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This Is the Voice Page 33

by John Colapinto

overtones, 30, 38, 39, 42–44, 70, 117, 258, 265

  puberphonia and, 85–86

  puberty and, 142–43, 159

  relative, 131

  in questions, 81

  in singing, correcting of, 248–49

  in tonal languages, 130–31

  transgender people and, 159–61

  of women’s voices, 150

  Pitt, Brad, 158

  Plant, Robert, 149

  Plato, 200, 259

  pleasure, 76, 77, 106, 246

  podcasts, 221

  political leaders, see leadership and persuasion

  Pope, Alexander, 202–3

  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), 210–12

  presbyphonia, 264

  Presley, Elvis, 148, 247

  Primal Scream, 39–41

  Primal Scream, The (Janov), 40, 41

  primates, 71–72, 79 apes, 108, 116–17

  chimpanzees, 17, 42, 43, 71, 82, 107, 109, 116–20, 125, 142

  gibbons, 109, 147

  squirrel monkeys, 78–79, 81, 82, 88

  Pritzker School of Law, 154

  prosody, 10–11, 18, 20, 52, 57, 58, 63, 119, 224 babies’ cries and, 41

  in baby talk, 36–37

  emotional, 64, 72, 77, 78, 80–81, 90, 109, 268; see also emotion

  linguistic, 64, 90

  in Pirahã, 138–40

  in surgeons’ voices, 151

  transgender people and, 160–61

  Prum, Richard O., 147

  Pryor, Richard, 194, 195, 214

  psychiatric patients, 38–39

  puberphonia, 85–86

  puberty, 142–44, 150, 159

  public lectures, 205

  Punch, 154

  punishment and reward, 112, 113

  Puritans, 186, 211

  Puts, David, 145–46

  Pygmalion (Shaw), 165–67, 173, 174, 195

  questions, 81

  Quintilian, 200, 210

  Ramachandran, V. S., 222

  reading aloud, 202

  Reagan, Ronald, 219

  recursion, 128–32, 136

  Rees-Mogg, Jacob, 235

  Rehm, Diane, 283n13

  Reich, Wilhelm, 40

  Reith, John Reith, Lord, 174, 183

  Remnick, David, 226, 267

  Renaissance Ethics of Music, The (Kim), 252

  reproduction and mating, 20, 140, 144–50

  reptiles, 75–76, 78, 126

  Republican Party, 187, 238–40

  respiratory system, 71, 115–16, 121, 127

  reward and punishment, 112, 113

  rhetoric, 200–203, 205, 210, 217, 232, 224 see also leadership and persuasion

  Rickford, John Russell, 190

  Ridley, Matt, 61–62

  Right Stuff, The (Wolfe), 156

  Riley, Boots, 194–95

  Rogan, Joe, 221

  Rolling Stone, 1, 6

  Rolling Stones, 176, 267

  Rome, ancient, 200–202

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 181, 215–17, 235

  Rosenbaum, Ron, 232

  Rushkoff, Douglas, 221

  Rymer, Russ, 51

  Sanders, Bernie, 181

  Sapiens (Hariri), 17

  Sapir, Edward, 110–12, 137, 139–40, 195

  sarcasm, 11, 95

  Scherer, Klaus, 88–92, 94–96, 100–101

  Schuller, Björn, 97–103

  schwa, 44, 117, 120

  Science, 127

  Science of the Singing Voice, The (Sundberg), 14

  Seabrook, John, 266

  Seashore, Carl E., 247–51

  Sedaris, David, 142

  Seinfeld, 141, 159

  sentences breathing and, 116

  embedded clauses in, 128–30

  Sequoias, 266–68

  sermons, 210–14

  serotonin, 77–78

  sex and gender, 20, 140, 141–64 erotic arousal, 20, 163–64

  gay voice, 161–63

  lesbian voice, 161–62

  mansplaining, 154–55

  mating and reproduction, 20, 140, 144–50

  pitch of men’s voices, 20, 145–46, 150–51

  pitch of women’s voices, 20, 150–53

  puberty and, 142–44, 159

  secondary sexual characteristics, 146

  sexual dimorphism, 141–45, 150, 159, 161, 264

  silencing of women’s voices, 154

  transgender people, 159–61

  vocal fry, 155–58

  Shaffer, Paul, 2

  Shakespeare, William, 26, 83, 168, 201, 202–4, 268

  Shaw, George Bernard, 170, 174, 175, 177, 292n18 Pygmalion, 165–67, 173, 174, 195

  Sheridan, Thomas, 169–71, 174, 175, 183

  sibilants, 44

  sign language, 18, 19

  Simone, Nina, 260

  Sinatra, Frank, 148

  singing, singers, 1–5, 8–11, 14, 245–62, 269 African American folk singers, 247–48, 250

  aging and, 264, 266

  castrati, 143–44, 148, 149

  choral, 143–44, 255–56

  emotion and, 251, 259–61

  male pop and rock singers, 148, 149

  opera, 9, 15, 38, 144, 247–48, 257–59

  phonophotography and, 246–47

  Pirahã and, 138–40

  pitch correction and, 248–49

  religion and, 252–54

  soul and, 9–10, 15, 252, 260–62

  therapeutic effects of, 255–56

  vibrato and, 249–51, 299n6

  see also music of vocalization

  Sirens, 149–50

  size bluffing, 80, 86, 95

  Skinner, B. F., 112–14

  slaves, slavery, 186, 190–91, 193, 208, 209, 213, 227, 247

  Smigel, Robert, 184

  smiling, 93

  Smitherman, Geneva, 214

  Snow, Catherine E., 34–37, 59, 129

  Social Stratification of English in New York City, The (Labov), 182

  Société de Linguistique de Paris, 106, 110, 121

  society, 165–98 economic status, 178–81

  see also accents

  Solnit, Rebecca, 154–55

  Sorry to Bother You, 194–95

  “Sound and Sense” (Pope), 202–3

  Sound on the Page, The (Yagoda), 202

  spasmodic dysphonia, 283n13

  spectrograph, 80

  speech, see language, spoken

  Spencer, Richard, 242

  Spoken Soul (Rickford), 190

  squirrel monkeys, 78–79, 81, 82, 88

  Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 92–94

  Star Trek, 11, 72

  Steinem, Gloria, 153

  Steiner, George, 232–33

  Stern, William and Clara, 51–52

  Stevens, Kenneth, 120

  Story of English, The (MacNeil), 172

  Streep, Meryl, 11, 92–94

  Streetcar Named Desire, A, 94

  stroke, 50, 64, 110

  submission, 80–81, 81, 102, 251

  Sullenberger, Chesley, 156

  Sundberg, Johan, 14

  Supreme Court, U.S., 154

  surgeons neurosurgeons, 84

  voices of, 151

  swearing, 83–84

  Sweet, Henry, 173

  Swift, Taylor, 248–49

  syllables, 30, 32, 37, 57, 98, 131, 135, 136, 139, 225, 227, 248, 253

  syntax, see grammar and syntax

  Talkin and Testifyin (Smitherman), 214

  Talking Back, Talking Black (McWhorter), 193

  Tallal, Paula, 30–31

  Taxi Driver, 94, 100–101

  Taylor, James, 7

  testosterone, 146, 159, 263

  Thatcher, Margaret, 177

  These Truths (Lepore), 215

  This American Life, 155

  This Is Your Brain on Music (Levitin), 62, 149

  Thorpe, David, 162–63

  thought, thinking, 268 FOXP2 gene and, 124

  language and, 110, 114, 116, 126�

  throat singing, 251–52, 55

  timbre, 20, 21, 82, 143, 265 puberphonia and, 85–86

  transgender people and, 160

  “Tomorrow Never Knows,” 254–55

  tonal languages, 130–31

  tone deafness, 131

  tongue, 44

  Tourette’s syndrome, 84, 85, 86

  trachea, 117

  Trager, George L., 277n4

  transgender people, 159–61

  Treatise on the Origin of Language (Herder), 105–7

  Trump, Donald, 102, 235–43, 297n51

  Trump, Ivana, 238

  Turner, Nat, 213

  Twitter, 102

  2001: A Space Odyssey, 11, 72, 103, 114

  Tyler, Steven, 7, 266

  Ulysses (Joyce), 33

  Universal Grammar, 34, 61, 121, 128–29, 137, 138

  Valley Girl voice, 196–98

  Vance, J. D., 241–42

  Vanity Fair, 238

  Verbal Behavior (Skinner), 112–14

  vibrato, 249–51, 299n6

  Visible Speech (Bell), 173

  vocal cords, 1–5, 8–10, 13, 14, 42, 69–71 aging and, 263–64

  artificial, 265–66

  in baby’s cry, 37

  “cords” as misnomer, 70

  injuries to, 2–14, 22–23, 70, 262

  puberphonia and, 86

  puberty and, 142, 143, 150, 159

  sound production in, 70

  in voiced and unvoiced consonants, 27–28, 45, 47–48

  volume and, 71

  vocal disorders emotion-based, 84–86

  injuries, 2–14, 22–23, 70, 262

  vocal fry, 155–58, 196, 197, 291n44, 297n51

  vocal tract, 42–43, 265

  Vogler, Jan, 257

  Voice Onset Time, 47–48

  volume, 71, 85, 143, 237

  vowels, 42–45, 119, 120 larynx position and, 42–45, 119–20

  overtones in, 30, 42–44, 70, 117, 258

  schwa, 44, 117, 120

  Wahlberg, Mark, 182–83

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 107

  Warsh, Robert, 248

  Washington, George, 205

  Webster, Daniel, 206

  Wenner, Jann, 1–5, 9, 11, 14, 262, 266

  Wennerstrom, Anne, 58

  White, E. B., 200, 209

  White, Horace, 207

  Wilde, Oscar, 177

  Williams, Joe, 260

  Wilson, Flip, 214

  windpipe, 117

  Winfrey, Oprah, 11, 194, 207

  Wolf, Peter, 2

  Wolfe, Tom, 156

  women menstrual cycle in, 146

  social status of, 152, 153

  Women & Power (Beard), 154

  women’s voices breathiness in, 150

  lesbian, 161–62

  menopause and, 150, 263

  mothers, 25–27, 37, 53, 60, 129, 140, 168, 175, 193

  pitch of, 20, 150–53

  silencing of, 154

  vocal fry in, 155–58

  see also sex and gender

  Woo, Peak, 4–6, 8, 9, 69

  Woodward, Bob, 238–39

  words recursion and, 128

  separating in speech, 31–33

  stress in, 31–32, 131

  syllables in, 30, 32, 37, 57, 98, 131, 135, 136, 139, 225, 227, 248, 253

  World War II, 152, 153, 182

  wrestling, 237

  Wright, Jeremiah, 226

  written language and texts, 17–19, 202, 222

  Yagoda, Ben, 202

  Yeager, Chuck, 156, 157, 197

  Zakaria, Fareed, 48

  Zappa, Moon, 196

  Zeifman, Debra, 38

  Zeitels, Steven, 7–14, 262, 265–66, 268

  zeugma, 201

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  Copyright © 2021 by John Colapinto

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  Interior design by Ruth Lee-Mui

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Colapinto, John, 1958- author.

  Title: This is the voice / by John Colapinto.

  Description: New York : Simon & Schuster, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2020026734 (print) | LCCN 2020026735 (ebook) | ISBN 9781982128746 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781982128753 (paperback) | ISBN 9781982128760 (ebook)

  Subjects: LCSH: Voice—Social aspects. | Oral communication—Social aspects. | Speech and social status.

  Classification: LCC PN4162 .C53 2021 (print) | LCC PN4162 (ebook) | DDC 302.2/242—dc23

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  ISBN 978-1-9821-2874-6

  ISBN 978-1-9821-2876-0 (ebook)




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