Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 42

by Dee Bridgnorth

  Cate's hands fell to his butt, and she squeezed, not able to help herself anymore. A throaty laugh broke their kiss.

  "Did you just squeeze my butt?" Gabriel asked her, feathering kisses across her neck and shoulder.

  She grinned. "I did. I couldn't help myself anymore. It's just so squeezable."

  "We better stop before I mess up this pretty dress of yours. And I need to get this wire on you."

  Cate took a step back and raised her hands out to her sides. "Where exactly are we going to hide it?"

  "I'll have to tape the wire down so that the microphone rests just under this top piece, right between your breasts." Cate could feel the warmth flooding her cheeks.

  "It's wireless, so it's just this tiny piece. There's no transmitter box to hide like in the movies," Gabriel continued, and he pulled out a small, two-inch, flesh-colored microphone and some flesh-toned tape.

  "It will be dark inside, so it should be very difficult for anyone to find this. I'm also giving you an earpiece. You'll be able to hear us with it, but it's virtually undetectable unless someone is looking for it. Which they shouldn't be."

  Gabriel stepped closer to her, and she had to look up to meet his eyes. "Can you undo this top piece?" he said, and lightly fingered the fabric at her shoulder. Unable to find the words, Cate simply nodded and fiddled with the brooch. When Gabriel saw her fingers refusing to work correctly, he gently moved her hand aside and undid the brooch. The fabric fell free, exposing one of her breasts.

  Cate quickly covered herself, but Gabriel's gaze never left hers. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of standing there, peering into each other's eyes, Gabriel sat down on the couch, eye-level with her breasts, and began to fasten the microphone into place between her breasts.

  Cate could hear the blood pounding in her ears. Her skin felt warm and too tight for her body. Desire pooled in her belly, and her breathing came fast and furious.


  "Yeah?" The word came out low and husky, and she wondered if that was really her voice she heard.

  "You're driving me crazy."

  "What? What am I doing? I'm just standing here and—"

  She realized then that in her desire-clouded state, she'd dropped her hand from her breast and was standing exposed to him. The microphone was already in place, but she could feel the weight of his stare on her bare skin. Heat burned up her body, landing at her throat. She could feel the warm flush spreading everywhere.

  Embarrassment made Cate quickly pull the dress up over her nakedness and fasten it again at her shoulder.

  "Sorry," she mumbled.

  Gabriel cleared his throat and shifted on the couch. "No worries."

  She wondered at his response. He was a man with desires. He'd made no apologies for how many women he'd slept with before their time in Italy, and since then as well. So why, when presented with her naked form, did he not pounce on her?

  Cate wanted to know the answer, and then again, she didn't. She was afraid it would hurt to hear him say that he just didn’t want her that way. She knew he was attracted to her, but maybe it wasn't enough for him to want to act on it.

  Humiliated by her assumption of his rejection, she turned to freshen up her lipstick since he'd kissed it all off her earlier. He grabbed her hand before she could turn to go.

  "What did I do?" he asked, confusion filling his eyes.

  "Nothing," she said, wishing she could crawl into a hole and die. She did not want to have this conversation with him. She pulled against his arm, but he tightened his hold and stood.

  "It's not nothing. What did I do?" he asked, his face inches from hers.

  "I just—well, it's just that—"

  "Spit it out, Cate," he growled. And that made her mad. She jerked her arm away from his. And moved away towards the fireplace.

  "My bare breast was inches from your face, and yet you're completely unfazed. I guess I just thought—I figured that maybe…" She sighed and turned to face him. If she was going to say it, she wasn't going to be a coward about it. "That wasn't even enough to make you desire me. I know you're somewhat attracted to me, or you wouldn't have kissed me. But maybe that’s as far as it goes for you." Cate looked at her toes, unable to meet his eyes anymore.

  She heard him make his way over to her. Felt him, even though she wasn't looking at him.

  "Look at me," he said. She shook her head, embarrassed at her own words. "Look. At. Me." He put his finger beneath her chin and lifted it to meet his gaze.

  "I desire you. More than any other woman I've ever met."

  "But then why—"

  He gripped her arms. "Cate, we're about to go to a party where other men are going to be pawing at you, ogling you, wanting you. That is going to make me want to tear their faces off. If I touch you now, I'll never let you go tonight."

  His words warmed Cate's heart, making her feel like the goddess she was disguised to be. "Really?"

  He groaned. "You don't have to look so damn happy about it."

  "I'm not. Well, I am. I mean, I'm happy that that's how you feel, anyways, not about you tearing people's faces off."

  "I care about you, Cate. And I don't want to hurt you. And if we cross that line, if we do what I want to do with you—then you might grow to hate me. I couldn't stand that."

  She understood. He respected her. Cared about her. Desired her. But he wouldn't act on it because he thought he'd hurt her. And maybe he would.

  Sex was something she didn't do casually. It was supposed to be with someone you loved and wanted to spend your life with. It was ok with her if she and Gabriel waited. But how was she supposed to convince him that he wouldn't hurt her? And was that even true? He had run at the first sign of trouble five years ago. Would he do it again?

  "We don't have to figure any of this out tonight. Haney will be here in a few minutes, and I need to hide out in the basement in case he pushes his way in here. Just try not to let him in, ok?" Gabriel rubbed her arms where he was gripping them. She nodded her agreement, and he bent down to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

  "Don't do anything stupid tonight," he said. And that was enough to poor cold water on the situation.

  "Why do you men keep saying that? I'm not stupid." She pulled her arms free of his embrace.

  "I know you're not. I just also know your heart. Be safe. Please." Her ire faded when she saw the concern in his eyes.

  "I'll be safe. I promise."

  It was five minutes to eight when Gabriel vanished behind the door to the basement. Cate walked to the front door and reapplied her lipstick in the mirror above the entryway table. She peeked through the blinds just in time to see the limo pull up in front of her walkway. Turning to glance at the basement steps, she whispered, "Goodbye, Gabriel," and walked out the door, locking it behind her.

  Haney met her on the sidewalk, disappointment clouding his features as he realized he wouldn't be invited in.

  "Cate," he said, and leaned over her hand, placing a sloppy kiss on the backs of her knuckles. She shivered with disgust, which Haney misinterpreted as desire. A wicked gleam spread across his face.

  "Andrew," she replied, and tried to pull her hand away. He held it tightly, tucking it under his arm as he walked her back to the limo.

  "You've been a naughty girl, Cate."

  Shock poured over her in waves, making her heart beat faster and her skin go clammy.


  "I saw you kiss him. This morning. In front of the CityCenter. I saw you," he hissed close to her ear.

  Fear tripped up her spine, making her cringe when he gripped her hand painfully in his.

  "I don't know what you're talking about," she tried.

  "Don't insult me. You kissed him, and now you're going to kiss me like you mean it."

  Before she knew what was happening, he'd spun her around and crashed his mouth over hers. His tongue probed inside her mouth, almost choking her as he tried to possess her. She tried to pretend to enjoy it, even making a few noises u
nder her breath. It must have done the trick, because she felt him pull her closer, his hand on her backside. Nausea climbed up her throat, threatening to find an escape. She swallowed hard and waited, hoping he'd be done soon, and they could just get this night over with.

  He pulled away, licking his lips. "Mmmm. You taste good."

  Cate wanted to vomit. Anything attractive that she'd first seen in him had faded to hatred and disgust. Cate waited to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand until after she'd ducked inside the limo.

  "You'll pay for disobeying me," Haney said, crawling inside the limo to sit next to her on the large bench seat. Cate wasn't sure what that punishment was, but she had a feeling it had to do with tonight's activities. Once again, she wondered what she'd gotten herself into.

  She was just grateful that Gabriel had already gone downstairs and hadn't seen Haney's kiss.

  * * * *

  The bastard would pay. Gabriel had made his way up the steps once he'd heard the door close. He had parted the wood blinds just enough to watch as Haney manhandled Cate, shoving his tongue down her throat and groping her ass.

  He watched as Cate stiffened and could tell that she was uncomfortable. Everything about her body language screamed, Get the hell off me!

  When this was over, Gabriel planned to teach Andrew Haney a lesson—with his fists. The old man was disgusting and should be considered a blight on humanity. But first, they had to get through this night.

  Gabriel jumped into the firm's car and opened the garage door. He turned to back out, but was stopped by a car sitting in the driveway. No one was in the driver's seat, but he recognized the color and make as one of the ones following Cate around town.

  Pulling his gun from behind his back, he flipped the safety off and exited the car. Carefully, he crept back to the door, keeping the gun in front of him. As he came parallel with the door, a foot kicked out, knocking the gun from his hand.

  From the other side, a man punched him in the face, as two more grabbed him from each side, holding him steady. Gabriel kicked out, nailing the guy who'd punched him in the face with his foot. Blood spurted from his nose, and he grabbed it, screaming curses at Gabriel.

  Elbowing one guy in the kidney to his left, he turned sharply to the right, knocking the other guy off guard. Grabbing the thug's arm, he turned it sharply and up until he heard the guy's arm snap. Screams filled the air as the now one-armed assailant made his way back to the car, followed by the guy with the broken nose.

  A blow to the head caused stars to haze his vision, and he sank to his knees. A man's face came into view. "This was a message from someone who doesn't like you. Next time, we'll put a bullet in your head." Another blinding pain in the back of his head, and everything went black.

  Chapter 19

  The limo pulled up to a beautiful, three-story brick mansion in the north part of D.C. Two curved staircases framed a small courtyard and led up to a gorgeous, dark, wooden door. The Colonial style made Cate think of old presidents and traditional families. It certainly did not make her think of revealing costumes, bondage, and orgies.

  "Masks go on now," Andrew said, and then got out of the limo, reaching his hand out for her to join him. She fastened the mask behind her head and then slid to the end of the seat. As gracefully as she could, she reluctantly placed her hand in his and stood, in order to make her way up the staircase.

  Other partygoers were arriving, all wearing masks in some form or another. Some were black and solid, covering half the wearer's face. Other masks covered the whole face, and she wondered how in the world those people would participate with masks over their faces all night. Each was unique in its design and beauty. Of course, the women's masks were more elaborate. Cate thought that on a different occasion, and for a different purpose, a masquerade ball might be a lot of fun.

  The thought of how she might have to participate tonight sobered her, and her fascination with all the costumes faded as she realized that she was really here. Cate knew that Andrew expected her to join in on the activities, and had a hunch from his earlier comment that he planned to discipline her somehow tonight.

  That didn't sound like a whole lot of fun.

  They stepped into the grand foyer, the black and white tiled floors stretching out before them and leading to a majestic center staircase that wound up the three floors of the house. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting an eerie glow around the room. The lights had been dimmed, and roped lights had been added along the walls, creating a feeling of intimacy and mystery.

  She'd forgotten a coat, since it was still summer and quite hot and muggy outside, but she wished she had something to hand the butler that opened the door for her. He had on a full black masquerade mask and a tuxedo. He even had a white towel over his arm. Cate guessed that it was to distinguish him from the guests.

  "Good evening, sir. Miss," he said, bowing slightly to them.

  Andrew handed the butler a piece of paper, and Cate assumed it was the invitation to the party. He took her arm, pushing her forward into a large study. The opulent rug created a feeling of old-world charm, while the dark wooden bookshelves lined with books made Cate wish she were here under different circumstances. She would love to curl up in the large leather chair and read a book—the leather chair that was currently occupied by a man in a tuxedo with a white half-mask on his face, à la Phantom of the Opera. A woman with only pasties on her breasts and a garter belt around her middle sat on his lap. He held a whip, which he caressed her with as they watched a couple fondling each other on the ottoman in the middle of the room.

  It appeared that there was no hesitation to get the party started.

  Cate quickly looked away, as Andrew led her through the room and into a dining room. A topless woman in lingerie stood at a swinging door with a pad in hand. Andrew approached her.

  "What would you like?" she asked in a heavily accented voice. Was that a Russian accent?

  "I'll have a scotch on the rocks. The lady will have a glass of white wine." Cate cringed. She hated white wine, but she wasn't planning to drink much of it anyway. Fear of being drugged or inadvertently getting drunk made her cautious.

  The woman disappeared inside the door, returning moments later with two glasses on a tray. She motioned towards another doorway that led to a living room.

  The white couches and traditional-style drapes were such a contrast to what was happening all around them. Men and women in all stages of undress were performing different sexual acts. Cate didn't understand what kind of exhibitionism it took to do what they were doing. She could never imagine.

  She quickly looked around, hoping to see Ethan and Isabel. She had been told that Isabel would be wearing a red dress with a red, devil-like mask. Ethan was to be in a typical black tux but would not be wearing a bowtie. Instead, he would leave the collar open.

  That thought made her think of Gabriel, and she hoped that he would arrive soon. Just having him here would calm her nerves.

  Andrew took a seat in one of the club chairs that faced the two immaculately white couches. The thought of what those couches might look like after tonight's events made her slightly sick to her stomach. Did the owner have to get them professionally cleaned after each party, or did he just buy new couches?

  Haney pulled Cate onto his lap and began stroking her leg, revealed by the long slits up the sides of her skirt. Cate touched her lips to her drink, hoping that it appeared as if she were drinking it. She also hoped that she appeared to belong here, because she certainly did not feel like she did.

  She absently realized that the two couples on the pristine white couches looked familiar. Alison and Stephanie were dressed in skimpy lingerie and were fully engaged in the activities for the evening with Sutter and Kingston. Both men had on half-masks, which didn't disguise their notable features. Kingston's short, military-style haircut and Sutter's paunchy belly were dead giveaways.

  Alison caught her eye and winked. Cate wondered what her story was to make he
r do this kind of thing. Did she enjoy it? Or was she just desperate for the money? Cate turned her gaze on Stephanie, who looked bored with Sutter's attention.

  A commotion at the other opening to the room caught her eye as she saw a stunning woman with long brown hair, dressed in a tiny red dress, enter on the arm of a tall man with wavy blond hair pulled back in a low ponytail. She was wearing a beautifully designed mask that had gold filigree across the red background. Two points curved up in the middle, creating the illusion of horns. A devil mask. Isabel and Ethan.

  Cate relaxed just a bit as Ethan caught her eye. He stiffened just a bit as he caught sight of her location on Haney's lap before giving an imperceptible nod in her direction.

  Wordless music with deep, resonating bass beats pulsed through the room. It was hypnotic in its rhythm and cadence, and Cate wondered how many of the people here were high—or would be before the night was over. The low lighting, vibrating music, and aroused people were an intoxicating blend.

  Cate moved a bit as Andrew's hand climbed higher and higher. As he reached the top of her leg, he shifted his hand closer to the apex of her thighs. She jumped up, almost spilling his drink in the process.

  "I need to use the restroom," she blurted.

  Andrew sighed. "You use the restroom more than any woman I've ever met."

  Cate shrugged. "Sorry."

  She turned to go, and he caught her hand.

  "Grab me some condoms in there while you're at it."

  She gulped but nodded. Passing by Isabel, she didn't make eye contact but prayed that she would follow.

  She got to the bathroom and shut the door, collapsing against it. Moments later, a knock sounded at the door.

  "Cate?" a soft, feminine voice asked from the other side.

  Quickly, Cate unlocked the door and opened it to find Isabel standing there. Ethan stood just a few feet away, as if guarding them. He nodded, and she pulled Isabel in, taking off her own mask as Isabel took hers off.


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