Merlyn Academy: Book One

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Merlyn Academy: Book One Page 4

by Sophia Stone

  ‘Yes, a protection spell. The rose is the school’s emblem. It’s so other witches and wizards know how to find the school, but the ungifted can’t get in.’

  As the bus weaved around the tree-lined avenue, I could see the school coming closer in view with every passing bend. Even from a distance, the building seemed astonishingly vast. Sat on a small verge, the large building dominated the skyline. Two large stone towers sat at the end of each of the wings with a third smaller tower sitting in the middle of the main building. The smaller tower looked like the oldest part of the structure and was dominated by stone figures of men and women. There was a small glass and stone balcony that jutted out of this tower in which figures had been attached and they appeared to be watching the students evacuate the bus. I had never seen such an old building in person before; it looked like a medieval abbey.

  ‘Students: Please make your way to the grand hall. Your cases will be sent to your rooms,’ the driver said.

  We move like a swarm up the stepped verge and towards the carved arched doorway. The oak door creaks open as the first of the herd approach. As I walk through the arch, I can hear a crunching noise, like stone rubbing against itself. I look up above me and see the once stationary figures looking down at us, some turning their heads towards me as I stared.

  ‘They’re famous witches and wizards of this school,’ Harry whispers.

  As we walk through the door, the full scale of this building becomes clear. A large double marble staircase dominates the entrance hall. More stone figures appear, this time with various forms of medieval weapons which have been carved into the walls in-between the two-story stained glasses windows.

  I am too focused on my surroundings to realise we’ve stopped at another arched doorway and I end up pushing into the group.

  ‘Sorry,’ I apologise. The blonde-haired girl I’ve bumped into turns back to look at me before shaking her head, tutting and finally returning to face forward.

  The large doors swing open to a booming voice.

  ‘Welcome to Merlyn Academy.’


  ‘Welcome to Merlyn Academy, everyone. Let me start by introducing myself. I am Professor Alexander Merlyn, headmaster of this Academy.’ He pulled his shoulders back and smiled, surveying his hall.

  I don’t know exactly what I thought the head teacher of a magical academy would look like, but the man stood in front of the group would not have been the first person I would have imagined.

  While Professor Merlyn was a lot older than the students, he dressed from a time far older than himself. He wore a suit that bared a striking resemblance to an outfit I had seen on turn of the century gentleman in my history textbook. His kind eyes had wrinkles spread out around the corners and onto his forehead. He looked like a man who had smiled a lot in his time.

  ‘I hope you all had a pleasant journey,’ in unison, we all nodded as he walked down the line of students. ‘Excellent! I am always happy to hear that. So, where were we? Ah yes,’ he pulled out of his pocket a folded bit of paper. From his other pocket, he pulled a pencil and ticked something of the list.

  ‘“Discuss the history of school”,’ he tucked the paper back into his pocket and placed the pencil behind his ear.

  ‘As I just mentioned, my name is Alexander Merlyn and I am the headmaster of this Academy. This school has been training young wizards and witches such as yourselves for over nine hundred years since my distant relation, Uther Merlyn, son of the wizard, Merlin founded it. Please raise your hands if you have heard of Merlin?’

  All the hands in the crowd shot up, bar one; mine. Harry tried to pull my hand up as Professor Merlyn approached. ‘I’ll tell you later,’ he whispered.

  ‘Young man, I hope you weren’t trying to deny a student of this establishment the right to knowledge.’ Merlyn said with a stern glance.

  ‘No Sir. I promised Miss Castle that I would tell her all about the history later on today. To save everyone else time,’ Harry replied.

  ‘A Castle? We haven’t had one of those in a very long time. What is your name young man?’

  ‘Rook. Harry Rook, Sir,’ Harry shook his head and ran his hand though his hair.

  ‘Rook. I can’t say I am familiar with that family,’ Merlyn stared at Harry just a second longer than was comfortable causing Harry to run his hands through his hair again. ‘Never mind, I am sure we will cross paths again and you will jog my memory.’ He patted Harry’s shoulder before continuing. ‘Still, in this school we strive to never hide knowledge when knowledge is being sought. Where was I?’ He pulls the list from his pocket again. ‘“Head boys”,’ he looks around the hall ‘Now where are they?’

  ‘Over here professor,’ the group turned around to see four boys walk towards the headmaster. ‘Sorry we’re late.’

  ‘No matter boys. Now stand in a line. That’s it. We want the new students be able to see you.’

  The boys lined up neatly in front of the group. The two boys at the end pushed each other to be the third in line while the first boy shot a look at them and causing the two fighting boys to instantly fall back in line. They all looked very similar to each other, but not close enough to be twins.

  ‘Would you like to introduce yourselves?’ Merlyn asked.

  ‘Thank you, professor,’ the first boy said as he stepped forward. ‘First, I’d like to once again welcome you to Merlyn Academy. It’s a real pleasure to work with new students such as yourselves and help you develop into the wizards and witches you were destined to be,’ the two boys at the end sniggered until once again, the first boy looked at them to stop. ‘You might be wondering who we are. We are the head boys of this year. It’s our job to accompany you to lectures to offer support and pastoral help should you need it. Our rooms will be located on the top floor of the accommodation wing, which will be signposted, should you need our help. We know how intimidating it can be coming from junior academies into such a large school, so please don’t hesitate to ask for help.’ He tucked an invisible strand of long brown hair behind his ear.

  ‘Would you like to say a little about yourselves?’ Merlyn asked the first boy.

  ‘I forgot that part. Yes, well I am James Knight, and these are my brothers. This is Sebastian Knight,’ Sebastian looked at James and then grunted causing the curly hair on his head to fall over his eyes. James scowled at him. ‘This is Zachary.’

  ‘I can do my own introductions, James. Hey, how’s it going? I’m Zachary Knight. I’m easy to tell apart from my brothers as I’m the good-looking one and the funniest brother,’ He had shorter hair than his brothers, but the same distinctive chocolate brown color.

  ‘Like hell you are,’ the fourth brother nudged into Zachary, causing him to momentarily loose his balance. ‘Actually, I’m the funniest. I’m Matthew Knight.’

  ‘Did you see that James?’ Zachary said.

  ‘Will you guys stop? You’re embarrassing yourselves,’ James growled.

  ‘No harm done James. Thank you for that, interesting introduction. Students, please talk amongst yourselves while I discuss a few matters with your head boys,’ Merlyn spoke to the boys while the rest of the group talked.

  ‘I hope I get into the same floor as the boys.’ A blonde-haired girl in front of me whispered.

  ‘I hope I do too, they are just,’ a second girl sighed.

  ‘You’ll defiantly be on the same floor as them Olivia,’ Olivia smiled at this suggestion.

  ‘Well if I do, you and Hannah can defiantly come visit,’ Oliva said.

  ‘Thanks, that would be nice.’

  ‘Shh Natasha. They are announcing the rooms,’ Oliva snapped.

  ‘Can I have silence, please,’ Professor Merlyn cleared his throat.

  ‘I hope I am with you, Harry,’ I whispered.

  ‘We’ll see,’ he whispered back.

  ‘The following students will be on floor one: Natasha Moon, Isabella Trix, Hannah Cabot, Olivia Hawkes, Simone Avery and Rebecca Carpe.’

e following students will be on floor two: Peter Rue, Ralph Winters, Harry Rook, August Balthasar and Theodore Syros.’

  ‘The following students will be on floor three: Elenore Rush, Lizzie Castle, James Knight, Sebastian Knight, Zachary knight and Matthew knight. Once you have settled in, please come and join us for your first lunch as Merlyn Academy students. And remember: You are not to use magic outside of the classroom during your first term.’

  The room went quiet as I felt all eyes stare at me. Natasha and Olivia turned around to look at me.

  ‘Of course, she’s up there,’ sniggered Natasha.

  ‘I didn’t plan this but I’m sure we could swap if you’d like?’ I said.

  ‘Ignore them. You aren’t allowed to swap anyway,’ a red-headed girl appeared from behind me and held out her hand. ‘I’m Elenore.’

  ‘I’m Lizzie,’ I said extending my hand to Elenore’s.

  She reaches closer and gives me a firm handshake.

  ‘Looks like we are sharing a room. Want to walk up together?’

  ‘That would be great. Let me just tell Harry.’

  I turned around to find Harry, but he was gone. Disappearing without telling anyone seemed to be a trademark of his, it appeared.

  ‘It’s okay. I’ll find him at lunch.’

  The route to the top floor required navigating through several hallways that all looked identical.

  ‘We will have to leave for lectures half an hour before they start if we have to do this journey every day.’ Elenore huffed. We had lost the rest of the group a few hallways ago but with her bright red hair, Elenore was hard to lose.

  ‘The map says it’s this next right and then up the stairs,’ I turned the map around to face the direction we were heading in. ‘Actually, it’s the next left, sorry.’

  ‘It’s fine. Map reading was never one of my skills either. Ahh here’s the turning.’

  The staircase was far less grand than the one in the entrance hall, but it was still more ornate than I was used to. Under one of the carved roses flanking either side of the staircase was an arrow pointing up along with the accommodation floor numbers.

  ‘We had to be on level three, didn’t we?’ Elenore said.

  ‘Nearly there, a few more flights.’

  Going up three flights of stairs had both of us moaning about the pain in our calves.

  ‘At least we didn’t have to carry our cases,’ I said cheerfully.

  ‘What number are we?’

  ‘Room three.’

  ‘Room one. Room two. Room three. Here we are,’ Elenore points to the last door in the hallway with our number on it.

  Elenore turns the knob on the old wooden door and lets it swing open. The bedroom door opens to reveal the most luxurious room I had ever seen. Two ornate mahogany four-poster beds dominate the spacious room. The walls were lined with red velvet wallpaper to match the bedding. As we walked into the room, I noticed the emerald green carpet with the academy’s logo in the middle of it. It had to be the softest carpet I had ever walked on; like walking on cotton wool.

  ‘Bagsy the bed by the window,’ Elenore said as she runs and throws herself on to her new bed causing all the cushions to fly off.

  ‘Do you know when our cases will arrive?’ I ask as I walk to the desk closest to the window. I enjoyed reading and looking out of the window and sat down on the wing-backed chair admiring the view over the manicured lawn grounds.

  ‘They’ve already arrived. Everything’s unpacked for you,’ she said. I gave her a quizzical look and walked towards the wardrobe and sure enough upon opening the doors, I could see everything had been unpacked and neatly folded into draws or hung up on hangers. On top of the draws, they had left my teddy sat up as if waiting for me.

  ‘Looks like we’ve got an ensuite too. Cool,’ Elenore pointed at the door nearest my bed.

  The palatial bathroom matched the bedroom in decadence. Marble bath and sinks with a light up mirror. This bathroom was bigger than my former bedroom.

  I wonder if Amanda and Martin have noticed I’ve gone yet.

  ‘Are you hungry yet? I’m starving?’ Elenore asked.

  ‘Yeah, actually I am.’

  ‘C’mon then. Let’s try to find our way back down to the main hall.’


  It took less time to find our way back to the main hall as we were able to follow the swarm of hungry students right up to the serving area. I wasn’t sure if magical cooked food would taste any better than ungifted food, but the meals looked and smelt more appetizing than the beige stuff I had eaten at my last school. I mulled over my options when Elenore interrupted my thoughts.

  ‘You are allowed to ask them for something else,’ Elenore said.

  ‘Oh no, it’s fine. This all looks lovely,’ I said.

  ‘Suit yourself,’ she moved along the line until she reached one of the canteen staff. ‘Okay, can I order a chicken burger and chips, please?’

  The canteen worker pulled out her wand and took Elenore’s plate.

  ‘Salad?’ The staff member asked.

  ‘Yes, please.’

  With a quick tap of her wand onto the plate, the food appeared. A grilled chicken burger with homemade chips and a Greek side salad. Elenore caught me looking at her food dreamy eyed.

  ‘You are allowed the same, just ask.’

  ‘I don’t want to be difficult,’ I said.

  ‘It’s fine. They really don’t mind.’

  ‘Sorry to bother you, but may I order the same, please?’ I asked the canteen worker.

  ‘Of course, dear. Pass me your plate.’

  Once again, with a quick tap of her wand, food appeared.

  ‘Thank you.’

  We both took our plates and sat on one of the emptier long tables that stretched the length of the hall. Each seat had been laid out with both cutlery and a cup, with jugs of juice strategically placed along the length of the table.

  ‘I hope we are told a spell to learn so we can avoid going up and down those stairs all day,’ Elenore said before taking a bite of her burger.

  ‘Can you not teleport?’ I asked picking at my chips.

  ‘You need permission to use spells around the school. They usually grant it after a few weeks.’

  ‘Why would you need permission for teleporting from your room?’

  Elenore rushed to finish chewing her mouthful. ‘The rooms are protected. You can’t teleport in and out without permission from the professors. It was something to do with when there were wars and stuff. They didn’t want wizards and witches teleporting into the school and harming the students.’

  ‘That makes sense, I suppose,’ I said.

  While we were talking, I tried to discreetly scan the room for Harry. Everyone had to eat, so I knew I’d bump into him, eventually.

  ‘So how do you know that boy?’ Elenore asked.

  ‘What boy?’

  ‘The one you’re looking for now. The good-looking guy who stood next to you in the hall.’

  ‘Harry? We met a few days ago.’

  ‘What’s his last name?’ Elenore asked.


  ‘Rook? Doesn’t ring any bells. I don’t remember his face from the junior academy.’

  ‘I know little about him to be honest. He appeared when I was getting picked on by some girls.’

  I poured myself and Elenore a drink of juice from one jug.

  ‘Ahh a knight in shining amour. Very appealing. So are you dating?’

  ‘No! Of course not.’

  ‘You’re blushing!’

  Harry was good looking. He had a brooding face, but when he smiled, even if it was to laugh at me, his face lit up. The way he moved his shoulder length hair from his eyes by shaking his head before slowly running his hands though his golden locks made him look cute.

  You’re starting to sound obsessive.

  I shook my head to get thoughts of Harry out of my mind. I’ve never fancied a boy like this, I’ve always been far too focused on my st
udies for that sort of thing.

  ‘Bet you wish you were sharing a floor with Harry. Or even a room maybe?’ Elenore giggled.

  ‘As if. Harry doesn’t look at me like that. He’s far too serious.’

  ‘Too serious? You really don’t know me that well then.’ Harry said from behind me.

  ‘Speak of the devil. Hi Harry, I’m Elenore. Lizzie’s roommate,’ Elenore reached over the table to shake his hand.

  ‘I’m Harry, nice to meet you,’ Harry put his empty tray on the table and shook Elenore’s hand.

  ‘You can sit down if you’d like?’

  ‘I was wondering if I could have a word with you if that’s okay?’

  ‘Lizzie and I were just discussing floors. So, what’s your room like then, Harry?’

  ‘It’s not the worst place I’ve ever stayed in.’

  ‘Our room is nice. I’ve got a four-poster bed,’ I said.

  ‘All right for some,’ Harry replied. I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or was genuinely annoyed about the four-poster beds. ‘Lizzie, I really need to speak to you. In private.’

  ‘Whatever you need to say, you can say in front of Elenore. I’m sure she won’t mind.’

  Elenore had stuffed a handful of chips into her mouth, so could only nod in agreement.

  ‘It’s important,’ Harry stressed.

  ‘Fine. Be back in two minutes, Elenore.’

  I got up from my seat and followed Harry like a trusting puppy into the corridor until we reached the cloister. Harry glanced down both ends of the corridor several times until there was just us two before he finally spoke.

  ‘Have they told you who you are yet?’ Harry whispered.

  ‘They? No. No one has told me yet,’ I mirrored his hushed tone.

  Harry closed his eyes and then began the rub his temples. He winced as he let out a groan.

  ‘Look. You seem like a nice girl and I wouldn’t want you to get caught up in anything bad. Will you promise me something?’

  I leaned in close to make sure I was able to hear what he would ask. Being this close, I couldn’t help but notice his smooth lips as he talked.


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