Reaching for Home (House of Garner Book 3)

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Reaching for Home (House of Garner Book 3) Page 7

by Erin R Flynn

  “Wow, so pretty,” I whispered as I accepted them. “I’ve never been given flowers.”

  “I’m honored to be your first,” he murmured, his eyes full of heat as he was the first of a few other things he liked too. He kissed my cheek and accepted the hug I gave him.

  Cerdic was next, and after the hug and kiss, he held out a huge, overflowing basket for me. “Now that our princess can have all the luxurious baths she wants, I put together a spa package of all sorts of options for you to try out and see what you like.” He picked up something off the top. “And it’s not for this year, but I found a British slang of the day calendar because I know you love my quirky phrases.”

  “That’s awesome,” I chuckled, taking it from him and checking everything out. “Yeah, I’m a huge sucker for sexy accents it seems because Jaxon could talk me into still letting him dress me after only a week’s grounding after sweet talking me in Gaelic.”

  “Good to know,” Darius muttered.

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, it sounded like sweet talking. For all I know he said I smelled.”

  “I didn’t, but I did promise to eat you,” he chuckled. “We promised to not go over the top with gifts because that would be overwhelming, so I kept it simple.” He handed me several mini neon notebooks.

  My eyes went wide when I saw what was on the cover. “Naked IOUs” was written in silver marker on the black cover. I opened it and saw each page was written out “I, Jaxon O’Cleirgh, grant my princess, Inez Garner, a voucher for” and then a blank. The notebook was filled with it, and the others were different topics.

  “This is seriously awesome,” I chuckled, giving him a kiss in thanks.

  “Well, you get more than that tonight for your special day, but I thought it would be fun.”

  “It is, thank you, my fiancé,” I murmured against his lips.

  “My gift is over there,” Darius said, nodding to the right.

  I gasped as I looked over and saw a huge, four tiered cake and more desserts all over the table. “Really? Awesome!”

  “Yup, and I coordinated with your knights who helped get the feast together with Trisha and James bossing people around.”

  I kissed him and turned to my smiling cats. “What’s on the menu?”

  “Cake everything,” Vance told me as he came over and hugged me. “We have sushi cakes since we’ve got seafood galore.”

  “And a fried chicken cake,” Callum added as he went next.

  “There’s fruit cake and a cake made of fruit,” Asher told me.

  Wilson snuck in next. “And I made a tower of booze bottles we’re calling cake because we’re getting drunk tonight.”

  “I’ve never been drunk,” I giggled, hugging him twice. “Of course that was what you did.”

  There was more, and I got the list as I hugged everyone. There were salad cakes, a pizza cake, veggie cakes, and all kinds of crazy plus a slew of other dessert cakes.

  Tears filled my eyes as I realized what it was. “There’s twenty-three different kinds of cakes.”

  “For each birthday you’ve had whether you remember them or not,” Darius confirmed, hugging me when I got all mushy as he called it. “I love you, Inez.”

  “Love you too,” I rasped, hugging him tighter since I’d set down my other gifts. “Okay, let’s party!”

  “And she’s not getting drunk tonight when we’ve got something planned for her,” Jaxon told Wilson. “So don’t try it. She’d be upset she left us hanging or ruined the fun.”

  “Fine, but I’m stealing her first dance once the music starts,” he replied, pouting.

  Too funny. I did stick with the spiked fruity punch that someone said had champagne in it for the bubbles. It was awesome to see the drink fountains going and everyone having such a good time.

  And fried chicken cake was awesome. It was a tiered cake stand full of fried chicken, I knew that, but still, it was awesome. So were all the cakes, and I found myself smelling my flowers more than once.

  “I’ll find a vase and arrange them for you since I know how to keep them healthy longer,” Lara offered, and I thanked her because I had no idea on that.

  I turned and ended up having the perfect opportunity for phase three, pulling out the keycard with the sticky on it and sliding it in Branko’s hand as I walked by. He flinched but then pretended to bump into me so it was covered, and I didn’t see what he did with the card.

  He did however leave the party about ten minutes later. I waited a bit longer and then told the others I had to use the restroom. I made sure I had the keycard and phone, leaving my bag with Darius, and headed to follow. I glanced around and saw no one was in the hallway, quickly using the keycard and ducking inside the numbered room that was actually the supply closet for staff.

  I almost let out a nervous giggle that I’d really done it as the door clicked closed behind me. Strong arms moved around me from behind as I reached for the light.

  “Is the birthday girl hoping for a kinky hookup in the closet?”

  “No, but I could add that to my list later,” I admitted, blocking his hand when he moved to cup my breast. He let me and eased down a bit which made me feel better about the plan. “Darius and Jaxon said they talked to you.”

  “They did. They said they were fine with me touching their princess as long as I didn’t hurt you and gave you what you want.” He pressed his lips to my neck. “What do you want, Princess?”

  “A bit of fun. Are you up for it?”

  He pressed his lower half against me. “Clearly.”

  I bit back a groan. That was hot. “We’re not courting, so this is naughty.”

  “Have you never had any naughty?” he murmured in my ear.

  “No, well, not—this is all new to me.”

  “Darius took your virginity, I heard.”

  Something was in his tone, and I glanced up at him over my shoulder and could tell now he was about six-one from the height difference. “You sound jealous?”


  “Sorry, but you’re not a virgin either, right?”

  “No, and I don’t prefer my women be, but to know I was so close and missed the chance is a bit infuriating.”

  I guess I could see that. I shrugged. “I was a virgin to having sex with Jaxon when we were ready, and I made sure it was just as special; so did he.”

  “That’s delicious,” he groaned. “So you want naughty? A fling with a noble that’s not yours?”

  “I don’t think fling is the term I’m looking for,” I grumbled.

  “Okay, then what is the plan, as I’m clearly missing the mark and there’s astounding little blood in my brain at the moment.”

  “Your accent is seriously sexy,” I groaned, having trouble focusing as well. “I want this. This feeling of my heart racing and stomach fluttering, this excitement and—we’re in the damn supply closet flirting and no one knows.”

  He turned me around and moved me against the door. “No one does know, so for the record, you should never do this with another noble again as the lines are very blurred sometimes on hurting a princess. Most could have taken this as an offer for sex and hurt you before you could tell them otherwise.”

  “I know,” I whispered. “My physical strength has been an issue in misunderstandings, so I agree.” I stared up into his pretty eyes. “You were very clear in letting me make moves and waiting until I gave you a clear signal. That’s why I want this with you, not just anyone.”

  Understanding lit his eyes and he smiled. “Score one for the nice guy who checks instead of being overbearing or presumptuous.”

  I nodded, licking my lips as I stared up at him. I held the phone for him to see. “I’ve heard people talk about chatting with bad boys or those they shouldn’t, sexting I guess was a thing, but I was thinking we could also get to know each other. Record messages and I’ll reply. A bit of Mission Impossible with flirting or whatever. And if we can catch each other, maybe a bit of this.”

  “Hmm, I’ve not gon
e so slow in a very, very long time,” he murmured, leaning in and kissed my collarbone. “It sounds delicious if it’s you and something special for me. I have one request before I agree.” He waited until I nodded. “That you consider me first when you’re open to being courted.”

  I snorted. “You were already top of the list. I’ve not met the others besides Eddie and we’re friends. I think he’s terrified of being so young and tying himself to someone forever when he’s seen lots of nobles treated like shit and just waiting for death.”

  “Yes, I know the feeling well and I am not young,” he grumbled.

  “So slow is smart. But yes, you drive a hard bargain of what I already wanted.”

  He chuckled as he ran his nose along my cheek. “I was thinking of asking for that heart you draw on your nobles, as that is fucking sexy and gets me hot.”

  “They get that because I love them, sorry,” I whispered. I had an idea though, biting my finger and drawing a triangle on the expose skin where his shirt wasn’t buttoned.

  “A triangle?”

  “I read it was the symbol of fire.” I kissed under his chin. “Do you want to set me on fire and play?”

  “Fuck yes,” he groaned, his hands moving to my hips and squeezing me gently. “Do I get to draw it on you?”

  I gave a slow nod. “A small one. How old are you because seriously, that was a fucking ride for even that amount of blood?”

  “Not as old as Kristof but probably double Cerdic.”

  I pulled back and blinked at him. “And your mother is still in power? Isn’t that—doesn’t it go like a thousands years before someone else takes over?”

  His eyes grew cold but not angry at me, more just the topic was off the table. “Another princess wasn’t born.”

  “My bad,” I whispered.

  “It’s okay. Everyone else knows not to ask or dances. I prefer people for once be fucking real with me instead of games.” He sighed when I flinched. “Not this. This is fun like your pool game. I mean—”

  “Yeah, the bullshit, I get it.”

  He snorted. “You’re just a baby vampire and born in a modern age. No, you can’t really get what it is and how bad it really can go, believe me, and I wouldn’t want you to.” He moved his hand off of me, and I thought we were done with the meeting, but then he put something in my hand. “It’s a personal alarm I put new batteries in. Keep it in your bra for emergencies. Pull the key out and it will go off.”

  “And then what?”

  He growled. “I will come kill whoever so much as scared you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, touched he cared like that. “It’s scary to be a baby vampire and need to be protected, but it’s also nice that people want to.”

  “And that’s where you’re different from other princesses. They just expect it like it’s owed to them.”

  “I’m not owed a fucking thing. I fought too much to keep going and moving to ever think anyone’s owed anything besides people keeping their promises. That’s what I’m owed if people swear something to me.”

  “You are so sexy,” he muttered. “What you did to me last night—no woman has done that. It was better than lots of sex I’ve had, and it was just my hand and an order from you to finish.”

  “It was hot,” I panted, pulling my low cut dress wider and sliding the alarm into my bra. “You wanted to draw on me?”

  “Don’t give me such a big spot if you want it small because I would cover your whole chest with my blood, Princess.”

  “Inez. If we’re going to become closer, I’m Inez.” I let go of my dress and moved my hair aside, showing him my neck and under my ear. “Here. I love being kissed here, and I want your mark here.”

  “Fuck, I’m in trouble,” he groaned, giving his finger a tiny nick and quickly doing a triangle so small it was more like a connecting V so it made one.

  I gasped as lava raced through my body. I bit my lip as I reacted, getting wet and my nipples hardening, wanting the sex that normally came with blood.

  He leaned in until we were almost kissing. “I look very forward to the day you’ll let me please you after my blood sets you on fire.”

  “Me too, but you better go slow because that girth will not just fit right in me.”

  He groaned deeply and moved away from the door. “You should go before I beg you for more when you asked to go slow. I will leave the phone in here well before you’re awake.”

  “Okay, thanks for the present, Branko,” I panted, my body trying to calm down. I turned to open the door, and he moved his hand against it.

  “Did you wear that dress for me?”

  “I saw it in my closet and it made me think of your eyes.” I glanced at him with a smirk. “And the matching undergarments.”

  “Fuck, go, seriously, you are too—go,” he growled, moving his hand off the door and to his face as he backed away. “I’m so fucking hard for you.”

  That was hot. I ducked out of there, knowing I’d been gone long enough someone would come looking. Sure enough, Vance was waiting for me outside the women’s bathroom after I used it.

  “We were worried you had too much to drink and got sick but I didn’t hear it.”

  “No, I was just talking to someone,” I explained. “Time for cake!”

  “Glad you’re all smiles, sexy bite,” he chuckled, sliding his arm around me and kissing my hair. “We’ve missed the smiles.”

  “Me too,” I confessed.

  I ate so much cake I thought I might pop out of the dress that stretched. Eddie ended up giving me a gift with a smirk.

  “I found it and it seemed fitting,” he explained.

  I burst out laughing as I saw it was a woman’s t-shirt that said “Proceed with Caution, I BITE.” I loved it and thanked him for it.

  Everyone had a good time it seemed and blew off some steam, and lots of us needed it. I carried my flowers up to our room while the others brought the rest of my gifts, seeming more excited for what was next than the party.

  Which made me really excited for it too.

  I set down the vase in the living area and glanced between them. “Okay, so what’s the plan?”

  “Whatever you want,” Darius told me, taking my hands in his. “You give us what we want all the time. We want you to admit your fantasies to us tonight.”

  “We want to,” Jaxon promised. “Whatever you want, Inez, you just have to tell us.”

  I licked my suddenly dry lips as I glanced between the four of them. “Really? No matter if it might be out there?”

  “Tell us what you want, My Princess,” Darius pushed.

  I studied him before glancing at Jaxon. “Were you guys insinuating that you might be into being intimate with each other and not just me?”

  “We’re open to it,” Jaxon confirmed, and my heart raced. “We’ve not talked about it much, but that was more because you didn’t seem to like the idea.”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t get that’s what you were really saying. I’m so into it.” I moaned and leaned into both of them. “I want to see that. Fuck, I so want to. I’ve never seen two guys together, and I want to see my fiancés enjoying each other if they want to.”

  “While you watch?” Jaxon chuckled.

  I cleared my throat. “While Kristof and Cerdic play with me. I want them to finger me together, their hands all over me while I watch you two be together. I so, so want that.”

  “That was much easier than I would have thought,” Kristof admitted. “Clearly we’ve been selfish with our princess if she asks for something so subdued.” He shrugged when I glanced at him. “We were all pretty sure you would restrain one or all of us and punish us.”

  It was an interesting idea and one I wasn’t opposed to. “Maybe for my twenty-seventh birthday or when I’m more advanced.”

  “Are you game?” Darius checked with Jaxon.

  “Oh yeah,” Jaxon chuckled. “Now I’m really into it knowing she finds it hot.”

  “Me too,” Darius groaned,
giving me a deep kiss before handing me over to Jaxon. “It’s been a while for me. I’ll go get ready while you guys set up.”

  “Shit, you’re really doing this. So fucking hot,” I panted, darting over to the loveseat and dragging it towards the bedroom so I could get the best view.

  “Okay, that’s hot,” Jaxon chuckled, easily moving it for me to sit at the edge of the bed so I had a prime view. “This way we’ll also have a prime view of you.”


  Jaxon got undressed and brought lube to the bed while Cerdic and Kristof sat on the couch before pulling me onto their laps. I melted into them as their hands and lips teased me. Darius walked out of the bathroom, his amazing body naked as well, as Cerdic was taking off my dress.

  “Fuck, Inez, you are perfection,” he whispered as his eyes raked over me. “Someone rip those panties off of her.”

  “Only once she soaks them she’s so turned on,” Kristof argued, smirking when I moaned. “Get to it then.”

  So they did. My mouth fell open and my tongue about rolled out to pant as I watched Jaxon grab Darius and kiss him, like kiss him. Darius kissed him back, and they fell to the bed, making out and touching each other for several minutes.

  “Shit, she’s soaking,” Cerdic moaned, his fingers trailing over my panties. “You really like this, love.”

  “Best birthday ever,” I agreed, bobbing my head. My fiancés both gave me heated looks as the bra and panties were ripped off of me. I swear I about orgasmed when Jaxon thrust in Darius, both of them looking at me. I knew how good that felt, how amazing he was at doing it… And how much Darius seemed to enjoy it just made me about lose it.

  Hands and lips came back now that I was naked and spread out for them to enjoy. Fingers pushed in me, and I went further, undoing their pants and stroking them as they pleased me.

  “I don’t want to miss a minute,” I admitted when Cerdic went to kiss me.

  “It is hot,” he chuckled, settling for my neck and still happy about it.

  “Best I’ve ever had in me,” Darius praised as he fisted the bedding. “Fuck, right there, Jaxon.”

  “Take his hair down,” I whimpered, loving Darius’s long, thick hair. Jaxon did, and their gazes were completely focused on me. Cerdic added blood to his finger in me, and I couldn’t take anymore, crying out in bliss.


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