Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 35

by Dee Bridgnorth

  He shook his head as if waking himself up from a stupor.

  "Right. Sure. Um, sorry. I'll be…outside." He jumped up from the side of the tub and practically ran out the bathroom door, closing it behind him.

  Cate had forgotten to bring a change of underwear or her pajamas, so she was grateful to see that the hotel had a soft, plush robe hanging in the closet. She put it on and wrapped the tie around her waist. She rinsed her thong panties out in the sink and then hung them up to dry. She'd have to sleep in the nude tonight.

  The sound of her phone ringing broke the silence in the suite, and she left the bathroom in search of her purse. She found it on the table just beside the front door.

  Unknown Caller was plastered across the screen, and Cate saw that it was after midnight. Maybe it was Jenn calling from Italy.

  "Hello?" she answered.

  "I saw you with him tonight," a soft, raspy voice said.

  "Who is this?"

  "You're mine," the voice responded.

  "I think you have the wrong number."

  "I'm watching you, Cate Bradshaw."

  The line went dead, and the phone slipped out of Cate's hand, falling to the floor with a clatter.

  Gabriel rushed over.

  "Cate? What's wrong? Cate! Who was that?" The words tumbled out of his mouth in a rush.

  "I don't know," she said, her hands shaking and her knees knocking together. Gabriel scooped her up and took her to her room, laying her down on the bed. He pulled her against him, warming her with his body, until the shakes subsided.

  "Can you tell me what he said?" Gabriel asked as he smoothed his hand over her hair in long strokes.

  "He said, 'I saw you with him tonight,' and then he said that I was his, and then…" she gasped, the words strangling in her throat.

  "Gabriel, he said my name."

  Gabriel's arms held her more tightly as he stroked her hair, murmuring comforting words in her ear. The tears came then—not full-body sobs, but the quiet tears of fear and anxiety. The peace from her bath earlier had faded away, and now she was left with the realization that someone was watching her.

  The tears slowed, and Cate finally fell asleep, comforted in the arms of the one man who could comfort her one moment and tear her heart out the next.

  * * * *

  Cate awoke to the sound of her phone ringing. She jolted up in the bed, and Gabriel came along with her. He'd held her all night as she slept, and the nightmares Cate thought she was sure to have after the crazy events of last night, never came.

  She ran to the foyer, where she'd dropped her phone, grateful that it wasn't broken. Before she answered, Gabriel told her to put it on speaker. She did and then swiped the screen to answer.


  "Cate? This is Christy Knox."

  "Oh, hi, Christy. What can I do for you?" She caught Gabriel's eye, shrugging as if to say, “No clue why she's calling me.”

  "I'd like to meet with you in my office sometime today. Can you make that happen?"

  "Um, sure. What time would you like me to stop by?"

  "Let's say eleven a.m.?"

  Cate checked the clock on her phone. Nine thirty. That gave her just enough time to get home and change, and then get back to Christy's office.

  "I'll see you then," she agreed.

  It was then that she noticed that Gabriel was wearing only his jeans, and that his chest was completely bare. She marveled at the tattoos that traveled up his left arm, around to his back and chest, and then up past his collarbone. When he wore a t-shirt, you could see the edge peeking out from underneath.

  In Naples, she'd asked him about the tattoos. So many of them had to do with his time in the military. He'd gotten a few to honor his SEAL brothers who hadn't made it home. He had the SEAL trident symbol on his upper bicep. But it was the phoenix that spread across his chest, shoulder, and upper back that fascinated her most. She'd asked him about it, but he'd said that was a story for another time.

  "Cate?" Gabriel asked, one brow rising as a smirk pulled at his mouth.

  "Sorry," she said, and she could feel the telltale signs of a blush starting.

  "I've got to go home and change. Can you take me?" she asked, and he nodded, turning to go back to the bedroom. He returned, pulling on his shirt, and she watched, mesmerized by the flexing and bunching of his muscles as he did.

  "You keep looking at me like that, and I won't be responsible for what I do," he said calmly, picking his keys up off the coffee table and striding towards the door. She squeaked as she realized she was still wearing the robe.

  She hurried to pull on the change of clothes she’d brought while palming her still damp panties. She'd sneak them into her purse as soon as Gabriel wasn't watching. No such luck.

  "What's in your hands?" he asked.


  He stalked towards her, his predatory gaze penetrating her. She jumped behind the couch, but he sprang over it, too quick for her. He picked her up and tossed her on the couch, lowering himself on top of her to pry open her hands.

  She squirmed, rocking back and forth, trying to keep him from pulling the damp thong out of her hands. He won.

  "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he asked, his face gleaming with mischief.

  "My underwear. Now give them back." He sat back on his calves, with one knee on each side of her, and held them up between two fingers.

  "What will you give me?" he asked.

  Cate was once again confused by the change in Gabriel. One minute, he was surly and short with her; the next, he was teasing her; and the next, he was kissing her senseless.

  The mischief on his face faded as he took in her expression. She hated that she’d killed the mood, but what she wanted to give him, he wouldn't accept. He slid off her, handing her back her panties.

  "Thanks," she said.

  Gabriel walked to the door, pulling it open for her.

  He took her home in absolute silence.

  * * * *

  Cate stepped into Christy's office at eleven o'clock on the dot. Christy sat in her zebra striped chair, resplendent in her black dress that plunged to a V in front. She had on thigh high black boots with stiletto heels. How anyone could walk in those things, Cate would never know. Not to mention the fact that she'd never be able to wear thigh high boots. With her height, those suckers would come up to her hips.

  Cate sat in the opposite chair and waited for Christy to acknowledge her presence.

  "Andrew Haney called me," she began.

  "Oh. Did I do something wrong?" Cate asked.

  "Besides taking a personal phone call during a date?"

  "It was an emergency. My roommate had a car accident, and I had to pick her up at the hospital. She wasn't hurt badly, just a concussion. But I needed to stay with her that night and—"

  Christy held up a hand to stop her. "It's fine. Just know that answering your phone is frowned upon. Emergencies happen, but he doesn't want you bringing it with you on his special dates." She said the last words with clear innuendo in her voice.

  It was evident that Andrew Haney had no reservations about putting someone's livelihood in danger to suit his own needs. Rat bastard.

  "That's not the only reason he called," Christy continued. "He wants exclusive rights to you and has offered me a price that I can't turn down." Christy stood then, and rounded her desk, propping her hip on one side.

  "I've told him that I can't force you; however, I can't think of any of my girls that would be better suited for this position than you."

  The words sounded like a compliment, but Cate thought that Christy was referring to something more.

  "I don't know what to say."

  "It's an honor to be chosen by someone like him," Christy said.

  "I'm sure it is. It's just, I'm supposed to accompany Gabriel for the next three weeks." Cate hoped this whole thing would be over before then. "You said yourself he's been through several girls, and he's chosen me."

  "Why is tha
t, exactly?" Christy asked, skepticism shining in her eyes.

  "I think he likes girls that aren't quite so forward. And he likes brunettes. As my hair is my best feature—"

  "I think you have the whole package, Katelyn. It's why I hired you. You sell yourself short, although you do seem quite inexperienced in the bedroom. Andrew mentioned that you were stiffer than a board the other night."

  She could feel the heat creeping up her neck and displaying itself across her cheeks. So, not only did the rat bastard tattle on her, but he also discussed her sexual abilities? What an ass!

  "I was just nervous. This is my first time doing something so intimate with virtual strangers. I hadn't expected him to jump right into things."

  "Well, Andrew doesn't beat around the bush, so to speak. His desires are straightforward. Do what he wants, and he'll take great care of you."

  Cate nodded.

  "Since Gabriel is paying for overnights now, can you call off the dogs?" Cate asked, hoping that her polite inquiry would keep them from having another repeat of last night.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "The car that followed us out on our date last night. They were going crazy fast trying to follow us. It's not necessary. I would never steal from you."

  "I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't hire anyone to follow you.”

  The thumping of Cate's heart picked up in her chest, beating a rhythm that sounded a lot like danger, danger, danger.

  "Oh, ok." If it wasn't Christy, then who could it be?

  "Andrew Haney is a possessive man. My guess is he's the one that had you followed."

  "But how? How would he know where I lived or where I was going to be?"

  "He's a very powerful man, Katelyn. He has his ways."

  With those cryptic words, Christy started to stand. Cate knew she had to ask about the sex party that she and Gabriel were going to have to attend that weekend, so she hurried to ask her next question.

  "Christy, can you tell me anything about this party on Friday night? The small gathering I went to this weekend was not something I'd been a part of before."

  "Alison and Stephanie are my threesome and orgy girls. There's a couple others who are willing to do that kind of thing. But Andrew requested you. I probably should have warned you, but I figured you'd be more nervous if you knew what you were getting into." She paused, crossing her legs at the ankles and placing her hands behind her on the desk. The motion made her breasts jut forward, and Cate guessed they were fake. No woman in her late forties had breasts that perky.

  "Anyway, this party you're going to on Friday is an invitation-only event. You'll need a masquerade mask and a ball gown. I will send someone to you Friday afternoon for hair and makeup. It's in your best interest to participate, Katelyn—to your level of comfort. Some of the activities can be quite painful, so if that's not something you're into, then steer clear. However, Andrew will expect you to be with him. And he might ask you to be with someone else while he watches."

  Cate's stomach dropped. How was she going to get out of this? She needed to be present at the party, but there was no way she was having sex with someone in a public place. There was no way she was having sex with Andrew at all.

  The color must have drained from her face, as Christy leaned over, concern crinkling her brow.

  "Are you ok?" she asked.

  "Y-y-yes. Fine."

  "Listen, Katelyn, you do realize what it is that you do for a living, right? I mean, no one becomes an escort to sit and chat with guys. There's a level of expectation that comes with it. I took a chance on you when I hired you since you weren't coming from the sex industry in any capacity. Don't let me down. If you have doubts, you can turn in your resignation."

  "No. I'm fine. I'll be fine," Cate assured her. She had to make it at least look like she was willing and able to have sex with people in public.


  Christy stood, walking towards the door. She opened it and then turned back to Cate.

  Cate stood, following her over.

  "One more question," she started, and she could swear Christy's eyes rolled. She gave her an expectant look as if to say, Please hurry up and get on with it.

  "Alison mentioned that there would be other girls working that night that weren't from the escort service. Who are they?"

  Christy reached out and gripped Cate's arm, squeezing it just enough to make her wince.

  "If I were you, Katelyn, I'd keep my questions to myself. It's none of your concern who else is at that party. Are we clear?"

  Cate nodded, jerking her arm away from Christy.

  "I'll call Andrew and let him know that he can have you exclusively after the three weeks during which you've agreed to a long-term commitment with Gabriel as well. You won't be booked with anyone else in the meantime." Christy dropped her hand from Cate's arm, but reached out again to stop her as she walked past.

  "The pay with Andrew will be more than enough for your needs; however, you will need to book some time with the personal shopper. Ball gowns and other attire will be needed." Christy smiled. She put her hand on Cate’s shoulder and squeezed gently. "Be careful, Katelyn."

  And with that, Cate left her office, wondering if Christy's parting words were about her time with Andrew or her asking questions.

  As soon as Cate exited the office building that housed Christy's offices, she pulled out her phone and punched in Gabriel's number as she walked to her car, which was parked on the street. He answered on the first ring.


  "Gabriel? It's Cate."

  "You ok?" She sighed. His concern warmed her heart, though she was trying not to allow that pesky organ into this situation. Gabriel had heartbreak written all over him.

  "Yes, I'm ok. I just finished up at Christy's office. She thinks Andrew Haney is the one that had me followed."

  "What? Why?"

  "He's asked for an exclusive, meaning he would monopolize my time, and I wouldn't be scheduled to go out with any other clients."

  Gabriel growled into the phone. She loved it when he did that, especially when it was on her behalf.

  "Anyway," she continued, "I asked her about the event this weekend, about what to expect. I also asked her about the other girls that would be at the event that aren't a part of the agency."

  "What did she say?"

  "That's when it got weird. She grabbed my arm in a hold that wasn't meant to be nice and warned me about asking too many questions. Told me it was none of my business."

  "Well, that raises a whole crap-ton of red flags."

  Cate pressed the key fob, unlocking her car door. She'd had to park a block down, but it was better than having to pay the hourly fee at a parking garage.

  "Tell me about it. Anyway, I'm leaving here now, and—"

  Just then, a black sedan pulled up alongside her car. She started to back up, when two men dressed in black suits jumped out and ran towards her.

  "Someone's chasing me!" she screamed into the phone, trying to hold onto it, hold her purse, and run in the wedges she'd put on that day to look presentable when she met with Christy. Damn her pretty shoes!

  "Run into a building! Start yelling for help!"

  "Ok, I—" The phone was ripped out of her hands as the first guy reached her. The other guy held her tightly by her upper arms, pulling her back against him.

  They marched her back towards the black car, each one holding one of her arms. The sedan had tinted windows so dark that it was impossible to see inside. It was a small limo, like the ones that transported dignitaries and important people around D.C.

  She struggled to free herself and opened her mouth to call out for help, when the guy on her right whispered, "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut and come quietly with us."

  Cate clamped her mouth shut. She recognized a threat when she heard one.

  The back door to the car was opened, and she was summarily pushed inside. One of the thugs had put her purse
and phone in the car and locked it. She had no way to call anyone for help.

  Suddenly, she realized she wasn't alone. Someone was sitting in the seat across from her.

  Chapter 12

  "Cate! Cate!" Gabriel screamed into the phone before the line went dead.

  He immediately tried to dial her number again, but it was no use. No one answered.

  Wiping the sweat from his brow, since he'd been taking out his frustration about Cate on a punching bag, he ran towards the locker room to get his shirt. Pulling the shirt on over his head, he ran up the stairs to the second floor.

  Zach sat at his bank of computers.

  "Zach, I need you to see if you can hack into the street cameras near the escort service. Cate was just kidnapped."

  "On it." Once Gabriel knew Zach was working that angle, he ran into Sully's office to fill him in on the latest development.

  Sully sat behind his minimalist-style desk, his feet propped up on top. When he saw Gabriel, he sat up.

  "What's going on?"

  Gabriel crossed to stand in front of the desk. "Cate's been taken. Right outside Christy's office. I was on the phone with her, and she was telling me about what she'd found out, when she stopped talking and then screamed that she was running from someone. Moments later, the line went dead."

  Gabriel pushed his hands through his damp hair.

  "I've tried calling, but there's no answer. Zach's working on the street cameras outside the agency and surrounding areas."

  "Good. Go get a quick shower, ’cause you stink."

  Gabriel started to interrupt, but Sully put up his hand to silence him.

  "Go take a shower. There's nothing you can do right now. Once Zach has the camera feed pulled up, we can take it from there."

  Gabriel didn't answer. He couldn't. His emotions were so close to the surface, he was scared he'd explode. Instead, he ran up the flight of stairs to the lofts. Isabel sat on the couch in their shared living room.

  "Hey, Gabriel," she started.

  "Can't talk right now, Izz. Cate's been kidnapped. I'm getting a shower and then heading back down to see if Zach has anything on the camera feeds."


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