Young Guns Box Set - Books 1-4: A Tanner Series (Young Gun Box Sets)

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Young Guns Box Set - Books 1-4: A Tanner Series (Young Gun Box Sets) Page 42

by Remington Kane

  Ronnie gestured at Celia and she flinched as if he had tossed a knife at her. Rafe had held her down inside the van, but it was Ronnie who had burned her. He had laughed while doing so.

  “When you get a place picked out, have her call the bar and tell us about it.”

  “Why Celia?” Carlton said.

  Ronnie winked at Celia. “I like hearing her voice, especially when she screams.”

  Carlton went for Ronnie and was held back by Simmons, while Rafe placed a hand on his brother’s arm, staying Ronnie from pulling his weapon.

  “We don’t have to like each other,” Rafe said, “and in a few days we’ll never see one another again. Lure Tang into a trap and we’ll handle the rest, okay?”

  “Yes,” Simmons said. “We’ll contact you sometime tomorrow.”

  Ronnie sent Celia another wink, then he chuckled as his brother urged him out the door.


  Live To Fight Another Day


  Cody found the two vehicles the raiders had used to reach the hilltop home. He hot-wired one of them, an old pickup truck with off-road tires. His plan was to drive to the rendezvous spot by the stream to see if Spenser or Romeo were there. If he found neither of them, he would head to the trailer where Romeo’s target lived.

  Cody had acquired a new weapon to bring to the fight, after finding it tucked beneath the truck’s front seat. It was a Beretta 93R. The machine pistol was capable of firing three-round bursts with a high cyclic rate of fire. The weapon was in a black case complete with its detachable shoulder stock and an extra magazine that held fifteen rounds.

  There was no one at the stream, but Romeo’s car was still there, giving Cody an ominous feeling. A short time later, Cody left the pickup hidden behind a small hill and approached the trailer on foot. When he came across the three raiders Romeo had killed, it gave him hope. Perhaps Romeo had escaped the trap and had gone off to aid either himself or Spenser.

  Cody tried calling again. No one answered their phone. He ran back to the pickup truck and headed toward the motor home that had been Spenser’s destination. Cody had no doubt that Spenser was alive. If he could defeat eight men, Spenser could do even better. And, after having seen the men Romeo had killed, he had faith that his best friend was still alive.

  “Ryker will wish he never stuck his head up,” Cody mumbled as he drove to find Spenser.

  Spenser was staying one step ahead of Ryker while planning his next attack. He knew the man would be harder to deceive again. By fighting guerilla-style and chipping away at the man’s numbers, eventually Ryker would be forced to face him alone.

  One on one, Spenser knew he would triumph. Vince Ryker had been trained by a Tanner, but in the end, he was just another failed apprentice. No one like that would ever defeat a true Tanner.

  When the phone vibrated in his pocket Spenser had to stop himself from shouting out in joy, which might give his position away. Romeo was calling, and Spenser sighed with relief before answering.

  “Romeo, are you all right?”

  Laughter came through on the line followed by Ryker’s voice.

  “Romeo? Is that really the kid’s name?”

  For a moment, Spenser couldn’t speak, or rather, he dreaded what Ryker’s answer would be to his question.

  “Is he alive, Ryker?”

  “The boy is alive, and a bit wounded. If you want him to stay that way, you’ll agree to meet with me.”

  “You mean you want me to walk into a trap?”

  “What if I do? You’re a Tanner, right? Hell, if you’re the hot shit you think you are you’ll come here and kill all of us. So, what do you say, Hawke?”

  “I want to speak to Romeo.”

  “Hold on.”

  There was a brief silence, followed by Romeo speaking.

  “Spenser don’t come here he’s got seven guys and—” The phone was yanked away, and Ryker’s voice came on again.

  “We’re waiting for you at the little house up on that high hill where one of the deacons lived. If I don’t see you within an hour, I’ll slit this punk’s throat.”

  The line went dead as the call ended. Ryker never mentioned Cody, which could be good or bad. Spenser tried calling Cody once more; to his relief, the call was answered.

  Cody grinned at his phone as he pressed the answer button. “Spenser?”

  “Yes, boy, how are you?”

  “I’m a little scraped up but doing good, and you?”

  “I’m unharmed. Thank God you were able to get away from Ryker’s men.”

  “I killed them, Spenser. They were eight to my one and I killed them.”

  Spenser let out a small laugh. “I’m not surprised.”

  “I found three dead men at Romeo’s location, so maybe he got away.”

  “No, Cody. Ryker has him.”

  “Damn it. Do you know where they are?”

  “Ryker just called me on Romeo’s phone. He’ll kill Romeo if I don’t go to the location where your target was.”

  “He’ll try to kill both of you anyway, you know that. But he might not be expecting me to show up too, so we’ll have that advantage.”

  “No, Cody. You’ve done your part and I want you to head back to the hotel and wait for us.”

  “What? No! That’s crazy.”

  “Listen to me, boy. It’s bad enough that they have Romeo. I won’t risk you too.”

  “I won’t let you face them alone, Spenser, and I won’t run out on Romeo either.”


  “What, Spenser?”

  “I, I can’t lose you both, son. I won’t take that chance, please, Cody?”

  “How many men do you think you’ll be facing?”

  “Romeo was able to warn me that Ryker still had seven men left.”

  “Those aren’t good odds, Spenser, not even for you, not when you’ll be worried about Romeo.”

  “But I won’t be worried about you. Go back to the hotel and wait for us.”

  “I don’t want to do that.”

  “But you will, because you’ve never disobeyed me or doubted I wanted what was best for you; don’t start now.”

  “It will feel like I’m running from a fight.”

  “I understand, but there’s more at stake here than just what’s happening today.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My life and Romeo’s life are at risk, yes, but if Ryker somehow killed all of us that would leave him free to take over the Tanner legacy. As long as you’re alive that won’t happen.”

  Cody felt his chest tighten. Everything Spenser was saying made sense. It still came down to him abandoning his friends. No, it was more than that. Spenser and Romeo were like family to him.

  “Cody, I know what I’m asking you to do seems wrong, but it’s necessary, can you see that?”

  “I hear you, Spenser, but I don’t like it one bit.”

  “Stay safe, Cody, and son?”


  “I love you, boy.”

  “I love you too, Spenser, and I’ll see you and Romeo in town later.”

  The call ended. Driving along, Cody soon reached an area where a road leading back to town was just a short distance away on his right. In the other direction was the hilltop home where Romeo was being held, and where Vince Ryker was luring Spenser into a trap.

  Cody ached to continue the fight, and yet, Spenser had given him clear orders to do the opposite. He had never disobeyed his mentor before and was only alive because he had carried out the due diligence he had thought was a waste of time.

  With a deep sigh and a pang of guilt Cody went right toward the road, and safety. It made him feel lower than a coward.


  Talk Over Coffee


  Celia returned home from her ordeal in Boston and was headed to her beauty parlor to get her mind off things. The shop was closed for the day; and yet, it would make her feel better being in h
er own domain.

  Simmons had come up with a place to meet with Tang that, while not deserted, did allow a little privacy. Celia had yet to contact Rafe and Ronnie to give them the location. She was steeling herself to make the call.

  She despised the brothers for what they did to her and hoped Carlton would kill them. In any event, she was through with Carlton. He was a nice enough guy and spent money on her, but he ran with too rough a crowd. It was time to dump him and move on.

  Celia opened the shop door, locked it behind her, and went into the back room to make coffee. As the coffee brewed, she looked at the weekend receipts and saw that her employees had been busy in her absence.

  Celia strolled through a curtain and back into the shop to inventory supplies. When she saw the man with the intense eyes seated in one of the chairs and holding a gun, she began to cry.

  “Did Ronnie send you?”

  Tanner studied her, then asked a question as he put his gun away.

  “What do you know about a man named Jeong?”

  Celia’s answer was too soft to hear.

  “Speak louder,” Tanner said.

  “I said I know his real name is Eric Tang.”

  Tanner pointed toward the back room. “Is there coffee brewing?”


  “Good, we’ll have some while you tell me what you know.”

  There was a small table in the back room with a pair of folding chairs. Tanner sat across from Celia and sipped on coffee while she told him what she knew.

  “Are you going to hurt me?” she asked Tanner. “I swear I’ve told you everything I know.”

  “I only came here to get answers, and you gave them to me, so calm down.”

  Celia wiped at her eyes, which were still wet.

  “You’re not with Rafe and Ronnie, are you?”

  “My name is Tanner. Why do Rafe and Ronnie want to kill Tang?”

  “He murdered their father years ago. They want him dead.”

  “Did they hurt you?”

  Celia said, “They’re sadistic assholes,” and carefully rolled up her sleeve to show Tanner the burn marks. They were applied in such a way as to resemble a happy face.

  “If it’s any consolation, they won’t be around much longer. Not if they come here to harm Tang.”

  Celia placed her hand to her mouth. “Oh, I still have to call them and tell them about the meeting tomorrow.”

  “I want you to do that before I leave, but how will Tang be contacted?”

  “Carlton gave me an envelope to deliver to Tang. I left it with the doorman, but I don’t know what the note says.”

  “I can guess,” Tanner said. “Now make the call to Rafe and Ronnie while I listen in.”

  Celia did so. She stuttered as Ronnie came on the line. When she was done, she wiped at fresh tears.

  “I hate him.”

  “And what about Carlton? There’s a chance he might not live through this.”

  Celia hugged herself. “Will you kill him?”

  “I’ll leave that up to Tang. This is his mess; I’m just helping out.”

  “I don’t love Carlton, and from listening to him and Simmons, I know he’s done things when he was younger, bad things. Maybe his past has caught up to him… and to me.”

  Tanner stood. “If you’re smart, you’ll avoid Carlton.”

  “I plan to. I’ll be staying at my sister’s place for a few days.”

  “And don’t mention me to anyone.”

  “I won’t… and thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not hurting me.”

  “I’m not like Ronnie Powers.”

  “But you will kill him, right?”


  Celia’s smile was bright. “I wish I could be there.”

  Tang contacted Tanner and the two met in Tanner’s penthouse, inside the room used as an office. They sat across from each other in a pair of leather armchairs with a small round table between them.

  Tang was holding the letter he’d received from Simmons and Carlton. The location it specified for a meeting was the same one Celia had mentioned.

  The meet would take place uptown where the homeless congregated inside a wide alley. The alleyway ran for several blocks and some of the homeless had begun erecting tents to stay in.

  Tanner had to admit it was a good spot despite the chance of someone witnessing the meeting. He had scouted the location on his way home from Celia’s shop.

  Many of the homeless wanted nothing to do with the police. If they witnessed violence they would tend to run off rather than wait around to be questioned.

  The buildings that bordered the alley were old brick warehouses. The few windows they had at their rears were made of opaque glass with security wire running through it. Several of them were vacant and awaiting the wrecking ball. Only one had cameras mounted.

  A recent push to get the homeless into shelters had left the alley’s population sparse. Tanner would remember the location in case he needed it in the future.

  When Tanner filled Tang in about Rafe and Ronnie Powers, he saw a sadness enter Tang’s eyes.

  “I remember those boys. They were a couple of spoiled brats, yet I still regretted that they were on board when I killed their father.”

  “Was the hit sanctioned, or one of Dalton’s pet projects?”

  “It was sanctioned. Nathan Powers was using his drug empire to launder money for a terrorist organization. He needed to be made an example of for anyone else thinking of participating in the same activity.”

  Tanner reached down to the table and slid a book out from under a magazine. It was the black book taken from Geary’s safe. He handed it to Tang.

  “Do what you want with that.”

  “Thank you, Myers. Another man might have used it to blackmail me.”

  “Then who would I play chess with?” Tanner said.

  Tang held up the book.

  “I could offer this to Simmons and Carlton as proof that I mean them no harm, but it won’t matter, since Nathan Powers’ sons want my head.”

  “I’ll handle Rafe and Ronnie; you just deal with Simmons and Carlton.”

  “You mean kill them? I suppose I’ll have to.”

  “Do you have a plan, Tang? It will be two against one and you can be sure they’ll be armed.”

  Tang smiled. “I stopped being an assassin twenty years ago, but I was always better than those two.”

  “I have a plan of my own,” Tanner said, and he proceeded to tell Tang about it.

  With their strategy mapped out, Tang extended an offer.

  “Would you like to come to my apartment and play chess, or do you have other plans?”

  “A game or two sounds good, but I’ll be meeting Sara at eight.”

  “Does Miss Blake know what you do for a living?”


  “Fascinating. She must be quite the woman.”

  “You have no idea,” Tanner said.


  No Cigar


  Spenser stood at the base of the cliff looking up at Romeo. Ryker and his men had placed Romeo on his knees and stood behind him. If Spenser attempted to bring up his shotgun, Romeo would be shoved over the wooden safety railing, to plummet to his death.

  To the left of where Spenser stood were the bodies of the raiders who had fallen earlier. While approaching the cliff, Spenser had spotted more of the men Cody had killed. They had thought Cody outnumbered, and had learned the hard way not to underestimate him.

  Ryker called down to Spenser. “Drop your weapons before you walk up the road. If I see a gun, I’ll have my men toss blondie off the cliff.”

  Spenser hollered back up at him. “Send Romeo down as I go up; you can exchange me for him.”

  “Get your ass up here, Hawke, and maybe I’ll let the boy live.”

  Spenser knew it was a lie. If he and Romeo were going to leave the area alive they’d have to save themselves. He placed
his shotgun on the ground along with his pistol, then he walked around to where the winding road up the hill began.

  As Spenser rounded a final curve he saw a curious sight. There was a woman sitting in a Mustang convertible. She was a beautiful blonde wearing a blue dress. She looked Spenser over, and it was obvious she liked what she saw.

  When Spenser grew closer, he saw that she was holding a shotgun.

  “Keep walking, handsome. Vince has business with you.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Wendy, Vince’s girlfriend.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “What loss?”

  “I’m going to kill Vince Ryker.”

  “Is that so?”

  “That is a fact,” Spenser said, and continued up the hill.

  When he reached the top, he saw that Ryker and his men had changed positions. Ryker stood a hundred feet from the entrance of the driveway. The six men Spenser had spotted with Romeo had moved farther in from the cliff’s edge and were now facing the road. They stood behind Romeo with weapons hanging at their sides. Their faces wore a mixture of smug and angry expressions.

  “How bad are you hurt, Romeo?”

  Romeo ignored the question. He looked heartsick over Spenser’s decision to come save him.

  “Why did you come here? You know what they’ll do to you.”

  “I’d walk into hell for a chance to save you, boy. You know that.”

  “Please tell me Xavier is alive.”

  “He’s safe, Romeo.”

  A smile lit Romeo’s bruised face as he said, “Awesome.”

  “What a touching reunion,” Ryker said. “Too bad it won’t last.” He walked closer, then stopped when he was about twelve feet from Spenser. The Mossberg shotgun he was carrying was aimed at Spenser’s midsection.

  Spenser looked over at the men standing behind Romeo.


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