Double the Mayhem

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Double the Mayhem Page 21

by Faith Gibson

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” Maveryck turned a little, giving Natalia his full attention.

  “Your parents look young, but they have to be a lot older than you since you have so many siblings. How old are they?”

  Maveryck grinned. “Pop is one hundred and five. Rory is two years younger. My sisters are in their eighties. Pop wanted boys, but they kept popping out sets of girl twins. After Dahlia and Iris were born, he gave up. Then Rory unexpectedly got pregnant with Ryker, and they kept going until Hayden was born.”

  “That was when Rory said ‘enough,’” Hayden joked.

  “He’s not wrong.” Mav laughed. “Gryphons can live two to three hundred years unless something happens, like getting shot. We don’t succumb to human disease, but we aren’t immortal.”

  Natalia chewed her bottom lip, curious about something, but not sure how to ask. Mav tugged her hand. “Ask whatever it is on your mind.”

  “What happens when you marry a human? You live so much longer than they do.”

  Maveryck’s smile was sad. “We love them until they die, and we take all the memories into the rest of our days.”

  “That’s...” Natalia turned away, not wanting him to see how the answer upset her.

  “That’s beautiful, is what it is,” Rev said. “Even knowing I’ll most likely outlive my Bethany, I wouldn’t trade loving her for anything. Plus, I have my kids, and then I’ll have grandkids, and so on. They’ll help keep her memory alive.”

  When he put it like that, it was beautiful.

  Natalia didn’t ask any more questions. They were getting closer to the estate, and she needed to think about the job. While it wasn’t technically a job, she had to treat it like one. Working with the Hounds was going to be a distraction, because she didn’t want anything to happen to them. She and Ryker argued about who was going into the house, but she finally relented when he explained how they could get inside from upstairs, and she couldn’t unless one of them carried her, and that would be risking too much.

  They had agreed to only take out the guards if they had to. Same with Ivan and Viktor. Ryker offered to use his Gryphon voice on them, but after discussing it, Natalia said that would be crueler than killing them. These men didn’t know any other life. If Ryker were to make them forget about who they were, they would have no way of making a living. Ryker argued it was no less than what they deserved for being on a mafia payroll. She asked if it was what she deserved, because she was no better than them.

  It was Hayden who had spoken up on her behalf. He said she was forced into the life. Her father hadn’t given her a choice, and now she was doing her part to make the world a better place. Hayden’s words, Lucy’s, Kerrigan’s, and even Martina’s, had given her a lot to think about. They had given her hope that maybe, just maybe, she was good enough to be in the twins’ life. Then Maveryck went and shot it all down. So why, if he didn’t want her to stick around, was he touching her? Smiling at her like she mattered? Introducing her to his family and friends? Maveryck leaned over and pressed his lips to her temple, like he cared for her.

  “We’re here, Princess,” he whispered against her ear.

  Natalia didn’t look at him. She got out of the SUV and strode around to the back. When Hayden released the hatch, Natalia grabbed the rifle case and her duffel, taking them around to the front where she sat both on the hood. The first thing she retrieved was a multi-threat vest. She rarely wore it considering she was usually in disguise, but tonight she wanted the extra protection. The vest was specially made to prevent both bullets as well as blades from piercing her skin. Her pants were designed to store extra ammo. Natalia chose four magazines for her pistols and slid two into the pockets on each side of her thighs.

  Next, she opened her rifle case and assembled the weapon, adding the suppressor to the end. She popped the ten-round magazine into place then slipped the strap over her shoulder. Finally, Natalia removed two spare magazines, adding one to each utility pocket of her pants. She closed the case, zipped the duffel, and returned both to the back of the vehicle. Once again, the males stared at her, but she ignored them, except for the new male in the group. His perusal of her body wasn’t one of intrigue. This male looked pissed.

  “Digger, this is Natalia,” Mav said, introducing them. Since he didn’t give her the impression he was friendly, Natalia didn’t offer her hand or say hello. They had a mile hike ahead of them, and she planned on using that time to get her head in the game, not worry about a stranger’s perception of her.

  “The cousins are in the house. There are three guards. No one has entered or exited the premises since last night,” Digger said.

  “Thank you. I would like for you to remain with the vehicles and keep your phone on in case we need you,” Ryker instructed. The man inclined his head then held out his hand, palm up. Ryker passed him a set of keys before giving the male his back, looking toward the trees.

  Maveryck stepped up beside Natalia and stared out into the darkness. “Princess, I know you can handle yourself, but promise me you’ll be safe.” He turned to face her and lifted her chin so she had to look at him. “I’m not ready to lose you,” he whispered. She couldn’t let her emotions get in the way of what she had to do, so she nodded once.

  “Everyone ready?” Natalia left Maveryck standing there and walked past the rest of them. Since she knew where the tunnel was, she was leading the way with Hayden at her side. He had come to mean a lot to her in the last couple days, and she would do everything in her power to make sure the youngest Lazlo returned to his family unharmed.

  It had been so many years since Natalia had been in the tunnel that she almost couldn’t find the entrance. Once she did, Maveryck had to push the lever because it was stuck. Before she stepped inside, she addressed the Gryphons. “Please be careful, and do whatever you need, but don’t forget – Mikael’s mine.” She looked at Maveryck one last time. She should have turned around, but nothing in life was guaranteed. Getting out of this night alive wasn’t a sure thing. Natalia grabbed Maveryck’s T-shirt and stretched up on her toes. “I’m not ready to lose you either,” she whispered before pressing a soft kiss to the side of his mouth. Not waiting on his reaction, she turned and stepped inside. The flashlight illuminated a scant four-foot path. Considering she had a quarter of a mile to go, it did little to ease her nerves. It had been twenty years since she walked through the darkness. Twenty years since she’d felt loved. There was no love in this tunnel. Only the harsh sounds of breaths in an otherwise silent tomb. It was as sinister as she remembered.

  Hayden joined her, and just as Ryker pushed the door back into place, the Hound’s lion was front and center in his eyes. She assumed the animal’s night vision allowed him to see without the need of a flashlight, but she didn’t have that luxury. They trekked the quarter mile in silence, having already planned what they were doing on the other end. When they reached the door that opened onto Volkov property, Hayden placed his hand on the lever and whispered, “Ready?”

  Natalia turned off her flashlight and set it on the ground. She took a deep breath, pulled both her Sigs from the holster, and flipped off the safeties. “Ready.” Hayden pressed down on the lever and slid the door open. Natalia took a deep breath and stepped outside. The night was inky, with the moon giving a soft glow to the area around her, but it wasn’t nearly as dark as the tunnel had been.

  Before she could fully get her bearings, bullets sprayed the stone wall beside Natalia’s head. She squatted, raising both guns, firing in an arc. One body fell, but more bullets sprayed the ground around her. Natalia ran as fast as her short legs would take her, shooting in the direction the bullets had come from. She dove behind a tree, rolling to her knees with her guns up. That was easier said than done with a rifle hanging around her chest. More bullets were fired, and bark from the tree exploded, some hitting her in the face. Natalia fired several shots in the general direction she guessed the shooter to be. She paused, and as soon as the
man came out of hiding, she put a bullet between his eyes. Natalia turned to check on Hayden, praying he was within the safety of the tunnel. She caught sight of Ivan and Viktor, and she aimed her pistols at their heads.

  “Ah, Ah, Ah,” Viktor taunted, pointing to her right. She was too late.

  “Hello, Tatiana.” Mikael had a gun pressed against Hayden’s temple.

  “I’m sorry, Lolly.” Hayden’s eyes were filled with both sadness and anger.

  “Shut up,” Mikael growled, hitting Hayden’s temple with the butt of his gun. Hayden growled back, his lion threatening to break through. Natalia knew if the Hound shifted, he wouldn’t be fast enough. Hayden wouldn’t be able to attack Mikael before her cousin could shoot him.

  Debris danced at her feet when a shot rang out. Natalia jumped back, spreading her Sigs out, searching to see which one of her cousins had a death wish. She should have known. Viktor was laughing. “Payback’s a bitch.”

  “You’re laughing now, Viktor. But when I put a bullet in your head...” Natalia shrugged, turning her attention back to Mikael.

  “Big words for such a little girl. It seems your tutor forgot to teach you how to count. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re outnumbered.”

  Maveryck would come for her as soon as he realized her cousins weren’t in the house. Natalia needed to buy him some time. He would come for her. He would make sure they got out of this shit alive. And when he did, Natalia was going to do whatever it took to have a future with him and the twins.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Natalia’s words gave Maveryck hope for a future together. Why she thought she wasn’t good enough for him and the twins didn’t make sense. Natalia was fierce, she was kind, and she loved with her whole heart. He knew that by watching her with the boys. He knew she felt lacking because she couldn’t cook, but she wasn’t the only woman who wasn’t an expert in the kitchen. There was so much more to being a good partner and mother figure than making a five-course meal. He had judged her when he first met her, thinking she didn’t need to be around the boys because she was an assassin, but he had been mistaken. He didn’t want her to be a step-anything. He wanted Natalia to be a full-time mother to the boys. A full-time partner with him.

  “Where’s your head, Mayhem?” Ryker asked.

  “Wondering what the fuck is up with Digger,” he said. It wasn’t exactly a lie. He had been thinking about what came next with Natalia after they took out her cousins, but he hadn’t missed the way the Hound scowled at Natalia.

  “I noticed that too. Maybe he has a thing against Russians.”

  “Natalia was born here in the States. She’s as American as you and me.”

  “Yeah, but she was raised by a notorious Russian mobster. Some prejudices run deep.”

  “Well, he can get over it.” Mav was leading the way to where he shifted when he took out Anatoly. The plan they discussed with Natalia was to leave the guards alive if possible, but Ryker had a different idea in mind. It was one reason Mav was glad Natalia was going to be watching from the woods instead of being in the middle of a firefight in the house. The Gryphons didn’t carry weapons, since they were the weapon.

  Maveryck stopped. “We’ll shift here.” He and the four other Hounds removed their clothes and stored them in the bags. Once they were all in eagle form, he launched into the trees with the others following. They stopped several times, scoping out their surroundings. When Maveryck felt it was safe, he continued toward the house. As per the plan, he and Rev landed on the rooftop first, while the others watched from a nearby perch. Mav intended to enter the house through Natalia’s old bedroom like he’d done before. He shifted, keeping close to the floor of the roof. After putting his clothes back on, he lowered himself to the window, placing his feet against the rough stones for purchase. When he got the window raised, he pulled himself inside once he made sure the room was empty.

  He whispered to Rev to do the same. When the other Hound was safely inside, Mav motioned for the other three to follow. While he and Rev waited, Mav noticed the room had been completely emptied of anything of Natalia’s. Her wildflower scent no longer filled the air. When all five men were dressed and ready to move, Mav eased the door open and listened. They spread out, checking each of the rooms on the third floor. Finding them all empty, they kept to the edge of the carpet against the wall until they reached the top of the stairs.

  The air was still. Too still. Mav’s Gryphon was vibrating to be released.

  Something’s wrong.

  Yeah, I feel it too.

  Mav looked at his brother and raised his eyebrows. Ryker nodded. He also sensed it. Silently, they eased down the steps, and when they reached the second floor, Ryker gave the hand signal to spread out. They checked every room, not finding anyone.

  “Where is everyone?” Ace whispered.

  “Let’s keep going,” Ryker responded.

  Mav had a sinking feeling they weren’t going to find the cousins downstairs. He was right. After searching the lowest level, no one was inside. Not even the housekeeper. Mav’s Gryphon was getting harder to control.

  We need to get to Natalia.

  Hayden’s with her.

  Hayden’s not her fucking mate.

  Mav agreed, but he couldn’t take off running out the door. He would be a sitting duck, and then it wouldn’t matter whether or not they were meant to be together. The boys would lose their father, and he could not let that happen. He had pulled War aside and asked that he and Kerrigan look after the boys should something happen to him, but it wasn’t in writing. Until that happened, Rory would try to take over. Mav loved his mother, but he would rather his twins be raised by his own twin.

  When they reconvened in the den, Ace, Rev, and King reported there were guards standing just outside the exterior doors. Where were the fucking cousins? Digger said they were in the house when he left. But it took approximately fifteen minutes to get from the house to where the SUVs were parked. Plenty of time for them to head outside and go where? Shit, the tunnel. Just because Natalia didn’t think her father shared its existence didn’t mean he hadn’t or that Mikael had somehow discovered it at some point.

  “Don’t kill them all. We might need answers,” Mav instructed.

  Maveryck and Ryker stood watch while Rev, Ace, and King used their lions’ stealth to sneak up on each of the guards. Mav had his eye on Ace as he eased open the door. Wrapping a large arm around the man’s neck, the Hound subdued the guard, keeping a hand over his mouth as he instructed the guard to stand down. Stronger minds often fought the voice, but this one complied instantly. Mav headed to the side door where Rev’s guard was struggling. The man fired his handgun wildly until Rev snapped his neck. King dragged his guard inside and dumped his body beside the dead one.

  “He’s alive, just unconscious.”

  They had two alive, and that was enough. Ryker retrieved the gun from the dead guard, picking it up with a gloved hand. The weapon had a silencer screwed to the end, so the soft pftt when it fired hadn’t been loud enough to alert someone outside.

  Ryker extended his talons and grabbed one of the guards around his throat. “Tell me where Mikael is.”

  With blank eyes, the man responded to the shifter command. “At the tunnel.”

  “Fuck!” Maveryck took off running upstairs with Rev on his heels. They were stripping as they went. As soon as he reached the open window, Mav shifted and launched himself into the sky. Shots rang out and Mav didn’t try to keep his Gryphon contained. For the first time in four years, Mav unleashed the beast. It was harder to shift midair, but he was determined to get to Natalia and Hayden before anything happened to either one of them.

  The Gryphon took over, headed for the ground. Mav tried to keep them in flight, but the beast was too strong.

  We will be no good to them if we get shot out of the sky.

  Mav wanted to argue, but he wasn’t thinking straight. His heart was in his throat. He had just found Natalia. N
o way was he going to lose her now.

  The Gryphon shifted into the lion, and Mav yelled at it.

  No! She needs the Gryphon!

  And we need the element of surprise. Trust me.

  Mav did trust his beast. Usually. But this was his love. His mate. More shots rang out. They were coming from a handgun, not Natalia’s rifle. That wasn’t good. When the lion stopped running, Mav’s blood ran cold at the scene before him. Mikael was holding Hayden’s arm with one hand, the other held a pistol pointed at his head. There was blood running down Hayden’s face, but he wasn’t harmed beyond that. No, he was pissed.

  Natalia had both her guns pointed at her other cousins, arms stretched out to her sides. Ivan and Viktor had their guns pointed at her in a standoff. The lion scented blood, and Maveryck looked around to see where it was coming from. Two guards were down, multiple shots to each of them.

  “You are a disgrace, Tatiana. You had one job – to kill your father’s assassin. But instead, you get into bed with him.”

  Natalia met his lion’s eyes. They were filled with fire. “You do not understand how being an assassin works, Cousin. Sometimes you have to play with your food before you eat it.”

  “Just kill the blyad’ and be done with her!” Viktor yelled, spit assaulting the air in front of him. Oh, Maveryck was going to play with his food all right.

  “You’ll be dealt with soon enough.” Natalia didn’t look at Maveryck when she spoke, but he knew her words were for him. “Have you ever seen a lion in the wild? Sometimes it just pounces, but other times it calls on the elements.”

  Maveryck shifted back to human so he could do as she suggested. His lion could use the earth, but not as well as when he was in human form. Maveryck held out his hands and called on the earth to rumble. When small tornados began swirling around Ivan and Viktor, Mav knew Rev was calling on the air to help. Mav added dirt and debris to Rev’s wind, keeping the brothers’ attention occupied.

  As Viktor and Ivan were frantically looking around trying to figure out what was going on, Mikael yelled, “Where is Maveryck Lazlo?”


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