Words Well Put

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by Graham Sanders

  textual force, 8; utterance and, 2,

  emperor; palace concubines/

  3, 7


  Documents, see Classic of Docu-

  Cui Riyong, 218–20


  cultural competence, 11, 44, 72, 135,

  dramatic unity, 80

  136, 144–47; citation and, 67–68;

  dream, 4

  moral worth and, 119; per-

  drunken poet, 239, 241, 255–56

  formance and, 144, 146, 155–56;

  Du Fu, 230, 239, 248–50

  power of, 112, 120–21, 132; in

  Du Mu, 254–56

  Prince Chong’er story, 35, 36–38, Duan Chengshi, 161, 166

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  Eastern Zhou, 10, 11, 14, 32, 46, 111;

  family ties, 147–48, 208

  Traditionalists in, 15, 19, 20, 28,

  Fan Shu, 165–66; Friendly Debates


  at Misty Brook, 161, 181, 261;

  “elegant words,” 172, 174–75

  Xunxi, 166

  elite (ruling) class, 112, 158, 159, 203,

  feelings, see emotion/feelings

  244; art of conversation and, 135,

  feng, see admonition

  186; émigré aristocracy, 113; im-

  Feng Zhi, 181, 202

  provisational skills of, 135,

  folk song ( yuefu) , 133–34, 187–88

  136–37, 140; literary talent and,

  Forest of Conversations ( Yu lin) , 145

  204; Traditionalist, 19, 20. See

  frustration, venting of, 87, 89, 119,

  also literate class; official class

  193; outburst song and, 11, 81, 84,

  elite knowledge, 125, 136, 137, 140.

  92, 98, 224–25

  See also Traditional knowledge

  emotion/feelings, 13, 79, 103, 143,

  “Gaixia ge,” see “Song of Gaixia”

  145, 167–70; audience and, 259,

  Gao Lishi, 183

  273; chain reaction of, 222–23;

  Gao Yun: Wei History, 200

  impulse ( xing), 41, 151, 152–54, 155;

  “gathering poems” doctrine, 180–81

  intent and, 168–69, 197–98;

  gentlemanly conduct, 22. See also

  outburst song and, 98–99, 101,

  cultured man

  171–72; in performance, 74, 75,

  ghost-mother’s poem, 221–23, 259

  76–77, 85; poetic offering and, 33;

  gift giving, 273

  poetic power and, 178; poetry as

  Golden Age, 20, 22, 23

  response to, 234, 244, 261; state

  Gongyang Commentary ( Gongyang

  of mind and, 107, 108; stimulus-

  zhuan) , 197

  response model and, 175–76;

  “Great Preface” (“Da xu,” to Clas-

  stolen love and, 269. See also

  sic of Poetry), 13, 72, 158, 193, 218,

  specific emotions

  222, 277; cited in Storied Poems,

  emperor, 244; as audience, 101–2,

  167–75 passim, 179, 184–85

  208, 211, 223, 236–38, 245. See also

  Great Learning ( Da xue) , 175

  court; imperial power; and spe-

  “Great Wind, The” (“Dafeng ge,”

  cific emperors by name

  Liu Bang), 75–78, 85, 86, 93–94

  examination system, 157, 168, 218,

  Green Pearl (servant girl), 266 n 82,

  229–31, 247, 248


  explicit comment, 49–50

  Gu Kaizhi, 135, 138, 150

  “exquisite lines,” 141, 172, 174–75

  Gu Kuang, 260

  Guo Pu, 145, 146

  fahui (manifestation of power),

  Guo Zhaojun, 104, 105


  “Gushi shijiu shou,” 261

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  Han dynasty, 11, 14, 108, 192, 270;

  Historical Records ( Shi ji), 11, 80–81,

  disunion following, 109, 112, 185,



  historiography, 16, 162, 163

  Han History ( Han shu), 10, 12, 98,

  Hu Yan, 34–35, 36–37, 42–43, 44, 48

  166, 194; clan competition in, 111,

  Hu Yinglin, 159, 195–96; Collected

  112; Empress Lü’s cruelty and, 91,

  Notes from the “Humble Abode”

  92; “gathering poems” doctrine

  Mountain Retreat, 195

  in, 180; imperial power in, 120;

  Huai Ying, 35, 36

  narrative frame and, 106, 109;

  Huan Wen, 135

  performance in, 280–81; on

  Huan Xuan, 133, 138

  ruling class, 113; on Xiang Yu

  Huan Yin, 145

  and Liu Bang, 73, 78, 82; Zuo

  Huangfu Mi, 146, 147, 148, 149

  Tradition in, 183–84. See also

  Huarong, Lady, 102, 104

  under outburst song

  Hui (Han emperor), 87, 88

  Han Huang, Duke of Jin, 161,

  Hui, King of Liang, 133

  270–74, 277

  Hui, Prince of Zhao, 92–93, 94

  Hanlin Academy, 161, 239

  Huizi, 39–40 n 35

  Han shu, see Han History

  human swine, Lady Qi as, 88,

  Han Ying: Supplementary Com-


  mentary on the Han School

  humiliation, 211, 216, 217

  Poems, 187

  humility, 43, 44–45, 58

  Han Yu, 189, 222; An Explication of

  humor, 126, 127, 138, 150; puns, 211,

  Advancing in Studies, 190; “The

  246; stand-up comedy, 50. See

  Tale of Xuanyuan Miming,”

  also wit


  He Zhizhang, 239

  imperial power, 111, 112, 114, 116–19,

  Hearsay Noted from the Great Tang

  281; symbolic power and, 116,

  Dynasty ( Da Tang chuanzai) , 182

  117–18, 120. See also court; em-

  heart, discourse of, 131, 281. See also



  impotence, 81, 109, 149. See also

  hermeneutic skills, 136, 192. See also


  Traditional knowledge

  improvisation, 26, 27 n 12, 115, 118,

  heterogeneity, 160, 201

  139–40; “word chain” game,

  hierarchy, 132, 138, 157; at court,

  135–38. See also spontaneous

  18–19, 20, 52; political, 37, 203,


  241, 255; of power, 41, 271–72

  impulse ( xing), 41, 151, 152–54, 155

  historical context, 3, 10

  incest taboo, 59–60

  historical fact, 164

  innovation, 120, 160, 188

  historical narrative, 92, 106–8,

  inscribed objects, 3


  instrumental accompaniment, 84

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  intent, 71–72, 108, 196; feeling and,

  Li Linfu, 223–26

  168–69, 197–98

  Li Shizhi, 223–26

  interiority, 47, 130–31, 198, 269;

  Li Yuan, 254–56

  outburst song and
, 11–12, 79

  Li Zhangwu, 229–30

  interpretation, 54, 69–70

  lianju, see “linked verses”

  intertextuality, 8, 59, 162

  Ling, Duke of Jin, 55–59, 62, 63,

  interval ( jian), 9. See also time



  “linked verses” (game), 252–54

  irony, 193, 226; in citations, 123, 125,

  Li sao, 83

  127, 131

  literary arena, 256–57

  literary gatherings, 250, 252, 268,

  Ji Yougong: Recorded Stories of


  Tang Poetry, 189

  literary heritage, 177

  Ji Yun, 160

  literary judgment, 237–38

  Jia Dao, 230–31

  literary production, 114–15, 203;

  jian, see interval; time frame

  talent in, 120, 137; theory of,

  Jifu, 45, 48

  80–81. See also poetry produc-

  Jin dynasty, 41, 43, 62, 112


  jokes, see humor; wit

  literary reputation, 12, 144, 146, 148,

  judgment, imperial, 237–38

  149, 204, 229

  literary talent, see talent

  Kang Sengyuan, 138–39, 144

  literate class, 13, 181, 201, 281

  Kong Yingda, 167–69, 174, 178;

  Liu Bang, 73, 81–87, 89, 112, 118 n 13;

  Standard Meaning of the Mao

  “The Great Wind,” 75–78, 85, 86,

  Poems, 167

  93–94; “The Wild Swan,” 82–85,

  Kui (music director), 70–71


  Liu clan, 83, 182

  Lao Xiaoyu, 69

  Liu Fu: Lofty Discussions Under the

  “Lesser Preface(s)” (“Xiao xu”), 48,

  Green Willow, 261

  158, 189, 190–93, 198, 215, 235,

  Liu Gong jiahua lu, 182


  Liu Jun, 112, 126, 145, 153

  Li Bai, 238–44, 248–50, 256

  Liu Mengde wenji, 234

  Li Deyu, 161–62, 163–64, 182; Notes

  Liu Su, 161, 196 n 63

  on Traveling in Zhou and Qin,

  Liu Xiang, 186, 187, 188; Biographies


  of Virtuous Women, 185

  Li Fengji, 274–77

  Liu Yiqing, 12, 112. See also Topical

  Li Jun, 163–64; Miscellaneous Re-


  cords of Pine View Studio, 162,

  “Liu yue,” see “Sixth Month”

  182, 197

  Liu Yuxi, 231–35; “Given to All the

  Li Kang, 161

  Fine Gentlemen Viewing

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  Flowers,” 231–32, 234; “Immor-

  military tactics, 22–23. See also

  tal Peach Trees,” 232–35

  martial; warfare

  Liu Zhiji, 161

  mind, theory of, 39–40, 43. See also

  locutionary act, 7–8

  state of mind

  “Look at the Rat” (“Xiang shu”), 51

  Miscellaneous Offerings from

  loss of face, 273. See also humilia-

  Youyang ( Youyang zazu), 161–62,



  love stories, 203, 243–44. See also

  Miscellaneous Records of

  “stolen love” stories

  Cloud-Dwelling Immortals

  Lu Ji, 144, 169

  ( Yunxian zaji), 181, 202

  Lu Zhao, 162

  moral didacticism, 142–43, 149

  Lü, Han Empress, 82, 84, 86–93;

  moral worth, 119, 131, 226

  Prince You and, 90–92; torture

  morality, 185–86, 199, 238; Confu-

  of Lady Qi by, 87–90

  cian, 186, 192, 199

  Lü clan, 90, 91–92

  Mu, Duke of Qin, 35–40 passim,

  Lunyu, see Analects

  43–48 passim, 53. See also

  Lupu Gui, 59–60

  Chong’er, Prince of Jin

  Lynn, Richard, 177

  “Mulian bian” (Song of Mulian),

  lyricism, 173

  247, 248

  Lyrics of Chu ( Chu ci) , 83, 143, 171,

  “Multitudes,” 63–65


  musical performance, 69, 70–71, 84,

  169, 244; ritual and, 32–33. See

  manifestation, 190, 193, 198, 215; of

  also performance

  power ( fahui), 177–78

  Mao prefaces (“Maoshi xu”), to

  narrative, 7, 85, 110, 148, 154–55; as

  Poems, 27 n 13, 28, 125, 140, 215, 235,

  context for poems, 77–78, 177,


  193–94; historical, 92, 106–8, 184;

  Maoshi jian, 191, 192

  performance and, 6–7, 78, 86,

  “Maoshi xu,” see Mao prefaces

  102, 103, 104, 217; poem-bearing,

  martial ( wu) and civil ( wen) men, 19,

  5, 9; repetition in, 17–18; veracity

  208, 212, 228

  of, 164, 196

  master-slave relations, 127–31, 132

  “Nineteen Old Poems” (“Gushi

  Mather, Richard, 134, 186

  shijiu shou”), 261

  mediocrità, 26

  Niu Sengru: Record of the Mysteri-

  Mencius, 19, 21, 45 n 39, 177

  ous and Weird, 162

  Mencius, 21, 169, 223

  Meng Qi, 13, 187. See also Storied

  official class, 181, 183, 193, 232, 244;


  anecdotal collections by, 161–62,

  Mengzi, see Mencius

  181, 194; as audience, 234; au-

  meter, 83–84

  thenticity and, 280; court hier-

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  archy and, 18–19; judging merit

  past-present perspective, 20, 21,

  in, 219; poetic competence and,


  157, 254; romance poetry and,

  patterned culture, 21, 27. See also

  257; speechmaking by, 51–52, 65.

  cultural competence

  See also Traditionalists

  patterned language, 168, 169, 214,

  oral performance, 175. See also

  215, 218; Confucius on, 222, 259


  Pei Du, 230–31

  oral transmission, 1, 154, 182–83

  Pei Yan, 212–14

  outburst song, 224–25; in Han

  performance, 107, 109, 111, 140, 213;

  History, 79–81, 112, 217, 280; of

  appreciation of, 143–44, 146, 237;

  Lady Qi, 88–89, 101; of Liu Bang,

  audience and, 85, 89, 93, 101–2,

  84, 86; passion and, 171–72;

  106, 144; captured in writing, 175;

  Prince Qu’s perversion of, 98–

  composition and, 93–94; con-

  99; of Prince You, 90–92, 101; of

  text of, 2; mode of, 52, 84; mu-

  Princess Xijun, 99–102; sorrow

  sical, 32–33, 69, 70–71, 84, 169,

  and, 77, 93, 96, 102, 104, 106;

  244; narrative frame and, 6–7, 78,

  suffering and, 81, 98, 99, 101, 218;

  86, 102, 103, 104, 217; ownership

  tripartite form of, 100–101;

  of, 156; passion in, 74, 75, 76–77,

  venting of frustration in, 11, 81,

  85, 172; poetic competence and

  84, 92, 98, 119, 224–25; of Wang

  13, 49, 157–58, 209, 211, 279, 282;

  Huizi, 151, 152. See also Liu Bang;

  politics and, 213–14, 280–81; of

  Xiang Yu

  Prince Dan, 102–4; of Prince

  Ouyang Xiu: New Tang History,

  Qu’s concubines, 95–99; public,

  159, 164

  155; repertoire and, 279; as

  Ouyang Xun, 206–9

  source of power, 120; sponta-

  Owen, Stephen, 169

  neous, 14, 49, 76–77, 84, 85, 107,

  ownership, 156

  119, 265; staged, 76–77, 85, 274;

  strategy of, 86, 94, 101, 102, 108,

  palace concubines/ladies, 101, 102–3,

  274; suasive effect of, 108–9;

  104; singing girls, 239–41, 242,

  Traditionalists and, 19, 24, 27;

  254–55, 257, 265–67, 270–73; sto-

  variables of, 209. See also musi-

  len love and, 262–67, 270–73,

  cal performance

  274; torture and death of,

  perlocutionary act, 7–8


  person, unity of, 80, 94

  “Pan shui,” 123

  Ping, King of Zhou, 170, 171

  Pan Yue, 144

  play, 126, 155

  passionate feeling, 171–72, 229; in

  poem fragments, 189

  performance, 74, 75, 76–77, 85,

  Poems, 11, 21, 28, 78, 184; citation

  172. See also emotion/feelings;

  from, 26, 111, 119–20, 121, 130,


  140–42; Confucian tradition and,

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  33, 151–52, 192, 193, 199; cultural

  204, 236, 250, 281; in utterance,

  competence and, 24–26; intent

  14, 16, 42, 47; word-chain game,

  in, 72, 108; interpretation of,

  135–38; Zuo Tradition and, 10, 11,

  69–70; Mao prefaces to, 27 n 13,

  16, 24, 33, 203–4, 236, 270, 279,

  28, 125, 140, 215, 235, 244; mean-

  280. See also talent

  ing of, 211; “No Use,” 128;

  poetic exchange/offering, 47–49,

  original meanings of, 69–70; on

  50, 53, 59; at court, 206–8;

  outburst song, 79–80, 81; re-

  male-female, 204; in Prince

  monstration from, 55–56, 58–59,

  Chong’er story, 37–44; ritual

  60, 67, 68; Sima Qian on, 171,

  protocol in, 31–33, 41, 42–43, 46,

  225; in speechmaking, 30, 52–54;


  “Swelling Waters,” 37–38, 41, 43;

  Poetic Exposition on Literature

  tetrasyllabic forms in, 24, 52,

  ( Wen fu), 169


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