his new capacity from the building he’d worked in for the past three years.

  Thaddeus had also taken on Jackson’s portfolio as the Minister of Finance and had already started looking into ways to reduce and/or eliminate some of the taxes. Kevin was helping him with the research regarding tax laws.

  Kevin took the elevator, holding a single file in his left hand and his gray briefcase in the other. He passed Pete Moseley, one of Thaddeus’ bodyguards and co-conspirator to Jackson’s murder, who gave him a nod. Expecting Kevin at any minute, Thaddeus hoped they’d meet a deadline he’d put in place.

  Kevin entered the Prime Minister’s office, and Thaddeus, who was at his computer, invited him to sit. What Kevin wanted to do more than anything was to turn around and run out of that building and never look back. He was racked with anxiety due to the unknown. He and Sheri both experienced it as they struggled to lead the facade of “life as usual”.

  * * * *

  It was the text message that came in at 9:15 that morning which Nick knew required a reply. He responded right away, then, already dressed in his work attire – a black silk coat suit and shiny black shoes, he grabbed his firearm from the nightstand and headed to the elevator. At 9:18, he walked out of the hotel with transition lenses shielding his eyes from the morning sun, and headed to the parking lot toward his vehicle. He checked his watch minutes after he pulled onto the highway. He was right on schedule.

  * * * *

  Sheri Clarke found herself peeping out of different windows as she did house work and tended to Mark. She expected something, but wasn’t sure what it was, and she wanted to be prepared, although she knew she never could be. Each tick of the clock in the living room reminded her that time was not on her family’s side and the passage of it without Kevin being with them at home pained her even more.

  * * * *

  At 9:48 a.m., three black buses pulled up in front of the building which housed The Office of The Prime Minister, and a group of eight: two women and six men, all dressed in professional attire entered the main door of the building. After one of the men showed the Lieutenant at the entrance his identification badge, the group continued toward the flight of stairs. Several police officers on duty followed. Keeping their focus straight ahead, the visitors walked toward the door labeled Prime Minister and without invitation, they entered the spacious room.

  Undoubtedly, Thaddeus Sherman was shocked by the intrusion and wondered where in the world his guards were. Then he realized Haston police officers stationed at his building were right there among them, although they stood at the very back.

  Kevin’s heart started pounding as he was sitting at Thaddeus’ desk when the crowd walked in.

  “What’s this?” Thaddeus frowned. “Who are you people and what do you want?”

  Nick Myers stepped into the room. Kevin spotted him immediately.

  The man who’d flashed his ID downstairs walked up to Thaddeus and said in a British accent: “Thaddeus Bertram Sherman, you are accused of the crime of Conspiracy to Commit Murder.”

  “What?” Thaddeus seemed befuddled.

  “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court,” the man continued with the ‘Right to Silence’ - British version of the Miranda Rights. “Anything you do say may be given in evidence. You will be remanded in state custody until the time of trial. Now rise to your feet.”

  Sherman nearly peed his pants. He couldn’t believe what was happening and also, the inaction of his own police officers. He looked at Kevin who appeared nervous.

  “How dare you barge in here and attempt to arrest me on some bogus charge! I am the Prime Minister of this country, for crying out loud!” His assertions meant nothing as he was pulled to his feet by the officer whom he knew represented the Queen, and was cuffed with hands behind his back like a common criminal.

  “Kevin!” he shouted, still in obvious disbelief. “What’s going on?”

  Kevin lowered his head. Both guilt and fear consumed him.

  Then two police officers walked up to Kevin and he also was arrested. Officers who arrived in the other buses had secured the arrest of Thaddeus’ bodyguard Pete Moseley and a few other officials in the Prime Minister’s office whose names were listed on the arrest document. The local Police Force’s power was secondary to that of the Queen’s officials and they for the most part, stood by helplessly, knowing they hadn’t the authority to put a stop to what was happening.

  Simultaneously, as the arrests at the PM’s office were taking place, Parliamentarians in charge of other government ministries whose names were on the list were also arrested, and British officials seized control of the government’s affairs until the time an early election was called and a new government elected.

  A plane full of British police and other officials had landed in Haston early that morning and executed their plan like clockwork. In the end, nine Haston government officials had been arrested and were detained on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, and Kevin was held on the charge of capital murder.

  After seeing Kevin off, Nick pulled out his cell and dialed Sheri’s number.

  “I have news for you,” he said. “There has been a number of arrests this morning invo
lving the case. Kevin was taken in as well.”

  She gasped.

  “You don’t have to worry though,” he quickly added. “He’ll be held in a special unit in the prison and guarded around the clock by British officers, so he’s safe.”

  Sheri breathed a sigh of relief.

  “What about Mark and me?” she asked.

  “Look outside your back window now. The one on the western side of the house. Tell me what you see.”

  She went and looked out of the window. “I don’t see anything.”

  “Look further back toward the shrubs.”

  That’s when she saw a man wearing shades and dark clothing. He was crouching in the bushes and gave her a thumbs up.

  “I see him,” she said.

  “They’re all around you. Some visible now that the arrests have been made and others not. You’re in good hands. They’ll keep an eye on you and Mark until things are sorted here and they’re convinced there’s no longer a threat of retribution.”

  Sheri ran over and hugged her son who was lying awake in bed. She started to sob as she knew right then their lives had changed forever.

  “Sheri… are you all right?” Nick was concerned by the silence.

  He heard her sigh.

  “I honestly don’t know, Detective. What’s gonna happen to Kevin?”

  “All I know is he now has a chance at a fair trial. I’m told Justices from the United Kingdom will preside over Kevin’s case and that of the Parliamentarians as well, so there’s bound to be no shady stuff going on. They’re bringing in their own investigators too since Britain has practically taken over the country now.”

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “Do you need anything?”

  “No thanks, Detective. We’re fine.”

  “Okay. Will be in touch,” he said.


  Four months had passed since Nick Myers left Haston and returned to his life at the LAPD. He’d filled his partner, Lou in on all the wild details of his trip, who along with other police officers found the entire situation fascinating.


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